I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 91 You can’t stick to each other, but what about kissing?

Ishigami wanted to say something more, but the words that reached his lips could no longer be said. Because he was lightly choked by the soft and sweet soufflé he had just tasted.

I really thought that "retribution" would come so quickly.

He was obviously a brutal attacker a few minutes ago, but now he has become the target of the maid's attack.

Quite a bit dumbfounded

But she learned very quickly. She had already learned how to use her own weapons even though she was still very green just now.

The girl's kiss was still ignorant and raw, but it was this rawness that was the most fascinating.

Because she didn't understand, she tried randomly. With ignorant hesitation and curiosity about the unknown, I didn't miss any place. Everything was so novel, so I tried clumsily.

This clumsiness is so cute that people want to bully her involuntarily.

Ishigami just bit his lip lightly, and then he could clearly feel her body shaking violently.

Hayasaka Ai, who was suddenly attacked, opened her eyes and glared at him with dissatisfaction.

Ishigami read it in the girl's eyes

"You want to die, you!"

He sighed secretly

“What a cute kid”

Then I stopped teasing her

Ishigami raised his hands in surrender, then patted her back.

"Hmph, this guy is really evil."

The eyelashes on Hayasaka Ai's eyes trembled slightly

She didn't know why she did this, but she only knew that what she just heard from her brother Jun made her shaken.


Probably scared

Afraid that he would say something even more embarrassing again

I just wanted to shut his mouth

Or rather

Just follow your heart's desire

everything just now

Hayasaka Ai still wants to perform again

It was the suffocating and overwhelming feeling just now that made people feel like their souls were being tortured away.

Her heart no longer belongs to her

She desperately wanted him to know

My mood is so eager

Forever Akagi


Love heart!


"It turns out that the feeling of being kissed is completely different from that of taking the initiative to kiss someone."

Ai Hayasaka held his face, and the feeling of warmth in her hands was so real.

She once read a sentence: "Kissing is the continuation of the shyness of acquaintance, the reflection of longing in dreams, the spread of the warmth of getting along, and the conveying of the sweetness in the heart."

Only she knows the bitterness of these days. Unrequited love is always a heavier and heavier shell.

"Now I did it.."

Feel the young man's warm breath

Make the blush on her face look even more attractive

One minute? Two minutes?

She doesn't know how much time has passed.

Anyway, it’s very long

But Ai Hayasaka doesn't want it to end, and she won't let go until she's exhausted.

greedily occupy him

I do not know how long it has been

Hayasaka Aicai reluctantly let go, but her hand was still on her brother Jun's face. Her eyes were like a clear spring, yet she refused to take her eyes off him and look at him.

I saw her on Ishigami

under dim light

The eyes were misty and moist, and the girl's face was red. Small beads of sweat appeared on her cheeks, and a few strokes of her hair were stuck to her swan-like neck.

Very lovable

He smiled, first wiped the sweat on her head very carefully, and then gently held her in his arms, tapping his fingers to the rhythm.

This time Hayasaka Ai didn't resist, and he still held her.

Ishigami gently rubbed the blond head with his chin, with a hint of teasing.

"Senior, are you happy now?"

Hayasaka Ai didn't want to talk to him at first, she just wanted to rest quietly for a while.

“So annoying”

She slapped away the offending hand with dissatisfaction

Because this bad guy actually used her hair to scratch her face, tickling her.

Hayasaka Ai recovered a little strength, she raised her head and looked at the smiling boy facing her and muttered:

"Where is this?"

"Let's just make it even!"

Ishigami was stunned for a second when he heard her answer.


Then he gently touched her forehead with his own.


"Then do you want another round?"

Hayasaka Ai's breath was suffocated. Looking at him so close, her heartbeat that had just calmed down began to beat uncontrollably.

This guy is a devil, why would he ask such a question?

I want to refuse out of girlish reserve

But now Hayasaka Ai seems to have gotten a novel toy, or to know this special taste.

She couldn't refuse at all

Due to lack of love, this girl is born with a longing for ways to express love. There is a desire or obsession for kissing.

Hayasaka Ai looked away and said embarrassedly


"It doesn't seem impossible..."

Ishigami chuckled lightly, holding her head gently with both hands, like the most precious treasure.

"Senior sister..."

"Then let me take the initiative this time."

"However, senior sister must be thirsty."

Hayasaka Ai touched her dry lips, and she seemed to be a little thirsty.

"Well, it seems a little bit."

Her hands want to grab

But Ishigami just unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle and did not hand it to her.

Rather, say

"Then let me feed you..."

Hayasaka Ai saw the bottle in his hand and those longing lips, and an unbelievable idea appeared in her mind.

