I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 295 Bone Sword Sword Master

"Unfortunately, the original intention was to preserve the integrity of the body as much as possible."

Doctor Yingchu's body was flexible and he kept retreating violently. Every time he left the place, the ground beneath his feet would burst into pieces. The deep pits that kept appearing on the field silently told the intensity of the battle.

"Wow, that's scary."

The swords that Bando Yohei wielded with both hands danced wantonly like two whips. Dr. Yingchu kept running away, and he kept chasing him.

A situation where you are chasing after me

Anyway, with Bando Yohei as the center, several meters around are restricted areas for living beings. Even the splashed gravel flying into the air will be crushed into powder.

Thanks to the "oracle cells" that greatly increased the optic nerve, Dr. Eichu could still see the trajectory of Bando Yohei's attack.

Dr. Eichu is like dancing on the tip of a knife. Once he slips and is hit by Bando Yohei, he will definitely die an ugly death.

There is no need to think about it. Under such a violent blow, no matter how hard the muscles are, they will be torn apart, let alone a thin dog like Dr. Yingchu, with fine skin and tender flesh. The scene may be It is bloodier than the "Rakshasa ghost" with grass ten feet high on the grave.

It's not like super-speed regeneration can even heal wounds from a single blow to the head, etc. He must die anyway.

So far, none of Bando Yohei's attacks have directly hit him, but the aftermath of this attack on Dr. Eichu is enough to kill him.

Air storms, pressure differences, and roaring cyclones can also disrupt Dr. Yingchu's movement and movement. That is, Dr. Yingchu's "super-speed regeneration" can heal these wounds and subtle bone cracks, allowing him to ignore these adverse factors.

But can "super-speed regeneration" really be used unlimitedly?

If you look carefully, you will find that Dr. Yingchu's blond hair like withered grass suddenly has a lot of white hair.

It can be seen that if this thing is used too much, there will be side effects. I don’t know how to make up for the overdrawn vitality.

Therefore, it is simply unrealistic to think about holding on in this situation.

As long as Dr. Yingchu is still naively obsessed with the integrity of the dissected corpse and is completely reluctant to use any tricks that will damage the integrity of the corpse, then he will have no chance of winning.

It’s time to change this strategy.

However, Bando Yohei's attitude was a bit "ambiguous" before. I don't know if he was merciful to Dr. Eichu, who also graduated from medical school. When the open wound on his left hand was bleeding heavily, he was given time to stop the bleeding. If it had been any other fighter, he would have continued to pursue the victory, wishing that his opponent's body would be torn into pieces and that he would be dead.

You can take a breath and rest while being fierce. This is the rhythm of the desperate fight between Dr. Eichu and "Bando Yohei".

The only way to break this rhythm is to use stunts that are more ferocious than your opponent's. Dr. Yingchu took a deep breath and his whole breath changed. Bando Yohei seemed to notice that his eyes became serious.

Dr. Eichu changed his previous dodge, and with one step he instantly closed the distance between him and Bando Yohei.

At this time, the distance between him and his opponent was only one meter, and no one would have thought that when Dr. Eichu opened his mouth, he first faced Bandou Yohei and let out a very shrill scream.

The sound was sharp and sharp, and the frequency of the sound line was quite high. Even the audience who were not within the attack range showed pain and covered their ears.

Fifteen of the large searchlight shades exploded in a row, and the number was rising. The place was very empty, but the reverberating sound of Dr. Yingchu's scream did not diminish. As a result, these terrifying screams were superimposed on each other, and the degree of destruction increased in an incomprehensible way.

"How much has that bastard doctor modified himself? Even his vocal cords have been modified to look like this."

Ishigami Yu also covered his ears at this time. Even with such a strong body, he even had symptoms of dizziness and nausea. The destructive power of this sonic weapon is so frightening.

The decibels reached an astonishing 150 decibels instantly. Let's just say that the noise of a Boeing 747 flying close to you is only 120.

And you can imagine how miserable Bando Yohei was in it. His head was about to explode because he was so embarrassed by the sudden "sonic bomb". Two lines of dark blood were already flowing out from the periosteum of the ear hole.

Not only was he caught off guard, but he also gave Dr. Yingchu an opportunity to take advantage of him.

