I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 322 Tsunade is also systematic

It wasn't until Orochimaru came closer because of worry that he couldn't even restrain his murderous intent, that Tsunade raised her head and showed a face full of tears.

Orochimaru's heart skipped a beat when he saw Tsunade's face.

This face is indeed Tsunade's face, but this ninja is definitely not Tsunade. Tsunade definitely does not have such a mature and steady temperament, let alone such a fierce...

But before Orochimaru had time to attack, Tsunade jumped three feet high, stabbed Orochimaru in the head with her finger, and hit him dizzy.

Answer Orochimaru's question?

What a bullshit answer!

Now it was time for her, Tsunade, to question Orochimaru. Why was it the turn of this guy who had made a big mistake to ask questions?

Tsunade put her left hand on her hips and pointed her right hand like a sword. She pointed at Orochimaru and asked, "Asshole Orochimaru, I handed my brother over to you. Is this how you protect him?"

Orochimaru was speechless: "I..."

Tsunade's eyes widened and she was so frightened that Orochimaru shut his mouth: "You still want to quibble?"

"My younger brother is the last direct descendant of my grandfather, the First Hokage, and the last direct descendant of the Senju clan. How dare you relax your protection of him on the front lines of the war?"

"If I hadn't arrived in time just now, would the rope tree be blown to death by the trap?"

"If I come a little later, will Rope Tree die in the trap?"

"Orochimaru! If the rope tree dies, will you be worthy of me? Are you worthy of the Leaf Village?"

Every question was accompanied by a powerful and heavy thrust of the finger, which made Orochimaru stunned.

Although Orochimaru in the Second Ninja War was relatively weak and far less mature than in the next war, Tsunade's attacks were not ferocious and her speed was average. She could definitely dodge as long as she dodged.

But Orochimaru, who felt guilty, did not hide. He even felt that being treated like this by Tsunade, who was scolded and beaten, the pain in his heart would be relieved a lot, and there would be no such burning feeling.

And compared to the fingers driven by strange power, Orochimaru was more afraid of Tsunade's questions, every sentence he was completely unable to answer.

The more Tsunade spoke, the more Orochimaru felt guilty, but strangely he also felt a sense of relief.

Especially after Naoshu calmed down, he hugged his sister's thigh. While shedding tears of fear, he pretended to be strong to comfort his sister and help his teacher defend himself.

"Sister, it's not Orochimaru-sensei's fault."

"I was too careless and acted recklessly. It was me who was in the wrong. If my sister wants to be beaten or scolded, just hit me and scold me!"

Tsunade's eyes squinted, and the terrifying murderous aura caused Naoki's voice to disappear immediately, and she stayed in place with her mouth open.

The woman with blond hair and twin tails exuded amazing charm and hellish fury. She said in the softest voice: "Rose Tree, you asked for this."

Then there was a crackling, and in a blink of an eye the rope tree turned into a pig's head, lying on the ground with its butt raised high, its mouth and eyes were so swollen that it could not open at all, and it could only cry silently.

Orochimaru's doubts about Tsunade's identity have long since disappeared. Who else but Tsunade can question Orochimaru so confidently and beat the rope tree so skillfully?

Looking at the landing point of the fist, every time it landed accurately on the most sensitive part of the rope tree, the power of the punch was just right to swell the skin without damaging the muscles and bones.

This must be a skill that can only be honed from childhood to adulthood.

Tsunade finished beating the rope tree and her anger had mostly dissipated, but she wasn't done yet.

"Orochimaru! You said that seeing the death of your parents gave you a deep understanding of the fragility of life? You are so enlightened!"

"If you were really serious about life, would you relax on the front line?"

"I know you feel aggrieved. Someone has figured out all your habits and taken advantage of your loopholes..."

"so what?"

Tsunade stared at Orochimaru fiercely, making him tremble with fear, and then said one word at a time: "If it weren't for me! The rope tree would be dead right under your nose!"


The blood on Orochimaru's face suddenly faded, and his face turned as white as a dead person, even glowing with a cyan death aura.

