This fight to the death was really full of twists and turns, refreshing everyone's understanding time and time again, especially the endless weapons that Dr. Yingchu had.

At the beginning, Dr. Eichu relied on his powerful strength to crush Bando Yohei with just one blow. The violent beating broke his spine, but he found that the flexibility of this guy's joints was different from ordinary people.

However, this obviously didn't work on Dr. Yingchu, who had no martial ethics. He almost cut his opponent into a stick with his sharp bone sword.

However, because he made a mistake and his neck was broken by Bando Yohei, Dr. Eichu, who had undergone body transformation, was immune to this injury.

Rather than saying that Bando Yohei lost to Dr. Eichu's cheating, it would be better to say that he lost to modern medicine, integrating modern biomedicine and weapons science resources.

This is the "Anatomy Demon", Yingchu

But to be honest, this guy Yingchu is really too much.

While other combatants were still honing their martial arts skills, he had already found a new way to create the "Palm Sword", "Rib Ballistic Missile", etc.

Repeatedly jumping between violations and rules is clearly challenging the official nerves of the boxing club.

It's quite outrageous. The "rib ballistic missile" was used to shoot out the spikes from the ribs of Dr. Eichu's body, which penetrated directly through the thick muscles of Bando Yohei, making several terrifying blood holes.

From the huge blood hole, you can see that the organs inside are torn apart by scattered spikes. The strength of the flesh is so weak in the face of the penetrating power of the powerful black gunpowder that brings huge kinetic energy.

A total of twelve white bones taken from Dr. Yingchu's ribs are still firmly embedded in the ceiling of the Fist Arena.


Encountering such an opponent can only be said to be unlucky for Bando Yohei. When he was dying, he said two words with weak breath in his mouth, and then his vision went dark and he completely lost consciousness.

After completing the scene of "Brother Huai was killed in the arms", the "initiator" Dr. Yingchu still looked funny with his broken neck crooked and looking at people sideways.

Both of his hands were on Bando Yohei, so he had no free hands to straighten his head.

Funny? This is what Yohei Bando sacrificed his life for.

The venue was very quiet, and the audience was still immersed in the sound of the explosion just now.

After all, the twelve salvos fired just now may be the first time they have seen such a scene in their lives.

The clothes on Dr. Yingchu's body were completely scrapped, and the twelve craters on his upper body were slowly recovering. After pulling out the bone sword that was still stuck in Bando Yohei's body, he finally had a free hand to turn his head forward. Twist, "knock" and it straightened out in an instant.

This weird scene left everyone present speechless, but they still felt immune.

After all, although it is quite terrifying to say that one has to straighten one's own bones, it pales in comparison to the fact that all the bones in one's body have been dismantled and completely transformed.

In the end, Dr. Eichu just smiled, patted the head of Bando Yohei that was leaning on his shoulder and said softly.

"Good night."

The referee swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he looked at the lifeless Bando Yohei, who was lying in a pool of blood. He looked at the Dr. Eichu next to him who was drooling over the body on the ground, and his heart was really frightened.

"Winner! Yingchu."

"What a farce. I will accept this body."

Dr. Yingchu drew the blood flowing from the corners of his mouth upwards, like a clown's smile.

He didn't work for free, "Bloody Ivory" Bando Yohei had been busy for nearly twenty minutes. The biggest gain was that it became tattered and covered with blood holes.

It's still usable, but Dr. Yingchu doesn't care. After all, it's just for dissection.

After asking some people to further examine the body of Bando Yohei, it was confirmed that his identity was correct and that he was the "murderer" who shocked Neon thirty years ago.

The big shots sitting in the VIP room at the top breathed a sigh of relief.

In other words, this execution, which was nearly thirty years late, has finally been carried out, and the defeat of the law is a thing of the past.

The death penalty is still the most serious punishment. The sad dignity of neon law is back. How can we not make people happy.

Dr. Yingchu, good job.

Outside newspapers have begun to write press releases. The prisoners who have been unable to be executed for thirty years are today

Successful execution!


When Dr. Yingchu returned to the fighter's passage, his little nurse was already waiting there with tears in her eyes.