"No way"

Ishigami saw the stupid look on his senior sister's face, touched her head, leaned over and whispered in her ear

"Well, that's what senior sister thinks."

"It means it in person."


Hayasaka Ai covered her lips and quickly shook her head

"No, no, no, this is still too shameful."

"I'd better do it myself"

Ishigami took a sip of mineral water without saying anything, and just looked at her quietly with his own eyes.

Facing those expectant eyes, Hayasaka sighed helplessly

"How can I refuse this?"

She put down the hand covering her mouth, lowered her head, and looked at him from bottom to top.

"Asasi, please be quiet."

Ishigami smiled, swallowed the mineral water from before, and took another sip of mineral water.

Seeing him getting closer and closer, Hayasaka Ai closed her eyes uneasily, her slender eyelashes trembling slightly.

“ice and cold”

There is no strange feeling as expected

Not too annoying

It was obviously just ordinary mineral water, but after processing, Hayasaka Ai actually felt a hint of sweetness.

She silently and passively adapted to his thoughtfulness, this little by little feeling like a long stream of water.

The amount of one bite is not much.

It was gone soon.

Ishigami straightened up and smoothed her messy hair.

"anything else?"


Hayasaka Ai didn't open her eyes. She was afraid that when she saw him, she would be so embarrassed that she would faint.

Just nodded slightly


"Okay, senior"

This cycle lasts roughly six cycles

Hayasaka Ai, who was in a daze, clapped his hand to indicate that enough was enough.

"If I hadn't bought this bottle of mineral water, I would have thought it was wine."

How can there be any mineral water that gets better the more you drink it?

It's not oolong tea.

She wiped her lips


I didn’t expect that there is such a wonderful thing in the world that can replenish water and give you a kiss at the same time.

Best of both worlds!

Ishigami stopped to show that he understood, so he drank the remaining mineral water.

Completed this complete process

This is equivalent to completing six kisses

So I stopped teasing her.

Hayasaka Ai put her head on his chest, listening to the steady heartbeat.

she whispered softly

"Why do you dance so slowly here?"

Hayasaka Ai feels her heartbeat with her left hand

“I’ve been banging here all the time.”

"Keep dancing"

Although kissing is a simple action, it touches two hearts, stirs up the love between two people, and heats up a lifelong relationship.

Ishigami heard Hayasaka Ai's words and stroked her head

"Ok, I know"

It wasn't his heartbeat, which was beating slowly.

But hug her

This pitiable girl

It just made him feel at ease.

The world is unfair to her

It’s up to me to make up for the pain and sadness of those years.

He will give the tenderness that the world cannot give.

as long as you are happy

"Senior, let me carry your future."

"As long as you don't want to do anything"

"No one can force you."


Hayasaka Ai looked at her younger brother Jun who was very close at hand, and listening to his words, tears welled up in her eyes.

Ishigami continued

"Senior, as long as you ask."

"I'm going to go to the Shinomiya family tonight and kill those young men who look down on you for being so superior."

"Hang on the telephone poles one by one!"

The girl, who was originally tearful, was immediately amused when she heard these words.

The first thing she thought of was the bald man with a Sima face hanging on a telephone pole.

Really super funny

Hayasaka Ai smiled and wiped her tears

She covered his mouth angrily and said seriously

"Mo, Ishigami-kun."

"I know you want to make me happy"

"But you can just talk to me about this."

"Never tell anyone else."

Maybe my brother-in-law thinks that his family is already very powerful, but for the Shinomiya family, which is an established world powerhouse, it has only just begun to take hold.

Hayasaka Ai has stayed in the Shinomiya family for many years and knows how shocking this family's power is, even if it only exposes the iceberg.

Although Neon is headquartered, its branches are spread all over the world. The total assets of 2 trillion US dollars are just on the surface. If all the assets of the Shinomiya family were truly revealed, the average developed country might not be as rich as this family.

Therefore, this level of financial resources is impossible to achieve without the support of strong force.

According to the information she has, during the heyday of the Shinomiya family, there were more than a dozen organizations similar to the "Fist Club", and there were as many as seven or eight assassination families that specifically served the Shinomiya family, and there were even more mercenary organizations. There are so many.

So if it hadn't been for the death of Miss Kaguya's mother that made the current governor of the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Kariya, lose his desire for hegemony, she would have thought that she would see the day when the Shinomiya family controlled the world.

Although the Shinomiya family seems to be in decline now, this is because the heirs are fighting for the position of governor of the Shinnomiya family and there is no one-minded approach.

Is this due to internal or external factors?