His whole body was trembling, but the murderous aura was so strong that he couldn't dissipate it.

At this moment, Tsunade suddenly grabbed the rope tree, then pushed her brother to Orochimaru's side, and said loudly: "Don't say I didn't give you a chance, Orochimaru, the rope tree is your disciple , you protect him for me!"

Orochimaru's pupils opened, like a Chinese garden cat eating watermelon for the first time. He stared blankly at Tsunade, but his hand was immediately placed on the shoulder of the rope tree.

Although he didn't grab it hard, the veins on the back of his hand were bulging.

Seeing Orochimaru's performance, Tsunade nodded with satisfaction and said, "Don't let me down again, Orochimaru."

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Orochimaru looked at her back and asked in a hoarse voice: "Tsunade, what are you going to do?"

Tsunade waved her hand: "I will go after the person who set the trap, and I will let him die!"

Orochimaru's eyes became confused, but in the end he said nothing and did not catch up with Tsunade. Instead, he held tightly to Naoki who wanted to catch up.

"You just accidentally injured your sister, are you going to be willful again?"

"Rose Tree, you still have missions and responsibilities. You are already a ninja and you are no longer qualified to be willful!"

"Now, follow me to complete the mission and then go back!"

Listening to Orochimaru's scolding of the rope tree from a distance, Tsunade smiled. She actually believed in Orochimaru's ability and believed that he could protect the rope tree.

This time it was an accident, but it was a targeted conspiracy. Orochimaru and Naoki were targeted.

Tsunade's eyes became sharp, she didn't just arrive.

Because Uchiha Yuu specifically left her a month's lead time, she arrived at the scene of the incident fifteen days in advance and witnessed with her own eyes how the four ninjas who set up traps carefully designed and placed the traps.

Seeing the Orochimaru information they brought out, Tsunade was so shocked that everyone was dumbfounded.

Someone could actually get such detailed information. They could even tell clearly about Orochimaru's observation habits and flaws in his trap judgment skills.

She even believed that if these ninjas chose Orochimaru as their target, they might be able to succeed, or at least injure Orochimaru.

The ninja who doesn't have any identity marks or wears a forehead protector is so awesome, he completely masters Orochimaru.

Tsunade did not take down these ninjas on the spot, because her first purpose was to protect the safety of the rope tree, not to take down these enemies.

But she didn't want to let her enemies go, so she improvised some medicinal powder and sprinkled it on them in the wind.

These medicinal powders are colorless and odorless, and have no harmful effects. They will only stimulate the body's epidermal cells after a few days, causing the pores to secrete slightly more oil.

Then these oils will contain some special proteins, which combine with human sweat and transform into a secret smell that is invisible to humans.

But Tsunade had a way to use another spray medicine to make these gases visible and track the traces of these ninjas.

Now, she had saved the life of the rope tree. After Orochimaru was stimulated, he had a clear understanding of the rope tree's condition, and his brother's safety was guaranteed.

It's time to go after those enemies, identify them, and make those who murdered your brother pay the price.

Among the Konoha Sannin, Tsunade has never been known for her strong fighting ability, but that's just because Orochimaru and Jiraiya are too strong, not that Tsunade is too weak.

Especially now that Tsunade has been in Konoha for 46 years, her tactical system has been perfected and matured, and her physical condition is at the peak of her prime. Her strength is not comparable to that of Orochimaru or Jiraiya who have been in Konoha for 32 years.

Perhaps in the current Konoha Village, only the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and Hatake Sakumo can be slightly better than Tsunade, but in a life and death fight, Tsunade is also sure to kill two shadow-level ninjas.

After all, she has completed her final secret technique: Ninja Art, Creation and Regeneration, and the Art of Hundred Hao

With this technique, Tsunade can achieve "ninja never dies in battle", can use desperate tactics unscrupulously, and can die with the enemy without any scruples.

Then the enemy dies and she lives.

