I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 290 The final roar

In terms of visual impact, Kaizuka Sapain's headbutt is much more powerful than Ghost King Sanzun's.

"Maine's Hammer" and "Excitement"?

It’s not a one-dimensional injury

The entire hard field within five meters was covered with thick cracks. Such a terrifying attack, Kaizuka Sapain's forehead was only slightly injured!

The blood flowing down his forehead is really not as much as the injury caused by Yu Lei Ling's "Thunder Flash" just now.

And the most surprising thing was that Kaizuka Sapain, who had been knocked unconscious by Yulei Zero before and was about to collapse, became more and more sober after being hit by his own headbutt.


Yulei Zero bent his knees and half-crouched down and was almost speechless. The five-meter area under his feet was the place where Kaizuka Sapain's headbutt hit the ground hard.

It's really dangerous. I'm too obsessed with making the attack hit, but I actively step into a dangerous situation.

Although he is an idiot, he can see that Rei Yurai wants to end the game quickly, so he will spontaneously approach Kaizuka Sapain, thus getting deeper and deeper into the situation.

Spontaneously made a headbutt reaction based on the facts and judgment.

Is this the fighting consciousness of that guy, Kaizuka Sapain?

If Yulei Ling hadn't been careful, he would have been unable to avoid it if he took another step forward.

"If you get hit by this headbutt."

Ju Lei Ling could tell from his expression that he was a little surprised. This situation could not have been caused by a simple and crude headbutt.

"It's not just as simple as passing out and quitting the game."

As a top assassin, Yulei Zero also has quite obvious weaknesses. He is also a squishy guy with high attack and low defense. He has a slightly tougher defensive outfit and his attacks are more powerful. Other than that, he is really nothing compared to ordinary assassins. the difference.

As long as you withstand an attack beyond what your body can bear, you will naturally

"It will kill people!

As an "ordinary person", Kai Zhong Sapa was able to use attacks that were beyond common sense. The destructive power was almost comparable to that of a Tauren warrior's serious punching. Only the most extreme training method beyond common sense was possible. explain!

Who would have thought that when Kaizhong Sapain was still a little kid, there would be a terrifying "adult" slamming him on the head with a hammer made of hard iron wood that was taller than Kaizhong Sapain. and bones throughout the body.

Hammer after hammer without mercy

What we want is the head-breaking effect!

The cruel "adult" will not show mercy to this guy because of his young age, because only in this way can the strongest warriors be cultivated.

The human body is a very strange thing. If it is just a natural and unpolished body structure, it is actually very unsuitable for hand-to-hand combat.

But whenever a bone is severely fractured multiple times, the body will strengthen the bone to adapt to the extreme environment.

After repeated destruction and strengthening, the hardness of the bones will be strengthened to far beyond that of ordinary people.

This is "adaptation". While other animals cannot adapt to harsh climate changes and become extinct, only humans have survived for thousands of years and become the overlord of Blue Star.

The most important weapon for mankind to defeat nature is

Kaizuka Sapain uses the above-mentioned Maine Boxing. His training principle relies on this mechanism of the human body, so "Maine Boxing" is also known as "a martial art that helps the (physical) human body adapt to the environment."

Through various inhumane practices (artificial physical intervention), a considerable number of fighting boxers have been trained, and they have become tools for local warlords to make money and expand territory as bodyguards.

Kaizuka Sapain endured this kind of training. Every time he was beaten, the young Kaizuka Sapain was left with only one breath. When the injury healed, he immediately devoted himself to this kind of training.

Day after day, if the combatants present only rely on the hardness of their skulls, no one can say that they are sure to beat Kaizuka Sapain, because his skull was repaired not once or twice after suffering serious injuries, but nearly hundreds or thousands of times. .

This is the horror of Maine Boxing!

Being ruthless to one's own people and even more ruthless to future generations can create a northern Myanmar region that scares the whole world.

"So strong!!!"

Although Kaizuka Sapain saw Yulei Zero avoiding the range of his ultimate move at a very extreme speed, he still couldn't help but want to praise him.


"Did you actually dodge that move? You are really amazing."

Kaizuka Sapain's compliments came out of his mouth, and Yulei Rei's answer was quite direct and he accepted all the compliments without being polite at all.

