I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 389 The Kingdom of Water was destroyed

Uchiha Yuu dismantled his soul and turned it into a thin humanoid outline.

Then, with the soul outline as the core, the natural energy absorbed for 12 years is condensed.

The process of condensing the natural body is a miracle. Although it does not involve the creation of the soul, it is the creation of human beings.

Then the situation over the port of the Kingdom of Water changed.

First, there was a strong wind, dark clouds rolling in, and countless lightnings in the thunder and lightning focused on Uchiha Yuu's natural body.

This is both a test of miracles and a mysterious life activation ritual.

The 99 flashes of lightning passed by in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the sea was calm and the dark clouds dissipated, but the sky became extremely strange.

The sun is clearly high in the sky, but the sky is a dark blue night sky, and the sun cannot cover the moon and the stars all over the sky.

In the ninja world, there was a spectacle of the sun, moon and stars shining in the sky at the same time.

In this special sky, the world laws of the ninja world are manifested, turning into countless mysterious brilliance and runes, which complement each other in the night sky where the sun, moon and stars shine brightly.

Uchiha Yuu was deeply intoxicated by it, and at the same time he had to work hard to gather his body. In an instant, he consumed a huge amount of energy and energy, and was even exposed to Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Ōtsutsuki Hamura for a full 3 seconds.

At another time, this would have been a fatal mistake.

Fortunately, the timing was special now. Not only Uchiha Yu, but also the Otsutsuki brothers were attracted by the celestial phenomena and law runes. They all missed the opportunity to defeat each other immediately.

But the three super beings did not regret it. Instead, they glanced at each other, and after confirming that they had missed the opportunity, they continued to stare at the sky, observing and remembering the manifested laws of the ninja world with all their hearts.

It wasn't until the law runes in the sky completely disappeared and the spectacle of the sun, moon and stars intertwining with each other faded away that the three of them sighed with satisfaction.

Then they withdrew their attention and turned their attention to each other.

When the Sage of Six Paths saw Uchiha Yuu's natural body for the first time, he found that the other party's body was very magical, but he still recognized Uchiha Yuu's origin based on the detailed characteristics.

He said in surprise: "I thought it was Senju Hashirama who was disturbing me, but I didn't expect that there was an Uchiha hidden behind him. It's really surprising."

"Child, what is your name?"

Uchiha Yu answered the question like a junior: "My name is Uchiha Yu, my blood ancestor."

The Sage of Six Paths smiled kindly: "You are indeed a descendant of the Uchiha clan. Are you Uchiha Madara's child?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and denied: "Of course not."

"First, Uchiha Madara left no descendants. He and his father Uchiha Tajima are both extinct."

"Second, my parents are just ordinary Uchiha people. I'm not even sure whether my mother was born in Uchiha or whether she changed her surname after marrying my father."

Uchiha Yu pointed at his nose and said mockingly: "In the eyes of the ninja world, of course I am from the Uchiha clan, but among Uchiha, I am an ordinary person who is inconspicuous."

"I can't compare with those of you who have 'noble' blood, but I'm still very satisfied."

"I have a healthy enough body, enough talent, and a safe childhood to grow up. That's enough."

Otsutsuki Hamura frowned and asked: "Is this enough? Impossible, right? With such a thin bloodline, how can you become a strong man at the Six Paths level?"

He said unceremoniously: "And from the look of you, you should be young. There must be some special reason that makes you so powerful."

Listening to Otsutsuki Hamura's confident words, Uchiha laughed loudly: "I am indeed a unique person, because what I firmly believe is that 'the gods and princes would rather have the seed'!"

"My bloodline is just my starting point, and it will never be the whole reason for my strength."

Uchiha Yu suddenly stopped smiling and said seriously: "Okay, I have prepared everything I need to prepare, and I have finished saying everything I need to say."

"Are our ancestors ready?"

Immortal Six Paths glanced at his younger brother, and after receiving a positive reply, he said calmly: "We are also ready, let's get started."


Boom—boom boom—boom—

The figures of Uchiha Yuu, Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura disappeared, followed by a dense roar.

