I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 352 It’s time to defeat Nagato with words

Both Scorpion and Jiao were completely numb.

This battle didn't look like a ninja at all. The two monsters didn't compete with each other with fists and kicks, and they didn't use any ninja tools. It started with a group time and space ninjutsu.

Then Yuu Uchiha used the Wood Release of the Blood Succession Limit, and the leader directly counterattacked with black holes, meteorites, Shinra Tensei, and heretic demons.

Uchiha Yuya unceremoniously created a super giant wooden man.

The environment of the entire battlefield also changed again and again. The desert suddenly turned into a deep pit, the deep pit was filled into rocky mountains, and the mountains were covered with virgin forests.

Even the weather was controlled by the two monsters. Suddenly the sky was clear, then there were dark clouds and thunder, and then it was clear again.

How can any ninja in the ninja world fight like this?

Put these techniques on the battlefield of the Ninja World War, and they can easily destroy a Ninja Village.

If you perform several consecutive techniques like just now, any of the five great ninja villages will be killed on the spot!

You must know that Konan, Red Sand Scorpion and Kakuzu are all Kage-level ninjas, and they are even considered strong among Kage-level ninjas.

Anyone can easily defeat the Kage level ninja goalkeeper, even two or three of Danzo Shimura, the former Shinobi of the Dark.

But in today's monster battle, the three of them couldn't even get close to the battlefield, let alone intervene in the battle.

When the two giant monsters, the Heretic Golem and Erlang Shen, appeared, even running for their lives in the aftermath of the battle seemed so difficult.

They suddenly realized that they were so weak, pitiful and helpless.

The balance of power in reality has changed dramatically, and even the emotions of Kage-level ninjas cannot remain stable, rising and falling as the battle situation changes.

The relationship between Konan and Nagato is unbreakable. Although her mood fluctuates up and down, and she also thinks that Nagato will be defeated, she has no thoughts of running away or giving up on Nagato.

But the other two ninjas were different. Both Scorpion and Kakudu joined the Akatsuki organization not for the sake of peace in the ninja world, but to get Nagato's protection.

And in the process of joining, they were more or less violently forced. When Nagato was at a disadvantage, the two of them not only thought of running away, but also thought of defecting from the Akatsuki organization.

Especially when the Lightning Jungle submerged the outsider golem, Scorpion ran thousands of meters under the sand in one breath, ready to slip away if the battle situation went unfavorably.

Scorpion's preparation for escape unexpectedly helped him. During the fierce impact of Super Shinra Tenzheng, he had enough safe distance to avoid the impact of the repulsive force.

Kakuzu, an honest man, was miserable. He lost three lives in one breath due to the repulsive force, and he was so frightened that he never dared to go near the battlefield again.

Xiaonan is closer to the battlefield, but this girl can fly.

She spread her wings to expand the wing area as much as possible, riding on the high-pressure air flow stirred up by the repulsion, and flew away safely without any injuries.

This is the advantage of ninjas who can fly.

The repulsive force of Shinra Tenzheng can push away lightning, dust, and dark clouds, and of course it can also push Bokuto, especially Nagato's main force to the huge Erlang God.

After being slapped from the front by Shinra Tianzheng, Erlangshen's huge body was unable to withstand the repulsive force and was pushed high into the air for nearly ten kilometers before falling heavily in the desert.

The huge body also has a huge weight. During the process of flying up and falling, the structure of the wooden man could not bear the huge weight, and the head and limbs were all broken, which was very miserable.

When Uchiha Yu's second batch of wooden clone reinforcements arrived, they saw a huge wooden man half buried in the sand, almost turning into a ball.

One of the wooden clones asked: "Is there any hope?"

Three wooden clones emerged from the wooden man's torso. They all shook their heads after hearing the question: "The structure has been completely messed up, and the guy who made the clones has exhausted his chakra and is hopeless."

"It seems that the super giant wooden man extending from the direction of the real thousands of hands cannot do it."

"Yes, it turns out that there is an upper limit to a huge body size, especially the humanoid structure. Neither the energy nor material structure supports infinite expansion."