"I'm super powerful, you don't need to say anything at all."

From this tone, it can be heard that Yulei Ling even has a hint of a child refusing to admit defeat, which is a bit funny.

As mentioned before, Yurai Zero made a vow to "not kill" in front of the woman he loved, so he used a reduced-power version of the "Lei Shinryu" of "not to kill".

There is no other way, since "non-killing" cannot defeat the tenacious Kaizuka Sapain, then he has no choice but to use the "Lei Xinliu" in the murderous boxing technique.

Thinking of this, Yulei Ling said coldly

"A lot of time has been wasted."

"oh oh?"

"Contestant Yu Lei Zero has changed his stance!!!"

In the excited voice of Katahara Sheuka, Yulei Rei no longer suppressed the murderous intention in his heart, his fists took on the shape of a tiger, and his whole body was like a tiger whose muscles were tensed and arched, ready to prey.

"I made a vow not to kill the woman I love."

Yulei Ling's cold eyes stared at Kaizuka Sapain, and he slowly exhaled turbid air. Untying the shackles of "no killing" means that this guy is starting to get serious.

"Don't die in front of me casually."

"Again, why did you go already?"

Ishigami Yu has always felt that some combatants are too tough, and fighting is not

Regardless of whether he doesn't kill or shows mercy, there are still too many tricks.

Not pure at all

I simply feel that they don't pay attention to duels at all. Without the determination to kill the enemy or "die", it is impossible to defeat those evenly matched opponents.

Fighting is not a child's play, any "not killing" is nonsense, as long as you win, that's fine.

Maybe it is necessary to hide the special skills, but if you expose your strength a little, you will be exposed. A strong person will always be strong, and it will not become weaker just because it is exposed a little.

The strong are always the strong

It won't be delayed until now.

Ishigami Yu has seen the two most satisfying fist fights right now, one is Achun's and the other is Wakatsuki Samurai's. Both deliver a clean punch that directly lifts their opponent to the next one.

Don't look at Kaizuka Sapain yelling with passion over there, in fact Ishigami Yu looked sleepy and almost fell asleep.

Fighting is still interesting when you are walking back and forth, no one can touch the corners of your opponent's clothes. Maybe it's okay for viewers who don't have the eyesight, because they can't understand it anyway and it just feels great. But for Yu Ishigami, who is really emmmm, the main reason is that there is such a disparity in strength that makes people feel uninterested.

"Get it over with like a man."

Yu Ishigami muttered something silently in his heart, and then he turned to look at Dr. Yingchu, who he had just met by the vending machine.

The fact that he can be so leisurely shows that today's wounded have not yet been born.

"Doctor Yingchu, there is still a boxing match and it's your turn."

Dr. Yingchu still looked like he was about to die suddenly (sudden death), and the dark circles under his eyes were quite heavy.

"How are you? Are you nervous?"

He put his hands in his pockets, stared at Kaizhong Sapain with his eyes, and kept mumbling, "It's so good, it's like anatomy, touching his skull with your own hands."

In the history of human evolution, it is quite rare for a skull to have the same hardness as Kaizuka Sapain.

Ishigami Yu rolled his eyes.

This guy is really quite speechless. Saying something in broad daylight makes people feel uncomfortable.

Yes, this "powerless" medical staff will also be on the stage later to show off at the boxing meeting.

"Hmph, how is that possible?"

Doctor Yingchu twisted his neck and made a harsh sound, then smiled gloomily.

"I'm really looking forward to being able to manipulate the body of a lively fighter with my own hands. This opportunity is quite rare."

Doctor Yingchu turned his attention from Kaizuka Sapain to Ishigami Yu.

"By the way, Mr. Bei Mingyu, I have a lifetime request."

Ishigami Yu refused immediately without even hearing what Dr. Eichu said.

There is no room for negotiation on this matter. Let’s just avoid discussing it.

"Doctor, don't even think about it."


"No way!"

Ishigami Yu silently pulled up his sleeves, which was a silent warning.

Don't force me to beat you. What can Dr. Yingchu spy on? It's just that he covets my son Shen.

"I know, I know, Mr. Wei Mingyu is really a boring man."

Doctor Yingchu's tone was low, and he looked quite resentful.

"You can't even make a joke."