Tsunade traced the traces of her preparation of the medicinal powder, and the further she walked, the more she felt disheartened, because the traces pointed directly to the Leaf Village without any twists and turns.

Less than a hundred kilometers away from Konoha Village, Tsunade finally caught up with this group of ninjas.

They were resting, drinking water and taking soldiers' food pills, and the number of them increased to eight.

These ninjas wore Konoha-style blouses, forehead protectors engraved with the Konoha emblem, and masks with complex patterns, clearly showing their identities.

A true ninja that belongs exclusively to Danzo Shimura.

Tsunade's hands were trembling, and she could only bite her teeth as hard as she could to avoid fighting out of anger.

The person who wants to kill the tree is actually a root ninja, Danzo Shimura. So how deeply is her teacher, the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, involved?

Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Third Hokage, and theoretically nothing about Konoha Village can be hidden from him.

But he later did not pursue Danzo Shimura's crime, at least he did not punish Danzo openly and forcefully.

In other words, either Sarutobi Hiruzen is a waste, and he didn't know that Shimura Danzo was the murderer of Naoki from the beginning to the end.

Either Sarutobi Hiruzen found out later, but out of "overall interests" considerations, let Shimura Danzo go.


It was Sarutobi Hiruzen who gave Will to Village Danzo and did it!

For some reason, Tsunade actually imagined her teacher in the worst possible situation.

This can't be blamed on Tsunade, it was Sarutobi Hiruzen who preached the spirit of fire every day, and said every day that those who hurt Konoha ninjas were traitorous ninjas, but he did the exact opposite.

After all, the existing evidence proves that either he spared Shimura Danzo who killed Naoki, or he ordered the killing of Naoki.

Tsunade shuddered at the thought of such a person speaking such righteous words every day.

How much respect she had for Hiruzen Sarutobi in the past, but now she felt such a strong sense of nausea and completely uncontrollable hatred!

At this moment, Tsunade's emotion reached its peak and she activated the mark on the back of her right hand. Countless runes spread out from the back of her hand, almost covering her entire right arm.

At the same time, a voice sounded in Tsunade's mind:

[Emotional anger reaches the threshold, the ninja auxiliary system is activated, and the system data is initialized, please wait. 】

Such an abrupt change shocked Tsunade. It immediately calmed down her emotions that were on the verge of explosion due to hatred, and also allowed her brain that was so angry to regain her ability to think.

[Information initialization completed...]

[Data analysis completed...]

[Conclusion: Nawaki’s death is determined to be a conspiracy, and the probability of Shimura Danzo being the murderer is 99.7%. 】

[The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen has a 100% chance of knowing. 】

[The probability of murder planned by the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is 7.5%. 】

[Host Tsunade, do you want to listen to the system’s advice? 】

Tsunade was stunned. She was stunned for a while, and then asked carefully: "Are you the system? The system that Uchiha Yuu said?"

【Yes. 】

[This system was created by Uchiha Yu as an auxiliary system dedicated to administration and human psychology analysis. 】

"what can you do?"

[Assist the host to collect intelligence, analyze the political and economic situation, and give suggestions. 】

Tsunade asked, "What is your suggestion?"

[Collect evidence and then retreat. 】

[After waiting for five years, resolve the death crisis of Kato Dan, contact Hatake Sakumo through Kato Dan, and wait until the White Fang incident breaks out before officially launching an attack! 】

Tsunade was immediately tempted, but she still had a trace of reason, so she said: "System, your suggestion is contrary to what Uchiha Yuu warned me, not to interfere too much in the past and not to establish too close relationships with people from the past. "

[The principle of this system's suggestions is based on the host's wishes, rather than executing the creator's will. 】

Tsunade was happy, this was good.

If this system suggested that she ignore this matter and prioritize the successful return to the original time, I am afraid that she would be aroused to be rebellious.

Tsunade will probably take action immediately to capture these ninjas.

Then he took the prisoners and evidence regardless, went directly to the Hokage Building of Konoha Village, and demanded an explanation from the Third Hokage.

