I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 161 Immune System: The upcoming high-end game

"It's summer vacation, let's go on a trip for our student union."

As expected, Chika-senpai is good at adjusting her own mood. Ishigami and Shinomiya-senpai looked at each other with helpless expressions. No, you should at least show how nervous you are about the exam.

This guy simply stopped acting. When he heard that the final exam was approaching, he was depressed for less than a second and then changed the subject like a cover-up.

"This child is hopeless."

"Travel, what nonsense are you talking about, Secretary Fujiwara."

President Shirogane, who was holding a stack of documents, heard Fujiwara Chika’s voice from outside the door. He said unhurriedly

"You obviously want to have fun even before you finish the final exam. Have you studied hard recently?"


Fujiwara Chika puffed up her cheeks with anger.

Why are these two people like this? They even say the same thing.

"The president and Kaguya-san are evil-minded."

You love learning so much, so you might as well get over it with learning.

Fujiwara Chika said to President Shirogane and Kaguya who were sitting on the sofa with a tone of "You guys really don't understand anything."

"President and Kaguya-san are too serious. May I ask what you are doing when you go home?"

The two of them were slightly startled.

"Study?" X2

Fujiwara Chika choked, it was indeed like this.

"You've been studying for a year, so why don't you think about relaxing?"

"Secretary Fujiwara, you are the weird one."

President Shirogane looked at Chika Fujiwara with a look that said something was wrong with you.

“Is there any more relaxing way than studying?”

When he comes back from work and writes a set of test papers, he feels as comfortable as drinking Coke.

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded in agreement. This woman's identification with modern technology is similar to that of prehistoric primitive people. Hayasaka Ai still surfs the Internet from time to time, but she knows nothing about it.

He is a veritable "electronic idiot"

If there is nothing special to be busy with, Shinomiya Kaguya usually goes home to study and then starts to use her genius brain to think about "how to get the president to confess."

If you don’t understand something emotionally, just show it early and you’ll know it right away.

There is really no more suitable match between these two people, "learning machine + love brain"

But Chika Fujiwara is different. She is a hedonist, and her brain capacity, which is not very high, can only fit things that make her happy.

Chika Fujiwara's IQ is actually higher than Shinomiya Kaguya and Shirogane Mikayuki, and she is a more wasteful being than those two love brains.

To be able to bring so many wonderful things together, President Shirogane is also very powerful in a sense.

"No, it doesn't make sense at all."

Chika Fujiwara looked at Ishigami with a pleading look, and he felt the hope and sighed.

Traveling or not traveling has little effect on him.

But their student union's outing group activity was the last trip to Huangying Academy.

Isn't it too pitiful for a student in the Department of Higher Education? You should be enjoying the most beautiful years of your life. Studying is not difficult for these seniors and seniors at all.

In addition, President Shirogane's wish is to go to Stanford University abroad. If he can have fun, it will only be in the second half of the second grade.

It takes seven inches to hit a snake, and Ishigami is very good at handling the two seniors and seniors.

The progress of the two of them is really worrying, so any opportunity for their opponent to confess in person will be like the last straw, tightly grasped in their hands.

Ishigami said in a bewitching tone.

"President, Senior Sister Shinomiya, time will not pass by in the blink of an eye."

This was intended to remind them both that time passed quickly and time was wasted.

Obviously these two people have known each other for a long time, but there has been no progress at all.

President Shirogane and Shinomiya-senpai joined the student union at the same time. There must have been something between them in the past.

If you tell the two of them about the little tricks Ishigami has done this semester, I'm afraid you will be exposed on the spot as a liar.

And if Ishigami is left to handle it, Shinomiya-senpai may not be easy to handle, but she can still get it done. (bracket laugh)

However, although his nickname is "Tauren Warrior", he can still distinguish between some things that can be done and some things that are not.

This troublesome senior should be left to President Shirogane to deal with. After all, she has a weird temper, and most importantly, she has a disappointing figure.

And Ishigami found that watching the two people grinding away, he just wanted to fan the flames. You can still have some fun, and the two people inadvertently showing a little sweetness is a good way to kill time.

“Although it’s a good thing to always focus on studying, you should also pay attention to managing your own time.”

"After all, you are already in second grade."

You can't afford it anymore, you know?

As a third grader, you can't fall in love every day. It's time to make plans for your future.

If you want to take down President Shirogane or take down Senior Sister Shinomiya, you can only take advantage of this period of time.