Ishigami Yu glanced at Dr. Eichu and stopped talking. He couldn't even talk to this madman who only had "anatomy" in his mind.

Suddenly there was a loud sound from above the arena, forcing Ishigami Yu to look at the arena again.

"Huh? Brother Xiaosha is actually injured?"

What Ishigami Yu saw was that the handsome brother Olei Rei was hit by Kaizuka Sapayin for the first time and was injured.

It was clearly agreed that the real thing should be exposed for Kaizuka Sapayin to have a good look at, but Yulei Rei was injured.

Because Yulei Zero's right arm blocked Kaizuka Sapain's attack, there was a very obvious purple-black bruise on his upper arm, and it was even dented into a large piece.

Although Yu Ishigami didn't pay attention to the arena, he noticed the reason why Brother Xiaosha was injured after seeing it for a second.

"This guy no longer intends to keep distance from Kaizuka Sapayin. He is standing in the same position as the hot-blooded idiot."

Originally, Yulei Zero kept at least a safe distance of three to four meters, and fled thousands of miles after being struck by a blow, very much like an assassin.

But now the situation is different. The distance between Yulei Zero and Kaizuka Sapain is only an arm's length, and it has become a close-to-hand fight. This makes Yulei Zero's probability of being attacked by Kaizuka Sapain infinitely higher. .

Because hand-to-hand combat is Kaizuka Sapain's advantageous event. Maine Boxing was originally created for hand-to-hand combat.

Combining speed, lethality, and accuracy, defense? Isn't Kaizuka Sapain's body the best defense?

Kaizuka Sapain's Maine Boxing gave up defense and was full of terrifying attacks and tricky angles, which no one could benefit from.

After all, his sparring partner was Thailand's "Fighting God" Kaorang. It must have been fifteen years since he was fifteen years old until Kaizuka Sapayin was thirty years old.

With Gaolan's feeding moves, even a pig learning Muay Thai can develop impeccable attacks and superb striking techniques.

Therefore, although Yulei Zero took the initiative to approach Kaizhong Sapayin for hand-to-hand combat, the result would not let him get his wish easily.

Yulei Rei's speed is based on his run-up. Now that the two are so close, how can he give him a chance to run up? In addition, Kaizuka Sapain can already initially keep up with Yulei Rei. speed.

Now Yulei Zero has given up his proud speed advantage with one arm, and relies on his own "attack power" and "strike skills" to determine the winner.

I don’t know whether I should say he is very smart? Or is it that being clever is being misled by cleverness?

In the past, Yulei Zero could take a break during the battle, but now he can't do it. Within three steps, Kaizuka Sapain is definitely faster, that is his field.

But it should make sense for Yu Leiling to do this, right?

Otherwise, the person who hurriedly evaded the attack was no longer Kaizuka Sapayin, but Yu Leiling.

Things that are thankless should not be

If "Thunder Flash" is the traditional stance of "Thunder Heart Ryu", then the corresponding move that Yu Lei Zero will use next is the "latest form" that keeps pace with the times.


This time it was Yulei Zero's turn to roar. This cold man did not expect to shout as loudly as Kaizuka Sapain.


It was still an attack that was known for its speed. Yulei Zero became serious, but Kaizuka Sapain had no power to fight back. In just three seconds, a full eighteen attacks hit Kaizuka Sapain's head. department.

The roaring Yu Lei Zero kept hitting Kaizuka Sapain on the head, and the unimaginable heavy pressure almost overwhelmed Kaizuka Sapain.


Unable to open his eyes, Kaizuka Sapain struggled to raise his arms like shields to resist Yu Lei Zero, but he couldn't lift them at all.

With the continuous blows, Kaizuka Sapain's center of gravity was shaky, and it was difficult to even stand.

"Your skull is very hard, but the brain inside is very fragile."

Although the frequency of Yulei Zero's attacks is intensive, the acupuncture points he attacks have never changed. The vibrations accumulated from a single uninterrupted attack can cause qualitative changes that are really enough to make Kaizuka Sapayin eat a pot.

Kaizuka Sapain's face was beaten to a bloody pulp, and a piece of flesh on his mouth was knocked off by Yu Leiling. You can see the white bones inside, which are teeth stained with bloodshot eyes.

