I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 83 The maid wants to rest

saturday night

"Haasaka, Hayasaka~"

Hearing the call from his eldest daughter, Hayasaka Ai stopped what he was doing.

The old-fashioned electric iron she is using now belongs to Miss Kaguya when she was a child. This wayward young lady is very nostalgic. Although the new steam electric iron is safer, she is not allowed to replace it with a new one.

Hayasaka Ai sighed

"What's wrong, Miss Kaguya?"

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at her old-fashioned flip phone very depressed, and her green and slender fingers had been deleting and deleting on it for a long time.

"Haasaka, what do you think I should say if I apologize to the president?"

The last time the president visited her, he climbed into her bed. Kaguya thought she was already possessed by the president. But after detailed investigation by her and Hayasaka, she realized that it was really just a misunderstanding.

The president actually didn’t do anything.

Although I felt inexplicably irritated, was it a bit too much for me to punch and kick him that day?

Shinomiya Kaguya, who thought this way, wanted to apologize, but this Saturday had passed, and she wanted to have the number of words in the email she sent to the president.

Still zero!

"Is that really the case?"

Now it seems that if Miss Kaguya has anything important to do, she is really an idiot. So Hayasaka didn't answer, but continued what she was doing.

After waiting for two or three minutes, Shinomiya Kaguya was a little angry when she didn't get a reply from her maid!

She walked forward quickly, shook Hayasaka Ai's arm, and looked at the maid without saying anything.

Although she was stared at by those red and menacing eyes, Hayasaka Ai had more than ten years of experience in dealing with Miss Kaguya, and she was already immune to this kind of look, so she remained indifferent.

Shinomiya Kaguya was so angry that she was coldly abused by her maid. She thought about it for a moment.

Why do you think that you are the culprit for this situation now?

Shinomiya Kaguya feels aggrieved. She has obviously been very magnanimous and has not held you accountable for your fault, but now you just refuse to ask you to give me some advice.

She said directly

"Haasaka, no matter what you think, it's all your fault that caused this situation!"

"What on earth were you thinking about putting me in the same room with a boy who is in puberty?"

Since Hayasaka Ai had made the decision to put the eldest lady and President Shirogane in the same room, she had already prepared the answer to Miss Kaguya's question afterwards.

She said calmly

"Being able to lie on the same bed as President Shirogane, isn't this Miss Kaguya's ultimate goal?"

Seeing the way the good sister next to her was easily shaken, Hayasaka Ai chuckled.

“So what’s wrong”

"I just helped the eldest lady to achieve your goal ahead of schedule."

She manipulated the iron to smooth out the wrinkles on her black skirt, the eldest lady's school uniform.

"What's more, President Baiyin didn't do anything. Miss, you don't need any psychological burden."

Seeing Shinomiya Kaguya's blushing face, Hayasaka Ai became even more excited and spoke in a very exaggerated tone.

"That's great~"

"You can lie on the same bed with the person you like."

"This is something that many people dream of."

"There is no such thing as a good saying"

“A hundred years of cultivation can lead to crossing in the same boat, and a thousand years of cultivation can lead to sleeping together on the same pillow.”

"It takes a thousand years of practice to allow a man and a woman to sleep together."

"But even if someone is not grateful, he still blames others for being nosy and losing his temper."

"Miss Kaguya, do you think this person is too much?"


Hayasaka's words were very harsh. Shinomiya Kaguya knew that she couldn't refute, so she lied directly and said

"I do not care!"

"I do not care!"

"Anyway, Hayasaka, you are derelict in your duty!"

After spitting out three consecutive words, Shinomiya Kaguya felt a lot better. She was really almost led astray by Hayasaka.

Now she has a very clear idea, that is, to make this bad maid regret for speaking rudely to her master!

Shinomiya Kaguya showed a meaningful smile and slowly said


"I asked you what you did when the president and I were sleeping that day."

Hayasaka Ai felt happy because she had successfully hit Miss Kaguya. Suddenly, her heart tightened when she heard these words. The movements of her hands did not stop and she was still ironing her master's clothes.

"Miss Kaguya, you also know that I am very busy every day. There are so many things in the mansion that I need to take care of, so it is normal that I don't have time."

Hayasaka Ai's tone was as calm as ever, but if you listen very carefully, you can still hear a trace of imperceptible panic.

