I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 350 No entry into the student union room

"Tonight's game is Small Universe."

Yu Ishigami looked at the text message that was suddenly sent to him on his mobile phone. This was the first boxing event since the establishment of the Neon Economic Complex, so all the senior officials had to attend.

As a tauren warrior, Ishigami Yu is naturally unavoidable.

"It's been a long time since I saw that bastard Ouma."

Since the end of the "Wishfulu Island" incident, the fighters who have been injured have basically been treated in major hospitals or trained abroad.

But there was nothing that could be done about it, because who would have thought that Hayami Katsumasa's crazy old bastard would blow up the entire Boxing Club hall.

Ouma and his group were still able to do well, but some of them were seriously injured, lost their lives, and even had their hands and feet broken, so they couldn't even do the fighting skills.

But that was a work matter, so he just wanted to think about it for a while.

Yu Ishigami recalled what he had just said to Senior Sister Zhenfei. The general election of the student union was coming soon.

The big one is coming!

Walking in the corridor, Ishigami Yu knew that because the president and the others were about to undergo the first transformation in their lives when they entered the third grade, they would definitely not have the energy to deal with the trivial matters of the student union.

Although it is just an election for the student council president of a school, the meaning of representation is very different.

One of the privileges is that you can easily get admission to all the top ten famous universities in the world.

It is quite difficult to apply for those world-famous schools that are out of reach. If you are from a poor family, you can apply to study for free.

That's why President Shirogane risked his life to win the position of Student Council President just to get an offer from a good university.

Not just to be able to stand upright next to Shinomiya-senpai.

Becoming the student union president of Shuchiin is really something that can change your destiny. No kidding, you will become a social elite when you come out.

Moreover, as long as you become the student council president of this school, you can unconditionally obtain the school's recommended quota.

Unless someone reports him as the student union president,

Just like the previous student union presidents who had a commoner, they were sent to Siberia by Shinomiya-senpai to grow potatoes.

That would be considered being forced to resign, and the chances of being admitted to those high-level schools would be gone.

"What if the president doesn't become the president? Then who will be the next student union president?"

Ishigami Yu is still unknown

The student union election is the same as the Western presidential election and requires a campaign speech.

Every student has a vote in order to maintain the principle of fairness and justice.

There are also a series of measures to prevent people canvassing and stealing votes.

It's outrageous that a school can be so complicated, but considering its status as a Shuchiin aristocratic school, it feels okay.

I wonder if it is also to train these students to participate in politics in the future and practice in advance when the general election is held.

As for whether Ishigami Yu wants to be the president?

It depends on your mood. When you are the student council president, you also have to form your own student council members, which is a bit like ministers in the cabinet.

Ishigami Yu still has to look at people to make arrangements, which is troublesome just thinking about it.

He was obviously a social shyster, and he didn't even know a few people in his first year.

It would be ridiculous if you can't even get a member of the student union team by then.

With this thought, Ishigami Yu slowly walked to the student council room.


As a result, he walked over and saw Xiao Ai leaning on the wall, seemingly guarding the door of the student union.

"Xiao Ai, why are you there?"

Speaking of Hayasaka Ai, because this guy couldn't let go of Shinomiya-senpai, he moved back to Shinnomiya after the villa was built there.

But this time it was not as a servant, but as a friend of the master.

After all, Xiao Ai is apparently one of the directors of the Neon Economic Association. Although he is only a nominal member, he only has one company under his name.

But the company's business capabilities are still good.

Especially with the endorsement of [Tauren Warrior], almost no one in Neon's entire business circle dares to offend him, and everyone is giving him a bit of a thumbs-down.

So don't think Xiao Ai is just an ordinary JK. This status is almost the same as that of the Fortune 500 CEOs outside.

She is an out-and-out little rich woman.

Hayasaka Ai still can’t rest assured.

After all, in her eyes, the eldest daughter of their family, Kaguya, is just like a loser.


Hayasaka Ai was staying outside the door. When she saw her younger brother Jun coming over, she immediately smiled with joy, and then she immediately ran over and gave him a bear hug.

"Xiao Ai, are you wearing a skirt?"

Yu Ishigami hugged her firmly, straightened the hem of her skirt a little, and then patted her gently.

"It's okay, I have safety pants."

Hayasaka Ai hugged him like a koala and kissed her younger brother Jun gently on the face.

Ishigami Yu is a little helpless

"This is the corridor outside the student room. People come here all the time."

"It's not good to be seen."

In fact, it feels like after their relationship broke through, Xiao Ai became even more clingy to him.


Hayasaka Ai acted a little coquettishly towards her younger brother Jun. Then he jumped off him, his face slightly red.

"I can't help it."

Yu Ishigami smelled the delicious smell of Xiao Ai, touched her soft hair, and asked.

"What's wrong? Why are you outside the student union room today?"

Hayasaka Ai shook her head helplessly, but refused to leave Ishigami Yu's arms.

It's the kind of person who talks while holding her.

Hayasaka Ai's tone was a bit complaining, if only the eldest lady in her family could take the initiative like her.

Then let alone being a Silver Guild President. Even ten were taken down.


Hayasaka Ai took Ishigami Yu's arm and motioned for him to follow her quietly.

The door to the student room is just a crack.

But the scene he saw inside still made Yu Ishigami's pupils shrink.

"President...and Shinomiya-senpai."

What Yu Ishigami saw was nothing, except that President Shirogane had his head resting on Shinomiya-senpai's shoulder.

The impact of this picture was so great that he couldn't believe his eyes.

When did President Bai Yin take such initiative?

Then when he took a closer look, he immediately discovered something was wrong.

Good guy, he didn't take the initiative to lean on me, but fell asleep.

Ishigami Yu just made a pot. What the hell.

President Shirogane is quite ruthless, leaning against Shinomiya-senpai to sleep.

“So that’s the situation.

"I have to intercept people coming to the student room a little outside the door."

Hayasaka Ai said helplessly.

"How did the president fall asleep?"

"This is it"

Hayasaka smiled a little reluctantly.

"Kaguya asked me to replace the coffee bottles in the student council room."

Ishigami Yu suddenly felt like he didn’t know what to say.

"What is caffeine? Is it a life-saving medicine for Mr. Bai Yin? He actually fainted after stopping it."

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