"If you have such a naive attitude, the time of muddling through the entire Higher Education Department will probably pass in an instant."

Although I don’t have any regrets, it’s not a journey in this world. But the regret that can be avoided, Ishigami still thinks that the two seniors and seniors who usually take good care of him can be together.

As for his own affairs, he still doesn’t know what the future will be like. So Ishigami is always thinking about whether it could be better. The fear of insufficient firepower is really fatal.

What Ishigami wants is to be able to fully control his life before graduation.

After all, there are many little cuties waiting for him to love. Ishigami is not a scumbag, he just wants to give these ill-fated girls a home and a good ending.

Ishigami will definitely not sit idly by and watch the future of President Shirogane and Senior Sister Shinomiya.

After all, Ishigami was well aware of how he took care of him.

Ishigami didn't want President Shirogane to meet the girl he wanted to protect his whole life at the age when he had the most nothing.

Be brothers, in your heart.

It was definitely not for Xiao Gui's sake that he was so considerate to his uncle.

If you need to give advice, give it good advice. Ishigami can't be anxious just watching them make no progress.

Travel is a great opportunity.

As long as Ishigami takes away the 100,000-volt light bulb, Chika-senpai, and gives the two of them some time alone, as long as they are not pigs, they will make progress. But he didn't know what the success rate was. These two always miss the mark at critical moments, and it would be much better if they were given more opportunities.

With just a few words, Ishigami broke the guard of President Shirogane and Senior Sister Shinomiya, who were still dreaming of innocent dreams.

"If you are still confused, you will graduate without doing anything."

It's really heartbreaking. If there was a narration in the game sound, I'm afraid there would be an announcement right away that "Chairman Shirogane" and "Kaguya Shinomiya" had suffered eighty points of damage in their hearts, which would be a huge blow.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Shinomiya Kaguya was the first to speak after experiencing the initial silence.

"It sounds really good for travel."

She looked at President Shirogane who was still silent and said meaningfully

"Well, it can enhance the feelings of the student union. Let's find a place to go."

President Baiyin scratched his head and said

"Since Shinomiya said so, let's go."

"Speaking of which, how about we go to the mountains then?"

After experiencing the initial weakness, President Shirogane also began to make his own calculations.

But on the surface, he seems to be daydreaming

President Baiyin was wearing mountaineering clothes and seemed to be thinking freely.

"Ah, the crisp forest air, the memories of the forest resounding."

Together with Shinomiya and Ishigami, who were also wearing hiking clothes, they walked on the forest path.

Climb to the top of the mountain and take photos on the mountain. Then rent a forest cabin to prepare barbecue and other ingredients, and you can eat delicious barbecue.

It can be said that Chairman Shirogane’s imagination is the limit of ordinary families’ fantasies about mountaineering. They laughed and took photos and passed.

And the most important thing is that you can see stars in the mountains!

After dark, the starry sky is infused with magic

Become extraordinarily charming.

President Bai Yin has a little-known hobby, that is, he is an astronomy expert, and he knows everything about the stars.

Perhaps this was the reason why he joined the astronomy club of that fierce Longzhu-senpai.

Imagine being under a starry night sky

Sitting next to President Shirogane was Shinomiya. He held her in his arms and their faces were very close to each other.

President Shirogane personally pointed to the stars in the sky for the fourth house and explained

"That's the summer triangle formed by Deneb, Altair, and Vega."

Although Altair and Vega appear to be very close, they are far apart.

The Fourth Palace will definitely know my feelings and confess to me directly when the time comes.

Yes, that's right. The main purpose of this man's journey was to get Shinomiya to confess to him.

The fourth house must not know the meaning of Altair and Vega. When the time comes, the two of them will look at each other.

Shinomiya took the initiative and hugged President Shirogane, his eyes full of love.

"President, I want to be your Alpha Centauri AB."

"Always and forever revolve around the president."

As long as Baiyin Yuxing embraces the fourth house, it is a sentence

"Oh my, you are such a coquettish little first-class star."

"This is it!"

Thinking of such a scene, Baiyin Yuxing's face showed the scene of winning, and he smiled widely.

He completely ignored whether President Shirogane’s own jokes were in line with public opinion and common sense.

Ishigami saw the undisguised smile on President Shirogane's face and shook his head helplessly.

"This is really..."

"Although I don't know what the president has planned, I can hear his calculations."

"The mountains are not bad either."

Ishigami thought that since President Shirogane said to go to the mountains, Shinomiya-senpai, who is "a husband and wife of the same mind", would never refute him.

