I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 329 You guys leave quickly, leave Hanzo to me.

When the ninja approached Kato Dan, he did not use the detonating talisman directly. Instead, he stopped to think for a while, put the detonating talisman away, and replaced it with a kunai.

The ninja sneered: "Speaking of which, the effect of the detonating talisman is still not stable enough. It would be safer to cut off all the internal organs and then explode it."

When he raised his hand and plunged down hard, a foot wearing a stiletto heel kicked him away.

Tsunade carefully looked at the ninja who barely dodged her attack and found that he had no forehead protector, emblem, or mask, but he used the most traditional scarf to cover his face.

She asked: "Can the system determine which ninja force this is?"

[Host, there is insufficient information. At present, we can only confirm that he is a bounty ninja from the money exchange. 】

[Host, please note that there is a small group of ninjas at a distance of 235 meters in the direction of 9:12. Judging from the reflection of the eyeballs, they are monitoring this place. 】

Tsunade did not turn her head to look over, but laughed at the ninja in front of her: "It turns out he was a hired bait. This has no value."

The masked ninja was so surprised that even his scarf couldn't cover it. He actually forced himself to defend himself: "You, what are you talking to yourself about..."

Before he finished speaking, Tsunade, who had become serious, suddenly appeared beside him, with her right leg raised high.

Strange Power Technique·Tian Shou Jiao

The slender feet wearing high heels hit the masked ninja squarely on the head. His whole body turned into flesh on the spot and fell to the ground.

The flesh and blood of the ninja fell to the ground, cracking and denting the ground, instantly turning into a large pit with a diameter of more than twenty meters and a depth of two meters.

The concave edge of the pit stopped just right, and the edge of the auxiliary seal pattern drawn on Kato Dan's body did not affect the sealing runes that were the marks of the soul's return.

The ninjas in the distance couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice: "The Tenshuji of the strange power technique, isn't this Tsunade-sama's nintaijutsu? Is she really Tsunade-sama?"

"It's impossible. Tsunade-sama has been lured away by the Amegakure ninja. She must not be Tsunade-sama, maybe she is a hidden master of the Senju clan."

"It's so disloyal for the Senju clan to have a secret power that even the Hokage doesn't know about. Our mission is indeed necessary."

"Danzo-sama is right, anyone who is disloyal to the Leaf Village and Hokage should die."

"Kato Dan must be killed today, and this woman must be killed as well, as a warning to the Senju clan!"

Tsunade's nose was so angry that she said, "Duanzo's mouth is so powerful. He dared to say that the Senju clan was disloyal to the Leaf Village. How brave he was."

At some point, Tsunade had arrived at the lurking position of this small team of ninjas, and was so frightened that the three ninjas wearing complex patterned masks fled in all directions.

Fighting doesn't exist at all.

The battle between ninjas is first and foremost an intelligence battle, but apart from a carefully planned ambush, it is difficult to start a battle only after mastering all the opponent's intelligence.

In reality, the mainstream fighting method of ninjas is still sudden encounters. Both sides explore each other's intelligence during the battle. The side that grasps the intelligence in advance will win the final victory and kill the other side.

In the early stages of the encounter, neither side knew the other's intelligence, and speed and ninja skills became the most important factors in determining victory or defeat.

Under their surveillance, this woman who looked exactly like Tsunade was able to unknowingly create a clone, and even silently approached behind them.

This proves that her speed, ninjutsu and stealth abilities completely outperformed the three ninjas. There is a huge gap in strength between the two sides that is difficult to make up.

The three root ninjas did not think of risking their lives, but tried to escape with all their strength and bring back the information about this woman.

Tsunade has been operating secretly for five years, which is too long. No matter how good she is at keeping intelligence secret, Shimura Danzo still smells danger.

Therefore, in the past two or three years, the Root Ninja has focused its main energy on monitoring the Senju Clan, hoping to find the secrets hidden by the Senju Clan.

