I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 297 The Ninja Sword is indeed interesting and deserves my seriousness.

Just when the Kirigakure ninja was suspicious, Uchiha Yu took the opportunity to look at Matt Dai.

He directly ordered: "Senior Dai, you can retreat with the others."

Matt Day said: "Uchiha Clan Chief, let me stay and help you. I am confident that I can still help you. I can at least kill one or two more enemies."

Uchiha Itachi shook his head and said: "It's not necessary, Senior Dai, I have already checked your body clearly, and I also understand the eight armor-hiding techniques."

"If you stay and continue fighting, you will die regardless of whether the death door is opened or not."

"The most important thing is that the four of you staying here will prevent me from fully displaying my fighting power."

"Senior Dai, you should understand this. If Kai and the others obey and leave, you will be able to use your tricks to your heart's content just now, and the power will be greater, and more than one enemy will die."

Uchiha Yu's last words were very convincing. Matt Dai no longer struggled with the issue of his retreat. After all, he felt deeply that his son and the other two teenagers would not leave, causing trouble to him.

He nodded and said: "Okay, Uchiha leader, I will take them away."

Uchiha Yu actually thanked: "Senior Dai, thank you for your understanding."

While the Kirigakure ninjas on the other side were suspicious, Kushimaru Kuri's face finally stopped bleeding.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he wrapped all the wounds with bandages, and then took out a new mask from nowhere to protect his face.

But just as he was doing this, he noticed that the terrifying Konoha Taijutsu genin had left, and he was leaving with three young genin.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen did not try to stop it, and the remaining six Kirigakure Jōnin all shut their mouths and did not dare to speak anymore.

Because Uchiha Yu turned around and turned his attention to them again.

Just now, the seven Ninja Swordsmen were talking a lot, but they did not attack. It was not because they were hesitant or soft-hearted.

They all have a feeling that as long as they attack, they will be dead.

And for some reason, they were even more certain that if they escaped, they would definitely become the enemy's primary target and would definitely die.

When Uchiha Yu turned his back to them, he suppressed them and did not dare to take action. Now that he turned around, all six Kirigakure ninjas felt their hearts skip a beat.

The death alarm jumped wildly in the heart, and everyone couldn't help but tremble.

Seeing that none of the six people dared to speak, Uchiha Yu smiled: "What did you just say about me? Is it too exaggerated compared to the first Hokage Senju Hashirama?"

"It's very interesting, but judging from your age, you must have never seen the First Hokage. Why don't you experience for yourselves how the First Hokage beat people..."

Loquat Juzo bit his tongue, got rid of his fear and asked, "What do you mean?"

Uchiha Yuu released a massive amount of Wooden Release Chakra from his body, and at the same time outputted an equal amount of the natural energy of the Five Spirits, which was mixed with the Wooden Release Chakra to form the Wooden Release Senju Chakra.

The Kirigakure ninjas could not feel the natural energy. In their feelings, Uchiha Yu's chakra fluctuations expanded twice.

The first time was already grander than they had ever felt before, but the second time it completely exceeded the feeling brought to them by the tailed beast, reaching an incomprehensible height.

Then a soft chant penetrated the ears of the six Kirigakure ninjas and went straight into their brains: "Immortal Technique, Wood Release, and the Birth of the Tree Realm."

The ground shook and the forest came to life.

Uchiha Yu used the Wood Release Ninja Technique and suddenly found that his consumption was far less than he thought.

In the woods they were in, every big tree was able to echo with the Wood Release Chakra, directly changing the birthing technique of the Tree Realm, changing the effect of stimulating the birth of new big trees into activating existing big trees. .

When these big trees absorbed the Wooden Chakra, they transformed into terrifying ninjutsu creations.

The trunk of the big tree became more than ten times thicker, and the branches all over the body became even thicker, and as flexible as octopus tentacles, it rolled towards the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

At the same time, the roots of the underground trees were unwilling to break through the soil and beat the Kirigakure ninjas running around.

In addition to chasing and beating branches and roots, wooden thorns sprouted from the big trees, poking the enemy like spears.

The leaves at the ends of the branches fell, scattering like shurikens at the enemy.