Among the confused Kirigakure ninjas, in the port town, in the port, and on the sea, explosions of terrifying scale rose into the sky one after another.

The range of the explosion reached hundreds of meters. Wherever the shock wave hit, circular craters were blasted into the ground, and houses and trees were instantly turned into powder.

The worst thing is for the Kirigakure ninja, who will be blown into pink scum on the spot if he is swept by the terrifying shock wave.

The god who just said that he stood with the Kirigakure ninjas did not care about them at all during the battle, nor did he make any move to save people.

In fact, both sides are now testing the waters and are very restrained in their use of force during war.

Including the help of Otsutsuki Hamura, the Six Paths Sage is capable of sending these unlucky people out of the explosion range.

But He didn't do that.

This is not cold-blooded but rational. If it were the Konoha ninja who was in the way, Uchiha Yu would not stop.

Now they all have the ability to save people, but what happens next when they get real fire and take action?

If someone is rescued now, no one can guarantee that the other party will make a fuss about it and use the rescued people as hostages to interfere with their own judgment and emotions.

The Sage of Six Paths was not naive enough to believe that Uchiha Yuu would think that the hostage would allow him to make major concessions, but his emotions would definitely be affected in a way that cannot be ignored.

So completely ignoring it now is the greatest help to the Kirigakure ninja.

Killing has little impact on the Sage of Six Paths, and Uchiha Yu will not deliberately kill him. After all, any action taken in front of the Sage of Six Paths involves taking risks.

Even if Yuu Uchiha is a bastard and he is not a human being, he cannot change the basic balance of strength and the level of risk.

After a round of testing, the two sides returned to confrontation again.

Otsutsuki Hamura stared at Uchiha Yuu closely, raised his fist and asked: "Your body feels very strange to me. It doesn't seem to be a real flesh and blood body."

Otsutsuki Hagoromo said in surprise: "I know, his body is made of natural energy, it is very wonderful."

Then he snorted coldly: "So you are Tomamaru who took refuge in Miaomu Mountain..."

"Tsk, tsk, that's not right." Uchiha Yu raised his finger and swung it from side to side: "I am not from Mt. Myoboku Tomamaru, and he is not qualified to guide me."

Because Otsutsuki Hagoromo's attitude suddenly cooled, Uchiha Yu also changed his title: "Six Paths Sage, you have seen that my body is composed of natural energy. Didn't you find that there is no chakra in my body?"

The Sage of Six Paths said coldly: "You have no body, and of course you don't have chakra. You can only use pure natural energy."

Uchiha Yuu scratched his head and asked, "Isn't this not enough to prove that I have nothing to do with Mt. Myoboku?"

The Sage of Six Paths stared at Uchiha Yuu with the eyes of a liar, and said slowly: "Gamamaru and the others... used to not use chakra. If you use pure natural energy, you can't prove anything."

Uchiha Yu: "..."

Suddenly he laughed: "Okay, I'm really ready this time."

Uchiha Yu stretched out his hand and pointed upward, and a transparent dome appeared in front of everyone.

This dome is so high that even with the perception of Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, they are unable to determine the specific height.

What made the two Otsutsuki frown even more was that after they released all their sensory abilities, they discovered that their perceptions were really restricted within the dome.

Moreover, this dome is not a semicircle, but a huge spherical shape, which penetrates into the earth's crust and surrounds it airtight.

This huge spherical barrier is densely covered with nodes, and each node is directly connected to Uchiha Yu.

He is not only the center inside the huge barrier, but also the tail of Rupert in the entire ending. By sacrificing himself, he strengthened the structural strength of the entire barrier a hundred times.

With the current strength of Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, it is impossible to directly defeat this huge barrier. Only by killing Uchiha Yuu can the barrier be broken.

Uchiha Yu even emphasized with a smile: "You will never return to the Pure Land before you beat me to death."

Otsutsuki Hamura laughed and said, "Okay, then I'll beat you to death first, and then I'll teach you a lesson when I get to the Pure Land."