But the system's advice really suited her, and she either quit or never did it.

As long as you endure for a few years, you can bring this matter into the light of day and figure it out thoroughly. He can also truly understand the Third Hokage, whether he is an incompetent wimp or a black-hearted hypocrite.

Tsunade made a decision quickly, and she asked: "System, what kind of evidence can you collect?"

[The evidence that the system has collected so far is as follows:]

[The entire process of setting traps by Root Ninja can be played in the form of a video. 】

[The dialogue between Root Ninja discussing the failed assassination of the Rope Tree can be played in the form of a video. 】

[In the second piece of evidence, the root ninja clearly mentioned that they were acting under orders, and that failure to act would disappoint Shimura Danzo and other words. 】

Tsunade nodded, lost in thought.

Until the root ninja rested and set off towards the Leaf Village again, Tsunade just watched quietly and did not launch an attack.

Although she didn't speak, her actions made her decision very clear.

[The host has made a decision and is destined to establish an effective connection with this time and space in the future. Therefore, there is no need to hide in a no-man's land for the next few years. You can contact the Thousand Hands Clan as needed. 】

Tsunade was startled by the system's additional suggestions and couldn't help but ask: "Is it really okay? Is there really no problem with me being active like this?"

[According to the data information of this system, the host saved Rope Tree's life, but it does not mean that Rope Tree avoided the fate of death when the host was there. 】

[Your behavior means that this time and space has become independent and has severed direct connection with the time and space where the host lives, becoming two parallel different time and spaces. 】

[No matter what you do now, it will not have a negative impact on yourself. 】

Tsunade understood, but she also heard something wrong, so she asked again: "It won't affect me, which means it will still affect me. Could it be..."

[Yes, based on the available data, it is Uchiha Yuu, the creator of this system, who is responsible for the consequences of your actions splitting space and time. 】

Tsunade was stunned. This system betrayed its creator without hesitation. It was so... so trustworthy.

Tsunade couldn't help but laugh when she thought of Uchiha Yu who was in trouble and was checking with confusion, but was completely confused.

When she had laughed enough, the negative emotions in her heart dissipated.

She said to herself: "In that case, I will go find a place first, have a good drink, soak in a hot spring, clean myself, and then go find the old guys in the family."

"After the Rope Tree died, all of them were as wilted as dry leaves. Now the Rope Tree has survived the attack. I believe the old guys will move."

Loulan Secret Realm is gone.

Just a few minutes ago, when Uchiha Yu was about to put animals into experiments again, time ripples suddenly appeared at the gate of the world.

In just a few seconds, the time ripples developed into shocks, and then exploded.

Just as Miwa Masashi was most worried about, the huge explosion was more powerful than the last time, and the explosion range exceeded the area of ​​the secret realm.

In the end, the huge explosion power tore apart the dome of Loulan Secret Realm, and the power of time contained in the explosion eliminated the time dislocation that had increased to 15 seconds.

The secret realm of Loulan disappeared.

Fortunately, in the past few months, the time offset in Loulan Secret Realm has increased from just over 7 seconds to a full 15 seconds, and the power of the big explosion has been consumed to a certain extent.

The explosive storm that broke through Loulan's secret realm no longer had much power. It only shattered the remaining glass in the ruins of Loulan, set off a momentary strong wind of level 12, and created a cloud of dust that spread for more than ten kilometers.

Fortunately, there are not many people in Loulan Kingdom now, so the impact of this storm is very small.

Only the Uchiha ninjas who were recruited by Uchiha Yu for construction were startled by the unexpected incident, and the children of the Snow Clan in the nearby Snow Village saw the dust.

But Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi were frightened. They teleported outside the secret realm when the explosion occurred, but they did not escape the fate of being disgraced.

After returning to Loulan Kingdom again, Miwa Masashi asked in shock: "Yu, what happened, nya? Or did you do some dangerous experiment, nya?"

"Can you please not do a surprise attack next time, meow? All my babies will be destroyed, meow."

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