Danzo Shimura is a proactive activist who is impatient with slowly probing for intelligence, preferring to use violent attacks to provoke the opponent to counterattack to obtain intelligence.

It's just that Naoki experienced an assassination five years ago, and Orochimaru and Tsunade were keeping a close eye on him, so it was really difficult to kill him.

What's more important is that Uzumaki Mito-sama spoke. She identified Shimura Danzo and warned: "From now on, as long as the rope tree is injured, I will kill you Shimura Danzo directly. If the rope tree dies, I will kill you along with him." The Shimura clan will be wiped out."

The old man also broke into the Hokage's office, pointed at Sarutobi Hiruzen's nose and reprimanded: "No matter what the reason is, as long as something happens to my grandson, Sarutobi Hiruzen, you should stop being Hokage!"

After the death of the first Hokage, Uzumaki Mito, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, was the undisputed strongest in Konoha, even the second Hokage Senju Tobirama was far behind.

As the strongest person in Konoha Village and the wife of the first Hokage, her words are the overall situation of Konoha Village.

The Third Hokage, who put the overall situation first, certainly did not dare to disobey, and warned Danzo sternly and repeatedly that the life safety of the rope tree must be absolutely guaranteed.

That's why Shimura Danzo had to give up attacking Tsunade and Naoki, and chose Tsunade's boyfriend, Konoha Jonin Kato Danzo as his target.

Only then did this key reconnaissance mission take place, the bounty ninjas hired, and the root team responsible for surveillance and annihilation.

All of this was information obtained by Tsunade after she captured three root ninjas, cracked their Tongue Bane Jutsu, and then violently hypnotized them.

Five years of forbearance made her mature too much. Even after hearing such information that made people angry, she could not hold back.

Tsunade smiled bitterly and said: "Really, if it were five years ago, I would have blown it up as soon as possible, and then killed Shimura Danzo regardless."

"But what if we go further?"

Tsunade recalled the moment she lost the rope tree and her despair at the time. Why was she so desperate?

And when Duan died in front of his eyes, his behavior seemed to be abnormal.

Who is she? She is Tsunade, the number one medical ninja in Konoha Village and even in the ninja world. She has seen a sea of ​​corpses and blood. Why did she suffer from anemia because of the blood of just one person?

When she was studying the structure of the human body, she could happily eat bloody barbecue while being surrounded by people after dissection.

Yes, a mere amount of blood couldn't make her collapse, but a stab in the back from the person closest to her could.

"Sarutobi-sensei, did I think of you and Danzo Shimura at that time? Was I so frightened by your appearance on the enemy list that I even refused to face the facts and hypnotized myself?"

"Whenever I see blood, I think of Zang, then I think of the rope tree, then I think of Danzo, and finally I think of you, sensei."

There was a cry in Tsunade's voice: "It turns out that I couldn't accept the possibility of my teacher hurting my brother and lover, so I closed my heart."

"Speaking of which, I have to thank Yuu Uchiha. He killed my teacher and freed me from the shackles in my heart, so that I could completely get rid of hemophobia."

She recalled that in Kawanokuni Tanshu Street, it was this young Uchiha ninja who used the Mangekyo Sharingan illusion to cover her own cognition.

He allowed himself to see blood as if he were seeing fireworks, avoiding the key elements that trigger hemophobia and indirectly alleviating his symptoms.

Only now did Tsunade suddenly realize that perhaps at that time, Uchiha Yu had already guessed the key to the problem and concluded that he could not fundamentally solve the hemophobia, so he used this temporary illusion deception method.

Tsunade gritted her teeth and said with a smile: "This guy is really naughty. I have to blackmail him when I get back and ask him to cook me a big meal. No, I want to eat three meals."

As soon as she finished speaking, Tsunade raised her hand and placed it on the back of her head to block a white fist.


The boxers clashed, causing deafening explosions, and a spherical white shock wave was inspired, sweeping across the surrounding land and trees.

The ground under Tsunade's feet dented a large crater under the impact of the shock wave. The surrounding trees were swept away by the shock wave and fell to the ground like straw.