"Pfft." The sound of flesh tearing and blood spurting came out, followed immediately by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.


The whole place was very quiet, and everyone who had been complaining just now fell silent and closed their mouths one after another.

Even Bando Yohei, whose brain was dazed by the "sonic bomb", was completely awakened by the severe pain. He immediately changed from a position of holding his head in pain to half-crouching on the ground, his whole body shaking uncontrollably, and his expression was very painful.

"What have you done, you bastard?"

The blood from the huge wound spurted out from the wound like a fountain. The severe pain made Bando Yohei's forehead covered with tiny beads of sweat, and his face became as white as white paper.

"That's great...hehehe..."

Dr. Eichu, who was already making people panic, was also smiling strangely at this moment. He picked up the part that was growing on Bandō Yohei's body from the ground and looked at it carefully.

The problem was that it was freshly picked, so it was still as hot as usual, and its strong muscles were still twitching.

"This muscle, this bone density", oh~ it's really hard to put it down.

"Doctor Yingchu. He took Player Bando"

Katahara Sheka's mouth was so big that she couldn't even finish a sentence after speaking for a long time.

That's because he was so shocked. Who would have thought that this doctor, who was almost as frail as a "thin dog", would just remove a part from the "patient" without saying anything.

"He ripped off Bando's right arm entirely!!!"

No, not ripping it off.

Yu Ishigami saw clearly that although he had put on a mask of pain under Dr. Yingchu's "sonic bomb" just now, how could he close his eyes and not observe his surroundings as a warrior?

His eyes, which were only a little inferior to a high-speed camera, saw that "Bando Yohei's" shoulder had been completely cut off by Dr. Eichu, who was "a ruthless person but not very talkative." He used something sharp to cut it off.

"The cook cuts the cow" with smooth flow, without touching any bones or difficult-to-cut tissues.

"Sa, stop the bleeding quickly."

Doctor Yingchu held his arms thicker than his waist like a little girl holding a teddy bear. He sat on the ground and the blood seeping out of his arms dyed his torn white coat red.

But he still hugged her like a treasure, and the white bones could still be seen at the incision, making people suspect that it was not an arm still with residual warmth, but a tempting lollipop.

This bloody scene really made people's scalp numb and almost unbearable.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this amount of bleeding is not good."

He looked at Bandō Yohei with interest, who was still trembling. There was also a large pool of blood on the ground over there.

"What's wrong? Aren't you a top student who graduated from Tokyo University Medical School?"

This made Dr. Yingchu couldn't help but remind him loudly.

"No way, no way. Could it be that after being released from prison after thirty years, you can't even stop bleeding?"

This scene seems familiar as it happened just five or six minutes ago, but now the roles between the two have been reversed.

Bando Yohei's whip completely shattered the palm of Dr. Yingchu's right hand, leaving only the flesh and skin adhering to each other. Now it's Dr. Yingchu's turn.

Not only did the person who made the taunt become Dr. Eichu, but even the arm of "Bando Yohei" no longer belonged to him. At the same time, Yohei Bando is not like Dr. Eichu who is gradually making great strides towards being non-human. He is still injured, and there is no such rogue term as "super-speed regeneration".

But even if Bando Yohei still remembered how to stop the bleeding, he was blocked from the beginning by some evil guy.

Even if you want to stop the bleeding and use something to tie it tightly, there is no place to tie it tightly. Apart from the traditional method of burning, Bando Yohei, who lacks medical equipment, has no other cure method.

"Beast, you don't think you've already eaten me?"

Whether it was the violent beating at the beginning or the shrill scream just now, they were all just tricks that didn't make sense. He was so angry that his voice was trembling when he spoke. Bando Yohei, who was half-crouched on the ground, had bloodshot eyes, looking like a bloody beast.

"Whoever you said will die is just an accident. Don't get too carried away."

he is angry

Anger is a useless emotion, no less than poison.

Dr. Yingchu raised the corners of his mouth slightly. In the case of massive bleeding and open injury, the excitement has no other benefits except that it will increase the blood flow rate and accelerate death.

"how so?"