He put the tin stick under his arm, clasped his hands together, and shouted: "Get up!!"

Another barrier was revealed, covering everyone, this time belonging to Otsutsuki Hamura.

Uchiha Yu quickly analyzed the function of this barrier and couldn't help but chew Hanako.

He understood that he still underestimated the Sage of Six Paths. Otsutsuki, who could hide in the Pure Land for hundreds of years without getting bothered, knew that he was in big trouble the moment he saw Yu Uchiha.

The Sage of Six Paths quickly compiled this huge barrier while talking to Yuu Uchiha.

Uchiha Yu observed the details of the barrier, and he had a feeling that this barrier was not developed by the Sage of Six Paths.

Not only are all the details of this enchantment nearly perfect, but the functional direction of the enchantment is even more obvious.

After just a little experience, Uchiha Yu determined that the function of this barrier was to activate chakra and suppress natural energy.

No, not just natural energy, but suppressing all non-chakra energy.

Therefore, Uchiha Yuu was severely suppressed by the barrier, but the same was true for Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, and their senjutsu chakra was also greatly affected.

If it were a barrier developed by the Sage of Six Paths, he would not be so bored and disgusted with himself, but would accurately control it according to the ratio of his and his brother's magic chakra.

Perhaps this is a magical skill inherited by the Otsutsuki clan, because the functions and structures are so intertwined that even the Sage of Six Paths has no way to start, so he can only bite the bullet and use it.

Anyway, this barrier suppresses Uchiha Yuu who purely uses natural energy the most. The Otsutsuki brothers are only disturbed to a certain extent, which is relatively suitable.

Uchiha Yuu felt that his body was heavy at this time, and he felt uncomfortable everywhere.

I couldn't help but admire the Immortal of Six Paths: "You are indeed my ancestor. The preparation of this backhand is so perfect, I didn't notice it at all."

Immortal Six Paths pointed at the dome of the sky and praised with emotion: "You are worthy of being my most outstanding descendant. I have not discovered such a large sealing barrier."

The two looked at each other sympathetically and smiled. This feeling of meeting a good talent and meeting an opponent is really good.

Otsutsuki Hamura: "..."

[No, when did you do it? 】

[Why don’t I know anything? 】

[Brother is so scary...]

[But Yuu Uchiha seems to be more terrifying. No wonder I have been there so many times in the past ten years, and I was killed every time without knowing who did it. 】

[Now I know, it must have been him! 】

[Fortunately, I still have a brother. Although he is a bit scary, he will not harm me. 】

[You will never face Uchiha Yuu alone in the future, absolutely not! ! 】

The trump cards secretly prepared by both sides have been revealed, and the stage for the decisive battle has been laid. The only thing left to do next is to see the truth between life and death.

"Kill!" x3


The battle between Uchiha Yuu and the Otsutsuki brothers looked particularly simple. It was just as simple as you punching me and catching me, and then I kicked you back, but you blocked me again.

But just in the back and forth, the space has been superimposed and torn apart countless times. Under the gaze of the three Magatama Sharingan, those punches and kicks will see layers of distortion.

If it were used to beat the historical Uchiha Obito, I am afraid that one punch could penetrate the Kamui space and kill Obito in that desolate and uninhabited space.

However, the power difference between the Otsutsuki brothers and Uchiha Yuu is very small. Most of the power of both sides is at odds with each other until the head-on conflict is inevitable and then explodes.

Every time it breaks out, the forces of both sides are still pushing the bull, and there is a stalemate.

The huge magical chakra and natural energy stayed between the fists and feet of both parties. It could not be released mechanically at all and could only be forced to be converted into heat energy in a small space.

The release of thermal energy is easier than mechanical energy, and there will be no stalemate just because of the strong push of the two sides.

Then a huge fireball rose gradually, pulling countless smoke, dust and steam to rise, forming a huge mushroom.

It's just that this mushroom failed to continue to grow taller, so it hit an invisible barrier and spread in all directions.

