I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 307 The situation becomes difficult

Chapter 307 The situation is getting difficult~

The consultation record of Garner Jaw also came out. There were as many as 30 soft tissue contusions on the body, severe bone fractures and inflammation in the right arm, a torn joint in the left arm, and only eight carpal bones in total, five of which were broken.

It lasted three days, and by the end of the last round of the "Destroying Tooth" Ghana Jaw match, the first round of fighting had ended.

These rounds of battles were quite brutal. Mokichi Robinson, Akoya Kiyoaki, Inabata, Okubo Naoya, and Himuro Ryo were seriously injured. The first two were still lying in the ICU unable to move. One Bando Yohei even died. This guy has been killed. Instant freshness technology freezes.

Even the combatants in the T1 and T0 stages, Julius, Gaolan Unwasad, and Ghana Jaw are already close to half-disabled.

This is quite rare in the history of the boxing competition. The favorites to win the championship usually crush their opponents. How could it be like this time that almost all suffered very serious injuries to varying degrees.

At the same time, it seems that except for Chu Jianquan, Yulei Rei, and Muteba, the others who retain their strength seem to be players of the "Manniu Club".

There are currently a few factions on the field, including the Nogi faction, the "Barbarian Bull Club", and their common enemy the "Katahara" faction. The most tragic thing is the "Hayami" faction, which originally had the largest numerical advantage. Because of the "Barbarian Bull Club"'s targeting , have now all withdrawn early.

On the Zeusumei, Juuki Snake Ouma single-handedly defeated nearly thirty combatants from Katsumasa Hayami's faction. One person was at large (Ren Nikaido) and one person was captured (Masaki Meguro).

The most beautiful ones are the two players from the "Manniu Club". They tried their best to inflict serious damage to the favorites, Garner Jaw and Gaolan Wenwasad, so serious that they were even weak. More than half of it was sealed.

It’s amazing. Katahara Metō learned from the doctor that the injury of “Meetō no Tooth” was as serious as that of Gaolan Vinvasad, and then he realized that this group of people had the determination and will to win the championship. How terrible.

"Daisuke-kun, I agree that you are my opponent, Katahara Mitou."

So after the Ghana Jaw Competition, before leaving, Katahara Mitou specifically patted Ishigami Daisuke on the shoulder and said meaningfully.

"You are qualified!"

This arrogant, aloof old emperor finally began to face these ambitious challengers.

But isn't it a little late?

There is only one card that belongs to Katahara Mitō, and that is "Medō's Fang".

But the "ace" card has been riddled with holes, and the totem belonging to the "king" can no longer be seen.

What to do?

Unless Katahara Midō is an official and an official expression of the boxing association's will, he can be so "shameless" that he can forcefully change the rules of the game.

Otherwise, the old and scarred old king will face off against the powerful or even "unscathed" new king, and the final battle that symbolizes the decisive battle will only become the coronation ceremony of the new king.

This cruel stage only recognizes the final result and does not recognize people. No matter how glorious the past was, the loser will lose everything.

The loser eats the dust!

This is quite simple.

The order of the second round of the competition is also drawn by lot, but this time there is no need for corporate presidents to gather together to draw lots to determine the order. The artificial intelligence AI is just allowed to randomly assign opponents according to the algorithm.

The final allocation result is

The first round pitted "King of Strangler" Kanai Kocosmos against "Thunder God" Yurai Rei

The second round pitted "Hell Angel" Jun Sekibayashi against "God of Destruction" Haruo Kono.

The third round pitted "Demon" Wu Lei'an against "Seaweed Head", no, "Warcraft" Ten Ghost Snake King Horse.

The fourth round of the battle is between "Anatomy Demon" Yingchu and "Tauren Warrior" Mingyu Xingming.

The fifth round was between "Mercenary" Muteba and "Tiger" Wakatsuki Samurai.

The sixth round of the battle is between the "Muscle God" Kai Xiongmingzao and the "Magic Spear" Kuroki Gensai.

The seventh round of the battle is between the "God of Fighting" Gaolong Unwasad and the "Tooth of Destruction" Ganaja.

Since this game started out as an "elite" version that had been cut down by Jukiki Ouma, it was too much, so there was no way one player would get a bye.

"Floating Cloud" Hatsumi Izumi was the lucky player this time, and he was able to directly advance to the third round of the battle.

