I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 64 What does it feel like to die in society?

There are no extra decorations, a bed, a desk that doubles as a dressing table and a wardrobe make up this small "home".

This is just a small corner of the huge Fourth Palace Villa, but it is the place where Hayasaka Ai has been living all these years.

There are many cute dolls that are most common in girls' "boudoirs", even the gangster lady with fierce eyes, but there are none here.

This kind of extreme simplicity is quite reasonable if it is a design of a fast hotel. After all, it is a place specially used for sleeping.

But as a place where young girls live their daily lives, it is normal for there to be an overwhelming number of beautiful clothes and bags on the chairs and on the floor.

It seems as if this room is just a place to clock in every day, and sleeping is just a task.

This was the first impression Ishigami had when he came to Hayasaka-senpai's room.

In fact, he was right as he thought. This room was no different to her than a check-in point.

Ai Hayasaka's day starts at five o'clock in the morning when she opens her eyes, and her most hated reporting work ends at almost 12 o'clock at night. The time after that truly belongs to her.

After taking a shower, I watched a few short videos before I knew it, and the time I spent sleeping was less than four hours.

This kind of high-intensity work is simply not something a girl can bear.

I'm so tired during the day that I still have the energy to decorate my room at night. It's good to be able to clean and keep it tidy.

A life full of boredom, hard work, and guilt is the daily life of this girl who is now as young as a flower.

There are chicken feathers all over the place, but it must not be like this

every day

every day

More than ten years have passed in a blink of an eye.


She's used to it

Speaking of which, besides mother and Kaguya-sama, this is the first time someone has come to my room, and he is a boy.

It's incredible

She glanced at her younger brother Jun sitting on her bed, feeling an indescribable feeling, and her heartbeat could not help but speed up a bit.

There was quite a strange feeling about sharing my most private place with him, which was very embarrassing.

The bedroom has a special meaning. It is the place where people are most relaxed and authentic. A girl agreeing to let a boy into her room is already very intriguing.

It was the first time for Hayasaka Ai to let a boy enter his room, and it was also the first time for Ishigami to enter a girl's room, although it was completely different from the girl's room he imagined.

But in general

This is the first time for both of them

Quite fresh.

But it's too late to regret it

Hayasaka Ai had just achieved the rare achievement of bringing a man into her room for the first time, and it was too late to be happy.

Now she wanted to die, and her hands were trembling.

Because her desk is filled with electronic components, as well as welding pens and the like. It no longer looks like a girl's dressing table, but more like an uncle's workbench, which is very interesting.

This was completely inconsistent with the image she had created in school, and it was exposed again.

This time, the society was really dead, and there was no way back.

What is it like to die in society? Hayasaka Ai's current experience is that every second of breathing is luxurious.

Her tone was trembling

"I'm sorry, Ishigami-kun."

"The table is a little messy, let me clean it up first."

I was just carried away by the long-awaited concern, so I took my younger brother Jun directly to his room.

Completely forgetting that she had insomnia last night, she took out the circuit board and started soldering. This was one of her ways to relieve stress.

Miss Kaguya's illness disrupted her plan and she had no time to deal with it.

It's okay now, my brother must think I'm a strange girl.

want to cry

As a person with reasonable common sense, she still knows how outrageous her hobbies are compared to ordinary girls, or in other words, they are not comparable at all!

Assembling computers is her hobby. She just likes to see these circuit boards neatly arranged together, which gives her a very comfortable feeling.

Hayasaka Ai sighed. If her brother Jun hadn't been there, she would have covered her face and squatted on the ground crying.

She is probably the only girl in the world who is so hard-core and likes welding.

Ishigami looked at her with a pale face. It turned out that Hayasaka-senpai, who looked like an enthusiastic big sister, still had such a side.

Can't help but smile

He had wondered before why the senior sister always had a faint, special fragrance on her body. Now that he saw things like welding pens, he understood that it was the smell of rosin.

"Haasaka-senpai, let me help you."

"Ah? No need, I can do it myself."

"It's okay, no trouble."

Ishigami stepped forward and helped her pack it up, putting the parts into moisture-proof boxes.

He picked up a circuit board and looked at it. The solder joints on it were tightly sealed. It could be seen that the master's basic skills were very solid and he had worked hard. He was almost as good as the masters outside.

"Stop watching!!!"

Hayasaka Ai, who was already so ashamed that she wanted to die, reluctantly accepted that her younger brother Jun would take care of her together, which was already a big concession.

Now seeing him holding the circuit board he soldered last night and looking at it carefully, Hayasaka Ai couldn't help but take a breath, and a tear quickly fell from the corner of his eye.

Sorry, Miss Kaguya

I hope we can be sisters in the next life. I can only accompany you here in this life.

Her eyes were completely dead at this moment, and she wanted to commit suicide.

Living my own life is quite tiring, really.

She is already considering whether to swing a knife or take medicine, which way of traveling is more suitable for her.

I thought about it for less than a second

Better take medicine

After all, she is quite afraid of pain.

As a result, an unexpected compliment brought her directly back to reality.

"Haasaka-senpai, you are amazing!"


You shouldn't say a word to her at this time

"Haasaka-senpai, your interests are really weird." or "Your interests are not ladylike at all, why are you acting like an uncle?"

"That's a lot of Okawai dunks." That's right.

She was able to accept all of this and set off on the road without any distractions.

But why is it a compliment?

When Ishigami looked at this thing, he could imagine Hayasaka-senpai after a day's work, dragging her tired body, watching videos and learning at the same time late at night.

For girls, if they don’t learn this kind of thing out of hobby, who can continue to learn it.

"Senior, you are really amazing."

He looked at the girl next to him who had nowhere to put his hands and feet, and sighed.

"Learning these things cannot be learned in one night."

He could see the purpose of these various parts, mainly to assemble the computer he wanted.

When girls buy computers, they always choose good-looking ones, and Hayasaka-senpai has surpassed 99.999% of girls by being able to do this.

"As expected, Hayasaka-senpai is completely different from other girls."

"There are so many parts. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart."

"So, this hobby is not weird at all."

“It’s really amazing to be able to give to this extent.”

This is what it feels like to be recognized by others.

So happy

Ai Hayasaka, who was originally so ashamed that she wanted to commit suicide because her strange hobby was discovered, unexpectedly received recognition.

She looked at those sincere eyes, her vision gradually blurred.

Always want me to cry in front of you

What a hateful little brother, please give me some dignity as a senior.

Hayasaka Ai lowered her head and dropped a sentence

"You are thirsty, I'll make you some coffee."

He left the room as if he was running away.

She quickly closed the door, leaned against the wall, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

then disappeared down the corridor

I’ll have a post on the launch later.

Thanks to WYJSC for the 1500 coin reward and monthly pass

Thank you for giving me 2 monthly passes for free to the students.

Thanks to RocketRobot for the 2 monthly passes

Thanks to Gou Sheng for his monthly ticket

Thanks to Elk Beiwang for your monthly ticket

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