I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 182 The night of blazing fire

The final exams for the second- and first-year students at Shuchiin include ten subjects including Chinese, history and geography, and life sciences. There are three exams every day for three consecutive days, and four exams on the last day.

However, the exam was finally over.

"Then I'll leave the matter to my eldest brother, brother-kun."

Hayasaka Ai sighed and said


Ishigami was a little dumbfounded, and he nodded. Xiao Ai and him are now like underground secret workers delivering confidential information, each leaning on the corner of the corridor.

If an outsider arrives on either side, they can leave the scene very naturally.

They are the only two people in the underground lovers' party who can achieve this level.

"Well, leave it to me."

Ishigami waved a few bills in his hand at Hayasaka Ai, and then put them into his pocket.

He just learned from Xiao Ai that because she said "a lot of good things" about him (fooling) to Senior Sister Shinomiya, he suddenly jumped from a reliable junior to a trustworthy "family member".

How should I put it? It was quite sudden.

There is also a little bit of "flattered".

Now is the time for the organization to test him, and these tickets are the certificates of approval.

Even if Ishigami didn't look at his face, he could still hear a little regret in Xiao Ai's tone.

Who told her to just make a few random remarks, but she didn't expect the eldest lady to take it seriously.

So what can Ai Hayasaka do? She was unintentional and now Liu Chengyin has no choice but to have a showdown with her younger brother.

However, it has not been easy for her to have such a troublesome "master" for more than ten years.

So Ishigami knew it was difficult for her to handle, but he didn’t really care.

"It's okay, little love, I don't mind."

"How are you adapting to the "toy" I gave you?"

All he could hear was the collision of mechanical parts, and soon a dark hole appeared in the corner of Ishigami's sight facing him.

The spiral stripes visible from the entrance of the cave clearly represent a gun that does not match the peaceful Shuchiin painting style. If a gun were fired now, news of a school shooting in Neon might spread around the world.

"One point and one second, not bad."

Ishigami faced the muzzle of the gun and exclaimed

It only takes a little more than a second from the time the bullet is opened and the safety is loaded to aiming at the target, which is already a very good level.

It usually takes a trained member of the special forces 0.8 hours to achieve this level, and firing five bullets must be controlled within four seconds.

Hearing Ishigami's compliment, Hayasaka Ai shook his head, put down the gun in his hand, locked the safety again, then lifted up his skirt and put the gun away.

Hayasaka Ai tied a black holster on her left thigh and wrapped it with a rope. Covering it with a skirt is no different from normal. No one would know that such a youthful and innocent high school girl actually carries a pistol with her.

"Brother-kun, I am touched that you are worried about my safety."

"But, isn't it a bit too much..."

All Hayasaka Ai had on her body now was a gun, and Ishigami, who was somewhat phobic about lack of firepower, wanted to arm her to the teeth.

Whether it was a submachine gun, a pistol, or a sniper rifle that Ishigami had prepared in the base before, they all had one characteristic, that is, "caliber is justice" and the policy of "bigger is better" was always implemented.

The power is supreme!

Concealment was not considered. Therefore, the types of weapons that Ishigami gave Hayasaka Ai didn't have much to use at all. They were just some toys made by "Ai Rei" while watching spy movies in their spare time.

Feeling unsure, Ishigami went directly to a weapons manufacturing company to customize a batch of anti-personnel weapons, which once again upgraded Hayasaka Ai's safety level.

The pistol on her thigh is a Sig Sauer P938 women's pistol with a capacity of seven rounds. It is so compact that one hand can hold the entire gun body. The specially customized "tactical barrel" at the muzzle can also be equipped with a silencer, which allows for high accuracy and burst shooting.

The concealment is very strong, even if it is hidden under the skirt in a slim-fitting evening dress, it will not be noticed, so the length of Hayasaka Ai's school skirt is more than enough.

Moreover, even the handbag that Hayasaka Ai was holding was stolen by the crazy Ishigami, and a small submachine gun was stuffed into her, equipped with an expanded magazine.

Ishigami was just joking before.

If conditions permit, give Hayasaka Ai a slight charge and "chunk" away when the enemy is coming.

It has now become a reality

A suitcase submachine gun made by the German Hofbauer company and customized to order.

Half of the schoolbag has a mezzanine that is perfect for holding books. As long as the trigger on the handle is pulled on the other part, bullets with a rate of fire of ten rounds per second can pour out from the small hole in the side wall directly at the target.

