I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 320 The Glory of Divinity

"Explosive core"

"A full blow from the strongest muscle monster!"

This is a move that Wakatsuki Samurai has never shown in any of his fist fights except in front of the "Tauren Warrior".

It shocked everyone as soon as it came out. What is that?

Tear! ! !

The smoothly floating airflow on the field became violent, and the air seemed to be directly exploded and torn apart by this punch, sending out bursts of sharp and harsh sounds.

Like a sonic boom!

This punch caused a sonic boom.

The shocking punch hit Muteba's body. He swore that even mortar shells did not have such exaggerated power.

The terrifying power was like a drill, as if it was tearing Muteba's muscles into pieces. You could only see that the force instantly opened a ferocious bloody hole in his body, and the blood that spattered was instantly torn apart by the violent cyclone. .

The extraordinary force sent Muteba's tattered body flying backwards towards the other end.

A loud bang

Unfortunately, a big hole was opened in the newly repaired wall. Muteba hit it and spit out a mouthful of blood, and he was forced to stop.

"What! Impossible."

Togo Tomari's expression was quite funny. It was obvious that she was in disbelief that her fighter was knocked into the wall at once due to the strange power of Samurai Wakatsuki.

This is the first time that Samurai Wakatsuki's "Explosive Core" is shown in front of everyone. This was originally a move used to deal with the "Miedo's Fang".

But he has no regrets after being exposed. The enemy's attacks do not always leave room for attack. Only defeating the opponent quickly is the best tactic.

There are a lot of moves that can be used for special attacks, and there are many fighters who will hate them if they can't use them in the end. Furthermore, Muteba can afford to be Wakatsuki Samurai's opponent who uses "Explosion Core" for the first time in the Kensetsu Kanzaki elimination match.

If Muteba knew about it, I'm afraid he would say "I really thank you."

"Can player Muteba fight again?"

Katahara Sheuka's hand holding the microphone trembled slightly, a tiger was indeed a tiger. This move demonstrates his unparalleled physical strength. Fifty-three times the muscle density can really explode with incredible violent power.

Muteba collapsed in the ruins, leaning against the wall unable to move, with a pool of blood next to him.

"I blocked it with my right arm sandwiched in the middle, and barely avoided fatal injuries."

"This is such an exaggerated power, I almost thought I was dead."

Muteba slowly opened his eyes, and the pain all over his body eroded his nerves.

The feeling under his arm was gone. Fortunately, Muteba was an old blind man and couldn't see his arm.

Otherwise, it would be even more uncomfortable. All the bones in his right arm were shattered, completely broken into tiny pieces. A huge hole of flesh and blood spread to the surrounding area and was adhered to the flesh of the upper limbs. Otherwise, it would have been almost torn apart. The sight of the bloody flesh and blood was shocking.

The Wakatsuki samurai, who was full of health and uninjured, still held on to his hand in the end, otherwise Muteba would never have wanted this arm and half of his abdomen.

"This is the only way."

Although this little black man is invisible, his hearing is extremely sensitive and can achieve the effect of radar.

Muteba "saw" that Samurai Wakatsuki was slowly walking towards him and shook his head helplessly. He could only say that he was a bit unlucky.

If you encounter serious players who have already been injured, then Muteba's "Heart Penetration" might be able to finish off those fighters.

Before Samurai Wakatsuki's fist swung down again, Muteba said slowly

"I abstain."

"I see."

Samurai Wakatsuki calmly retracted his slowly falling fist, then turned back.

"Winner! Samurai Wakatsuki."

"A fighter's mentality is to win by any means necessary, but a mercenary?"

Unexpectedly, the "seriously injured" Muteba refused the stretcher offered by the medical staff. He patted the dust on his body and stood up with a calm expression.

He touched his right arm, which was only sticking to the flesh but felt bones, and he sighed immediately.

Blood loss this time

"Mercenaries just want to survive, that's all."

Muteba judged that his life would be in danger if he continued to compete, so he immediately abstained.

Muteba's defensive power is also amazing, and his ability to withstand strikes is even more terrifying than Guan Linchun's to some extent.