"The original body knew about this problem, it was just an attempt, but I didn't expect that even Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun could not save this flaw."

"The Susanoo route named after the Great Sage Monkey King is reliable. The pure energy structure combining chakra and eye power has grown to a giant size. So far, it has not encountered insurmountable obstacles."

"However, the foundation of Susanoo is chakra. Chakra belongs to Kaguya Otsutsuki. If this problem is not solved, we cannot use the Monkey King with confidence."

"Didn't the main body successfully erase the ownership of chakra?"

"Hey, the production is not enough. It will take at least ten years to accumulate the chakra of the Monkey King."

"According to the plot, seventeen years later will be the Fourth Ninja War, and Otsutsuki Kaguya will be unsealed. Besides, we are developing so smoothly now, and soon the Sage of Six Paths will completely lose control of the Ninja World. He will definitely Unblock Kaguya Otsutsuki in advance."

"Should we deal with Nagato and the Akatsuki organization today, directly recover the Samsara Eye, and completely solve this hidden danger?"

"Don't mess around. The main body's will is very clear. The goal this time is the Kingdom of Earth. Don't create extraneous problems."

"I agree, our clones are not comprehensive in thinking and emotions, and we must not cause trouble for the main body."

At this time, a wooden clone turned to look at the outbreak point of Shinra Tenzheng, and said with a smile: "If you don't plan to deal with Nagato today, there should be no need to fight next."

"I sensed Nagato's chakra chaos. He will soon be unable to maintain the channeling of the heretic demon."


Before the wooden clone finished speaking, a cloud of white smoke as big as a mountain suddenly exploded, and with a dull explosion, the white smoke slowly dissipated.

The heretic golem's channeling was lifted.

"Ah ha, it turns out that both sides suffer." A wooden clone with an obviously out-of-touch personality laughed and said: "Nagato is exhausted, but we have just reinforced four wooden clones. As long as he shows up, he will definitely accept our terms. .”

"It's not that easy. Nagato is an awkward, introverted boy who doesn't grow up, and his personality has become twisted because of Yahiko's death. Who knows what he will do."

"It's okay. It's really hard to talk to him if he's alone, but now that Xiao Nan is here, it's not that difficult to convince him."

"Then come on."

At this time, Nagato was in a very bad state. While maintaining the Heretic Golem, it was completely beyond his burden to inspire the Super Shinra Tensei.

After performing the ninjutsu, his whole body was completely hollowed out, and the heretic demon passively ended his channeling, causing an extremely violent chakra shock.

The shock caused the chakra in his body to completely lose control, and all of it tilted out of his body in an instant, tearing out countless hidden wounds and causing skeletal muscles throughout his body to twitch.

When Nagato's pain was at its most severe, he was completely unable to control his body. He couldn't even stand on the ground, let alone float in the air.

He could collapse to the ground like a dying fish, with his mouth wide open but unable to take in air.

Because the respiratory muscles between his ribs were also twitching, he lost the ability to breathe.

Fortunately, after a few breaths, the twitching of the respiratory muscles stopped, and Nagato could finally breathe heavily, thus avoiding the danger of suffocation.

Then the twitching all over his body gradually stopped, and Nagato slowly climbed up. The dark wounds caused by the chakra and the muscle tears caused by the twitching were very painful.

But he still stubbornly stood up straight, raised his head proudly, and tried to prevent the blood and tears in his eyes from flowing out.

The pain all over my body combined was nothing compared to the stinging pain from the samsara eye.

These eyes were Nagato's pride and his confidence in claiming to be a god. At this moment, they seemed to have torn apart the disguise of a hungry ghost, greedily and crazily absorbing chakra.

Nagato extracted a trace of chakra from the cells, and the samsara eye couldn't wait to devour it, leaving no trace for the master.

After a few breaths, the greedy Rinnegan even actively released its power, spreading to every inch of Nagato's body, directly squeezing chakra from every cell.

As we all know, ninjas rely on chakra to become extraordinary professions, and their adaptation to chakra has long turned into chakra dependence.

Just like ordinary people's dihydrogen monoxide dependence and dioxygen molecule dependence, chakra has become a necessary element for ninjas to survive.

