I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 334 My Miss Permanent Director

"Okay, don't be like this."

Wearing an apron and holding a wooden shovel, Yu Ishigami walked out of the kitchen.

The face is quite helpless

"I'm really scared."

"Can you go to the living room? Don't hold each other in the hallway and cry."

In the kitchen, Yu Ishigami could hear the voices of two girls crying in grief from the entrance. He was so panicked that his hands trembling while chopping vegetables.

When I walked out and saw the two girls crying with their eyes red, Ishigami Yu felt that Ai and Shinomiya-senpai had really demonstrated what it means to "look at each other without words, and only shed a thousand tears".

"So cunning, I didn't even know, brother-kun."

Hayasaka Ai wiped her tearful eyes and looked at Yu Ishigami with red eyes, with a hint of complaint.

"Why, Miss Kaguya is coming."

"If you didn't tell me sooner."

"He also lied to me about wearing the maid outfit I wore before, saying that it was the outfit we wore for the first time, and that it felt like love at first sight."

"Brother-in-law, you are really evil-minded."

"Ha ha."

Ishigami Yu smiled awkwardly

"Don't I want to give you a surprise, little love?"

When he sent the invitation to the Shinomiya family, he hid it from Hayasaka Ai, so she didn't know until she saw Shinomiya-senpai.

It turns out that the so-called distinguished guest in Brother-kun’s words turned out to be Miss Kaguya.

Because Yu Ishigami noticed that Xiao Ai has been in a daze for longer and longer recently, and can look at the same thing for a long time without reacting.

I asked her several times, and she always said with a gloomy expression that she was fine, just a little tired.

Reminiscent of Xiao Ai's experience, she was brought to Ishigami's house by Ishigami Yu for almost two months, and then brought to Wanliu Island, so she should be used to it even if she is not used to it.

After learning about the Boxing Club, Ishigami Yu and Hayasaka Ai were both free. You said you should go out to play, but it was too hot in the summer, so home was the most comfortable.

Especially Ishigami Yu and Hayasaka Ai, both have the attribute of "staying at home", which is really indispensable for them to socialize.

People are really afraid of being idle.

After a while, this thought came to mind.

Ishigami Yu guessed that Xiao Ai probably missed her Miss Kaguya. After all, this was the first time the two of them had been separated for so long.

There has been no news for so long, so why not make Hayasaka Ai anxious?

But from Ai Hayasaka's point of view, she misses Miss Kaguya a little and it's not convenient for her to tell her younger brother. Strictly speaking, she is living under someone else's roof.

Although my younger brother-kun wouldn't say something like "Isn't it better for our Ishigami family to provide you with good food and drink here than to work as a cow and horse at the Shinomiya family?"

But Hayasaka Ai still has some grudges after all, and she can't say what she wants to say, and it's hard to hold it in her heart until something goes wrong.

No, Yu Ishigami, who was always concerned about Hayasaka Ai's physical and mental health, discovered it and planned this opportunity for the two of them who had not seen each other for a long time.

But what surprised Ishigami Yu was that he thought they would have endless things to talk about when they met again, but who had ever wanted to cry when they met? It was really unexpected.

Is it possible that these two people rely on crying to communicate in private?

"Uuuu." (Miss Kaguya, how are you doing lately?)

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" (Haasaka, I am so sad without you.)

It can't be such a hell, so Ishigami Yu came out to take a look because he was worried.

Let these two people hug each other and cry, and they don't know when the time will come.

"I'm sorry, Ishigami-kun."

Shinomiya Kaguya rubbed her eyes which were also red from crying, and helped Hayasaka up from the ground.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it when I saw Hayasaka."

The feeling of losing something and regaining it, I had mixed feelings for a while, and my tear ducts couldn't stop.

"It's okay, Senior Sister Shinomiya, you can do whatever you want."

"Now only Xiao Ai and I live in this house. My parents have moved to the manor."

Because Daisuke Ishigami has too many BUFFs now, although this place can be considered a wealthy area, the location is far from the best wealthy area.

This is even more so because his identity is so different from that of the chairman of his "Neon United Economy", so he has no choice but to choose one of Hayami Katsumasa's properties that is more in line with the Ishigami family's current status. Not even if it's broken.

The Ishigami family is now the chairman of the council, and every word and deed represents the alliance. We must pay attention to all aspects, and there is no other way.

Countless pairs of eyes are watching below

So Yu Ishigami hasn't seen the two "old people" Daisuke and Keiko for a while.

"I'm going to cook dinner first. If anything happens, just ask Xiao Ai to come to me."

"By the way, Shinomiya-senpai, I'll get you whatever you want to drink."

"No, no, just the most common one."

Shinomiya Kaguya said quickly

"No need to bother."

"By the way, Shinomiya-senpai likes to drink black tea."

But Ishigami Yu seemed not to hear, and took out the precious tea that was only given to the British royal family and handed it to Hayasaka Ai.

"Xiao Ai, Senior Sister Shinomiya likes to drink black tea. Please help her make it."

"I see."

Since Shinomiya Kaguya was so casual, it was hard to say anything, but after Ishigami Yu left, she said to Hayasaka Ai

"Haasaka, since it's black tea, leave it to me."

Shinomiya Kaguya smiled and said

"But, Miss."

Hayasaka Ai has completely recovered from her initial emotional outburst, and the sense of peace in her heart after meeting an old friend has also returned.

"It doesn't matter. I'm very confident when it comes to black tea."

Shinomiya Kaguya takes the tea leaves from Hayasaka Ai's hand

"No, you are a guest."

Miss Kaguya's main opposition makes Hayasaka Ai very helpless

"But until then, aren't we friends?"

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at her angrily

"Haasaka, you don't need to call me miss anymore, just call me by my name."

"You are a big shot now."

"Even my brothers have to be cautious in receiving you, but don't act in a way that lowers your status."

"My dear President, Ms. Permanent Director of the Economic Federation General Council."

"Really, Miss Kaguya."

Seeing Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes turning towards her, Hayasaka Ai had no choice but to give in, with a blush appearing on her face.

"Hey, Kaguya-chan, don't make fun of me."

"It always sounds inexplicably shameful."

After all, he couldn't overcome Miss Kaguya's insistence, so Hayasaka changed her name to Kaguya-chan.

As a permanent member of the General Council, Hayasaka Ai knew that it was for the sake of her brother-kun that everyone voted for her.

After all, who doesn't know that behind Hayasaka Ai is the terrifying "Tauren Warrior", it's just a gesture of goodwill.

Just acting as a mascot

"Kaguya, how have you been lately."

Every time Hayasaka Ai mentioned Kaguya's current situation to her mother, her mother always said perfunctorily

"Xiao Ai, if you think so, why not invite Miss Kaguya out and ask her face to face."

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