Therefore, under the shocking blow of Samurai Wakatsuki, Muteba only lost one of his hands. This cost of avoiding a fatal injury may be a gain in the eyes of a fighter.

But Muteba, who relied on his own skills to survive in the hail of bullets, knew that even if the arm was cured, it would never return to its original state, so it was said to be blood loss.

"You idiot, why are you abstaining? Are you kidding me?"

Muteba's employer Togo Tomari scolded him when he saw him, without any concern that this man was a feared person in the world.

"I paid you so much money and wasted so much time and energy. Why do you surrender, you beast?"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing the emotional and hysterical Dongxiang Tomari, Muteba secretly cursed a crazy woman. He took out a card from his pocket and threw it to her.

"What's this?"

Muteba, who was wearing a suit, gave her a thumbs up and smiled heartily.

"My personal phone number. If you need anything, please call me. I can do it for you for free only once."

After saying that, he left without looking back, regardless of the mood of his former employer.

"Hahaha, what a pleasant commission!"

Of course it would have been better if we hadn't encountered that terrifying "tiger".

"Hmph, I'll let you go this time."

Dongxiang Denmari, who just wanted to bite Muteba to death, suddenly changed his expression and showed a greedy smile.

"Trying to whine."

"I didn't expect to get something good. I should think about how to make good use of this opportunity."

The so-called businessman is a qualified businessman who is constantly weighing the pros and cons and does not care about temporary gains and losses.

It is obvious that Tōgō Tomari believes that Wakamoto’s defeat in the knockout round is more attractive to her than Muteba’s free shot.

It is earned with blood!

Blood gain and blood loss are originally within one's own thoughts.

"Mr. Kuroki's next game is about to start, please be ready."

The staff knocked on the door of a room and said cautiously

After waiting for a while, the bearded martial artist came out after a while.

"I see."

Kuroki Genzai came out of the room door quite calmly, ignoring the frightened staff and walked straight to the road leading to the fighter's passage.

When the bearded man disappeared on the other side of the corridor, the "guardian" of the Katahara Mitou fighting force was finally able to breathe heavily.

“It’s really pitiful.”

Looking at the corner where Kuroki Gensai disappeared, the staff member murmured:

"You actually have to fight this kind of "monster"."

Before the game even started, he was already feeling sorry for Kuroki Gensai's opponent. No matter how strong you are, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the "Magic Spear".

He shuddered involuntarily when he thought that the enemy he faced was a "magic gun".

How to win?

As the opponent of "Kuroki Gensai" is the "Muscle Great Myojin" Kai Xiongmingzao, this muscle god.

The gyms on Wanliu Island are free for fighters to exercise, and a variety of fitness equipment are produced by various sports equipment manufacturers.

"Naruzo, are you really okay?"

With his neck fixed, the only option was Toshio Ozu, who was sitting in a wheelchair.

He looked at Jie Xiong Mingzao with a worried look on his face.

How could Toshio Ozu, a "brave and wise general", not have heard of the reputation of the "magic gun"?

He is a man living in legend

No one can benefit from the "magic gun"

But the next game was between Toshio Ozu and his good brother, Mingzao Kai, against this living legend.

This is obviously his job, Toshio Ozu!

If Toshio Ozu hadn't had his neck broken by the inexplicable Kiryu Setsuna "450 degrees", his face would have almost changed position with the back of his head.

So the terrifying enemy of the "Magic Gun" that we will face now is Toshio Ozu!

In other words, because of his fault, his friend Jie Xiongming ended up footing the bill.

"Damn it, if I can still fight."

Ozu Toshio hammered his thigh hard in dissatisfaction, and he felt quite sorry.


I don’t know the weight, but when the barbell was placed on the rack, it made a very thick and heavy sound. Naruzo Uchio, who was lying on the ground, said helplessly.

"An Xin, my husband, I'm obviously the one on stage, why do you seem more nervous than me?"

Street Xiong Mingzao, who was on the stage of the boxing club for the first time, felt a suppressed excitement in his heart.

Is he the opponent?