When she saw the doctor coming back, her eyes lit up and she wanted to rush over, but the chairman of Kyoto University, who had quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed him by the collar.

"Yoshino-kun, it's best not to get close to the current Eichu-kun."

This serious old man wearing a brown simple kimono said sternly


The little nurse was really scared just now

Dr. Eichu answered this question for Dazai Osamu, he said slowly

"The principal and teacher are right, Yoshino-kun is better not to get close to me now."

He pointed at the dried blood everywhere on his body and said calmly

"It's simple. Because I put poison in the blood."

Doctor Yingchu is really foolproof. In case he cannot fight in melee combat, he will mix biochemical weapons in the blood before the game starts.

Fortunately for Mud, "Bando Yohei" died in the one-on-one battle with Dr. Eichu, instead of finding out at the end of the game that he had been hit and there was no cure.

At that time, Bando Yohei's mentality may have been a bit broken.

In other words, when Dr. Eichu scratched Bando Yohei with the bone sword in his palm, the death of the "murderer" was a foregone conclusion.

Being generalized

This blood toxin is actually the toxin of the "oracle cells". Whether it is the immune system or the skin, it is overbearing and eats them all. Therefore, the lethality of muscle dissolution and internal bleeding is what Dr. Yingchu believed. Proud's trump card.

"This guy Yingchu really surprised me."

There is such a hand hidden in the body, no one can escape from the explosion at close range, and the color of the explosion sparks is definitely a high explosive, and there is no fear that if it fails, the heart will be blown to pieces.

Ignore him, but now that Bando Yohei has been executed, the deal with the Fujiwara family has come to an end.

The "Tauren Warrior" was also a part of the strangulation of Bando Yohei. He promised to assist President Takada in transporting Bando out of the "Infernal Prison" where he never lived, and then failed in case of various accidents with "Doctor Eichu". If Bandō Yohei is executed, then the "Tauren Warrior" will be the second executioner.

The Fujiwara family who wrote the script wrote it this way. Thanks to Dr. Eichu's success, it saves effort now. In the second round of the match, the Fujiwara family no longer had to operate behind the scenes to pit Bando Yohei against the "Tauren Warrior" again, which was convenient in every sense of the word.

After the game, Ishigami Yu did not stay but immediately walked to the fighter lounge for the next game.

Of course it can't be him who is going to play, but Ryo Himuro, one of the two good brothers who has followed Yu Ishigami for the longest time, is going to play.

In the next competition, it was his turn, and A Liang's opponent was extremely powerful. He was the most internationally renowned among all the fighters present.

With such a great reputation, no one would question that man's strength.

Whether it is due to emotions or reason, or because of their status as the eldest brother, it is also very important to mobilize Himuro Ryo before the game. At the same time, this next boxing match is also the time to test Ishigami Yu’s training results.

In fact, Yu Ishigami has always thought that it would be nice if Ryo Himuro's opponents and Naoya Okubo's opponents were swapped. Otherwise, it would be a waste. They are all top-notch fighters and it would be a waste to be eliminated in the first round.

But for the sake of the victory of the entire "Manniu Club", the presidents of the two clubs unanimously made this decision at the same time.

It's a voluntary sacrifice

With this thought, Ishigami Yu came to the door of the fighter's lounge and heard cheerful sounds coming from inside before he even knocked.

It seems that this group of people arrived much earlier than him. Maybe they were here for the last game.

The corners of Ishigami Yu's mouth raised slightly. He opened the door and walked in, only to find four people already in the room.

In addition to the protagonist Ryo Himuro who is about to appear next, there are the presidents of Yoshiya Bookstore, Ken Oya, Naoya Okubo, and a squinty-eyed man with bandages all over his body and sitting in a wheelchair, who Ishigami Yu only has a vague impression of.

As soon as Ishigami Yu walked in, he caught the attention of the four of them.

"Brother Xingming!"

As the protagonist, Ryo Himuro had a big smile on his face and immediately walked up to him and gave him a bear hug.

Because he was competing today, Himuro Ryo wore Taekwondo clothes instead of the usual suits and leather shoes.

In fact, this man prefers to wear bartender clothes because of his bar.

"Brother Xingming, you're here!"

"You kid, save your energy for your next opponent."