In the blink of an eye, all the seven ninja swordsmen in Kirigakure Village were injured, and their lives were in danger.

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Demon wielded his giant sword, Samehada, and cut off the branches that were chasing him. The Samehada that automatically devoured chakra screamed in pain, and vomited again.

Obviously these branches contain senjutsu chakra, which is a dangerous thing that Samehada cannot eat.

Not only that, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon also discovered that Samehada's own chakra was being lost, being plundered by the surrounding branches and roots.

Then he discovered that his chakra was also being plundered by the Wooden Escape Creation. Although the speed was not very fast, it was enough to scare him.

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost yelled: "These trees are robbing chakra, fight back, fight back now, or we will die!"

He hung the Great Sword Shark on his back and quickly formed seals with his hands.

Water Release·Big Explosion Water Wave

A huge amount of sea water spurted from his mouth and rushed towards the branches and roots that attacked him.

Faced with the strong impact of the sea water, a large number of branches were broken by tree roots, and broken wood chips were scattered in the water.

The watermelon mountain blowfish ghost has so much chakra that it can forcefully create a wave in the terrifying forest.

Seeing this wave, other Kirigakure ninjas also became furious, and they all cooperated and launched the same ninjutsu.

The superposition of six consecutive large waves really created an open space and a body of water in the forest.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen then gathered on this water area, and with the help of each other's mutual support, they launched increasingly powerful water escape ninjutsu.

But soon, Loquat Juuzang discovered the problem: "Something is wrong. Our ninjutsu is becoming more and more powerful, but why can't the gap be opened at all?"

Just when the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was about to say something, Uchiha Yu suddenly appeared in front of them.

He smiled and said: "The Kirigakure Village is so afraid of the First Hokage, but they don't know much about Wood Release."

"Logically speaking, Wood Escape is the product of the changes in chakra properties of Earth Escape and Water Escape, and the final fusion."

"Whether this is true or not, we won't say for now. You should know that Wood Escape itself contains the characteristics of Water Escape."

"Even if you don't know this truth, you should think of common sense, right? Big trees need water to grow. If water escape attacks wood escape, will it cause an increase in wood escape?"

Uchiha Yu stretched out his right hand, snapped his fingers, and said, "Of course I can."

Just under the water, countless branches and roots swarmed up, instantly drowning all the Kirigakure ninjas.

In fact, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen knew about it, but they were not good at other escape techniques, so they carefully used chakra to transform sea water instead of using ordinary fresh water to perform water escape.

Unfortunately, the big tree created by Uchiha Yuu's Wood Release is not an ordinary big tree. Sea water can also be absorbed and used at will.

The Kirigakure jounin no longer used crazy water attacks, but waved their ninja swords, stimulating special effects such as lightning, piercing, cutting, chopping, etc., in their last and craziest resistance.

Black Hoe Lei Ya shouted crazily: "Cover me, I'll use my ultimate move!"

No need to answer, the remaining Seven Ninja Swordsmen immediately surrounded him in the center, buying him time.

Black Hoe Raiya raised the two thunder knives high and fired his chakra into the sky through the thunder knives.

This was a very consuming operation. In just ten seconds, less than half of his chakra was consumed.

But the effect was also very significant. A group of dark clouds actually gathered in the sky, blocking the bright sunshine.

Black Hoe Lei Ya looked at the thunderous dark clouds with a smile on his lips.

Muuri Jinpachi's ninja sword is the clumsiest, and it is difficult to defend against the wooden attack. At this time, he has been penetrated by wooden thorns twice in a row.

Seeing Black Hoe Lei Ya smiling, he couldn't help shouting anxiously: "Hurry up, I can't hold on any longer!"

Black Hoe Raiga's good mood was interrupted. He wanted to say something to express his dissatisfaction, but he saw Kushimaru Kurihara, who was using a long knife to sew needles, suddenly fell down, and his body was directly pierced by a branch.

As Kuritari Kushimaru fell, a large hole was torn open in the defense circle of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and countless branches and roots swarmed in.

Black Hoe Lei Ya was so frightened that his dissatisfaction disappeared immediately, and he hurriedly inserted two thunder knives into the water.