As always, except for the unreasonable weight, it looks like the kind of leather handbag that ordinary JK would use, which is very cute.

In this way, not counting "high-explosive grenades" and bullets alone, Hayasaka Ai can use fifty-eight rounds, which is much better than the previous use of small current and cards, which greatly increases the firepower.

And these bullets, without exception, are all "anti-human" DUM bullets. From the beginning, Ishigami had no intention of letting the enemies Xiao Ai encountered survive. Once the bullet enters the human body, it will form a trumpet-shaped wound with a small entrance and a large exit. Because lead is toxic, it will cause serious damage to the target.

Due to the advancement of science and technology, dummy bullets are just what they used to be called, and are now called hollow point bullets. However, unlike the soft and limited anti-personnel bullets used by Fobo for law enforcement, Ishigami's customized bullets have both penetrating and destructive power.

Hayasaka Ai suspected that her little electric motorcycle had also been tampered with by Ishigami, because when she was at school this morning, she suddenly discovered that "Mo Ning" actually appeared on the dashboard screen.

But even though there was no evidence, her use was no different from usual. The only difference was that she felt the speed increased faster.

Ishigami, whom Hayasaka loves to complain about, is not weak enough to feel that his efforts have been misplaced.

He and Hayasaka Ai had never had nearly distorted love values ​​​​like Shinomiya-senpai and President Shirogane, believing that the one who took the initiative to confess would become an object of exploitation.

It’s just that the stone can be seen clearly

"Xiao Ai, despite the fact that there are so many bodyguards called by the Shinomiya family outside, they feel safe, but there is only one target they protect, and that is Senior Sister Shinomiya." (Your safety is only for Shinomiya Kaguya's face. attached.)

This is a very real problem. Ai Hayasaka is different from Kaguya Shinomiya, the "born noble" daughter of the eldest daughter of the fourth house, who is protected at all levels.

When the lives of Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya-senpai are threatened at the same time, Ai will definitely be the one abandoned.

"do you understand?"

In this alternative train problem, if Ishigami could only save one of the two, I would probably have to say sorry to Chairman Shirogane.

Give up Shinomiya-senpai and choose Hayasaka Ai.

It's all like this, very cruel.

Don't test how high your status is in other people's hearts. In fact, if something really happens, except for your family, no one else can be trusted to treat you sincerely.

Without the support of strong force, any good thing is just a castle in the air and is illusory.

The two "Long Kui" and "Wu Bei" that Ishigami dealt with before looked very fragile. He could hit them disabled with just one punch. It makes people wonder if this is actually the level of a superior soldier?

The "weakness" of "Long Kui" and "Wu Bei" is based on the fact that their opponents are stone. They are not weak but very strong.

Take "Hayato-kun", no, "Hayato-senpai" who accompanies Shinomiya-senpai, for example. Although he doesn't know what's extraordinary about him, he has never seen him take action.

The feeling he gave Ishigami was just that, not much of a threat.

Ishigami had a premonition that when "Hayato-senpai" singled out one of the troubled brothers, no matter whether the opponent opened "Principal" or "Ghost", it should be three or seven. Hayato-senpai's opening was seven and he could be defeated.

But if they are attacked and besieged by Wu Bei and Long Kui at the same time, no matter how talented they are, they will only be able to drink in anger on the spot.

Above the "high-class soldiers" there are "soldiers directly under cadres" and "cadres" whose strength is unknown.

Although I don’t know where “Hayato-senpai” ranks in that crappy “Saber-toothed Tiger”, from what Xiao Ai said, which group flew around the world and easily single-handedly took down a branch of the “Insect Organization”, which seems to be very powerful. .

It always feels unreliable, so don’t be afraid that it’s just a lie. (The Shinomiya family’s secret, the “Tiger Hunters” of the “Sword-biting Tiger” group of four attacked the Insect Organization)

If it weren't for the lack of manpower at the Fourth Palace Villa, Ishigami would have wanted to mix Uncle Rem and the others in. Anyway, according to their resume, which can surpass 99% of mercenaries, it would be weird.

But the security personnel were arranged by the Shinomiya family, and Ishigami had no way to intervene. He could only use these hardware facilities to find ways to improve Hayasaka Ai's security.

"So I wish you sometimes"


"A little love that can be a little selfish."


Ishigami leaned against the corner, using a serious tone but still feeling like a discussion. He paused to let the other party think before continuing.

"Even if the target is Shinomiya-senpai."