Doctor Yingchu looked surprised. He actually saw Bando Yohei grit his teeth and hit his arm hard with his fist, and then the bleeding wound miraculously stopped bleeding.

"This really gives me different surprises every time."

This hand demonstrates Bando Yohei's amazing control over muscles. His bone and joint control is originally regulated by muscles.

Bando Yohei used force on the muscles of his arms to increase the pressure so that the blood vessels would be squeezed so that the blood would not flow outside the body surface.

"Have a hand."

The fatal injury caused by massive bleeding was simply resolved by Bando Yohei in an understatement. However, this is a low-level treatment method that is not even a "palliative treatment". On the contrary, it will worsen the injury. There is no doubt that such a large area of ​​​​wound is exposed to the air. It must be infected by bacteria.

But if he doesn't win this game, Bando Yohei won't even have a future.

That bastard doctor said he didn't want him to die and stopped the bleeding quickly, but he didn't believe a word of it. The guy's eyes were unabashedly spying on him after he became a corpse. If Bando Yohei died, it would be difficult for Andu to have his ashes buried in the ground.

I'm afraid even the bones will be made into specimen models.

And what the hell was the attack just now?

Why did Bando Yohei's hand get chopped off without even reacting?

This is a battle that neither side can afford to drag out. Doctor Yingchu looks calm and calm, turning on the mode blessed by "oracle cells", but this also has time for action.

After the activity time has passed, Dr. Yingchu's "oracle cells" will be eroded at an accelerated rate. Invisible to the naked eye, small black and red dots have appeared under his clothes. They are quite scattered but are almost coming together.

What will happen when these are connected together, who knows!

That is to say

"We must fight quickly!"

Bando Yohei showed a bloodthirsty expression. He bent down and used his whole body as a spring, and then jumped up. The layers of joints make this guy really like a spring, flying straight towards Dr. Yingchu.

Of course, more than that, he launched a knife attack in mid-air at Dr. Yingchu.

Because he only had one hand, the attack range and density were not as good as before, so Dr. Yingchu really didn't panic, but was eager to try.

So when Bando Yohei took the initiative to close the distance, he suddenly saw a flash of white light in his sight. He felt something bad and immediately adjusted his posture and retreated.

But there was another thin pool of blood scattered in the air, and it could be seen that Bando Yohei was injured again.

"here we go again"

He raised his only remaining hand and looked at it, and found that half of his palm was cut in half like cutting a cake and slowly slid down to the ground.

The lower part naturally included the little finger, so Dr. Yingchu laughed and said

"Are you Yakuza? Uncle."

If Yakuza did something wrong, his little finger would be cut off as a memory of his mistake.

"During the process of dislocation and rejoining, the frequent friction of the arm joints will aggravate your injury. When the muscle swelling reaches a certain level and the right arm is missing, only the left arm can be used."

Due to the intelligence exposed by Bando Yohei, Dr. Eichu has learned all his secrets through analysis.

But Dr. Yingchu still knows nothing

"Seeing how miserable you are, I won't hide it from you."

Doctor Yingchu must be carrying some kind of weapon, otherwise it would be impossible to cause such a flat attack.

"Puff" sound

Two slender swords penetrated the host's hands and were exposed to the air.

Doctor Yingchu even made a special effort to rub the two swords together with sparks. The hardness was extraordinary.

"Qiang Qiang!"

The ingredients of these things are quite obvious. You can tell from the pale white color. They are made of human bones.

"It's a sword!"

Mad, the sinister doctor, hid two white swords in his arms. This time, Doctor Yingchu's hands had wounds of varying degrees.

"how come!"

"Isn't it forbidden to use weapons in the Quan Yuan Club?"

"Sorry, this is not a weapon."

Dr. Yingchu heard the strange words from the audience and immediately retorted

"If you can, please call this part of my body."

The bone sword usually stays inside his arm bone, but pops out immediately when used.

Thanks to TYOA for the 3 monthly passes

Thanks to book friend 20170828013753330 for his 2 monthly passes

Thank you for calling Meow Meow Meow, not Meow Meow’s monthly ticket.

Thanks to book friend 20221113214411775 for your monthly ticket

Thank you to all the gods for your monthly ticket to realize the immortality of all realms and reflect eternity.

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