I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 165 I have no way out

Iino was studying for the final exam when his phone rang and he opened it.

"Oh my god, why are you such a fruity man?"

As a little miscellaneous fish who only eats grass but never sees meat, he has never seen such a generous scene. His phone almost flew out.

She covered her eyes with her hands, leaving only a slight gap. She didn't know where to look for a while, and her ears felt hot.

"Don't be so loud, Iino."

Ishigami smiled as he listened to the yelling on the other end of the phone. He slowly massaged the shower gel in front of her to make a lather and then rubbed it on his head.

"My ears are going to be damaged by you. It's weird to take a bath with clothes on."

Iino was angered by Ishigami's strange look, but luckily she opened her eyes and looked at him angrily without covering her eyes.

"What a person you are"

Ishigami turned on the nozzle and let the warm water hit him evenly to wash away the foam.

He followed Iino's words.

"What's wrong? I think I'm a pretty good person. It's better to see me, an innocent and innocent man, showing my true self in front of you."


Ishigami looked at Iino's increasingly guilty conscience and increasingly red face. His body trembled violently when he called him by name just now.

All these signs indicate that the poor little miscellaneous fish is completely controlled by Shi Shang.

Ishigami showed a smile like a little devil

"Don't you think the little deer in your heart has started pounding?"

"Ha, who cares to look at your skinny bamboo pole look!"

The angry Iino knew that if she talked about this topic with Ishigami, she would be embarrassed and couldn't bear it, so she immediately changed the topic.

"You guys took a shower just a short time ago when you were sick. You're not protecting your worth."

"How can you deserve to be imprisoned for three days because of you?"

"One more day, one more day!"

Thinking of this Iino became even more angry. This former "source of infection" had recovered and started wandering around happily outside. The rest of them were only in close contact but were still locked inside.

Not only did he draw blood for tests like a little mouse in a laboratory all day long, but he also had to stay in the room all day long. And there will be one more day like this before the seventy-two hours of medical observation is over.

Yesterday, when Ishigami made a video call to report that they were safe, he mentioned the reason why they would be locked up. At that time, Iino wanted to rush into the phone and take a bite, otherwise he would be sorry for this recent experience.

But this time the bald guy from the Sigong Group acted fairly, no, generously. We booked two five-star hotels from the Shijo Group next door to provide all-inclusive accommodation and meals, as well as a full set of errand services for special needs.

But according to him, choosing one of the four is disgusting. If an infection really breaks out, all the hotel facilities after repeated disinfection will be scrapped, so he did not choose his own hotel.

"Hahahaha, sorry, sorry."

Ishigami felt that he had been rinsed clean. He picked up the towel on the side and wiped it before asking.

"Where's Xiaobo?"

Ishigami was on a group video call, so there was no way he could take care of both the "eldest wife" and the "little wife". After all, Xiaobo and Iino now live in the same room, and they are considered roommates.

This led to Shi Shang wanting to make a phone porridge, but he had to cook two portions at once, otherwise it would be bad if the little miscellaneous fish was left out.

"Humph, I just know how to find Xiaobo."

Iino murmured something in a voice that was too small to be heard by Shishang, then gave him a nice eye roll and replied.

"I'm taking a shower. We just came back from taking blood samples. I wash Xiaobo first and then I wash."

At this moment, the bathroom door opened, and Xiaobo, who was simply wrapped in a bath towel, walked out. She had just taken a bath, and her whole body was white and rosy.

She clamped her hair together with one hand, then wiped her wet hair with a towel with the other hand.

"What's the matter, Xiao Mizi? It's been very noisy since just now."

Xiaobo couldn't see clearly without his contact lenses, but he could only hear a little noise outside. Her glasses would fog up if left outside in the bathroom.

Iino heard what Xiaobo said and replied

"Ishigami is making a video call."

"Oh, I see."

Xiaobo nodded to Iino, picked up the glasses from the table nearby and put them on. Holding the bath towel with one hand, he walked forward.

Xiaobo: Let me be healthy, what is my boyfriend doing?

6. My boyfriend takes a shower and makes a video

Ishigami, who was as wet as Kobo's hair, smiled at her as a greeting.

How can I put it this way? They are indeed a couple who are just about to get their certificates. The techniques for wiping their hair are similar. It can only be said that after living together for a long time, their living habits will overlap with each other. For example, if you can’t eat spicy food, your partner will eat spicy food. La.

