I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 163 Apocalypse Virus with a mortality rate of 97%

In a huge, dark, secret space located fifty meters underground in Tokyo, only a few weak dark golden lights shine.

Both the ground and the surrounding walls are covered with dense pipes of different thicknesses, as intricate as the complicated blood vessels in the human body.

The point where all these pipes converge is the huge glass cylinder with a diameter of four meters and a total length of about six meters in the center of the venue. They are all made of tempered glass. It is filled with an unknown orange-red liquid, with bubbles constantly rolling around and emitting a dazzling light, making the entire underground space look magnificent and mysterious.

And if you look carefully, you will find that there is actually a man wearing a blue hospital gown floating inside the glass cylinder with his eyes closed, head and feet, and his pure white hair floating up and down with the liquid inside.

Although the hair changed color, it was still easy to tell from the handsome face that it was because Ishigami Yu was infected by an unknown virus.

The machine is a large-scale life support device that simulates the initial growth environment of an embryo in the mother's body. These liquids, which can be breathed directly, are a specially formulated weakly alkaline culture solution that contains oxygen and all nutrients needed by the human body. This machine was meant to be used just in case, but it came in handy unexpectedly.


A sound similar to electromagnetic waves suddenly appeared in the originally silent environment, and then a figure appeared next to the large glass column. It was a blond girl wearing a blue and white JK school uniform, with two red ribbons tied at the end of her hair. There was a trace of sadness on her cold face, and her blue eyes stared at the stone suspended upside down.


This girl is not human and does not exist in this world. Because her name is Airi, just Ishigami's artificial intelligence.

She usually works hard and always appears on her mobile phone as a Q-version of a cute maid with twin tails, but if she wants, she can also appear as an innocent souvenir. Ellie's current appearance is an appropriate change based on her master's aesthetics, which means it is completely based on Shishang's XP system.

Ai Li waved her hand and several panels of data appeared in the void. These were the young master's physical data.

About twenty hours have passed since I was infected with the virus. My body temperature is currently 42 degrees, my heart rate is over 140, and my body’s white blood cell count is now 42 degrees.

But judging from various indicators, the situation is still not optimistic. Even after using the most ruthless physical cooling methods, Shishang's body temperature still remained high.

Ellie sighed and waved these things away with a wave of her hand. This unexpected incident is undoubtedly a manifestation of dereliction of duty. It's a shame that she didn't protect the young master.

They didn't even discover that a large number of unknown pathogens appeared in the environment during the oracle experiment.

This led to such serious consequences

A monster with the physique of Shi Shang could be in a coma for twenty hours, so you can imagine how powerful this virus is.

Airi's true body is in charge of Ishigami, and those in charge of the clone are Dr. Yingchu and the others.

The situation there can be said to be quite terrifying, as outrageous as the biochemical virus leaked in the movie. The mortality rate of this unknown virus has reached 75%.

In the entire experimental base there, including guards and other logistics, 60 out of a total of 170 people were infected, and the death toll reached 45 in just three hours.

Among them, two winners of the Nobel Prize in Medicine also died from the recurrence of underlying diseases caused by this virus.

The remaining fifteen people are all being rescued in the intensive care unit, facing this unknown virus. Doctors wearing protective suits can only use large amounts of antibiotics through trial and error. It is more important to save the patient's life than the sequelae.

Therefore, the officials of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare were trembling with fear after receiving instructions from their superiors, because if this kind of thing is not handled well and it leads to a major public health incident, they will be the ones to take the blame in the end. So as soon as I heard that there were suspected cases in Shuchiin, I immediately contacted Shinomiya Huangguang to ask him to respond. Fortunately, he knew what was important this time and did not let go. He mobilized resources to transfer the students to a hotel overnight for isolation.

However, it is very difficult for upper-level agencies to carry out work because the current transmission route of this virus and its damage mechanism to the human body are unknown.

The former head of the Fujiwara family, the grandfather of Chika Fujiwara, found out about this and was silent for a long time before saying

"Is this a punishment for humans to get involved with God's power?"