Ishigami Yu felt that this huge force was suffocating him, so he said angrily

"Don't run out of energy by then."

It's rare for Himuro Ryo to be so close to his elder brother, but Ishigami Yu doesn't understand.

This is exactly a sign of uneasiness. Himuro Ryo's players are different from the past world-class champions, they are the handful of people in the strongest first echelon.

Some dignitaries even flew in on official planes from their respective countries just to watch this man play.

This man's name is Gaolong Unsad, the fighting god of Thailand and the strongest fighter in that country. He has swept the four major leagues by himself and won the world championship several times.

One can imagine the pressure of ice room cold

When Yu Ishigami thought about how his right arm was almost broken on the ship, it was the first round of challenges to the fighters with invitations from all sides. It seemed like several unlucky fighters were targeted and eliminated before the competition.

Ryo Himuro also ushered in a challenger. After a hard fight and with the determination to kill the enemy, he won the battle. However, his right arm was almost broken by his opponent at the time.

Because it was just a slight bone fracture, I put a little plaster on it just to be on the safe side.

"And your right arm is okay?"

So I asked Yu Ishigami to ask.

Being teased like this by his beloved eldest brother, Himuro Ryo couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed on his face, but he didn't notice it himself, and it seemed that the tension was somewhat relieved.

"What's the matter? This little thing is nothing."

Himuro Ryo has black lines all over his head. He really doesn’t mention which pot to turn on. Why do you say this in this scene? It shouldn’t be to encourage him to be careful on the field.

When seeing his friend Ryo Himuro in such embarrassment, Naoya Okubo hugged his belly and laughed unceremoniously.

During that time, Himuro Ryo followed Dr. Eichu's advice and applied quick-recovery ointment to the plaster on his arm.

But among all the people on the field, only one person was not smiling, and that was the one who was sitting in a wheelchair, his whole body wrapped tightly in three layers.

Do you think why he didn't laugh? Was it because Himuro Ryo didn't look funny at that time?

Because this squinty-eyed guy almost made Ryo Himuro miss the knockout tournament of this year's Kengan Jutsusuketsu, and the two started a fierce battle.

If it weren't for Ishigami Yu's special training, it would have been difficult for Himuro Ryo to escape from this man.

The seriously injured "Miao Mi Yan" was taken away and was not released from the ICU until these days.

"Mr. Mingmingyu."

Ishigami nods

"Kaneda, how's the recovery place going?"

"Can I carry out normal activities?"

This guy named Mikichi Kaneda was almost killed by Ryo Himuro who became completely serious.

Later, Ryo Himuro woke up and did not do any dangerous actions, otherwise Kinda would really have died there that day.

After all, if there were no injuries all over his body, why would he be covered in bandages?

"Mr. Weimingyu, thank you for your life-saving grace."

Kaneda said gratefully

According to the scene at that time, he was really almost beaten to death by Ryo Himuro. With the medical equipment on the ship, Kaneda's fate was very simple, that is, he would immediately fast forward to his next life and find a good family, with a body that could be a fighter.

"No, this is not worth mentioning."

Ishigami Yu waved his hand, indicating that he shouldn't take it too seriously.

It's just a little effort

"If you completely wake up Ryo Himuro, I think this deal is quite a bargain."


Kaneda wanted to say something else, but Ishigami Yu stopped him.

"Well, the fact that you are here shows that you are recognized by them and are friends."

No one is allowed to enter the fighter's lounge, and these people don't know each other unless they fight.

"You don't have to worry so much between friends."

"Thank you, your magnanimity is really convincing."

Kaneda looked troubled

"It's okay, Kaneda, have a good rest."

The voice of Katahara Sheuka outside is already echoing, indicating that the game is about to begin.

In another boxing lounge, it was very deserted.

The bronze body in the mirror was wrapped in a yellow cloak, and her brown hair was styled into a ponytail and hung on her left shoulder.

Naturally slanted eyes look like "dead fish eyes" with splayed eyebrows. No matter how you look at them, they look listless.

But this is the legendary [God of Fighting]-Gaolan, the legendary fighting master. The person with the highest attainments in Muay Thai and the uncrowned king of world combat boxing.

"Dedicate victory to Your Majesty!"

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