But this kind of eye contact between you and me, it was obvious that a certain little miscellaneous fish who was still single couldn't stand it. Iino flipped the phone over and said in a fierce tone, "I am very fierce."

"Don't look!"

Ishigami's dissatisfied voice came from the mobile phone

"No, Iino, what are you doing?"

This time Iino felt confident. He paid attention to Xiaobo first and said

"Don't worry about this exhibitionist, Xiaobo, go change your clothes quickly, or you'll catch a cold."

Xiaobo looked at Iino who was guarding her like an old hen guarding her chicks, smiled, shook her head and went to change clothes.

Little did she know that the wolf stone that Iino thought of was once the hunting target of Xiaobo, whom she regarded as a chick. There is still some doubt as to who took the initiative.

"Hey, who's the exhibitionist?"

Ishigami, who was shouting on the other end of the phone, was clearly furious and kept calling Iino's name in a friendly manner.

"Iino, you bi (little cutie), tell me clearly"

This time Iino's situation was reversed. She turned over her phone and saw Ishigami's angry look, and she smiled happily.

"Who told you to look at Xiaobo with such unhealthy eyes just now? Your eyes almost popped out."

Iino stared at Ishigami fiercely as he spoke.

"Ishigami is a big pervert, H, Cesium Mo!"

Ishigami folded his arms and snorted coldly.

"Didn't I show it to you too?"

Iino seemed to hear something incredible and asked

"Can that be the same?"

"Why is it different? We are all two pieces of meat, and we are divided into high and low."

After venting his anger, Ishigami was too lazy to argue with this little miscellaneous fish.

"I advise you, stop surfing the Internet and looking at the things in the trash cans. Your eyes will be polluted."

Xiaobo had told Ishigami before that Xiaomizi had six or seven social media accounts, and she was good at controlling others as well as herself.

He still didn't believe it, so he asked Xiao Ai to find out if there were more good guys. In fact, Ishigami also secretly followed one of Iino's accounts. It was really interesting to watch her dominate the Internet.

However, Iino didn't know about this, thinking that he could hide the identity of the online trolls (trolls) in private.

I really look forward to the day she dies

Hearing Ishigami telling her to watch less of those things, Iino instantly connected with the person whose face was bruised and purple, but she overturned her own thoughts, "How could Ishigami know?"

In the end, Iino blushed and had no confidence to retort.

"What do you know about Shi Shang?"

"If there's nothing else, I'll hang up. I'm going to take a shower after Xiaobo is washed."


Ishigami stopped Iino

"What's wrong?"

"It's not because the two eldest ladies have deigned to be locked up in a place like this. I feel really bad about it."

As for Chika-senpai, the president, and Shinomiya-senpai, after Ishigami shared part of his information about the Apocalypse virus to the higher-level authorities, he sent those three people who were in close contact home.

After all, his status is not easy to mess with.

I'm not that worried about them Ishigami

Ishigami's tone was apologetic

"I just want to bring you something to improve the food, just as a small compensation."

"Huh, you know that too."

Iino's mood obviously improved after learning about this. She thought for a moment and replied.

"I want Colour, tiramisu, layer cake, taro buns, and hamburgers from the store we always go to. Oh, and milk tea. I want it hot with 70% sugar."

"Best thing would be a matcha parfait for me."

As if announcing the name of the dish, Iino cooked a basketful of it.

For an average girl, this level of appetite might be a hell of a challenge, but for Iino, it's just enough to finish a meal, and the most annoying thing is that the fat she absorbs still knows where it should go, not at all. Don't delay things.

Ishigami, who was fully aware of Iino's appetite, didn't find it strange and could only say

Iino played very steadily.

"Okay, I get it."

Ishigami waved his hand

"You go take a shower."

Seeing this guy calling her in and leaving immediately, Iino raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything for the sake of the food that was about to come.

Although the food and accommodation provided by a five-star hotel are not that bad, the taste is still different from what I want.

"Tch, I'll hang up then."

Ishigami gave Iino a thumbs up


Then the screen went black, and Ishigami didn't immediately dial Xiaobo's video call. After all, Iino was a girl after all, and it would take some time to prepare clothes and other things.

He also walked out of the bathroom and put on brand new clothes. I went to the lounge to make a cup of tea, sat on a chair and watched the three good brothers below to see if they were lazy.

The three good brothers below are really miserable. You can tell by the way the three large cargo trucks are slowly being pulled on the sports field.