I don’t know if it’s punishment, but artificially editing genes and promoting the evolution of species is a violation of ethics and natural laws.

But this is also one aspect

Evolution is inherently accompanied by bloodshed and sacrifice. It's like opening Pandora's box and releasing all the evil, but the hope inside is locked inside, and it's just a close call.


Just when Aili was about to replace the nutrient solution, she suddenly found more bubbles appearing in the glass column and immediately stopped what she was doing.

She was pleasantly surprised to find that the eyes that were originally closed were now open, but still with a hazy feeling like waking up from a big dream. She looked at Ellie outside and muttered something, and then closed them again tiredly.

Although the sound cannot be transmitted through the two media of glass and nutrient solution, the clear shape of the mouth has been clearly revealed.

But since there is no projection equipment inside, Ai Li cannot enter. She could only put her hand against the glass, nodded while looking at the people inside, and responded in a soft tone.

"Well, I'm..."


This kind of mood, according to the dictionary, should be tears of joy. Ai Li thought this when she saw her young master finally woke up.

As the first person to accompany Ishigami, she watched him grow up step by step. It can be said that there is no one in the world who understands Ishigami best, and it is undoubtedly Eri.

As an artificial intelligence, it only needs to constantly meet the owner's requirements. After all, tools have no emotions.

In the past, Ai Li thought so and tried to reduce her sense of existence as much as possible. In the past few years, she had helped her young master solve countless difficulties and tried her best to fulfill her role as a tool.

But during the time when the young master was unconscious, Aili finally panicked.

She was not given any instructions when the incident broke out, and she was left to make her own arrangements. Even the young master's fortune and life depended on Alli.

It was also this time that she understood that she did not like to be a tool in the hands of a young master.

But Ai Li simply likes to listen to the young master's orders. The feeling of being trusted by him can give her a sense of reality.

But she knew that this was an emotion that a tool could never produce, but she couldn't help it.

Everything about Aili belongs to the young master

To be honest, she was actually quite jealous of the girls around him. They didn't know how much effort the young master had secretly made to maintain his current daily routine.

And the most important thing is that they can easily touch the young master and even make some intimate actions.

It's a pity that whether it's holding hands or other actions, it has nothing to do with Ellie.

She's just a holographic projection

Even something as simple as tears requires the power of technology to be projected, and everything is false.

"Oh, it would be great if I could touch the young master's face."

Instead of using this ugly mechanical arm

Ellie, who was in a complicated mood, controlled the mechanical arm to carefully transfer the young master, silently thinking

In a ward

"Unfamiliar ceiling?"

Shishang, who was lying on the hospital bed, opened his eyes again. He rubbed his head and got up.

"What the hell"

His memory from the last second was still discussing something with everyone in the student union room.

Why was it like being hit by a train the next second?

Ishigami felt that all the bones in his body were so painful that they were about to fall apart, his limbs were weak and his brain was dizzy, and his throat hurt like a knife.

My voice is a bit hoarse when I speak

Anyway, something is wrong. It can be said that the most serious injury he has suffered in boxing so far has not been as outrageous as this one.

"Thanks, Ellie."

Ishigami, who was hooked up to an intravenous drip, took the water cup handed to him by the robot at the side. Ai Li still appeared on the display screen of the nurse robot in the same Q version as before.

Ishigami, who hadn't drank water for a long time, felt that this glass of water was particularly sweet. He felt a lot more relieved when he looked at the familiar Ally at hand, and it seemed that the fragments of his memory were mixed with people who looked very much like Ally.

Quite cute...

Attributing all this to Ishigami, who was foolishly dreaming, he did not think about these problems.

"By the way, what happened Ellie."

"Why am I lying here?"

"This is what happened, Master"

Then Ellie told Ishigami everything exactly like a secretary reporting on work.