Without the supply of chakra, a ninja's cells will wither and even die.

Nagato has the best Uzumaki bloodline, and his vitality is so powerful that it is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, but he can only barely support it under the powerful pressure of the Rinnegan.

However, it rained continuously all night. Just when Nagato finally stabilized his condition, his breathing gradually stabilized, and his face gradually returned to rosy, an invisible passage appeared in the void, greedily devouring the chakra he had just begun to recover. .

Nagato instantly judged that this damn glutton was a heretic demon.

Judging from the time, the heretic demon immediately asked for chakra from himself after ending his channeling and returning to his secret warehouse.

【Damn it! Can't it be later? Even if it’s just a few minutes! 】

No matter in which world it is, the most difficult thing is to make one step further, and the most unbearable burden is to add more weight to the weight.

How many years have passed since Nagato channeled the heretic demon for the first time, and there is no problem in getting along with each other.

Especially after Nagato regained health, it was very easy for him to bear the demands of the heretic demon.

But that was in his normal state. At this special moment, Nagato was like a guy who suddenly drowned. He was obviously very good at water, but he couldn't catch his breath and could only struggle feebly.

The heretic demon is more domineering than the Samsara Eye, and it can actually take away the chakra squeezed out by the Samsara Eye, even 70% to 80% of it.

The reincarnation eye exerted its power, but the chakra extracted was cut off by the heretic demon, and he immediately reacted violently.

But the Samsara Eye did not fight back against the heretic demon. Instead, it squeezed Nagato's cells more powerfully, forcibly squeezing out more chakra.

But the result of the two gluttons working together was to completely drain Nagato. Every trace of chakra squeezed out of the cells in his body was divided up by them, leaving nothing to Nagato.

This caused a big problem for Nagato's body. It lasted for several minutes without chakra nourishment at all, and finally it couldn't hold on anymore and began to shrink.

The color drained from his complexion and his skin was as pale as paper.

Immediately afterwards, Nagato's whole body lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye. The feeling of weakness completely overwhelmed him, and even his breathing was no longer so strong.

But Nagato is Nagato, and he is worthy of being the reincarnation eye host chosen by Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu.

In this desperate situation, he did not go crazy, but took continuous deep breaths. His strong willpower suppressed the Samsara Eye and the heretic demon for a moment, and obtained life-saving chakra for his cells.

With the nourishment of chakra, Nagato's cell potential was stimulated, and he instantly regained his vitality and began to burst out more chakra to feed his whole body.

In less than a breath, his chakra recovered a lot, about 30 calories, which could barely satisfy the needs of the Samsara Eye and the heretic golem.

Nagato finally recovered from his fatal breath.

But after the physical crisis, he could not relax mentally because there were seven Uchiha Yuu standing in front of him.

Some of them are squatting, some are floating, some are standing upright, some are smiling, some are joking, and most of them are expressionless.

As early as a few minutes ago, when Nagato was in the most danger, these Uchiha Yuu appeared.

Although the reincarnation eye squeezed his chakra disgustingly, he could clearly see the whole process of their appearance.

It was from transparent to holographic, and the process was silent and without any movement. The seven Uchiha Yuu appeared in front of Nagato using the time and space ninjutsu.

No, that shouldn't be ninjutsu, but senjutsu.

When Uchiha Yuu appeared, Nagato's heart clenched.

Fortunately, he was also sure that the other party really had no intention of killing him.

Because if the Uchiha Yus had launched a surprise attack at the same time they appeared, Nagato would have died a few minutes ago.

The unknown time and space magic is too fast, the timing is too terrible, and the distance is too close. With just one step and a wave of his hand, the kunai can be stabbed into Nagato's body.

Then he thought of another situation. The Uchiha Yuu were 7 meters away from him, but they were very close to each other, close enough to put their arms around each other.

Their control over time and space magic is too strong. Since they can control each other so close to each other, can they also be teleported to face each other?

It's scary to think about it.

But in the next moment, Nagato was stunned.

Seven Uchiha Yuu, this is impossible!

