I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 350 The Wood Escape Dharma Represents Heaven and Earth Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun

Chapter 350 Wood Escape·Dharma Xiang Heaven and Earth·Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun

Stimulated by Erlang Shen from the Dharma World, the heretic demon statue also briefly revealed its wooden body.

Two giant wooden figures stood facing each other in the lush forest.

The heretic golem was so ugly that it didn't look like a good thing. It was no longer even under Nagato's control, and it waved its hands to beat Erlang Shen desperately.

And Erlangshen refused to show weakness. He waved the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand and rounded it to greet the head and neck of the heretic demon.

The two extremely huge "gods" began a crazy battle, and thunderous collisions could be heard.

It was not the sound of physical collision in the human concept, but the collapse of mountains, the breaking of icebergs, and the sound of roars and thunder shook the surrounding areas.

As an audience, the members of the Akatsuki organization were dumbfounded.

Konan, Kakuzu, and the Red Sand Scorpion had never seen such a god-like battle. They were all dumbfounded and their heads went blank, feeling like they were in a dream.

This is a battle of gods.

Even Black Zetsu, the son of Kaguya Otsutsuki, was deeply shocked.

Of course he wasn't afraid. Born at the moment Otsutsuki Kaguya was sealed, Black Zetsu had seen real big scenes.

The battle between Asura and Indra, the battle between Senju Hashirama and Madara Uchiha sweeping across the ninja world, and the battle at the Valley of the End were all no worse than this battle.

But Black Zetsu understood that this battle, which was beyond the standards of a ninja, meant that things were beyond his control.

The Samsara Eye is not a mechanical dead thing, but a living thing. Its growth requires the consumption of huge amounts of chakra and strong emotional stimulation.

But this kind of super fighting stimulation is too much, especially when Nagato is fully restored to health and has a sufficient supply of chakra, it will cause the Rinnegan to mature faster.

Suddenly, Black Zetsu smiled.

"What am I thinking? Uchiha Madara has been killed by his descendants, and he has been reduced to ashes. There is no hope of resurrection."

"Although the Rinnegan Eye belongs to Uchiha Madara, he can no longer be resurrected. Why should I care about the speed at which the Rinnegan Eye matures? Of course, the sooner the better."

Then Black Zetsu began to enjoy the battle with peace of mind. This was a rare battle. The last battle was probably the battle between the real Thousand Hands and the powerful Kyuubi in the Valley of the End.

The battle between Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Madara two years ago was much worse. Uchiha Yu was immature and Uchiha Madara was aging and on the verge of death. Their battle was far from reaching the heights it is today.

The two behemoths were both over two hundred meters tall, and the battle between them seemed very slow visually. After all, their bodies were too big.

In order to defeat each other, both the Heretic Golem and Erlang Shen used ninjutsu to speed up their movements.

Every time they waved their fists and danced their three-pointed two-edged knives, the gusts of wind, the explosion of fire, and the gleam of thunder were dazzling.

When the opponent's attack approaches, the earth type will pile up thick armor, and the water type will launch a fierce counterattack. The conflict of ninjutsu is like the bombardment of thousands of ninjas, with countless rocks, flames, electric sparks, and wind blades. and scattered rainstorms.

The small pieces of debris scattered during the fight between the two giants splashed onto the onlookers Kakuzu and Xia, and they were shocked to realize that it was a rock bomb several times larger than them.

The high-speed rotating rock bomb hit the top of the dune, effortlessly punching through the tens of meters of sand, and then suddenly hit the root of the next dune, disappearing completely.

Kakuzu murmured: "From a distance, it looks like just debris, but when you get closer, you realize that it is such a big rock bomb."

"If I get involved in the center of this battle, I'm afraid I will die in an instant."

"Scorpion, do you think you can participate in this battle?"

The Red Sand Scorpion looked at Kakuzu expressionlessly: "Rather than participating in this god-like battle, I think I want to kill you more."

Kakuzu chuckled and said, "Kill me? Although I will die in the blink of an eye if I get involved in this kind of battle, it's not that easy for a puppet master like you to kill me."