Things initially went wrong that afternoon, when one of the researchers said he wasn't feeling well and wanted to take a break. A short time later, guards came in and reported that the researcher had died after vomiting a large pool of blood. (It contains fragments of internal organs)

But this was just the beginning. The staff present finally panicked when they began to experience symptoms similar to "Ebola" and "hemorrhagic fever". However, by the time their laboratory reacted and sounded the alarm, the virus had completely spread.

It's too late

After listening to Aili's report, everyone on Shishang was dumbfounded. He thought he had just slept, but he didn't expect that it was a convulsion caused by a sudden high temperature in the body. Only then did Ishigami realize that he had invisibly walked through the gate of hell.

"What about Senior Qianhua, and the President and the others?"

Ishigami remembered that before he fell into coma, everyone was there.

There was no doubt that he had been infected at that time, if he had infected them. How could the president and the others, who were in close contact, withstand the poison that could knock down even a stone?

"They're fine.."

Ellie replied

"When the young master fainted, I asked them not to touch your body."

"All exit the student union room"

"Then I notified the Ministry of Defense and waited for their support."

"Miss Fujiwara and President Shirogane boarded the helicopter with us. I considered that the military would not do anything inappropriate in their capacity, so I'm sorry that I just brought you back, Master."

"It's okay, this is indeed the safest."

It would be fatal to come back with him as the source of infection. According to the status of the Shinomiya family and the Fujiwara family, they would not embarrass Chairman Shirogane.

Ishigami shook his head, feeling his weak body

"Aili, have I been cured of the virus now?"

He felt as if his whole body had no bones to support him, a bit like a soft-footed shrimp.

Ai Li printed out the list of Ishigami's current blood test results from the robot's data printing port.

"Yes, Master."

"Judging from the current test results, the virus codenamed 'God's Punishment' has disappeared from your body."

"You feel very weak now. That's because the body's immune system has been working hard for a long time, resulting in a lack of internal nutrients."

"In other words, he went completely crazy."

No matter good normal cells or bad viruses, all are killed.

The immune system, which does not distinguish between friend and foe, is completely red-eyed and does not let go of the melanin in the body. As a result, even Ishigami's hair is now white.

But these are minor problems, and they will recover quickly if you go out on the rocks and bask in the sun.

The only problem is that I don't know if the virus in Ishigami's body will be latent, waiting for him to pass it to the next host.

Ishigami clicked on the system and found that his message bar was full of warnings.

"The host's body temperature is detected to be too high, forty-five degree warning."

"Alert, the "Apocalypse" virus (incomplete?) has been discovered, posing a fatal threat to the host, and force is about to intervene."

Good guy, no wonder my immune system suddenly became a strong man and directly killed so many pathogens as if it was under the influence of drugs. It turns out that the system was also involved behind the scenes.

With the system's endorsement, the immune system goes completely crazy and looks at everyone like an enemy.

This is the reason why Ishigami became one of the few survivors.

But is this incomplete? virus

Immediately, Ishigami suddenly thought of something and asked

"Ai Li, how many people has "Divine Punishment" infected so far?"

Ellie quickly collected the data

"There are currently 3,645 people under medical observation, and a total of 61 people have been diagnosed."

There are sixty people in the biology laboratory and one person in Ishigami, which means the total number has not changed.

"Sure enough, the ultra-high fatality rate brings about poorer transmissibility. (The host is already dead before it can infect other people)"

What this virus named "Apocalypse" most likely lacks is the diversity of transmission routes. After all, it was only spread to people who had direct contact with the "oracle cells" from the beginning.

Otherwise, judging from the way they handled it, this emergency must have spread, and more people would die.

From the current point of view, there is no solution for this virus. The death rate has climbed from seventy-five to a terrifying ninety-seven, which means that only two of the sixty-one people survived this virus attack.

"Apocalypse" is the name of the system, and "Divine Punishment" is the name of the upper-level organization.

I should be almost recovered (laughing in brackets), but I feel like I’m going to cough up my lungs when I cough. I really feel weak after I cough. It was obviously very violent before.

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