He is about to go on stage and fight the legendary "Magic Spear". The standards of this stage are higher than imagined.

"Xiaofu, don't feel guilty."

"I did not exercise my rights as a fighter on your behalf."

"I took over as your fighter due to my own will and has nothing to do with you."

Jiexiong Mingzao and the Soryuin family signed an agreement. This is the diagnosis of everything.

But Toshio Ozu is still digging into the past, believing that it was his own mistakes that put his friends in danger.

Jiexiong Mingzo shook his head at Ozu Toshio. He said nothing more and wiped the sweat off his body with a towel.

Of course, there is also the most essential action. As Kai Xiongmingzou zipped up his sportswear again, all his exaggerated muscles were sealed by the sportswear. Like a balloon deflating, it feels incredible every time you see it.

"I will definitely win, husband."

Kai Xiong Naruzou changed from a muscular baby-faced man to a handsome young man. He said firmly to Toshio Ozu

"Just wait for me to bring victory back and triumph!"

Of course, combined with Jie Xiongming's refreshing and handsome face, it is quite unconvincing.

The next game is the penultimate game of the second round, starting immediately.

The well-versed Katahara Kabuto immediately began to introduce the entry information of Kai Xiongnaizou, looking at the gentle-looking man on the screen.

A hint of pink also appeared on her face, but it quickly disappeared.

"The God of Muscles is here!"

Katahara Sheuka said

"Everything you spend in the gym is sweat, and what you get in return is a strong body."

"This man has won several global bodybuilding competition championships. It is said that his muscles are coveted by the gods and they will worship him."

"A battle between bodybuilders and martial artists, he is undoubtedly the strongest competitor in bodybuilding."

"Some people have said that fitness and martial artists are nothing more than a positive and negative relationship. Bodybuilders with strong muscles are actually no different from martial artists."

"Height between 1.78 and 2.15 meters? Ah! Weight 168 kilograms."

Katahara Sheuka's voice was also quite funny. She didn't know why someone could put a question mark on the information provided.

But soon she could see that the data was actually very large, but this was a minor problem.

"The Boxing Club is participating for the first time, and it belongs to Huangying Education Group."

"The great muscle god, Street Hero Mingzo appears!"

Because Jie Xiongming only has unique insights into fitness, it makes it difficult for non-enthusiasts in this field to obtain his status as a time-based bodybuilding champion.

"What? Isn't this just a thin dog?"

The audience saw Ji Xiong Mingzao coming out of the smoke. They talked a lot and even sneered.

But these are quite fragile and vulnerable to the might of the muscular gods.

The skinny Kai Xiong Naruzou soon came to the middle of the boxing match, and he smiled ghostly at the audience.

Then Jie Xiongming made fists with both hands, bent his arms in a bow shape and placed them on his sides, spread his legs slightly, and faced the audience with the front of his abdomen.

"Muscles bloom!!!"

When Yu Ishigami saw this scene, he laughed. It's funny, isn't it?


The rather tragic sound of shredding cloth came through, and the audience felt a dazzling golden light shining directly on them, making it impossible to open their eyes.

"What the hell is this? It's too eye-catching."

"my eyes."

"You blinded me!"

When the dazzling golden light faded, what was revealed to everyone was what looked like Jie Xiongming's extremely uncanny muscles.

The charming muscle curves, the warm muscle luster like white jade, and the various huge muscle groups that are far larger than ordinary people contain terrifying power.

"The God of Muscles" is undoubtedly the miracle of the Creator. I prefer Jie Xiongmingzao too much. This body of muscles is really outrageous and too sacred.

Many people present were moved to tears. They were so moved that they burst into tears.

If you see such perfect muscles once in your life, then your life will be perfect.

The blazing white light hit Jie Xiong Mingzao's back like a halo, adding a bit of divine brilliance to him.

The smile on his face looks quite loving

Is this the "Muscle God" Jie Xiongmingzao?

The audience felt ashamed of their superficiality. It was "God" who tolerated them, otherwise they would never have seen such sacred muscles in their lives.

The lights in the entire venue dimmed again,

The enemy of God is about to appear!

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