Xie said coldly: "I know you, immortal ninja Kakuzu. But there are no immortal ninjas in the ninja world. It's just that the killing method is wrong, or the number of kills is not enough."

"As long as you are killed by my puppet a few more times, I will definitely be able to kill you."

Kakuzu's eyes were fixed on the battle, but his mouth was full of provocation and he said: "You can try, I welcome your attacks at any time."

"It's just that if you dare to attack me, you have to be prepared to be killed."

Xie's eyes were also focused on the battle between the giants, and he said coldly: "I will kill you, but not today."


Xiaonan didn't know when she appeared behind them. Seeing that they had automatically stopped fighting, she ignored the discord between them and flew away.

As the top leaders of the Akatsuki organization, she and Nagato don't care much about the relationship between members, nor about the relationship between the organization.

Especially Xiaonan, as long as there is no fight in front of her, she will not interfere.

Because the current Akatsuki organization has almost nothing to do, she feels that she has no reason to suppress and drive these core ninjas.

To be honest, the current Akatsuki organization is far inferior to that of the Yahiko era. Although the Akatsuki organization at that time had naive ideas and weak strength, it had clear action goals, high organization, and could really get things done.

The current Akatsuki organization is very powerful, but these core members are just attached to the Akatsuki organization. They have no ideals and disdain to do unclassy construction tasks.

Because there are no high-quality war missions to complete, the core members are basically in a state of herding sheep.

This time they were finally gathered together by the enemy's attack, but the fighting style was too high. They were unable to intervene at all and could only act as spectators.

It's just embarrassing.

And it was very embarrassing, especially for the Red Sand Scorpion. His true identity that had been hidden for many years was forced out, and Kakuzu and others recognized him as a human puppet.

How could Scorpio not be so popular even though he has lost all his cards even though he has done nothing?

Even Kakuzu felt uncomfortable. He always felt that he had had enough life and wanted nothing more than making money.

But when he saw the battle between the two gods today, he realized that his immortality was not safe, and he also burst out with fear.

Kakuzu knew that he had already lived enough. He was a ninja who was not afraid of death, but he was frightened out of fear. It must be that the huge gap in strength triggered an instinctive reaction.

This made him feel deeply ashamed.

So the two guys got into a verbal quarrel in order to vent their emotions.

The battle between the giants continues, and the heretic golems have the upper hand with their super defense.

Uchiha Yu controlled the Dharma World and Erlang Shen to attack fiercely. Even the strengthened weapons were broken and no wounds were made on the outer demon statue.

After continuous attacks, the heretic golem destroyed Erlang Shen's wooden armor, leaving huge wounds on the body of the giant wooden man.

Uchiha Yu was slightly disappointed. He personally transformed into Erlang God and fought against the heretic demon who was just the body of the Ten Tails. The attack could not break the defense, and the defense could only withstand seven or eight attacks.

The carefully improved Wood Release, Faxiang Tiandi, and Qingyuan Miaodou Zhenjun still cannot be compared with the Ten-Tails.

You must know that this is just a heretic demon. If you absorb the nine tailed beasts and restore the true body of the ten tails, no matter the attack, defense, reaction or recovery, there will be earth-shaking enhancement.

In other words, when the current Erlang Shen faces the real Ten-Tails, he may be gone once he meets him.

Qingyuan Miaodou Zhenjun needs to be strengthened, but Uchiha Yu's wooden clone has used all the senjutsu chakra, and there is no way to further strengthen it.

Uchiha Yu murmured to himself: "Hurry up and bring me the support of the main body, bring me enough chakra, and let Erlangshen show his true appearance."

Because of the expansion based on his own wooden clone, Uchiha Yuu used the Wood Release Ninjutsu to save at least half of the chakra and also reduced the time to generate a super giant wooden man by half.

This is a little trick he specially developed for the wooden clone. Today's actual combat proved that the effect is very good, and it can completely compete with the speed of the giant psychic beast.

But the problem is not without problems. The pursuit of speed will inevitably lead to weakness in strength.

However, thanks to Yuu Uchiha's strength, even the weakened version of Wood Release, Faxiang Tenchi, and Qingyuan Miaodou Zhenjun performed by the wooden clone is stronger than Senju Hashirama's True Thousand Hands, and can be used in a short period of time. Stalemate with heretic demons.