As the rhythm of the three people's fight gradually accelerated, the release of energy became intensive. The roar was continuous, and huge craters were exploded on the ground and sea.

The Kirigakure ninjas gathered at the port were terrified. They were like small animals in an earthquake, holding their heads and running away regardless of direction.

The Kirigakure ninja only had one thought in his mind, and that was to stay as far away from the three "gods" as possible.

In fact, they were lucky enough. The top management of Kirigakure, including the Fifth Mizukage, were too close to each other and were reduced to ashes in the first burst of fireball.

The power of the steaming danger that the fifth generation Mizukage Kiden Gengetsu had worked so hard to develop didn't even have a chance to show off. It just turned into a wisp of smoke and merged into the huge mushroom cloud.

A handful of lucky Kirigakure ninjas managed to escape back to Kirigakure Village, and with the help of the village's fortifications and barrier protection, they found the sense of security they longed for.

At the beginning, they felt very lucky, because as the aftermath of the battle between the three Six Path Levels spread, the main island of the Kingdom of Water turned into purgatory.

The fiery storm swept across the entire island and large areas of the sea. Wherever the hot wind went, the fog evaporated, trees and houses were set on fire, the earth cracked and turned into a desert, and the sea surface boiled like soup.

Those Kirigakure ninjas who ran in the wrong direction died quickly in the environment of the world-destroying natural disaster.

The Kirigakure ninjas who had nowhere to hide on the ground were incinerated, those who used earth escape to burrow into the ground became part of the scorched earth, and most of those who burrowed into the seabed were the worst. They were boiled together with the fish, turtles, shrimps, crabs and shellfish in the sea. Had seafood soup.

The six-level battle is so terrifying.

Even though the three six-level experts were suppressed by the barrier and were unable to display their due fighting power, they still caused devastating damage to the main island of the Kingdom of Water.

Because Uchiha Yuu's second barrier enveloped him, the energy generated by their battle was restrained and could not spread out.

This is like detonating a bomb indoors. The energy of the shock wave reverberates repeatedly in the confined space, which will of course greatly amplify the destructive effect.

All the Kirigakure ninjas outside Kirigakure Village died quickly, leaving only the ninjas inside Kirigakure Village, staring in horror at the raging flames outside the barrier.

But they soon realized something was wrong.

As the forest houses and other fuels were exhausted, the burning flames gradually lost their previous end, and the fire was no longer as terrifying as before.

But the Kirigakure ninjas were horrified to find that the world outside the village was getting redder and redder.

The flames that were gradually extinguished were red, and the sky reflected by the flames was red, but now the earth was gradually glowing red, and even began to flow slowly.

Realizing that something was wrong, the Kirigakure ninja exploded.

"What's happening here?"

"Giggle...it's the earth...giggle...the earth melted..."

With the vibrating sound of teeth fighting, a ninja who mastered the boundaries of the Melting Release Blood Successor told the truth.

In the world outside the barrier of Kirigakure Village, the temperature is already high enough to melt the earth into magma. Can the barrier still withstand it?

Of course not.

As the earth turned into a flowing lava lake, white cracks appeared on the barrier of Kirigakure Village. Even though the sealed ninja tried his best, he could not keep his barrier.

The moment the barrier of Kirigakure was shattered, the violent foehn wind howled in Kirigakure, igniting everything that could be ignited and melting what could not be burned.

At high temperatures of thousands of degrees, combustibles burn like a blowtorch or even a jet engine.

Under the blue-white jet-like flames, it only took a few minutes for all combustible materials to consume all their fuel and completely end the combustion process.

After a few more minutes, everything in the Kirigakure Village ceased to exist and was completely integrated into the lava lake.

The entire main island of the Kingdom of Water has completely turned into a lava lake. On the edge of the lava lake hanging alone on the sea, a fierce conflict broke out between red magma and blue water, with white smoke billowing, which was very spectacular.

At this point, whether it is the ninjas of Kirigakure Village or the nobles of Water City, the ruling class of Water Kingdom has been completely wiped out.

From a political point of view, the Kingdom of Water is completely destroyed.

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