A maid who lies to her master is not a good maid.

But Ai Hayasaka was not like that from the beginning. When she was placed under the surveillance of Shinomiya Kaguya since she was a child, she knew that she was hopeless after telling lies every day to gain the trust of the eldest lady. She was so messed up, and now she has zero pressure to tell lies that have no psychological burden.

Hearing this reply, Shinomiya Kaguya was not surprised.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah"

"What a dishonest kid."

"I clearly gave you a chance to confess."

"You don't cherish it"

"Then don't blame me!"


Holding Kaguya Shinomiya, who needed more strength to break the shell of her little maid, continued to speak.


"Then I heard from other servants that there seems to be more than one visitor."

"And the strange thing is that the reception room specially used to receive guests seemed to be empty that day."

"So Hayasaka, where did you receive this lovely guest?"


Now all the pressure came directly to Hayasaka Ai, and she suddenly lost her composure.

Hayasaka Ai feels that she is still too good to her subordinates, but now she even stabs her in the back. But the most important thing now was to silence the eldest lady who looked at him with amusement.


What about what happened that night? Could it be that I tell the young lady that I am a dazed boy like you? When my brain gets hot, I will directly pull the man to Simmons and let him hold me for free.

How can it be!

How could she say something so shy?

Besides, Miss Kaguya is the only one who needs to die in the society, and she, Hayasaka Ai, is still the one who wants to lose face.

So what should we do?

Hayasaka Ai was still deep in thought, Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly panicked and she quickly patted the maid.

"Haasaka, Hayasaka"

"Turn off the power quickly!"

Hayasaka Ai was very unhappy when her thoughts were interrupted by Miss Kaguya, and suddenly she felt something was wrong.


"What is the taste?"

She immediately recovered and her eyes widened.

"I'm still ironing the eldest lady's clothes."

Hayasaka Ai took away the hot iron and cut off the power

Fortunately, the rescue was timely and no holes appeared in the school uniform of the dignified eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family.

"I'm extremely sorry, Miss Kaguya."

Hayasaka Ai bowed slightly

"Mo, you have to be more careful, Hayasaka."

After such an incident, Shinomiya Kaguya became even more curious about Hayasaka losing her composure.

she said angrily

"Really, is it so difficult to answer this question?"

After handling the emergency situation, Hayasaka Ai returned to her usual all-around maid state, and she calmly replied

"Mainly because I feel that there is no need to report such a trivial matter to you, Miss."

"Since the eldest lady wants to know, then I will tell you."

"The other visitor is Kaguya-sama's student council junior, Yu Ishigami."

"terribly sorry"

"The secret of Kaguya-sama hiding her relationship with me in school has been exposed."

"He saw through my disguise right away,"


Shinomiya Kaguya looked in disbelief. Hayasaka's makeup skills were quite superb. Hayasaka in Hasaka mode was completely different from Hayasaka in school.

Ishigami-kun actually found out

Hayasaka Ai sighed and continued

"After all, he saved me once." (Ai Hayasaka did not say this to Kaguya the other times)

"Not treating your savior well is not in line with the Shinomiya family's hospitality, so I took him to my room and treated him well."

"By the way, in order to show more sincerity, I used some coffee beans "for royal use" to serve."

"that's it?"

Hayasaka Ai nodded.

After getting the answer she wanted, Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly felt dull.

It seemed like she was being paranoid.

Shinomiya Kaguya waved her hand

"Haasaka, you go down first."

Hayasaka, who had a very serious face, nodded.


"Miss Kaguya is still so innocent."

What she said was the truth that had been rare for a long time, but it was a little short of the truth.

Just perfect for dealing with Miss Kaguya

Hayasaka Ai was about to walk out of the door when she suddenly said to Shinomiya Kaguya

"Miss Kaguya"

"I want a day off tomorrow."

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned


Hayasaka Ai nodded.


"Going out to play?"


Shinomiya Kaguya was worried and continued to question her like a parent.

"with who"

"With friends."


Shinomiya Kaguya finally agreed to the little maid’s long-awaited leave of absence.

"It's really rare that Ai Hayasaka just squats at home and plays with electronic devices on her days off."

"You actually want to play rough."

On the other side, Guan Linchun still couldn't believe that he could only hear the sound in his left ear.

"Let him be a teacher"

"What a joke."

What kind of new way of insulting the loser is this?