After hearing the news, Nogi Hideki's "Sima face" that had always been depressed because he gave up the powerful fighting skill "Ten Ghost Snake King Horse" finally showed a rare smile, and he smiled quite happily.

"Hey, hey, are you kidding?"

The presidents who were not so lucky immediately exploded when they saw this battle order list.

"God of War" Gaolan is so injured that he still has to play? "

Why? Your bones are broken in two. This guy is really not afraid of being disabled for life. The King of Thailand is the same. Why not let Gaolan Wenwasad return to the country to rest? It is obvious that he just can't make it to the boxing competition." A small competition like "On the Table Top" cannot afford to hire this "great god".

"That damn old man knew he would do this."

But what makes people feel even more uncomfortable is that they are assigned to a group with the "Destroying Tooth" Ganja. How can a cripple fight a cripple? At this time, we should pay attention to humanity and fairness, right?

"Damn it, old guy."

But being grouped with Ghana Jaw is actually unfair to Gaolan. Because although the injury to Ghana's jaw also reduced his combat effectiveness sharply, it was still a "minor injury" compared to Gaolan's injury, not that serious.

This is a clear partiality. Against the seriously injured "God of War", Ghana's jaw will definitely advance to the third round easily.

Originally, some people were looking forward to it with malicious intent. It would be great if the opponent of "Destruction Fang" in the next round was "Tauren Warrior".

The uninjured "Tauren Warrior" is absolutely invincible against the "scarred" "Medou Fang". By then, the president of the Boxing Club, Katahara Metou, will be re-elected in the next session of the Boxing Club. This concludes the president's proposal.

So when it comes to arranging Katahara Mitou's exit, these people are still too young. They originally symbolize the will of the fist, so how can they compare to it. The game you are playing was designed by others, so how can you lose?

The only thing that made everyone angry was that Ghana Jaw was not the lucky player this time, otherwise the heart of resistance would be even heavier.

The other arrangements are quite satisfactory and there are no major difficulties. The combatants can communicate with each other in private to solve the problem.

Time soon arrived at the second round of the Quan Yuan Jue Kou Knockout Tournament. After experiencing the terrifying collision in the first round, the audience's bodies and minds had also been tempered to a considerable extent.

The venue was still packed, and the mentality of their audience was still okay. When Julius fought the "Tauren Warrior", a strong wind blew violently on the boxing field. Not to mention them, the referees, who were used to seeing strong winds and waves, were so frightened that it took several games to recover. A bad one will really take away a lucky viewer randomly and take it to the sky. It's not black or blowing.

There is a lot of excitement on "Wishriu Island", but there is also an undercurrent in Tokyo.

A terrifying Barrett heavy sniper rifle was placed flat on a four-hundred-meter-high building. This weapon that could break people into pieces was actually held by a thin woman with short hair and a cool suspender. in hand.

The recoil of this kind of anti-material sniper rifle can break the shoulders of ordinary people, but you should understand it when you see the black eyes and white pupils of this young lady, so don't be surprised.

For a person from this simple and honest family who kills people at every turn, even children can shoot and kill people smoothly with the "Desert Eagle". To an adult, a mere Barrett is nothing.

The physique of the Wu clan is so outrageous

This young lady is Wu Fengshui, whom she hasn't seen for a long time. She is lying on the ground staring at a house with the scope on the Barrett, with her finger on the trigger, feeling that if the target appears on the window sill, she will be killed in one shot.

Even though she had been taught a lesson by Yu Ishigami, this little girl still couldn't change her bad habit of using a sniper rifle's telescope to observe enemies.

If Mr. Yamashita saw the direction Wu Fengshui was aiming her gun at, he would probably jump up.

Because this is a residence that he still has thirty years to pay off the loan on, Yamashita's only most valuable thing is that he claims to die in it.

Why Wu Feng Shui targeted the house of Mr. Yamashita's family with this kind of murderous weapon? It was simply because the guy from the Wu clan who hired him for this boxing match was the eldest son of Mr. Yamashita, Kenzo Yamashita.

Perhaps Yamashita himself did not expect that his "stay-at-home" son would be so awesome that he would become the president of a unicorn high-tech company. More importantly, he would attract the pursuit of the Wu clan.

Judging from the instant noodles and snack bags next to him, Wu Fengshui had been squatting for a while, but the target was really not close to the window at all.

It's really hard to kill squatting in this house

When the Wu clan kills their employer, it's very simple: they have been deceived!

