I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 327 Purgatory is coming!

The radar showed that the target was silent.

this means

"Target ninety-eight people, annihilate them all."

Ellie faithfully reported the results on the field

This mecha sits high in the sky, six meters high, painted with jet black and blood red lines, and has a bull skull logo on its shoulder.

The only one in the world is here. If anyone is familiar with it, then the appearance of this design looks exactly the same as GUNDAM, the main product of Yu Ishigami’s “foreign loan” product.

It is both a powerful weapon and a beautiful work of art. The streamlined armor shone with a dark light in the setting sun, looking extremely solemn like a martyr.

He held his head high and opened his mechanical arms to embrace the world. Just now he showed his terrifying power.

It is the MK-ll type armor-Purgatory (trial type) that came across the ocean. It has an overall mass of ten tons (without weapons) and is equipped with eight detachable heavy-mounted artillery. It is the ultimate punishment for these sinners. Powerful weapons, two 12.7-caliber aircraft machine guns, and twelve small "Hellfire" missiles for self-defense after running out of ammunition.

As for Ishigami Yu's favorite automatic floating cannon, there were too many malfunctions during the experiment and there was no chance to appear while it was being investigated.

This is a thermal weapon. It is also equipped with a chain sword with a length of seven meters. The blade is a rotating sharp blade. It can shred any armed defense force when rotating at high speed. It is the main weapon and has two high particle vibration daggers as secondary weapons. .

No need for a shield!

This is the strongest offensive mecha, pursuing the most extreme defense.

Sixteen red wings composed of bright red particles are ejected from the engine on the back called the "Solar Furnace". The propulsion power of a single engine can reach one hundred and fifty tons.

The energy of the solar furnace (trial version) comes from topological defects. Topological defects use the potential difference of energy to generate energy. It can run at full power for more than three hours with full fuel, and can stand by for more than twelve hours at low power.

At the same time, communication in the area failed and all surveillance camera equipment was broken. This was because of the high concentration of GN particles ejected from the engine behind the mecha. These high-energy particles spread in the air and acted like greedy mouths, destroying all the surrounding areas. It eats up all the waves (radio waves, sound waves), which is why it can shield radar.

Since the last time he participated in the war between the insect organization and the Shinomiya family, the strength of the enemy cadres, but the limitations of simple armor, made Yu Ishigami feel that the human body was not capable of it, and he immediately started to develop new war weapons.

Fortunately, there is such a thing in Ellie's database.

Flesh and blood suffer, and machines soar.

This armor perfectly caters to Ishigami Yu's design philosophy. Big is better. In all things, the bigger the gun caliber, the better.

With a top speed of 800 kilometers per hour, it should be the ceiling among individual combat weapons.

What was sent to this mecha was an external aircraft, and the fuel was carried separately, so that the original fuel of this mecha was not burned.

You may already know the reason why you didn't travel with Ishigami Yu and others to this island.

In addition to being connected to the chassis used for camouflage, it is bulky and inconvenient to transport, and the energy consumption is too high. It can only stand by for twelve hours without the charging pile. If the island's power resources are used to charge this mecha, Then don't do anything else. The darkness will last for several days.

The control system is controlled by Ishigami Yu's mental power, the joystick is used to control weapon fire, and the auxiliary system is controlled by Airi.

Sitting in it, Ishigami Yu's overall feeling was similar to that of driving a car. The cockpit has a 360-degree full view of the surroundings and there are no blind spots at all.

He is now sitting in the air about 600 meters above the ground, with a scope next to his right eye.

The weapon handle in his hand controlled eight heavy artillery pieces. Just now, he locked the gadget and fired at eight places on the ground where people in white suits gathered, covering a surrounding area of ​​about three kilometers in diameter.

It can be said that the "Purgatory Summons" flying in the air is an aerial fort with terrifying firepower and supports automatic driving mode (Ai Li fights on behalf of the user)

This is of great strategic deterrence significance, and is equivalent to the days when Yu Ishigami fought alone will be gone forever.

It supports all-weather all-airspace standby in Tokyo. If there is danger, it will be dispatched to sweep all invading enemies in front of Ishigami Yu.

Can a body of flesh and blood still resist the high-energy particle beam that dissolves everything?

My lord, times have changed.

It has long been a thing of the past for one person to suppress an era.

What suppresses the point of strength?

I'll give you a high-energy GN particle cannon. I want to see if you can handle matters involving the molecular level.

Will you still be mad at that time?

But this is all a thing for another day. Now Ishigami Yu has no enemies who must use this thing. Facing these "guardians" using this weapon is really like a cannon to swat mosquitoes.

Yu Ishigami also saw the battle between Cosmos and those white suits. He knew that he was almost touching that area, so he did not fire for fire support immediately. Otherwise, the knife in the hand of that thing would be a joke to Yu Ishigami.