Kaizuka Sapa raised his arm in danger, wanting to use his elbow as a knife to hit Yulei Ling in the face.

But what was unexpected was that Yulei Ling could obviously dodge this blow, but he didn't.

"What! Didn't I hit it?"

Kaizhong Sapain did not feel any reduction in the pressure on his body.

Because Yulei Zero wanted to use the strategy of "exchanging injuries for injuries" and prepared to take down Kaizuka Sapain in one go.

Injure the enemy one thousand, and injure oneself eight hundred.

Yurai Rei was hit by Kaizuka Sapain's elbow, and a large amount of blood spattered from his head.

Kai Zhong Sapa Yin's attack just now actually hit him with a bloody head and a piece of his skull must have been broken. Otherwise, Yu Lei Ling's eyes and nose would not start to bleed. This kind of injury looks extremely terrifying.

Moreover, this blood accident aroused Yulei Ling's ferocity, and he hit Kaizuka Sapayin directly on the neck with a heavy punch.

There was a sound of bone cracking, and Kaizhong Sapain groaned, but the triple pressure of blood vessels, trachea, and nerves also made this iron-boned man's vision darken for a moment.

Yulei Rei's punch directly knocked Kaizuka Sapain to the ground, but it was definitely not just a simple striking technique, but also combined with wrestling skills. Yulei Rei used his bent left leg to withstand Kaizuka Sapain's fist. With his right leg in this position, this hot-blooded fool couldn't resist and was pinned to the ground.

Just before Yulei Ling could happily knock Kaizuka Sapain down, his body was clamped by two powerful thighs.

It was Kaizuka Sapain who was seriously injured, and his eyes were also blood red.

Because his throat was severely injured by Yu Lei Zero, he could not let out his signature roar, but those vicious eyes staring at Yu Lei Zero were enough to frighten people.

"Everyone, don't worry!"

Kaizuka Sapain gritted his teeth, his eyes widened, and his hands directly grabbed Yulei Ling's neck, as if he wanted to strangle his enemy to death on the spot.

"I will protect the future of the village, even if it costs my life!"

"This guy! He hasn't fallen down yet?"

Yulei Ling, who felt extremely troubled, couldn't breathe, and the huge force coming from him seemed to crush his neck.

But there is no way to break the situation

"They are separated!!!"

The bloody melee on the field immediately cheered up Katahara Sheuka, who was listless just now.

"It's blood. The two of them lost too much blood, and it was actually used as lubrication by player Yu Lei Zero, and he broke free from the control of player Kaizuka Sapain."

Is it really surprising that it can be done to this extent?

Now is not the time to rest

Yulei Zero, who turned around, took a few deep breaths to refill the air cavities in his lungs, and then rushed towards Kaizuka Sapain again. He is uncomfortable, and the enemy is even more uncomfortable. This is from both sides!

The enemy must not be given a chance to breathe.

Kaizuka Sapa couldn't help but stood up, and was knocked to the ground again by Yulei Rei.

The cold-eyed Yulei Zero punched Kaizuka Sapain in the face one after another. At first, Kaizuka Sapain was still moving and wanted to resist, but under the heavy blows, his hands were paralyzed in the end. Fall to the ground.

Apparently it has lost its movement

Yulei Ling checked for a while, then put down his fist that was already covered in flesh and blood.

"Kaizhong Sapain, I admit you."

"You are a true warrior."

Yu Lei Ling, who frowned, wanted to stand up, but the lack of energy and blood was too serious, and even he couldn't stand up for a while.

Yulei Ling half-crouched beside Kaizuka Sapayin. It was obvious that this was a very dangerous behavior.

"thanks for treatment!"

Hearing this sound, Yu Lei Ling looked down in disbelief, and saw that Kaizuka Sapa had regained consciousness at some point, and his evil ghost-like eyes were staring at Yu Lei Ling.

Kaizuka Sapain then followed up with a carp attack, but the purpose was not to stand up, but to hold back the ultimate move until now.

"The Hammer of Maine."


When the referee saw the cruel situation on the field, he immediately announced the result

"Win or lose depends on the score!!!"

Thanks to Yun Guan Ri Yue Guang for his ten monthly votes, and to book friend 20170828013753330 for his monthly votes.

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