When the shock wave passed, the Konoha Jounin Mumu Kōdō appeared beside Tsunade and slashed horizontally at Tsunade's slender waist, but Tsunade kicked him away.

Tsunade kicked away the Mumu Kung Saber, then turned her head and looked at the face behind her that was stained with mud, sweat and blood.

It was a face exactly like hers. Although the skin was not as delicate as her own, it was full of youthful vitality.

Especially those eyes, which were bloodshot and full of panic, anxiety, fear, and clear stupidity.

Tsunade smiled: "Young man, you look really embarrassed, and you are still so stupid."

Young Tsunade didn't feel relaxed looking at the face that looked exactly like her own. On the contrary, she became even more nervous.

In this intrigue and deceitful world of ninjas, transformation is the most basic tactic. Although it is a bit strange to become the person she is, she will not believe what the enemy says.

Especially at the feet of this woman, there were three miserable ANBU ninjas lying. Looking at their heads covered with thousands of books and their tongues sticking out, they had obviously been tortured.

This is the most obvious hostility!

Tsunade followed the gaze of young Tsunade and saw the three unlucky men at her feet. Did she guess what young Tsunade was thinking.

She chuckled and said: "Oh, I am young and stupid. Don't mistake the root ninjas for being one of your own when you see them. Don't think that because I beat the root ninjas, I am your enemy."

"Have you never thought about what the Root Ninja came here to do?"

Tsunade's voice became low and seductive: "When Kato Dan was unprotected, three root ninjas quietly approached within 300 meters. Young me, do you think they are here to help you fix your leaks? Or are they here secretly? What about doing bad things?"

"Is there a possibility that if I hadn't beaten these three things, the accidental attack on the rope tree five years ago would have happened to Kato Dan?"

Tsunade smiled seductively: "Such a handsome blue-haired guy is lying here alone, surrounded by three people with ill intentions. It's really scary to think about it~~"

Young Tsunade finally calmed down. The key was that she had to calm down.

The woman in front of him not only blocked her strange power attack with one hand, but also grabbed her wrist with her backhand and pinned her to the ground, forcing her to kneel on one knee.

While Tsunade was speaking, young Tsunade had exhausted all her skills and means to resist, and she even used her own unique power technique to its extreme.

But young Tsunade's resistance had no effect. No matter how hard she tried, it was completely offset by the opponent's greater strength and more ingenious techniques.

It was clear that there was no crack in the suppression, but the young Tsunade was not harmed in the slightest.

This method of being able to crush someone casually but using ten times the effort to avoid harm is a very clever skill, and the goodwill of the other party is also fully demonstrated.

Young Tsunade had to calm down and asked: "Who are you?"

Tsunade withdrew her right hand that was suppressing the young Tsunade, and smoothly pushed her blond hair to the back of her head, and said sternly: "I am Tsunade, from another ninja world ten years later."

"Although it's incredible, I have proof that I am you."

Tsunade casually wiped it on her forehead, and the diamond-shaped eyebrow emblem unfolded like flowing water, turning into a facial pattern similar to the pattern of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama Sage.

The chakra that had been accumulated for several years burst out, and violent but orderly fluctuations oppressed everyone present like a landslide or a tsunami.

Young Tsunade's expression changed drastically. This was her dream Ninja Technique: Creation and Rebirth.

No, more than that, the technique performed by the opponent has exceeded the limit of young Tsunade's imagination, and it seems to have really simulated part of the infinite recovery ability of his grandfather's sage mode.

She asked tremblingly: "This, this is not creation and regeneration, what kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Tsunade nodded and replied, "This is an advanced ninjutsu developed based on the accumulation of chakra in the Yin Seal, the art of creation and regeneration."

"I call it Ninjutsu, Creation and Regeneration, and the Hyakuho no Jutsu. It is an almighty recovery ninjutsu created based on the ninja's ability to not die on the battlefield in my grandfather's sage mode."

