I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 332 Shimura Danzo must die, but Sarutobi-sensei must step down first

Based on the information provided by the [System], Tsunade judged that as long as no one killed anyone, it would have little impact on history.

There is no doubt that she got it wrong.

Murder is the easiest thing to deflect history, but it is not the most fundamental and powerful deflection force. Human hearts are.

As Kato's team returned to the camp with the three root ninjas and reunited with Jiraiya and Orochimaru, a complete uproar broke out.

Especially Orochimaru, he instantly thought of the strange trap that his disciple Naoki encountered five years ago.

The grown-up Naoki grew up into a qualified senior chuunin under the training of Orochimaru, and immediately thought of what happened five years ago.

Naoki's eyes instantly became bloodshot. He attacked him five years ago, and today he attacked Tsunade again. He was really going to break up with each other!

Fortunately, this young man has grown up very quickly in the past five years and is not as rough as he was when he was young. He can finally suppress his anger.

On the contrary, Jiraiya was the first to explode. He jumped up and said angrily: "Genbu! Shimura Danzo! Since he wants to die, then I will grant him his wish!"

Orochimaru pressed Jiraiya's shoulders and pulled him to sit down. At the same time, his eyes looked at Kato Dan: "Kato Jonin, you are the most direct victim this time, what do you think we should do? ?”

Kato Dan is known for his gentle temper, but he is an elite jounin after all. If someone wants to murder him, he is naturally murderous in his heart: "Orochimaru jounin, I will never give up this time. Someone must sacrifice his life to compensate. I was in shock.”

Orochimaru nodded and turned to Tsunade: "Very good, Tsunade, what's your opinion?"

Tsunade gritted her teeth and said: "Danzo Shimura must die!"

Before Orochimaru could ask, Naoki also jumped up and said, "I also think Danzo Shimura must die!"

Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kato Dan, and Naoki, these are all representatives of the new generation of Konoha Village. After their opinions are unified, even the third generation of Hokage cannot compete.

Among these five people, Orochimaru was the undisputed leader. After collecting other opinions, he concluded: "My opinion is the same as everyone else's, Shimura Danzo must die."

"But I want to make it clear. The relationship between Shimura Danzo and our third generation Hokage is unusual. If you want Shimura Danzo to die, Sarutobi-sensei must first leave the position of Hokage."

Jiraiya was shocked, he yelled: "Why is it related to Sarutobi-sensei? What does this have to do with the teacher?"

Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya and said: "Jiraiya, with your current brain, it is difficult for me to explain it to you. If you believe me, you only need to know that as long as Sarutobi-sensei is the Third Hokage, Shimuradan It is impossible for Zang to die, or even to be relieved of his position as a root."

"Danzo Shimura has done too many things in the village. When did the teacher not criticize him 'severely', but when did he let him leave his roots?"

Jiraiya was speechless, unable to refute what Orochimaru said. He had been unable to speak out against Orochimaru since he was a child, and he had long been used to it. If it were another matter, he would talk like a rogue, but he agreed with Orochimaru's words in his heart.

But this time it was different. Orochimaru targeted Hiruzen Sarutobi, which Jiraiya couldn't accept.

He murmured: "How could this happen?"

"Can't we protest to the teacher and ask him to execute Shimura Danzo?"

Tsunade shook her head and said, "It's impossible. Can our combined strength surpass that of the Aburame clan?"

"Last year, Danzo Shimura took the children of the Aburame clan by force and trained them as root ninjas, but none of them survived. The Aburame clan's protest was so fierce, but in the end they were suppressed by Sarutobi-sensei."

Jiraiya finally struggled and said: "But what we do is to defeat the superior."

Kato Dan suddenly laughed and said: "Jiraiya, is it me who almost died, not you and not Tsunade, so you think it doesn't matter?"

"Do you think if I endure it, I won't die next time?"

"Can you give me a guarantee?"