Ishigami's words made Hayasaka Ai's pupils shrink. His words were not wrong.

reality is like this

There was silence for a long time, and Hayasaka Ai did not continue to speak. The happy smile on her face also disappeared, and her face became very gloomy and not very pretty.

Just when Ishigami couldn't wait to speak again, she finally spoke and only replied with a faint "um".

But a short word "um" shows that the girl has no confidence and is still very hesitant.

Hayasaka Ai, who forced a smile on her face, didn't want to stay on this topic for long, so she changed the topic.

"Speaking of my younger brother, won't you go and take a look when the results are out?"

The results of the final exam have come out. Generally, only the top 50 students in Xiuzhiyuan are announced. The list is placed on the bulletin board on the ground floor of the teaching building for each grade, and students can go and watch by themselves.

Since Xiao Ai didn't want to talk about that topic, Ishigami didn't force it, but he still hoped that she could seriously consider it.

Naturally, Ishigami hoped that she would be safe, go well, and get everything she wished for.

All his arrangements are in place, except for the unstable factor of Hayasaka Ai.

Even Iino, who often lives alone, Ishigami made arrangements. He asked Xiaobo and Iino to move to a safe house not far from the base, and the two had care.

It's really safe. In case of any sudden accident, the quick response troops on the stone will arrive in time.

Ishigami personally handles the pick-up and drop-off of the senior and junior children every day, but as a substitute, they spend less time alone with Xiaobo. (There is an extra Iino light bulb that likes to interfere with it.)

He sighed secretly and replied

"As for the results, I haven't looked at them yet, but it's no surprise that I'm still ranked first."

This exam is on the difficult side. It is said that many students who are struggling at the end of the grade think that the school has quarantined us for three days, so the final exam will not be too difficult for them.

As a result, after overthinking, this final exam was more difficult than usual. Even some students who were hovering on the passing line began to fail. As for those at the end of the grade, they even started to have "red spots", triggering the mechanism of repeating the grade.

Ishigami thought of that little bastard Iino who had vowed before the exam that he would surpass her this time. However, after finishing the first "mathematics" exam, his little mouth was so unhappy that he pouted. Iino, who was so proud that he looked up at people, even hid. And left.

He couldn't help but want to laugh, and he even laughed out loud.

Naturally, Ishigami still went all out, otherwise it would be disrespectful to those "opponents" who stayed up all night trying to defeat him.

His performance was very stable. Unless the teacher got the answer wrong, Ishigami still got full marks in all subjects.

Iino must have been gnashing his teeth below as he watched the three words "Yu Ishigami" ranked first on the ranking list, while he was humiliatingly ranked below Ishigami.

"Hey! My younger brother-kun turns out to be so powerful."

The previous unhappiness seemed like an illusion. Hayasaka Ai showed a bright smile again, and she poked her head out of the corner.

"Unlike me, who has always been hovering near the grade median."

Looking at the bright smile on Hayasaka Ai's face, Ishigami still couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

There was always an ominous premonition, as if this smile was getting farther and farther away from him.

"Come on, I'm far worse than my little love for you."

I am worried about your safety and you are still pretending to be confused with me.

He reached out angrily and patted Hayasaka Ai's little head, as if venting his inner dissatisfaction.

"You're a liar sister, always trying your best to lower your scores."

"Do you really think I don't know?"

How perfunctory was your "um" before? Do you think I really don't know? I just don’t want to argue with you.

"Hehe, exposed."

Hayasaka Ai's scores are quite terrible. She ranked 114th in her grade for two years, which is not noticeable.

"I'm sorry, I lied to your brother Jun."

"Hey, forgive me."

Hayasaka Ai put her hands together as if to apologize, and said lightly


Ishigami's sudden movement made Hayasaka Ai panic.

She was pulled to the other side of Ishigami, and one of her younger brother's hands was pressed straight on the wall above Hayasaka Ai's shoulder.


The two of them were in the posture of "Bi Dong". Ishigami, who had learned the essence of the president, was filled with the aura of a tyrant when he used it, and the movements were done in one go.

"What's wrong? Yu"

Hayasaka Ai couldn't help but blush when her younger brother Jun approached her suddenly, but she still pretended to be calm.

Ishigami lifted Hayasaka Ai's fair chin with one hand, as if looking at it carefully.

"Ha, of course I want to bully you, a liar."

He leaned over and whispered in her ear

The sweet wind blew in her ears, making Hayasaka Ai widen her eyes.

It's natural to know what's fun about someone, just bite the girl's ear gently like this.