Thunder Sword Technique·Thunder Gate


The moment the thunder knife was inserted, streaks of lightning fell from the dark clouds, forming a dense minefield with a diameter of more than two hundred meters with the thunder knife as the center.

In this minefield, only the few meters in the center where the thunder knife is located are safe.

Countless lightning struck, first the tall trees were struck by lightning, thunder and explosions roared, purple lightning and fire appeared everywhere.

Along with the explosion of lightning, large trees fell down and caught fire.

As the big tree fell, countless branches and roots lost their cover and were struck by lightning.

Flexible branches and roots are rich in water. As long as they are struck by lightning, the internal water will evaporate instantly, causing a violent explosion.

In the dense explosion, sawdust and broken branches flew into the sky, and the Kirigakure ninjas suddenly felt safe.

However, Wood Release and Tree Realm Advent is the most suitable ninjutsu for crushing cannon fodder. As long as it cannot cause effective damage to a large area, no matter how hard the ninja struggles, it will be of no avail.

The damage caused by lightning strikes is great, but the scale and degree of destruction are still quite different.

Although many big trees fell down and countless branches and roots were broken, more trunks, branches and roots emerged from the ground and poured in from the outside.

The layers of tall trees continued to grow, tightly surrounding the Kirigakure ninjas, squeezing and suppressing them little by little, and even the sky was gradually closing.

Loquat Juzo became anxious and shouted: "Black Hoe Thunder Fang, don't think about saving chakra, use all your strength, use the most powerful ninjutsu, otherwise it will be too late!"

Black Hoe Lei Ya also noticed that the sky was getting smaller and smaller. He finally turned red-eyed and reached out to pull out the thunder knife, gritting his teeth and inserting it into his body.


The thunder knife entered his body, and the thunder merged with the chakra in Black Hoe Thunder Fang's body, causing him to enter a lightning state, but the severe pain caused caused him to scream.

But the high-voltage lightning penetrated directly into the body. In other words, Black Hoe Lei Ya was undergoing continuous electrocution.

Electrocution is the most cruel punishment, because unlike other torture methods, the pain cannot be reduced as the nerves are numbed. The electricity itself can directly stimulate the nerves, causing the pain to increase over time.

Black Hoe Lei Ya screamed and opened his hands, and hundreds of lightning bolts spread out from his hands, directly hitting the branches and roots close to them.

Under the conscious operation of the ninja, the attack efficiency of lightning is much higher than that of random lightning.

The energy of lightning is huge. As long as it can hit the fork of a branch, a bolt of lightning can destroy more than a dozen branches, and even affect the trunk of the tree where it originated.

Especially after peeling off a large number of branches, a bolt of lightning directly hits the trunk, which can split the tree with ten people hugging it and set it on fire. I don't know how many branches and roots will be damaged along with it.

And guiding and releasing lightning is just a prelude, the real ninjutsu has just begun.

Thunder Escape·Sky-Splitting Thunder Snake

Accompanied by the howl of the Black Hoe Thunder Fang, hundreds of small snakes emerged from his body. Each small snake was densely covered with lightning and looked like the Raikage entering the Thunder Escape Chakra Mode.

The speed of these little snakes is so fast that it exceeds the ninja's ability to visually capture them.

The thunder snake nimbly swam among the branches and roots, followed the flow of Wood Release Chakra, rushed directly to the roots of the big tree, and then blew up the towering tree.

The attack efficiency of the thunder escape ninjutsu, Sky-Splitting Thunder Snake, is higher than that of controllable lightning.

Since Razer's tracking and attack are automatic and does not require Black Hoe's own control, it destroyed 400 towering trees in 3 seconds.

The structure of the Razer Technique that completed the attack disintegrated, but the energy was not exhausted. It was then transformed into a thunder rapier and attacked the nearest node where chakra was gathered.

As a result, hundreds more trees fell.

With just one round of attacks, thousands of trees fell down in the forest surrounding the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. The dense encirclement was pushed back dozens of meters, and the tree canopy that blocked the sky was cleared away.

After the fierce attack, Black Hoe Thunder Fang's chakra consumption was huge, making him feel deeply exhausted.

