I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 134 The collapse of the Kirigakure ninja clan begins today

Collision, falling into the water, shattering, countless ice fragments splashed, forming ice mist in the air, completely covering Wan She's body, hiding this picture of collapse.

But Ling's expression suddenly turned livid. Before the collapse occurred, he heard a dull explosion and saw a cloud of white smoke erupting in the ice, which was a sign that the psychic spell was lifted.

Orochimaru was not dead, nor was he frozen. He released the psychic state of his psychic beast in time and sent it back to Ryūchi Cave.

In the ice mist flying all over the sky, Orochimaru's hoarse voice said: "It's really a very powerful ice escape. I was almost killed by you."

"Really, it's just a little bit short of 100 million."

Ninja Technique: Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes

Ling, whose hands and feet were so weak, noticed the abnormal changes under his feet, but he was unable to avoid it. He was bitten by a poisonous snake that suddenly appeared on his ankle. Then countless poisonous snakes circled up, submerging this beautiful ninja in the slippery scales. , and soon disappeared together with the venomous snake.

I don’t know if he was swallowed by Orochimaru’s snake, or was poisoned by poison and became Orochimaru’s test subject.

Probably, the latter is more likely.

But no matter what, Ling, the Ice Release Messenger, no longer exists in the ninja world.

The Third Raikage laughed loudly, it was great, he had just been worried, Orochimaru killed this ninja for him, it really saved a lot of trouble.

Then the muscular old man looked at his feet and said with a sinister smile: "Snake-skin boy is very capable, I can't lag behind."

"Die, Bones Boy!"

Kaguya Ren suddenly felt that the sea surface behind him became extremely hard, and the pressure on his chest suddenly increased. The bone armor in his body rattled, and death was close at hand.

Facing death, Kaguya Ren could no longer care about the backlash from the corpse veins, and exploded with all his strength.

Corpse Veins·Dance of Dandelions

Although it has a frivolous name, it is one of the highest secret techniques of the Kaguya family. It is a powerful secret technique that can be compared with Hayabari's Dance, and its power is definitely not bad.

Countless white bone sprouts penetrated Kaguya Ren's skin and clothes, growing crazily and savagely strangling everything they touched, just like real life.

Although the bone sprouts could not break through the Third Raikage's skin, they bound his big feet so that he could not continue to exert downward force. Moreover, the bone sprout, centered on the Third Raikage, quickly grew into a bone ball that wrapped him, and then developed a stronger stem from the bone ball, and then grew into a huge bony dandelion.

When the dandelion is blown by the wind, countless seeds fly away like snowflakes and scatter everywhere. People and fish who are touched are cut by the sharp dandelion seeds.

But the scary thing is that after being cut and stimulated by the contaminated blood, the dandelion seeds fell to the ground and took root and sprouted, repeating the growth process of the original dandelion.

Fortunately, the ninjas saw the process of the Third Raikage being trapped. Everyone ran away like monkeys, except for those Kirigakure ninjas who were seriously injured. Because they could not move, they could only look at the bones of Dandelion. Growing, screaming and being wrapped into a bone ball.

Unlike the Third Raikage, after they were wrapped in bone balls, their screams became even more shrill, and the stems that developed on the bone balls were blood red. Everyone knew that the bone dandelion was sucking the blood of the unlucky ninja.

When the red dandelions grew red seeds, the screams disappeared completely.

At this moment, dense lightning exploded on the bone ball that trapped the Third Raikage, and the Third Raikage's voice also came out. He shouted violently: "Hell Thrust·Shibon Kanshou!"

A hand wrapped in blue lightning penetrated the bone ball, and finally the entire Third Raikage rushed out of the bone ball. As he broke through, the first bone dandelion collapsed and fell because its foundation was damaged.

What is unexpected is that other red dandelions that developed suddenly turned white or gray, and then collapsed and fell.

This technique that seemed to be able to expand infinitely and multiply forever came to an end.

The Third Raikage suppressed the electric light all over his body and turned to look at the bone ball floating on the sea. A skinny hand touched the hole punched by the Third Raikage, and Kaguya Ren slowly walked out of the hole.

But at this time, no one recognized him. His body was completely skinny, his hair was pale and sparse, his skin was sagging, his teeth were falling out, and even his eyes had become cloudy, and he seemed to have lost his vision.

But the most shocking thing was that there was a big hole in his abdomen, which was completely penetrated. The internal organs and flesh in the abdomen were hollowed out, and even the spine was broken.

If you look closely, you will find that his body is supported by bone armor on his left and right waists.

The old Kaguya Ren asked unwillingly: "Raikage! How did you find me? How did you penetrate forty layers of bone walls and hit my body?"

The Third Raikage praised: "With good defense, you actually forced me to use the strongest spear. You are really amazing."

"The strongest spear? You, your title is the strongest shield, but you still hold the strongest spear?"

"Asshole, if I had known... I wouldn't have let you succeed..."

After getting the answer, Kaguya Ren lost his obsession. His head and body bent a little bit, and his voice became lower and lower. Before he could finish the last sentence, he let out a long sigh because his body bent and squeezed his lungs. He let out a long sigh and died.

At this moment, strong chakra fluctuations also erupted in the last battlefield. The AB combination of Yunyin Village finally knocked Gui Deng Shuoyue to the ground, forcing him to use the secret technique of water transformation again.

Of course, it's hard to say whether it was the immature AB combination that did it, or whether Gui Deng Shuo Yue panicked and wanted to escape when he saw his two rivals and companions being killed one after another.