Noticing that these lazy guys were starting to slack off, Ishigami rolled his eyes, picked up the walkie-talkie on the side, connected it directly to the broadcast, and started to squirt.

"You brats, don't you even want to eat dinner? Damn it, remember you are men, so don't act like a girl and get angry just by looking at it."

"I saw once that you guys didn't have dinner and tomorrow's breakfast, and you still have to train extra!"

The overwhelming roar on the stone, with the blessing of the radio, is no different from the roar of thunder.

"Ah? Lao Niu is a devil, right? How did he come up with the idea of ​​letting people pull this kind of ghost thing as physical training?"

This was the first time Okubo Naoya was drilled like this. His eyes turned black and he didn't fall down because of his excellent physical fitness.

"Stop talking nonsense, Naoya."

Himuro Ryo was pulling the truck like a rickshaw driver, his whole body was soaked with sweat, and he was also extremely tired.

"That brat is almost half a circle ahead of us. If you keep nagging, you'll really have nothing to eat tonight."

But late-night snacks are still okay, after all, Ishigami is not a devil. It consumes a lot of physical energy, and if you don't use something that can restore blood, you will die.

"Oh, their physique really worries me."

Shi Shang crossed his legs and supported his head with one hand, tilting his head with confusion in his eyes.

"Obviously these freight trucks are not heavy. If it were me, I could do it alone."

"You can pull one with each hand, and the muscles in your mouth can pull another."

Referred to as "Sanla Ryu", Ishigami can also run faster than anyone on the field.

"These guys are really useless."

"Oh, don't think about these unlucky kids."

Ishigami shook his head and took out his cell phone

To be on the safe side, he'd better send a text message first.

"Have you taken a shower, Iino?"

Xiaobo will reply in seconds

"I went, what do you want to see?"

Ishigami laughed dumbly and said, "You're trying to make things difficult for me by just sending you a proposition."

He immediately pressed the video call button

The other end also picked up in seconds.

Ishigami immediately replied

"How can there be? A mere little Mizi is not as good as our Xiaobo. If you want to see her, you have to look at her."

Maybe it was not as good as before, but ah.

Don’t you know the benefits of mama? It’s like rolling a round ball, it will get bigger and bigger as you roll it.

As long as you rub it before going to bed every day, miracles will happen day after day.

"So the beauty is here? Look at the legs."

"Ah? What did you say, Xiaoyou? I was drying my hair just now and didn't hear you clearly."

Xiaobo's confused look appeared on the phone screen, and the look on his face couldn't be faked.

Therefore, Ishigami, who was proud of his arrogant operation when searching for enemies in the void just now, simply felt lonely. He twitched the corner of his mouth and took a deep breath to calm down.

"It's nothing, Xiaobo, just think that something stuck in my mind just now."

"Oh, sometimes Xiaoyu really doesn't understand."

Xiaobo reluctantly accepted this answer

"How is your body? I glanced at you twice before. I don't know if it was my illusion that you have become stronger."

As a knowledgeable Xiaobo, I was extremely familiar with Ishigami's original body. After a cursory glance at it, I realized that all aspects seemed to be even more outrageous.

"Well, I feel like I've been reborn, and my whole person has become like new."

After Ishigami put the phone on the table, he stood up and did some aerobics from a distance for her to see. His funny movements made Xiaobo laugh.

"What kind of posture is that, Xiaoyou, you are so funny."

The smiling Ishigami put down his raised fist, picked up the phone again and said

"There's something even more powerful. I'll show you next time the two of us are under the quilt together."

Xiaobo blushed at Xiaoyou's unserious appearance in broad daylight.

"What did you say in broad daylight?"

Xiaobo rolled his eyes at Ishigami with a charming look. That kind of dancing and charming eyes is the essence that a young girl will never learn in her life.

"By the way, don't bully Xiao Mi Zi too much, Xiao Yu."

"I was in the bathroom, and I could hear Xiaoyazi's helpless screams when she was bullied by you."

"But Xiaobo, don't you think Iino seems to like the feeling of me bullying her with words?"

"Ah this..."

When Xiaoyou said this, Xiaobo choked. As a best friend, what can she say to her new hobby that she has recently awakened?

"Oh, it's just because I know that I don't like her going further and further down this road. This is the road to becoming a cannibal."

Xiaobo looked at Shishang with dissatisfied eyes, which made him tremble.