"Or do you think my life is worthless, and it doesn't matter whether I die or not. If I am murdered by Danzo Shimura, for the sake of the reputation of the Third Hokage, it is best to die?"

Kato Dan's words were heart-wrenching words, extremely sharp, poking holes all over Jiraiya's body.

He was speechless, unable to answer Kato Dan's question.

Naoki also added another blow: "Brother Jiraiya, is it because my sister and I are both dead that you think it is necessary for us to defeat our superiors?"

Jiraiya couldn't hold it in any longer, he shook his head repeatedly and said: "No, no, I definitely don't think so, I swear!"

Orochimaru spoke again: "Then it's settled. Our request this time is very simple. Danzo Shimura must die."

The fact that Naoki was not dead had the biggest impact not on Tsunade, but on Orochimaru.

In the history of the death of the rope tree, Orochimaru quickly lost his humanity and got mixed up with Shimura Danzo without any hindrance for profit, just for more experimental resources.

By saving the life of Orochimaru's first disciple Naoki, Orochimaru's humanity was also preserved. He would be angry like a normal person and seek revenge at all costs.

Ever since he determined that the root ninjas were involved in the trap five years ago, Orochimaru has identified Shimura Danzo as his enemy. Not only did he not have any thoughts of cooperating with him, he was also secretly planning a revenge plan.

Today, he finally thinks the time has come.

Tsunade continued loudly: "Yes, Shimura Danzo must die. If Sarutobi-sensei doesn't want to, then let him step down. The teacher has been Hokage for ten years, and it's almost time to replace him."

Kato Dan agreed: "I agree, but I'm a little worried. Can the five of us really make the Third Hokage bow down if we join forces?"

"In other words, if the third generation does not bow his head and must keep paying Danzo, can we really force him to step down?"

Orochimaru asked: "Jōnin Kato, what do you mean?"

Kato Dan replied: "My idea is, should we contact more people, such as Hatake Sakumo-senpai, the Uchiha clan, Inorakacho and other ninja clans?"

Orochimaru chuckled and said, "It's not necessary."

"Hatake Sakumo-senpai is too naive. He only believes in the spirit of fire. He is a guy who cannot be convinced."

"The Uchiha clan doesn't even have a clan leader. There's no way to win over or persuade, and it's not worthy of trust."

"Inarakacho and other ninjas are all old fools. They will not stand with us until we win."

After hearing Orochimaru's analysis, several people couldn't help but frowned. They were all disadvantages.

But Orochimaru suddenly laughed: "The most important thing is that our strength is enough."

Kato Dan asked in surprise: "Is the strength enough? How is this possible? The enemy is the Third Hokage."

Orochimaru looked at Tsunade: "The key is the long-lost Senju clan. According to my observation, the Senju clan is reuniting in the past five years."

"The Senju clan was disbanded by the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, and their strength after reintegration is terrifying."

Orochimaru sighed: "They are scattered in every department of Konoha Village, every ninja force, and even every five ordinary civilian families, there is one ninja from the Senju clan."

"As we all know, civilian ninjas are the basis of Sarutobi-sensei's power, but more than 90% of those outstanding civilian jounin are ninjas from the Senju clan who have changed their names."

"From this point of view, Sarutobi-sensei has sufficient motives to kill Naoki and Kato Dan, because you may become the cruel heart of the Senju clan and reunite this force."

"You two directly threaten the power base of the Third Hokage."

"The interesting thing is that now, besides the two of you, there is someone who can become the core of the Thousand Hands Clan and put it into practice to unite the Thousand Hands Clan."

Orochimaru cast his eyes on Tsunade and asked, "Is that so, Tsunade-sama?"

Tsunade panicked: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense, Orochimaru."

Discovering that Tsunade's panic and denial were extremely real, Orochimaru was also shocked. He even stood up uncontrollably: "Tsunade, are you really not the one who integrated the Senju clan?"

Tsunade smiled bitterly and said: "It's really not me. How could I have such great ability?"