Therefore, Uchiha Yu is very satisfied with the power of this technique.

The real problem he faced was that the wooden clone merged with the super giant Erlang Shen.

As the consumption of Senjutsu Chakra intensified, Uchiha Yu's thinking ability actually declined. This was the most fatal problem.

Although the heretic golem is powerful, the reason why Erlang Shen, who was able to fight so quickly, was damaged is because Yuu Uchiha's control was severely reduced and he was unable to respond to the enemy's attack in time.

Uchiha Yuu became anxious. If he was defeated before the reinforcements of the wooden clone arrived, it would be difficult to gain enough deterrence from him even if he pinned Nagato to the ground and hammered him.

As Erlangshen's reaction speed became slower, Nagato finally discovered this.

His confidence began to skyrocket, and he became more accurate when controlling the Heretic Golem to attack. He was able to calmly block and then attack Erlang Shen's head.

After several consecutive heavy blows, sawdust flew from the helmet that protected the head. The huge wooden man began to stand unsteadily and swayed from side to side.

At this moment, a weak space fluctuation flashed over Erlangshen's head, and neatly dressed Uchiha Yuu appeared, and there were three Uchiha Yuu.

They smiled, briefly observed the surrounding environment, and immediately blended into the super giant wooden man.

"Don't worry, we are already here, and the main body is still working hard to create more of us, and they will be here soon."

"Nonsense, I'm not in a hurry!"

"I'm just a wooden clone. Is there any loss for me if I fail?"

"Yes, yes, you are a wooden clone, aren't we?"

"That's right, everyone is a wooden clone, how can we still not understand ourselves? You are such a tough talker!"

"Hurry up, if you hammer Nagato over, we can still survive. If we are hammered over, we will all be dead."

"Opposite is the Heretic Demon Statue. Its texture is too hard. Even if Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun boosts it to its strongest state, it should not be able to hammer it."

"What should we do?"

"It's okay. We can't defeat the Heretic Golem, but Nagato can definitely defeat it."

"Look at Nagato's face, it's already blue with a hint of white. He definitely won't be able to hold on for long."

"You're right. If you can't defeat the heretic demon, how can you survive Nagato?"

"He only recovered with the medicine we gave him. Everyone knows how far he can recover."

"Haha, the reincarnation eye is a huge burden, and the heretic demon is an even bigger burden. If Uchiha Madara hadn't been sent away by us, Nagato could barely maintain his health even if he took our pills. "

"Even after getting rid of Uchiha Madara's blood-sucking, he is still in a precarious and unstable state. He actually dares to channel the heretic demon to fight. He really doesn't know how to live or die."

"That's right, if a three-ton SUV engine pushes a sixty-ton main battle tank, it will die suddenly at any time."

"Hehehe, so we are not beating him, but saving him?"

"Haha, good point!"


Since the emergence of shadow clone technique, various clone techniques developed based on it have a common shortcoming, that is, the clone's thinking and personality will be inconsistent with the main body.

It wasn't obvious when there was only one clone, but when four clones came together, it became very clear.

Moreover, the four clones were very lively. Uchiha Yu's wooden clones started chattering and discussing as soon as they met, and soon reached a consensus.

"Fuck him, let him know that not only Lord Ma has three eyes, but Master Erlang Shenjun also has three eyes!"

Nagato's condition began to deteriorate.

After Konan exchanged pills from the Emperor Shentei two years ago to cure his disability, Nagato hadn't felt such strong weakness for a long time.

He had no idea that when the heretic demon began to attack, the consumption of chakra would be so terrifying.

As a supplier of chakra, Nagato felt that the chakra in his body was like a flood bursting from a dam, pouring towards the heretic demon.

Although he had suppressed the enemy at a disadvantage, the enemy showed no signs of collapse and failure, and nearly half of his own chakra had been consumed.

It was also at this time that Nagato discovered that the heretic demon had not fully recovered, and there were still many holes and holes in the body that had not been filled up.

When the behemoth moved, almost half of the chakra was lost from those flaws.