Soon, someone's breathing began to become rapid, and his legs and feet became a little unsteady.

This is panic.

But the intensity was more like a kiss or a comfort than a bite.

When Ishigami saw Hayasaka Ai, who was no longer calm and composed as before, and had already put on a powder puff because of shyness, he finally felt like he was out of breath.

"I asked you to lie to me!"

Hayasaka Ai's hair was a little messy, and the earlobe that was attacked just now was already red and hot.

If Ishigami hadn't been supporting half of her body, her soft legs and feet would have made her look embarrassed, and she would have collapsed directly to the ground.

Ishigami was happy, but she was dissatisfied.

"What are you doing? This is the corridor."

Hayasaka Ai lowered her head to prevent Ishigami from seeing her worthless look. She raised her fist and touched the broad and strong chest twice, softly and softly.

"What if someone sees me!"

If she hadn't half-voluntarily rested on Shi Shang's arm, he would have really believed the lies Xiao Ai said.

Ishigami said, "It doesn't matter. I just like your blushing and shy look."

"Huh, outsider?"

The more you do this, the more confident I will be

"Do outsiders still have the right to control my own mother-in-law?"

"If you dare, break TM's legs!"

After saying this, he became quite forceful and made Hayasaka Ai's pretty face with red cheeks facing him. Then he slowly leaned forward and kissed the girl on the lips.

"You! Uh"

Hayasaka Ai didn't believe that one day she would be treated like this by her younger brother Jun in the corridor of the teaching building.

From the beginning, I was a bit timid and reluctant to let go because I was afraid of being discovered. The tightly closed silver teeth were forced open by Ishigami's trick.

But Brother Jun's passionate love made her unconsciously obsessed with it.

I forgot a lot of things for a while

Oops, that's a little exciting.

And this feeling of being secretive and afraid of being discovered will only make Hayasaka Ai's heart beat faster.

I don’t know how long this kiss lasted (Fortunately, everyone was joining in the fun on the bulletin board where the results were posted, and no one came to disturb the two of them.)

It wasn't until her phone started vibrating that she woke up Hayasaka Ai.

The girl, who was supposed to be proficient in hard-box kissing skills, didn't have time to catch up. She almost died, so she suddenly pinched the waist of this ignorant boy.

Ishigami gasped and let her go. Aren't all girls self-taught in this stuff?

You stinky bitch, you are so harsh.

Hayasaka Ai felt that her hands were pinched and hurt. She wiped her numb lips with the back of her hand, but the girl still leaned on Shishang's arms.

"Oh, brother-kun, you really are."

Hayasaka Ai slapped away the hand that wanted to touch her cheek and complained angrily.

"Stop making trouble, or you will bully me."

How can a younger brother bully his older sister like this!

"And are you made of flesh? My hands hurt so much."

Hayasaka Ai is very wronged

What should I do if it hurts me all the time when I hit him?

"I know, lie to me next time."

Looking at the aggrieved girl in his arms, all the anger towards her in Ishigami's heart disappeared.

"I still bully you like this!"

"you dare!"

Hayasaka Ai used his last bit of stubbornness to express his dissatisfaction.

"Although, my dear, your phone is ringing."

Being interrupted by her younger brother Jun, Hayasaka Ai almost forgot that her cell phone was ringing.

Snorted coldly

When she wanted to take out her cell phone, she took out a black object the size of a cell phone from the left pocket of her skirt.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Ishigami smiled

It's rare to see a perfect maid make a mistake on her own initiative, which is quite strange.

That thing is also a small folding micro-ram that Ishigami gave her. It will deform as long as it is shaken. This thing also has a butt on the shoulder.

The size and weight are about the same as a mobile phone, so it’s no wonder Hayasaka Ai made a mistake.

After making a fool of herself in front of him, Hayasaka Ai said nothing but raised his fist to threaten Ishigami.

She took out her real cell phone and answered the call without looking at it.


As a result, Shinomiya Kaguya's slightly crying voice came out from the other end of the phone.

"Haasaka! Where have you been?"

"I sent you a lot of messages, but you didn't reply to any of them."

Hayasaka Ai heard the words and glared at Ishigami.

"Sorry, Miss, there was something I didn't notice just now."

Her tone was a little worried because something was wrong with Kaguya-sama.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

There was a whimpering sound coming from the other end of the phone.

"Ooooh, Hayasaka."

"I lost to the president again in the final exam."

Hearing this, Ishigami smiled helplessly.