"What's wrong, honey?"

"It's nothing, I was wondering how long you can endure it."

"Obviously Xiaomizi is so cute, don't you want to take her down quickly?"

In other words, Xiaobo, who felt powerless, wanted to find reinforcements, just to drag his best friend into the water.

The three of them are in the same boat

"At that time, the three of us were really together, eating together, going to school together, and sleeping together. It's obviously a great thing, so why aren't you anxious?"

Xiaobo was very puzzled. Xiaomizi had a good figure and delicate skin that would make a girl a little excited. But this guy just left the ready-made rice instead of eating it. Instead of eating cooked rice, he found two older ones. Senior sister.

Is it really yours that you can’t wait to sell your best friend?

Ishigami smiled helplessly and replied

"Iino still has some temperament issues, and I won't worry if she doesn't get corrected."

"Isn't there another way to make her stupid?"

Xiaobo pushed up his glasses, white light reflected on them

Ishigami was stunned. Xiaobo seemed to have said something outrageous just now.

"As long as you make Xiao Mi Zi stupid and completely surrender to Xiao You, you are the big one."

"Stop, Xiaobo, you can brake..."

"Your thoughts are too dangerous"

Ishigami wiped the sweat from his head. The girl drove really fiercely, but Xiaobo's proposal was indeed a bit tempting, but it was too harsh.

Wait, it seems like it’s not against Iino’s wishes.

If you imagine that scene, Iino, with tears in his eyes, silently closed his eyes in humiliation. After a while, he might realize that it was not bad.

In the end, she might be the one shouting "Don't stop"

Then you just hang on to it, and it's very likely that it will become like this.

Xiaobo is still guiding you.

Ishigami shuddered as he thought about that scene.

"This is a trap"

Too bad.

"Okay, Xiaobo. I'm going to buy food for you. I'll hang up first."

"Hey, hey, think about it again, Xiaoyou."

Xiaobo looked at the phone screen that had turned into a chat box and hummed.

"Mo, I really haven't finished talking yet."

"What's going on? Why is the water getting cold?"

Iino, who was taking a shower, suddenly felt a chill on his body, and all the hairs on his body stood up.

Ishigami walked downstairs and went straight to the parking lot. The car parked there was so enthusiastic that it exuded a dazzling and attractive red light in the sun. It was his car today.

Red Ferrari 812 GTS convertible, V12 front engine, rear wheel drive. Naturally aspirated, a very impressive BMW.

I ordered it together with the Ferrari F1 car before, and it has been collecting dust in the garage.

Because Ishigami was not used to driving sports cars, the seats were too sporty and he would get back pain easily if he sat for a long time. There is also a bad problem: the air conditioning is not good, it is too hot for some girls.

But, besides being a delivery boy today, he also has to sign a contract.

In order to fit his image as a young man, Ishigami had no choice but to drive this Ferrari 812 GTS.

Just put the key in the armrest box on Ishigami, which is a special place for keys, and finally press the start button to start.

"Oh, by the way, I still need sunglasses."

Ishigami looked at the rearview mirror in the car and said "yeah"

So handsome, as expected of me.

Tick ​​your hair and put on small sunglasses

He has the accent of a rich man from Tokyo.

Then after he turned the car into a convertible version, he started directly with a splash of oil on the floor.

This car also has nearly 1,000 horsepower

Moreover, it is rear-wheel drive, which requires the driver to have excellent driving skills, otherwise it is easy to cause an accident.

At the same time, a purple Lamborghini Aventador slowly parked on the side of a quiet cafe.

What caused passers-by to exclaim more than the car were the two quite outstanding ladies who stepped out. The person who got out of the passenger seat was a red-haired elder sister in a formal suit holding a document bag in one hand. She was none other than Soryuin Shione, but her face didn't look good, as if she hadn't slept for a long time.

The person who got out of the driver's seat was not the secretary, but the person who had given Ishigami a headache before, Wu Yasha. She is still wearing a beautiful kimono, and this purple Lamborghini Aventador is hers.

I don't turn it on at work, but I can turn it on occasionally when I go out to play.

Wu Yasha locked the car and looked seriously at Soryuin Shiyin who was smoking silently.

"Ziyin, do you really want to sign this contract?"

Zuoryuin Shiyin looked at his friend, took a deep breath, and the cigarette burned rapidly.

She threw it to the ground and stamped it out

"Yaksha, I have no way out."

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