This is just for movement. When the heretic demon uses ninjutsu, the loss is even more exaggerated. The chakra lost is simply spraying. At least 70% of the chakra is wasted.

Nagato also discovered that the problem with the Heretic Golem was not just a flaw. The way it used chakra itself was wasteful. It was an operating mode that only valued power and pursued the ultimate in working hard to produce miracles.

It's really too luxurious.

When he channeled the Heretic Golem for the first time, Nagato's attention was all on Hanzo, and he himself was single and weak. The Chakra of the Heretic Golem caused severe pain all over his body, and he couldn't even bother to observe the Heretic Golem. .

Now that he has grown up and has gained more knowledge, when he looks at the Heretic Golem from the perspective of a ninja, he naturally discovers the problem.

Generally speaking, the heretic golem is very strong, but it is not one that Nagato can afford.

[We can’t continue like this, we must fight quickly! 】

[Otherwise, I would have exhausted all my energy and collapsed before I could defeat Yu Uchiha. 】

A determined look flashed in Nagato's eyes, and he decided to use all his strength to defeat Uchiha Yuu as soon as possible.

But before he could erupt, the huge wooden man on the opposite side erupted first.

The terrifying magic chakra erupted from the wooden man's chest, and the huge fluctuations produced a huge impact, which hit the heretic demon like a repulsive force, actually pushing the huge demon away far away.

Nagato, who was standing on the head of the outside demon, was caught off guard and was almost blown away by the huge force.

When he and the golem stabilized their center of gravity and regained their footing, Nagato realized that the huge wooden figure opposite had a completely new look.

The huge wounds on the chin and waist have recovered, the broken wooden armor has also recovered, and golden brilliance flows from the heart, dyeing the whole body of the giant wooden man with a gorgeous golden color.

Nagato only glanced at it and blurted out: "Awesome Susanoo!"

As the leader and ninja of Hidden Rain Village, Nagato lacks knowledge in many aspects and lacks combat experience, but he is not bad at high-level knowledge.

After all, he was a disciple of Jiraiya, one of the Sannin of Konoha, and received a very comprehensive ninja education, and Black Zetsu also gave him a lot of knowledge after joining.

So Nagato knew about the Uchiha clan, the Mangekyo Sharingan, and the secrets of Susanoo and others.

Black Zetsu also told him how to use Susanoo's powerful equipment.

Both Nagato and Black Zetsu believed that Yuu Uchiha was a formidable enemy, so he had a detailed understanding of Susanoo, how Uchiha Madara used Susanoo in the Valley of the End, and how to load the Kyuubi with powerful equipment.

In addition to Nagato, Konan and Black Zetsu also knew Susan and Wei Zhi, and they all let out low exclamations when they saw the golden stream of light covering the giant wooden man.

Compared to Xiaonan's simple surprise, Hei Zetsu was extremely surprised.

Because the Susanoo weapon used by Uchiha Yuu is completely different from the one that Uchiha Madara put on Kyuubi.

The golden Susanoo light was closely integrated with the body of Seigen Miaodou Zhenjun. As a result, the material of Erlang Shen's armor changed. Every scale on the armor exuded a metallic luster. The clothes on the body became soft, and even the skin showed... The color and texture of flesh and blood.

A colorful ribbon appeared on Zhenjun's arm, and a bright moon gathered behind his head, which really looked like a golden wheel of merit.

Uchiha Yuu's golden Susanoo armor is not a layer of transparent armor on the wooden body, but is deeply integrated into the wooden body, resulting in a qualitative change.

The last golden stream of light converged on his eyebrows. As the golden light flickered, a crack appeared on his eyebrows, and then he opened a vertical eye.

Endless coercion emanated from the third vertical eye, and at the same time, thousands of rays of light emanated, hitting the outer demon statue, and even layers of sawdust fell down.

In just a few seconds, the image of the super giant wooden man has undergone earth-shaking changes. It is no longer a wooden man with wooden textures all over its body, but a true god with flesh and blood and charm.

It was as if Erlang Xianshengzhenjun had really come to this world.


I don't know when, Erlang Shen had jumped into the air, and he waved the shining silver three-pointed two-edged knife, slashing at the heretic demon from top to bottom.

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