"Mina-san, I've been waiting for a long time!"

It was Katahara Sheuka who was still dressed up as the host. She walked slowly from the entrance with her long legs and said hello to the audience.

"Now the second round of the fist-wishful battle is about to begin!"

Kanai Cosmos is ready to go in the fighter channel. He stretches his body and jumps very lightly. There is not only Kanei Cosmos in the fighter channel, but also his two eldest brothers.

Because the big brother is behind him, Kanai Kouni is very at ease.

Speaking of which, he was the first one to appear in the first round of the Quan Yuan Jue Mie Knockout Tournament, and now he does the same thing in the second round.

"Then, I'm going."

Kanai Cosmos smiled slightly at the "Tauren Warrior" and the president of Nishiheiji Police Supplies.

"Well, go ahead."

Ishigami Yu crossed his arms and nodded.

"Little Universe, please pay attention to your opponent's speed. Don't be too careless."

"Come on, Xiaoyu!"

Haruaki Nishipin cheers for Kanai Universe

"Well, thank you!"

Jinjing Cosmos nodded, and after saying that, he walked towards the entrance passage for the combatants.

"I will definitely win!"

Ishigami Yu watched Xiao Cosmos walking into the dark passage, like a huge beast opening its huge mouth to swallow him.

Alas, Ishigami Yu is actually not very optimistic about Microcosm in this round.

The target of this one is too obvious, and it is obvious that the weakness of the small universe is used to arrange Yu Lei Zero as the opponent.

The fastest move of Microcosm, ZONE, relies on launching an attack at the opponent's blind spot, which is fast, accurate and ruthless.

But the problem lies in this speed. No matter how fast the small universe is, can Yu Lei Zero be as fast as lightning?

There is also the issue of defense. Although Cosmos has become rough-skinned and thick-skinned under Yu Ishigami's "teaching", the physical defense is not the same as Kaizukasatsu, who has been repairing fractures since he was a child, destroying them again and repairing them again. Pain?

Kaizuka Sapain, who was beaten with a hammer and turned into a fool since childhood, couldn't help but lose consciousness after being hit with a "Thunder Flash" by Yu Lei Rei.

Ishigami Yu suspected that the force of this blow was almost the same as the "God of War" Gaolan Unvasad's level A.

So Yu Ishigami is really worried. Just how many "Thunder Flashes" can Microcosm take with his small body?

So in terms of speed and physical injury resistance, these two main aspects were crushed by him.

This was not only a huge disparity in strength, but also a battle involving attribute restraint.

But there is no way for Little Universe to win. His strangulation technique is the most powerful weapon!

No matter how strong Yu Lei Ling is, he is still within the range of humans, and even if his trachea is blocked, he will pass out.

What Little Universe is best at is strangling the enemy (prey) by surprise, but only if it can withstand the lightning-fast punch.

"Alas, the situation is starting to get difficult."

The siege net against the "Manniu Club" has begun to be woven. Achun is fighting with his master. No matter who loses or wins, it will be a huge loss for the Manniu Club. In addition, the powerful Naoya Okubo and Himuro Ryo has semi-exchanged with his opponent, and this round is not very optimistic.

Is this what it feels like to be an enemy of Katahara Mitou?

The originally good situation was turned into a mess.

Interesting, Ishigami Yu chuckled.

However, as long as my "Tauren Warrior" is on the field for one day.

The "Manniu Club" will never lose!

As for why Ishigami Yu didn't use Airi to intervene, after all, according to the official release of the Boxing Club, didn't the AI ​​algorithm sort it out?

According to Airi's superiority, the secret operation is not too simple, just like the time in the first round when Ishigami Yu manipulated points and Hayami Katsumasa went head-to-head.

It would be too naive to think like this. What do people say?

They said that the results of running with AI, didn't the final result really change according to the will of some old guy?

Don’t forget, one more person will be the first to see this sequence list

But Katahara Mitou!

He was the first person to see it

At this time, letting Ellie control the order was really exposed. In the first round, Yu Ishigami had already been suspected because of too coincidental points.

Because at that time, starting from the five-digit number, it was no longer the speed that the eyes could see clearly. (Adjust the table)

Let alone single digits, even thousands of digits are difficult.

So this time the sequence list was not notified in advance at all.

This is not to discuss with you but to tell you that if you want to play this game, you have to abide by other people's rules of the game, unless you flip the table and break your face.

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