Shinomiya-senpai, this is really miserable.

I thought Xiao Ai would give me a few words of comfort on the phone, but what I said next made Ishigami feel that the clown was actually me.

"Miss, where are you?"

"I will look for you."


You shouldn't have felt sorry for Shinomiya-senpai just now.

It's fine now, she has taken away my mother-in-law.

After making an appointment with Miss Kaguya at a meeting place, Hayasaka Ai hung up the phone and asked angrily.

"Haven't you had enough hugs?"

Ishigami sighed and loosened his arm holding her.

"No, I don't dare to make any decisions without my wife telling me."

Hayasaka Ai took out the makeup mirror and looked at herself to see if there was anything wrong. She smoothed out her wrinkled clothes.

"Believe me! Brother-kun."

"If you really listened to me, you wouldn't have done what you just did."

She put on the lipstick on her lips that was eaten by her brother-kun, and then returned to the same Hayasaka Ai as usual.

I warned you again

"Don't forget what the eldest lady told you."

"Okay, I understand, I won't forget it."

Fortunately, Shinomiya-senpai is a senior. If he were a senior, hehe, no matter how nice he was to Ishigami, he would not be able to restrain his desire to sink him into the river.

It's really too much to occupy your little love like this!

"That's good."

Hayasaka Ai stood on tiptoes and helped Ishigami straighten the wrinkled clothes in front of her.

"Be good, brother-kun."

She waved to Ishigami and left, hurriedly looking for Shinomiya Kaguya.

She really doesn't know which is greater in her heart, Ishigami's boyfriend's status or that of Shinomiya-senpai.

He sighed

"Then, let's go to the bathroom."

When Ishigami walked to the door of the toilet, there were quite bizarre cheers coming from inside, as if they were celebrating something particularly happy.


There was also the sound of fists hitting the air quickly, and the people inside were quite excited.

"Well done!"

What a big celebration indeed.


Even if Ishigami was just standing outside the door, it didn't affect his feeling that the person inside was absolutely super happy.

And this voice seems a bit familiar

"Okay, did you see the fourth palace? Hahahaha."

This time Ishigami confirmed his suspicion even more, and his face became a little stiff.

Slowly said those two words


The clever thing is that when Ishigami said "President" uncertainly in the toilet, the cheers inside also stopped.

At this moment, there was an eerie silence.

President Shirogane, who was so happy that he was empty-fisting pointlessly just because he had retained his position as the top grader and defeated Shinomiya again, was cheering with one foot on the toilet imported from Japan.

After hearing Ishigami's words, it was as if the pause button had been pressed.

Sweat was dripping from his head, and the panicked President Shirogane looked in disbelief.


"Ishigami, will you be here?"

"President, this is passionflower tea that can help you relax." (The same tea is used to treat Shijo Shinobi.)

After squatting for a while, Ishigami finally brought out President Shirogane, who looked pale and constipated.

They had returned to the student council room, and he placed the steaming teacup in front of President Shirogane.

"Thank you, Ishigami."

Seeing that President Shirogane had already picked up the tea cup and took a sip, Ishigami complained mercilessly.

"After drinking it, the president won't be so happy that he was dancing for joy because he defeated Shinomiya-senpai."

The stone was peeled off

"just kidding."


President Shirogane almost spat out his words after being mocked, but he still choked.

"Cough cough cough."

"Hahahaha, President, here you go."

Ishigami took out some napkins and handed them to President Shirogane to wipe them with.

"Ishigami, you guy"

The most angry and critical person was President Shirogane, who was caught red-handed by Ishigami. He didn't even have the courage to retort, so he could only break his teeth and swallow.

Seeing the unpredictable expression on President Shirogane's face, Ishigami did not continue to be sarcastic.

Instead he asked

"President Baiyin, let me ask you a question."

"By the way, this is a paid Q\u0026A."

"I guarantee you will be very happy with this reward."

President Bai Yin wiped his mouth and said helplessly

"Ishigami, if you want to ask anything, just ask."

"As for the prize, forget it. For me, just forgetting what you saw before is the best reward for me."

It's really outrageous. President Shirogane has already chosen the men's room with the least personal space. How could he still be caught by Ishigami?

"Ah, what is it?"

"I have forgotten it, don't worry, President."

"I will never tell Shinomiya-senpai."

"So what do you want to ask me?"

President Baiyin breathed a sigh of relief

Ishigami asked

"What's Fujiwara-senpai's score? Did she make it into the top fifty?"