Fortunately, most of the lightning transmitted by the thunder knife was consumed, and the pain of the electric shock was also relieved. He lay on the water and panted wildly.

Loquat Juuzang was overjoyed and praised: "Black Hoe Thunder Fang, the Thunder Fang you control is indeed the most powerful one in attack. You are worthy of being the pride of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. We are saved!"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost also praised: "The Thunder Sword Fang is great, but the Black Hoe Thunder Fang's Thunder Escape is even better. It's not even you who can't use this Ninja Sword well."

Among the seven Ninja Swordsmen, the two of them are recognized as the strongest. With the praise of these two elite jounin, the status of the third member of the Black Hoe Thunder Fang is no longer controversial.

The other three people also opened their mouths to praise, and even the chinless Kurihara Kushimaru raised his thumb, trying his best to express his praise.

At this critical moment of life and death, if you want to save your own life, you need Black Hoe Lei Ya to fight tooth and nail. It is natural to praise him.

There is no Kirigakure ninja who is not clear-headed and is at odds with Black Hoe Raiga at this critical moment.

Even Uchiha Yu applauded him: "It's really good. I didn't care about this ninja sword before, but I didn't expect it to be quite interesting after playing with it."

"As expected, ninja swords and the like are just props. The real power is the ninja himself."

"But these 7 ninja swords are quite interesting. My harvest today is quite good."

Muuri Jinpachi said angrily: "Asshole, do you think that the seven of us Ninja Swordsmen are dead?"

Uchiha Yu asked in surprise: "Do you think you can still survive? Moreover, one of you has already died..."

Tongcao Yebairen retorted: "That loser who was beaten to death by genin, he is not worthy of being a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen."

Loquat Juuzang sneered: "Mudun is the blood successor limit of the Senju clan, and it was actually used by you, an Uchiha ninja. Does the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village know?"

Uchiha was happy: "It's so childish to sow discord."

"I use the wooden shield so openly, do you think the Fourth Hokage doesn't know?"

Seeing that the provocation failed, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost said: "Uchiha Yuu, your Wood Release Ninjutsu is indeed very powerful, but it has been broken by the Black Hoe Thunder Tooth. If you want to kill the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, you should use yours." The true ability of the Uchiha family!"

Uchiha Yu looked at the mountain of meat in surprise, thought for a moment and then said: "Do you want me to use the Sharingan, and then you use the Kirigakure Jutsu to cover your escape?"

"You guys in Kirigakure Village are really petty for playing such a childish trick."

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost was immediately speechless and didn't know what to say.

The other Kirigakure ninjas didn't know what to say, so they could only raise the ninja swords in their hands.

Black Hoe Raiga, who had just burst into success, was panting and gradually subsided. His self-confidence skyrocketed and he said: "Uchiha Yuu, if your Wood Release Ninjutsu was only of this level, you would be the one who died here today! "

As soon as he finished speaking, as his chakra soared into the sky, a thick bolt of lightning fell from the dark clouds and connected to the lightning ninja.

The pain of the electric shock made Black Hoe Lei Ya's face distorted, and the fullness and power of the lightning energy made his self-confidence explode.

Black Hoe Lei Ya yelled: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It hurts so much!! I'm going to kill you, Uchiha Yuu!!"

Uchiha Yuu just shook his head. Amidst the roar of thunder, his voice was unhurried and clearly conveyed to everyone's heart.

"The Kirigakure Village is really in decline. The seven selected Ninja Swordsmen are so ignorant that after resisting the basic attack of Mu Dun, they thought Mu Dun was easy."

"Don't you think about it, can the destructive power of the Thunder Release Ninjutsu just now be really comparable to the power of your second-generation Mizukage's steaming danger?"

"And if Mu Dun is so simple, why did he conquer the five major ninja villages back then?"

"I'm going to be a little more serious and let you have a little taste of the style of the first Hokage."

Uchiha Yuu's expression became more serious, and more majestic chakra and natural energy emitted from his body, which was mixed into senjutsu chakra and injected into the earth.

As the Senjutsu chakra spreads, new shoots sprouted from the broken branches, broken roots, and even the burning tree trunks.

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