But to Ishigami's surprise, Shinomiya-senpai actually gave another answer.

Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at President Shirogane calmly and said very calmly

"No matter what, I can only go to the beach."

President Baiyin's eyes widened and he blurted out in an instant


Shinomiya Kaguya brushed the hair beside her ears and said

"How is it impossible?"

"In summer, I can only go to the beach no matter what."

Indeed, Ishigami gave Shinomiya-senpai’s answer a thumbs up. There is nothing better than facing the refreshing sea breeze and admiring the graceful figures of girls.

Old pervert is ecstatic

Even if you don't go with the president and the others, Ishigami and a few others can still go.

Compared with this, mountains are nothing.

Ishigami is determined to stand by Shinomiya-senpai and support whatever decision she makes.

The reason why she went to the beach was because Shinomiya Kaguya's calculations were also going on in her mind.

"The sea, the sea is the end of life."

Hum hum

"As long as they experience the sunshine and the baptism of the sea, everyone will have their instincts."

What she was thinking about was simple

"I want to use my own swimsuit to captivate President Di and completely worship her under her swimsuit."

The president, who was imbued with the magic power of the sea, confessed his love to her in the setting sun.

When I think of this scene in my mind, I am so excited that I cannot express it in words.

Shinomiya Kaguya had a satisfied smile on her face and a suspicious blush.

she said

"The sound of the waves of the sea is the best lullaby, and the sea breeze will blow away the heat of summer."

"You can have this."

Chika Fujiwara also nodded in agreement.

The needle did not poke, Ishigami and Fujiwara Chika showed their reverie expressions in the blueprint drawn by Shinomiya-senpai.

“Only the sea is an absolute no-no.”

As a staunch camping enthusiast, there is a reason why President Shirogane cannot choose the sea.

When Ishigami heard his words and his trembling and resisting look, he knew the reason instantly.

That is

Even though I have passed the small boat driving license test, I am still considered half a maritime person.

But Baiyin Yuxing is a complete landlubber, and this will never change.

President Shirogane gritted his teeth and showed a reluctant look. Just thinking about it made him feel scared.

"If I was the only one wearing a life preserver, wouldn't it be too much?"

Shinomiya said to Ishigami and others in front of him

"It's so funny, Fujiwara-san Ishigami-kun, do you know that the president is a landlubber?"

"What a lovely child."

If that really happens, President Shirogane might as well die happily.

Shinomiya Kaguya burst out laughing when she saw the expressions on Fujiwara-san and Ishigami-kun's faces.


"President, just obey me obediently."

But President Shirogane was still struggling, whether it was about the large number of people at the beach or the possibility of sharks appearing in the sea.

But Shinomiya-senpai's money-making ability is beyond President Shirogane's imagination.

"Whether it's the Shinomiya family's exclusive beach or hiring professional hunters from Florida to drive away sharks."

Sometimes, it’s really easy to guess what the president is thinking.

Ishigami looked at the president's chest-beating appearance and ruthlessly matched the sound.

"Damn it, there's no way we can win."

"Damn rich people."

Next, this was supposed to be Shinomiya-senpai’s victory.

But Ishigami suddenly noticed that Shinomiya-senpai looked at Chika-senpai next to him with stiff eyes, and then she looked instantly disillusioned.

Instead, Ishigami smiled meaningfully. Alas, it seems that Senior Sister Shinomiya has discovered the biggest flaw in her plan.

Senior Sister Shinomiya has a beautiful face, a rare beauty.

But she is afraid of comparison in everything. When a girl crushes her in all aspects.

Can Shinomiya-senpai still be determined to go to the beach?

Ishigami was about to continue reading

"Ah, what a strange feeling."

But suddenly his vision went dark

"Boom" sound

Ishigami immediately collapsed to the ground with shortness of breath and lost all movement.

"Ishigami, what's wrong with you!"

If Ellie had used a tunnel scanning microscope, she would have discovered it by scanning Shi Shang's body.

There is an unknown respiratory virus that has a structure somewhat similar to Oracle's cells, and it has taken over Ishigami's body.

The first immune system has failed

And the immune system in his body has begun to rub shoulders, and they are shouting

"This is a high-end game!"

"One must die between the host and the virus."

Let me tell you readers that I have become a little foreigner. Today my fever has reached 40 degrees Celsius. The quality has not been high recently. Please bear with me during this special period. I think I can only write this article while I am sick.

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