In other words, Ishigami Yu watched the whole battle between Xiao Cosmos and Long Min. He was high in the sky.

At the same time, the full environment simulation system was turned on, and an invisible coating turned the body into the same color as the surrounding environment.

There may be a difference standing in front of you, but you won't see it at all from a distance.

After all, there are no high-rise buildings on Genryu Island. This is a problem that you don’t have to worry about. It’s just a problem with the heat source. But who would be free to look at the sky with an infrared telescope?

"Little Universe has really touched the threshold, and he is gradually adapting to that guy's rhythm."

But to Ishigami Yu's surprise, just when Cosmos was about to touch that guy, the bastard finally cheated!

Once this trick is turned on, it is equivalent to telling Ishigami Yu that it is time to beat the wolf.

"By God", except for the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, the others are all guys from the Insect Organization.

Of course, the most important evidence is that this bastard exposed the tattoo of the "Insect Organization", which is a black centipede.

Ishigami Yu asked Ten Ghost Snake King Ma who helped him awaken his Pingshen. The Ten Ghosts, Snake King, and Ma didn't know anything about it, but in the end he said that it was not Erhu who did it.

So in the end, it was confirmed that the guy who awakened the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse should have joined the insect organization and promoted this technology.

Cosmos was still able to keep up with the rhythm at the beginning. With his magic, Ishigami Yu could hide without any pressure with his eyes closed, but for the fledgling Cosmos, the pressure instantly increased.

Everything he had done with ease just now was overthrown, and his breathing and rhythm were more than twice as fast.

After just a second, Ishigami Yu could tell that Cosmos had made four mistakes and his opponent was still too weak. Otherwise, Cosmos would have lost his head if he had been allowed to attack him.

However, cheating guys are undesirable after all. How could Yu Ishigami, who has always been fair and just, endure it, and directly aimed the least powerful aviation machine gun at the guy whose name he didn't know, letting him know that cheating is a shameful act.

The communication interference of GN particles can be directional, and naturally opening a channel can also achieve point-to-point communication.

"Little Universe, back off!"

The power of the aircraft machine gun, even a stray bullet, may cause fatal damage, so for the sake of safety, Yu Ishigami said directly to the communicator installed under the earlobe of the small universe before he could take it out.

Speaking of which, I originally planned to take this thing out today, but it's a pity that God is not as good as man. Mud, it turned out that Katsumasa Hayami planned the attack and buried everyone, including Yu Ishigami, under the Fist Club.

Because Little Universe had cooperated well with his elder brother in the battle with Yu Lei Zero, upon hearing his elder brother's instructions, his body subconsciously took dozens of steps back.


It was obvious that Kanai Kouni was particularly surprised to hear his eldest brother’s voice, and then there was the surprise.

Seeing him retreating to a safe place, Ishigami Yu immediately stopped holding back. There was no place to vent the anger in his belly.

A direct burst shot hit the unlucky man's arm. After bursting the bones of his wrist, the powerful bullet hit and opened a large hole in his abdomen. Finally, it hit the ground and created a 20-centimeter crater, which was covered in blood and flesh. The entrails were scattered all over the floor.

Long Min was relieved by God. Without the support of his feet, he could only fall to the ground and wait for death. After a while, he could not breathe out much anymore. Before the men behind him screamed when they saw his head being shot, they immediately followed suit. Yu Ishigami fired a series of machine gun fires, not forgetting the previous unlucky guy. His head was hit like a broken watermelon. It turned into a pile of blood mist.

How can it be enough to just give a shot to the opponents of the small universe?

The joy of being alone is not as good as the joy of everyone. It just so happens that the radar and infrared camera "recruited from purgatory" shows all the surrounding targets that may be enemy targets.

I picked eight relatively dense places and bombarded my mother directly without any hesitation.

There was no mistaking the attack. In this case, it was right to attack someone who was armed and wearing a white suit. All our security forces were assembled and buried under the Boxing Club Hall.

I don’t know what happened to the two old men. Their old arms and legs were crushed by these buildings. Don’t worry, they may fall apart.


The eight terrifying heavy cannons began to accumulate terrifying energy, and then they all spewed out.

Because he had to take Kanai Microcosm into consideration, he used "less powerful" aviation machine guns for his attacks there, but there was no need to worry about the other eight places where they all used terrifying high-energy particle cannons.

Eight red rays of light surged and destroyed everything with destructive power. Many "guardians" just suddenly felt that it was dawn, and then lost consciousness.

This is divine punishment!

There are still corpses of the "guardians" in front of the small universe. The others have all evaporated and turned into ashes under the high temperature. At most, there is only a little dust left, and the others are not left at all.

This is power!

Yu Ishigami even had the feeling that as long as I got into the cab, no one could stop me.

If Ishigami Yu had this mecha at that time, it might not have taken twenty minutes to complete the entire insect-killing organization's forces in Tokyo.