Ishigami received a text message from Senpai Qianhua earlier, and she looked like she was asking for credit.

But I won’t say where it is, I just say that this is Qianhua’s true strength.

"Huh? Secretary Fujiwara didn't tell you, Ishigami."

President Bai Yin was actually a little in disbelief. He really didn’t expect that she could get that score.


Ishigami shook his head

President Bai Yin spoke slowly, as if it was difficult to speak.



Ishigami has a big mouth. If you are not the president, do you know what you just said?

"Isn't the number one in grade the president?"

President Baiyin sighed

"This time Secretary Fujiwara and I have the same score, which means that she and I are tied for first place."

"All right.."

Ishigami suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and he finally understood why Shinomiya-senpai cried when she called him.

His academic performance was surpassed by his stupid best friend. No one else would be able to bear this.

"Should I open a cram school and make a fortune? This is not..."

Ishigami shook his head and made a joke

"Thank you, President."

"This is a reward."

President Shirogane looked at the thing that was forced into his hand.

"Disney tickets?"

The mission props given by Hayasaka Ai to Ishigami, this is the mission of the organization.

Giving it to the president is Ishigami's chance to prove himself.

"Well, take it."

Ishigami nodded.

"You will definitely not regret it."

"President, do you still remember when we met while riding bicycles not long ago?"

"Yeah, I still remember."

President Shirogane's face turned red. He really didn't expect that the only time he sent Shinomiya to school was discovered by Ishigami.

"President, do you still remember the senior sister sitting behind my bicycle?"

"She and Shinomiya-senpai are also good friends. That sister can see that your relationship is unusual."

Ishigami touched President Shirogane with his elbow.

"No, this is not going to help."

"What do you mean?"

President Bai Yin still didn’t understand.

After Ishigami explained clearly, President Shirogane made a very loud voice.

Ishigami’s explanation was that Hayasaka Ai invited Shinomiya-senpai and Ishigami invited President Shirogane on the same day and at the same entrance time.

At that time, everyone unexpectedly met at the door, wouldn't it become

"A date for four!"

"President, you are too loud!"

"To be precise, we each play our own roles."

"You and Shinomiya-senpai, me and the blond senior."

"Just go along when you go."

President Shirogane's body was shaking as he imagined himself playing with Shinomiya, and he patted Ishigami on the shoulder.


"It's too exaggerated, President."

So in those few words, Ishigami not only completed Shinomiya-senpai's commission, but also rose to the level of Chairman Shirogane's heart as one of his own.

Today’s victory is the victory of President Shirogane, Shinomiya Kaguya, and Ishigami Yu.

Only Ai Hayasaka, who is still comforting Shinomiya Kaguya, has failed.

Xiaogui on the other side has fallen asleep,

As for President Shirogane, who was not studying and was working hard to stay up late working on the Disney guide, he looked at the tickets in his hand with anticipation. (The president’s family is poor, so Xiaogui and the president live in a room separated by a curtain.)

"Would you like to go to the amusement park with Shinomiya?"

President Shirogane put down the pen in his hand. The notes in front of him were already filled with detailed plans, what to play first and what to play next, and which route was the most fun.

"I'm really looking forward to it."

President Shirogane was about to turn off the lights and go to bed when he suddenly heard thunder on the ground. The shocking and huge roar made his heart ache suddenly.


Xiaogui was also woken up from his sleep by the shocking explosion, with a look of horror and a bit of shock.


As a result, she saw her brother looking past her with an ugly expression, opening the door on the balcony, and then walked straight out.

Even on a summer night, the night wind is slightly cool. The curtains were blown up by the wind, and the whistling sound made people feel inexplicably desolate.

Xiaogui felt a little cold, so she picked up the coat next to her and put it on herself and followed her brother out to the balcony.

As a result, Xiaogui couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the scene outside.

It was a sky-reaching fire, which actually illuminated the dark night sky. Huge black smoke shot straight into the sky, and for some reason the air was filled with a burning smell.

Many people who were unaware of the situation woke up from their sleep, and the originally dark residential areas were lit up like sparks of fire igniting a prairie fire.

The scenes of "destruction" and "purgatory" in the distance mobilized fire engines throughout Tokyo.

"problem occurs."

"And it's a big deal!"

Amidst the harsh sirens of ambulances, fire trucks and police cars, this sentence could not help but appear in everyone's mind.

The once prosperous port area was now shrouded in flames and gunpowder smoke.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night

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