This world is no longer the world that originally revolved around the Shinomiya family. The "Shijo Family", a branch that ran away from the Shinomiya family, has grown into a presence that cannot be underestimated.

The covetous Shijo family, several heirs who only care about fighting for power, and the demons and monsters in the darkness.

The fate of the Shinomiya family was doomed

Perhaps in this era, Hayasaka Ai can see the empire completely collapsed!

This also means that it is time for the Hayasaka family to face a choice, whether to accompany the Shinomiya family to the dark side, or to go straight to the dark side.

And Hayasaka Ai has made up her mind at this moment. She wants to live with dignity and stand upright beside her brother.

She caressed her sweetheart's face

The girl's smile is as gentle as water.


"Promise me not to do anything stupid."

"Be patient"

"I hope you are well"

"Now is not the time..."

"I will also be patient."

"So okay."

Ishigami's heart almost broke when he saw her current appearance, and he hugged her tightly

"I understand, senior"

Since she didn't want to talk about this matter, Ishigami naturally wouldn't force her.

He changed the subject

"Senior, let me sing to you..."

"Obviously we are here to sing."

“But I haven’t been doing my job properly for so long.”

"Karaoke is crying"

When Hayasaka Ai heard "not doing her job properly", she was so angry that she pinched her brother Jun's face.

"You still talk about me"

"If you weren't such a bad guy."

"Took me astray"

"Otherwise, how could it be like this?"

"And no matter how you look at it, it's me who suffers. You kissed me for so long in vain."

"I am a serious girl"

At the end of the sentence, Hayasaka Ai's voice became softer and softer. She was embarrassed.

When Ishigami saw the shy girl, he smiled happily and held the girl's hand tightly.

"I'm so sorry, senior"

"Who makes you like the guy"

"Just a bad guy."

"Senior sister, now it's my bad guy's turn to sing for you."

"A song "My All" for you..."

Ishigami held the microphone in one hand and held the girl beside him with the other.

The impassioned prelude fluctuated like the frequency of her heartbeat, while the boy's soft singing directly surrounded her.

Hayasaka Ai felt like a pair of big hands held her up hard, making her feel loved

"How much time"

"We go through this together"

"how many miles"

"We walked together"

“What we have left so far”

“Although it’s not perfect, it’s still brilliant.”

Hayasaka Ai remembered that when she met her younger brother Jun for the first time, he stood in front of her and helped her easily defeat the gangsters.

That was the first time the two met

The beginning of the story

Then there was Brother-kun who fought for Shuchiin and defeated the guy who swept the karate club.

He was so dazzling under the spotlight that day

Then she accidentally fell down from the third floor, which was also the first intimate contact.

Hayasaka Ai's memories keep flooding back, recalling every bit of the past.

It turned out that I had already experienced so much without realizing it.

His gentleness, his embrace, his smell, his handsomeness.

All these constitute the younger brother

her favorite boy

"I want to always be by your side"

"No matter what is going to happen"

"I will use my all"

"Always protect you"

“Never have any regrets”

The singing sound in her ears made Hayasaka Ai already unable to control her mood.

Thank you.

Brother Jun, your thoughts

I actually received it.

She covered her mouth hard to prevent herself from crying.

"Cheer up, Hayasaka Ai."

"It's time to laugh, right?"

"How can you cry?"

Looking at the boy next to her who only has eyes for her at the moment, and his hand is being held tightly

She just can't control herself

Have no idea

"I will use my all"

"I will always protect you..."

The song ends

Ishigami gently hugged her, who was already sobbing, and wiped away her tears with his fingers.

"Okay, don't cry."

say very solemnly

"Senior sister..."

"Then I'll invite you in the future."

"Please give me some advice."

Hayasaka Ai nodded vigorously and responded with her choked voice.


She is smiling happily now

Mom, do you know?

I have a boy who loves me now

Hayasaka Ai's character vest has been unlocked, but it will take a few days for the system to issue permissions to me. I believe it won't be long before Hayasaka Ai can reply to you.

Thanks to August Gugugu for rewarding Hayasaka Ai with 1500 coins.

Thank you Dimensional Boundary for tipping Hayasaka Ai with 500 coins.

Thank you for the 3,000 coins from Xinruolihuabairuixue for tipping Hayasaka Ai

Thanks to Dr. Anorectal Keja for 2 monthly tickets

Thanks to Su Woyan for the 2 monthly passes

Thanks for the 2 monthly passes from Start to Sleep

Thanks for the monthly ticket of Wen Wen Zui Qianqiu

Thanks to book friend 20170507225228257 for your monthly ticket

Thanks to book friend 20190224010819051 for your monthly ticket

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