Suddenly, she shouted in surprise: "Ah, is it her?"

Except Kato Suan who was thoughtful, everyone else asked the same question: "Who is it?"

Tsunade told about meeting another Tsunade on the front line today, and everyone was surprised.

Orochimaru also suddenly thought of the Tsunade who saved the rope tree five years ago. He was also such a different Tsunade.

Five years ago, he was attacked because of the rope tree, and was scolded by the weird Tsunade. His whole mind was a little confused, and his suspicions about her could not be put to rest.

But after hearing Tsunade say that she also met another version of herself today, Orochimaru couldn't help but fall into deep thinking.

He had to worry about whether a third party was involved in this matter, and whether he had become a pawn being used.

After a period of thinking, Orochimaru made the decision to launch.

There is a saying that when an arrow is on the string, it must be fired.

Regardless of whether there is a third party or not, the outbreak of Kato Sutsu's attack, especially Kato Sutsu's escape from the death crisis, will definitely arouse Shimura Danzo's vigilance.

We still don’t know what will happen to the person who saved Kato Dan, but Orochimaru’s five years of preparation will definitely be exposed in the eyes of Shimura Danzo.

Rather than being passively attacked by Shimura Danzo, it would be more advantageous to launch an attack first while Shimura Danzo is unaware of the situation.

Orochimaru nodded and said: "Even if it is used by a third party, we have to mobilize."

"And I think this person should be on our side."

Tsunade, Kato Dan and Naoki were the direct victims. After they looked at each other, Tsunade slammed the table and said loudly: "It's done. Just like Orochimaru said, the arrow has to be fired when it is on the string."

"Someone intervened this time and the last time and saved the lives of Shengshu and Duan, but what about next time?"

"Danzo Shimura has thrust his knife into our hearts, and we have no way out."

Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya and asked: "Jiraiya, do you choose to participate in the action, or do you just ignore it as a blessing?"

Jiraiya took a deep breath, but still couldn't cheer up. He said dullly: "The Konoha Sannin will not be divided. I will definitely participate in any action that both of you agree on."

"I just hope that the final conflict with Sarutobi-sensei will not develop into a sword fight."

Orochimaru smiled helplessly: "I hope so too, but this is not what we have the final say."

He issued the order: "Since everyone has approved it, let's officially launch the plan to hunt down Danzo."

"The first step is to secretly return to Konoha Village and concentrate our strength on Konoha Village..."

The report that Kato Dan was attacked and killed on the front line was delivered to Konoha Village as quickly as possible, arrived on the desk of the Third Hokage, and was seen by him immediately.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was angry, he slammed the table, and then ordered the ANBU ninja to find Shimura Danzo.

As soon as Shimura Danzo entered the door, he was severely scolded by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Asshole, why did you attack Kato Suzan? This is the best young ninja in Konoha Village. What on earth are you thinking about, Danzo?"

Danzo Shimura did not feel any uneasiness. He raised his head and said, "What am I thinking? Everything I do is for the Leaf Village!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was furious: "You bastard!"

Danzo had been using this sentence to criticize Hiruzen Sarutobi for some years, and it had reached the point where he would be scolded as soon as he said it.

This time is no exception. After the prime-age version of Hiruzen Sarutobi started the show with "bastard", he started a steady stream of curses, scolding Danzo Shimura bloody.

Danzo Shimura had no power to reply. He was so aggrieved that he was about to explode. His face was as black and red as pig liver, his hands were tightly clenched, and his teeth were clenching.

Fortunately, before he came in, the Third Hokage had already asked everyone to retreat. There were no bystanders in this scene, and Shimura Danzo could still endure it.

This is a tacit understanding between the two.

This kind of game can probably be played for a few more years.

Ten years later, when faced with questions from Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo would still answer with "I am all for Konoha," but he could no longer arouse the slightest reaction from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The content of the verbal interactive game between the two people was also drastically reduced, leaving only two short sentences.


"My shadow!"