He widened his samsara eyes and observed the other person desperately. There was no problem with the body details, the pores, the chakra, and the breath, but... this was impossible!

The seven Uchiha Yuu are definitely not septuplets, because this kind of situation where the auras are completely the same must be a clone technique.

But how can there be a clone technique that even the samsara eye cannot recognize?

Uchiha Yu had already guessed why Nagato's eyes were widened, and he also saw that this young man who claimed to be a god was looking for his true form.

Of course, Nagato couldn't tell the difference between the main body and the clones, because all the ones here were wooden clones, and the main body didn't come at all!

Of course, there is another very important point, that is, the precision of the wooden clone is already high enough.

At least in Nagato's Samsara Eye observation, he had no way to see the flaws in the wooden clones. He could only distinguish them through the comparison between the main body and the clones.

Uchiha Yuu smiled, and the genjutsu of the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Although the level of the Mangekyō Sharingan is lower than that of the Rinnegan, genjutsu, as one of the three major skills of ninjas, is definitely a skill-intensive skill.

Uchiha Yu has always believed that illusions should not be determined by the level of the eyes.

Unfortunately, despite his efforts in practicing illusion, he developed a lot of vision, hearing, and brain-in-a-vat illusions, and even developed a system based on illusions. But Uchiha Yuu's own eyes improved faster, which made him unable to prove his point. Genjutsu wins by skill, not by the level of the eyes.

Today, he had the opportunity to face the Samsara Eye, which is the most advanced type of eye in the blood inheritance limit.

It's time to prove that your magic is skill and not violent hypnosis.

If you miss this opportunity today, Uchiha Yu will never have a chance to prove himself.

Because he is about to awaken his samsara eye.

After possessing the top three pupil arts, Yuu Uchiha said that technique is the foundation of illusion. Who would believe it?

When Uchiha Yuu awakens the Samsara Eye, he will shut up and not talk about any illusion skills. How wrong is it to say so.

This is just like Bill Gates said: Dropping out of school is the most important condition for success.

When people find out about his amazing mother who is an IBM executive, they will silently regard his words as farts.

So since the first wave of supporting wooden clones arrived, Uchiha Yu's illusions began to envelope the entire battlefield, changing the perception of everyone present little by little.

The subtle hints penetrated into Nagato's consciousness, from chakra to body, from hearing to vision, from thinking to emotions, and did not miss any starting point.

Uchiha Yuu's wooden clones worked together, and under the shroud of the Samsara Eye, they worked hard to set up a large-scale genjutsu barrier. They were destroyed several times by Nagato's jutsu, but they worked tirelessly to rebuild it again.

They even used the opportunity of reconstruction and Nagato's diversion of attention to amplify the influence of genjutsu.

Try your best to take advantage of Nagato's naturalness and deceive the Samsara Eye's observation ability.

Uchiha Yudu felt that his only enemy in illusion combat was the Rinnegan, and Nagato was actually on his side.

If these eyes were in Uchiha Madara's sockets, I'm afraid there wouldn't be so many loopholes to exploit.

Now, everything is ready.

It's time to defeat Nagato with words.

Uchiha Yuu's Mouth Escape was definitely not good enough, but during Nagato's few minutes of weakness, Uchiha Yuu's wooden clone used the opportunity of appearing to intimidate and fully squeezing chakra with the Rinnegan, and took turns to use genjutsu suggestions.

Finally, Nagato's conscious defense was broken open, and the seeds of suggestion were planted in his mind.

Nagato's emotions have been controlled by Uchiha Yuu. Coupled with the force deterrence just completed, plus Konan's assist, and the response of the Red Sand Scorpion and Kakuzu, it was enough to convince Nagato.

As for Black Zetsu, the last member of the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha didn't consider it at all.

Because Black Zetsu witnessed Uchiha Madara's death with his own eyes, he knew how powerful Uchiha Yuu was and would never appear in front of him.

If Hei Ze really dares to take risks, Zhu Rong, the Southern Fire Spirit God, will never mind coming to the ninja world.

As long as this guy can be captured, the Six Paths Sage has only one way left, and that is to personally unblock his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki.

That picture is interesting when I think about it.

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