"Under this kind of ninjutsu, as long as my chakra is not exhausted, I will be immortal. The strange power technique is also an ordinary physical technique that can be used casually."

Tsunade did not continue to explain that during the past five years, she had further improved the Hyakuha no Jutsu, turning it from an out-of-control ninjutsu that could be unleashed or retracted to a completely controlled ninjutsu.

It not only solves the wasteful problem of excessive treatment of minor injuries by Bai Hao's Technique, but also solves the major problem of excessive consumption of chakra in intense battles, directly endangering lives.

This was all due to the reminders and help from [the system], which not only pointed out clear problems to her, but also gave her solutions.

Even the [System] itself has become a key part of controlling the art of Baihao.

The system uses Tsunade's brain for calculations, but the computing power and control it displays are beyond what Tsunade can match. It can perfectly control the details of Hyakuhao's treatment and save chakra to the greatest extent.

Moreover, Tsunade also found a way to advance to the level of Baihao Jutsu, which is to treat the damage that the enemy may cause in a targeted manner, and strive to treat the damage as soon as it occurs.

Under the most ideal condition, it can stop the enemy's attack damage to the epidermis, completely avoid damage to the dermis and muscle layers, and absolutely avoid damage to the internal organs and nervous system.

If this step can be achieved, any attack from the enemy will not be able to cause any damage, and the amount of chakra consumed will be minimized.

Even the nature of Baihao's Jutsu has changed. It will no longer be a healing ninjutsu, but an absolute defensive ninjutsu, or it can be called the Wanhao Golden Body.

The ability Tsunade displayed was so shocking that young Tsunade was stunned by the shock, and her mind was filled with thoughts such as "I can actually do this", "How to do it", "I will be so powerful in the future".

She no longer doubted the other party's identity. After all, the abilities displayed by the other party were all thoughts hidden in her own mind, many of which Orochimaru and Jiraiya didn't know.

There are even many ideas that I have never thought of. After seeing the other party's display, I found that they are so logical. As long as I give myself a few more years, I will most likely think of them.

So this "old woman" should really be herself, herself ten years from now.

You can't blame young Tsunade for slandering herself in her heart. Tsunade ten years later is too dazzling. Her strength is so powerful, her wisdom is so profound, and her temperament is so noble and noble.

The most outrageous thing is that her skin is so delicate, and her mind... is so unforgivable, it is simply a crime!

Young Tsunade discovered that she was nothing but youthful.

Tsunade saw everything from her younger self's eyes and couldn't help but laugh. It turned out that she was so cute when she was young.

My younger self was actually cuter than Shizune, but not as reliable as Shizune.

Suddenly, she turned to look at Kato Dan, and saw him stroking his head, groaning and standing up.

Young Tsunade said in surprise: "Jan! You are finally back!"

Mumu Gongdao also breathed a sigh of relief, immediately stood beside his old comrade, and whispered: "You finally woke up."

Kato Dan endured his headache and frowned: "We have to retreat. The Iwagakure ninja who met Hanzo is the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and some mysterious people are showing Hanzo the way, leading him to come straight to us."

Mokume Kōtō and young Tsunade were shocked: "We will retreat immediately!"

Young Tsunade turned to look at herself ten years later and asked after a slight hesitation: "Do you want to go back with me?"

Tsunade smiled and said: "Hanzo has arrived, you go first, I will stop him."

Young Tsunade said anxiously: "This is too dangerous, how could it be possible..."

Tsunade stretched out her hand to stop her and explained: "The purpose of my coming to this world is to avoid the recurrence of the tragedy of Dan's death. Now that Hanzo is here, Dan's safety problem has not been solved, and I can't just leave."

She said with great confidence: "And I'm not you. As a young person, I really want to have another fight with the old guy Hanzo."

"In my world, by the time I had full wings, Hanzo had already been killed, leaving me unable to find a target even if I wanted to vent my anger."

"I happened to bump into him today, how could I miss such a good opportunity?"

"Konoha Sannin? Humph!"

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