But when it comes to the top thunderbolt ninjas among the Kumogakure ninjas, people from the Oniden clan use the secret technique of transforming water to try to merge into the sea and escape, which is a bit looked down upon.

Yes, the secret technique of turning water of the Oni Lan family has a special resistance configuration against thunder escape, but Kumogakure's AB combination is not an ordinary thunder escape master.

Seeing the enemy perform the secret technique of turning water, Ai Hebi did not hesitate at all, and started synchronized actions in tacit understanding. They condensed the thunder escape chakra all over their bodies, turned their bodies into indestructible terrifying weapons, and accelerated the attack on the enemy with extremely strong explosive power. The location of the water.

The tacit understanding allowed the two to complete the change of position facing each other without any communication, and simultaneously displayed their strongest joint ninjutsu.

Lei Dun·Jue Niu Thunder Plow Hot Knife

Two people use the Thunder Plow Hot Knife at the same time, placing the enemy in the center of the line connecting their positions. Each other can be attracted by the other's thunder and lightning, resulting in a doubled speed bonus.

Under such a relatively accelerated attack, no matter what kind of defense it is, it will be instantly defeated by Lei Dun.

Even if he was trying to escape for his life, Gui Deng Shuo Yue should not be so careless and indifferent to his position under the opponent's direct attack, and dare to turn into a puddle of water in front of him.

As a result, before the human-shaped Qing Shui completely hit the ground, he was hit by two lightning plow hot knives. The powerful impact caused Qing Shui to collapse, and the lightning protection water film covering the surface disappeared. Immediately afterwards, Gui Deng Shuo Yue appeared. Surrounded by lightning, he was knocked back to his human form from the water state.

At the next moment, Ghost Deng Shuoyue raised his hands and pointed his index fingers at the backs of the AB combination's heads. His chakra boiled rapidly, and he was ready for the Water Release and Iron Water Cannon techniques.

This is the most powerful Ninjutsu among Water Release. It is similar to the Second Hokage's Water Release and Water Breaking Wave. It is also a Ninjutsu at the peak of attack power and power.

Moreover, the iron water cannon has an advantage that others cannot have in the hands of the ninjas of the Oni Lan family, that is, they do not need to spend time and chakra to shape the indestructible water pill. They can use their own water bodies to replace it, and there are also Additional power bonus.

Therefore, when Oni Tou Sakusuki pointed his finger at Ai Hebi, his Ninjutsu preparations were completed. It only took one thought to activate Ninjutsu and kill the son of the Third Raikage.

It's a pity that he didn't have the chance to complete this last step. The Third Raikage judged that it was a trap when he mistakenly performed the secret technique of water transformation.

Under the siege of the AB combination, Ghost Light Sakuyue was able to easily suppress the two powerful ninjas with the help of Bi's immaturity, but it was difficult for him to find a chance to escape.

After seeing Ling and Kaguya Ren miss one after another, he knew that death was inevitable if he continued to stay, so he used himself as bait and at the cost of serious injuries, gained an opportunity to kill the AB combination with one hit.

The problem is that after Gui Deng Shuoyue confirmed the plan, he put all his attention on the AB combination. After all, the strategy he used was very dangerous. If he was not careful, he would die directly at the opponent's hands, so he could not help but concentrate on it.

Therefore, when the Third Raikage activated his Thunder Release to strengthen his body and rushed over at full speed, he didn't even notice the huge momentum and crackling thunder.

The third Raikage gritted his teeth and cut off his head before Suigetsu could activate his iron water cannon technique, thus preserving his son's competition with the next generation.

When Ai turned around and saw the extremely dangerous posture of his father and headless enemy, he realized that he and his brother had just missed death.

The person who saved his life was his father, the Third Raikage!

【Oops! 】

As soon as this idea came up, the Third Raikage's fist as big as a sandbag hit Ai's face. The power attached to the fist was so incredible that Ai couldn't even scream, and was sent flying more than ten meters away, like water. It bounces endlessly on the sea like a float.

But before he could stop naturally, the Third Raikage grabbed Bi's neck, appeared in front of Ai in an instant, and stepped on him, making him stop.

Ai Zizi held his head in his hands and curled up into a ball, waiting for the coming storm.

Seeing his son react like this, the Third Raikage was not polite and kicked him up. While kicking, he reprimanded: "Idiot! Idiot! You dare to be careless when you are still wearing a hat. This is Kiri The shadow-level ninja from the Hidden Village, the top killing ninja from the Blood Mist!"

"If the Kirigakure ninjas don't chop off their heads, we must not take it lightly, absolutely not!"

"You yourself are thick-skinned and thick-skinned. Two hits from the hot metal cannon will only break your skull and cause pain for three to five days at most. How can you compare? Can the back of his head withstand one hit from the hot metal cannon?"


"If you can't even take care of your younger brother, what qualifications do you have to become the Fourth Raikage? Do you want to be the incomparable Ai?"

The Third Raikage roared and kicked fiercely. Ai huddled on the sea, not daring to move, let alone talk back. Bi stood aside, trembling with fear, like the last leaf in a snowstorm.

Just when the Third Raikage was teaching his son, the battle had basically come to an end.

With all three Kirigakure Kage-level ninjas wiped out, Kirigakure's last resistance collapsed. A group of Jonin chased the enemy, sweeping through thousands of troops. The killing speed was so fast that they themselves were shocked.

While everyone was busy doing their own thing, Yuu Uchiha once again stared at Kaguya Ren's body.

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