Finally, a slamming "bang——" was added.

Until then, it will be the most classic scene in Naruto.

After cursing for a full hour, Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped, took a breath and asked: "Kato Dan is not dead, how do you plan to deal with the aftermath?"

Danzo Shimura was also weird, he had to swallow his anger for a long time, and his hair stood on end with anger, but Hiruzen Sarutobi softened his tone, and his anger also subsided.

It can only be said that Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen are in true love. This feeling of falling in love and killing each other is really too awesome.

Coupled with the fact that Danzo has never shied away from being scolded and dirty, it is no wonder that Danzo can act so recklessly, but he can always receive the wholehearted protection of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Although Danzo only has a bad temper, a bad personality that makes people want to vomit, and is blindly reckless when doing things, he is already a very rare and good subordinate.

There are only tens of thousands of ninjas in Konoha Village, and there are only a few hundred jounin-level ninjas. Among them, there is a shadow-level ninja who is willing to serve as a black glove for the Third Hokage. Sarutobi Hiruzen really deserves to be burned.

Of course, if he was willing to follow the righteous path of the First Hokage and the Second Hokage and had no selfish motives for profiting from the Sarutobi clan, he would not need Shimura Danzo.

After all, the charisma of Konoha Village is very strong. For the benefit of Konoha Village, there are many Konoha ninjas who are willing to die generously. This is why the Third Hokage can send a large number of children to the battlefield just by giving him the title of ninja. This is still the case to this day. There was no reason for backlash.

But there are very few ninjas who are willing to work for the personal interests of the Third Hokage.

After all, ninjas usually risk their lives when they go on missions. It is natural to risk their lives to earn money and status for themselves. It is not impossible to risk their lives for the prosperity of Konoha Village, but to risk their lives for your family, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen?

You're lucky to have a fool like Danzo Shimura.

Shimura Danzo sneered: "Even if Kato Dan is not dead, even if he is lucky, what consequences will there be? Does he dare to question me?"

The Third Hokage sighed and asked: "Duanzo, why do you think he doesn't dare?"

Danzo was stunned: "If he dares to question me, he is questioning the Leaf Village, and he is trying to defeat his superiors!"

"But Kato Dan questioned it!" Sarutobi Hiruzen threw a piece of paper to Danzo: "See for yourself, your subordinates are too useless, otherwise the mission will not be completed and the opponent will catch you. Upright."

"Now, Kato Dan, together with Orochimaru, Tsunade, and Noshu, are questioning me. They linked this assassination to Noshu five years ago and asked me to thoroughly investigate the roots and give you the best advice. Severe punishment.”

Shimura Danzo read the document at a glance. He did not feel guilty, but shouted angrily: "Damn it, you are lucky enough not to die. How dare they question the Hokage?"

"It's so outrageous! We must be severely punished and must be imprisoned and tortured. Anyone who dares to oppose the Hokage must have a huge conspiracy!"

Yes, Shimura Danzo has an unimaginable superstition about the Hokage. In his heart, the Hokage is supreme. The person who sits in the position of the Hokage is the absolute authority and is absolutely unquestionable.

Anyone who dares to question the Hokage will be punished by death!

Well, except for him Danzo Shimura.

Regarding Shimura Danzo's mindless answer, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed helplessly, but he felt more and more relieved.

Only such idiots are the best black gloves. They can be restrained by the hope of becoming Hokage. It couldn't be cheaper.

Sarutobi Hiruzen replied: "Danzo, you don't understand at all."

"There are endless talents in the Leaf Village. Why are only Hatake Sakumo, Kato Dan, Orochimaru, Tsunade, Jiraiya and Nasuki becoming outstanding talents of the younger generation?"

"Because each of the six of them has capital that cannot be ignored. When four of them join forces, even I, the Third Hokage, cannot ignore it, let alone end this inquiry with a single order."

The Third Hokage smiled bitterly and said: "The Hokage's authority also has its limits."

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