Armed with conventional rockets and armor-piercing projectiles, facing the special alloy armor "invited from purgatory" was like going from the age of cold weapons to the age of hot weapons. It was a dimensionality-reducing blow!

But in front of me, these white suits holding ridiculous ghost swords and stick tricks are no different from monkeys in Ishigami Yu's eyes.

Financial resources, technology, manpower, and material resources are all available to Ishigami, so why should he lose to a weakling like this?

Used to test the power of the "purgatory summons" weapons, these more than a thousand "guards" are probably completely unqualified.

But I couldn’t bear the thought of Yuichi Ishigami having something good, so I wanted to show it off!

A strong deterrent, even if Ishigami Yu is still very rational, it cannot prove that this epoch-making individual combat weapon belongs to the Ishigami family.

Businessmen can only have money, and they can have knives in their hands, but they cannot have cannons that produce truth. This is a rule that has been tacitly accepted for hundreds of thousands of years.

That crazy woman, Togo Mari, is famous for not being afraid of heaven or earth, but does she dare to produce a warship or submarine for herself to use as a vehicle? Or sell the produced aircraft and cannons privately to other countries?

All the actions of businessmen are controlled by something called the upper-level organization. If Ishigami Yu's device is mass-produced in hundreds of units, it can directly destroy a country's land and sea without nuclear weapons and sufficient energy. The Air Force is really not a problem. It has far exceeded the escort force that the so-called businessmen should have.

Even if Chika-senpai becomes the Neon Prime Minister and Ishigami Yu becomes the Commander-in-Chief of the Neon Armed Forces, he will not expose this kind of thing.

Human hearts are not strong enough to swallow elephants. If Ishigami Yu hands this thing over to Neon’s upper-level agencies, those sensitive forces will immediately resurrect.

This place is famous for being small but ambitious.

People with inflated egos and abnormal brains may not always exist, but people from above will appear every year. A bad world will be destroyed.

The mecha in Yu Ishigami's hand is the direction of future war. Nothing should fall into the hands of those people who had a good life.

So it's just right to use this mecha with unknown origins to defeat the "guardians" who want to cover up the crimes they committed.

Both parties want to hide their identities. It is easy to kill all the witnesses so that no one will be exposed.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

Ishigami Yu's voice, which had been encrypted by Airi, was transmitted unimpeded to the "Guardians" communicators.

Including the one in Lan Cheng's hand, Yamashita also listened attentively to what Ishigami Yu said about Ten Ghost Snake King Horse.

"what happened!"

Hayami Katsumasa, who had already evacuated to a ship on the sea, with a gloomy face, was very angry when he heard the voice of an outsider appearing on the "Guardian" channel.

"Are you eating pig food? Are your brains okay?"

He yelled at the communications staff who were wearing headsets.

"Who can tell me why outsiders can enter our internal channel if it is locked well!"

Knowing the internal communications means that every order given by Katsumasa Hayami is known to the enemy.

Hayami Katsumasa's shot destroyed their hearts, they were all trash, they were all trash.

After hearing the boss's reprimand, the communication staff couldn't help but tremble, but Yu Ishigami was different, and Sui Katsu was roaring hysterically.

"Stop barking, old man."

"Noisy to death."

Ishigami Yu didn't coddle Hayami Katsumasa, and it wasn't enough to confront him face to face.

Ishigami Yu launched a Hellfire missile directly at the left string area of ​​Hayami Katsumasa's ship.

"Enemy attack!", "Enemy attack!"

The radar sirens on Hayami Katsumasa's ship were blaring loudly and the ship was in chaos. This was just an ordinary merchant ship and there was no such thing as a close-in defense gun with 10,000 rounds per minute. It would have been nice to have a detection radar.

"A high-energy object is approaching, it's a missile!"

The investigators' faces instantly turned pale.

Just the next second, the missile exploded.

The huge shock wave generated under the water knocked Katsumasa Hayami and others on the boat upside down.

The information fell to the ground and scattered everywhere.

Hayami Katsumasa grabbed the fence next to him to prevent him from falling. His face turned pale, showing that he was very frightened.

"Do you like this meeting gift? Old man."

"Let's play a game."

"From now on, I will give you ten minutes to escape."

"In ten minutes, I will come to you and kill you one by one."

"Don't doubt it, I have the ability."

Thanks to ME Fuji for the eight monthly tickets

Thanks to book friend 20180101115943647 for the four monthly passes

Three monthly passes to thank God for his opinions

Thanks to Xue Yanhu for the two monthly tickets

Thanks to book friend 20221113214411775 for two monthly tickets

Thanks to Haiyunxingkong for the two monthly tickets

Thanks to the two monthly passes who are eager to travel to the second dimension

Thanks eage for your monthly ticket

Thank you Tu Hao for your monthly vote

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