Fighting with this brat, he was defeated head-on again. This time he lost more realistically than last time. Last time, he faced the pain of death. This time, he was seriously injured. His right ear was disabled. Even now, when he opens his eyes to see the world, he is still in a daze. .

A sense of frustration arises spontaneously, this kid has not yet used his full strength. Guan Linchun saw from the tauren warrior that it was a purer and darker aura than that of his demon death wrestler, but it was blocked by him.

Besides, this kid has so many weird fighting methods, it’s too complicated. The martial arts shown in a battle are a mixture of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Jeet Kune Do, and strangulation techniques, and they are all master-level.

Ordinary people have to study for decades to master the skills, and this kid used them very skillfully. It's really a joke that a genius like the Tauren Warrior still needs a front wave teacher like him who was slapped on the beach by the back waves.

What else can he teach this brat now.

Oh, it’s my makeup skills as a wrestler.

Guan Linchun even sneered when he thought of the tauren warrior wearing the same clown face as himself.

Ishigami saw that the uncle on the hospital bed had a very subtle expression and seemed to be angry.

He opened his mouth and explained

"Uncle, I didn't ask you to teach me."

"But I have a friend."

"I have a hunch that he is under your guidance."

"Probably will break history and become the "No. 1" wrestler in the world."

After hearing the tauren warrior's words, Guan Linchun pondered for a while and showed an excited smile.

"Taught by me personally"

"The number one wrestler in the world?"


Located in a large warehouse in the port area, this is the studio of Xiongming Zai, the gold medal trainer of Silver Gym.

There are a lot of fitness equipment in the spacious factory building, and hundreds of muscular men are sweating here.

"Uncle, you really don't need me to support you?"

Guan Linchun, who walked unsteadily and looked a bit funny like a penguin under his huge size, directly rejected the kindness of the tauren warrior.


"Don't underestimate me, professional wrestler."

Guan Linchun shook his head, trying to keep the dizziness away from him. This physical defect made him extremely uncomfortable.

Every step I take feels like being rejected by the world

He walked with long strides, and the tauren warrior walked beside him. But Okubo Naoya and Himuro Ryo did not follow them this time, because when Xiao Cosmos woke up and found that the food was good, he simply competed with them to see who could eat more.

"Uncle, who asked you to be brave?"

"Obviously, as long as tomorrow, your artificial right ear "cochlea" will be created, and you will be able to return to normal after the transplant surgery."

"But you couldn't wait to come today. If you weren't embarrassed, who would be?"

The internal mechanism of this ear is extremely complex, and only Guhai Pharmaceutical has this capability. The large biochemical medical company went to great lengths to produce the cochlea and vestibular apparatus that perfectly fit the ear that the Minotaur warrior destroyed Guan Linchun.

"Kid, you're not lying, are you?"

“There’s someone in this one who has the qualifications to be the best wrestler in the world.”

"Uncle, I have this skill."

"Your trip was in vain."

"You'll understand when you see it."

"That's good!"

Guan Linchun smiled and pushed open the door of the warehouse in front of him. A hot breath suddenly hit the ground.


The door of the warehouse was blasted open by a huge force.

The muscular bald guys who were shouting slogans and posing in various fitness postures stopped their fitness activities in unison.

Countless eyes looked straight at the two sturdy figures who were walking in. One person was covered in bandages and seriously injured but still looked hateful. The other was a stronger figure wearing a black judo uniform, all exuding... A sense of presence that swept the entire place.

And because he sensed something in the distance, he was doing a giant barbell bench press, a figure like a hill.

He stopped and put down his hand on the bench press

"Dong" came a dull sound


He stood up extremely quickly, bursting out with an astonishing speed that was inconsistent with his huge body.

One charge followed another, and the distance of hundreds of meters passed in an instant.

The ground was overwhelmed and collapsed.

Guan Linchun saw the behemoth with a long breath in front of him and said to the tauren warrior next to him.

"Is this the monster you want to entrust to me?"


"The world's number one monster"

Thanks to Bai Leitian for the 4 monthly tickets

Thanks to Wenwenzui Qianqiu for the 4 monthly passes

Thanks to Gou Shengzhongchengwang for the 4 monthly tickets

Thanks to book friend 150322004829865 for the 4 monthly passes

Thanks to Wu Zi Pian Ling for the 2 monthly passes

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