I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 158 Pathological Love

I am a sinner beyond pardon.

The only meaning of living now is to let him kill me with his own hands.

Let's kill each other on the best stage in front of everyone, and finally kill me!

Only in this way can I obtain the salvation of death.

——Setsuna Kiryu

That's how it should be.


The long-haired man bit his fingers angrily. The force was so strong that soon blood flowed from the fingers and even the mouth looked quite scary.

"why why?"

He had already thought about what he would say when the two met, but Kiryu suddenly sensed the aura of the person he missed most in another unknown kid.

This kid actually said that he defeated God? !

"Obviously God will not lose."

Setsuna Kiryu firmly believed

his current mood

To give an inappropriate example, a boyfriend who is in a "long-distance relationship" wants to secretly go to his girlfriend's house to surprise her. After dressing up, he meets a man downstairs who smells of his girlfriend's familiar perfume.

That man even greeted you warmly and meaningfully.

It hurts, it really hurts.

"Setsuna Kiryu" is such a "suffering master". The reason why he appears here is simply to become a fighter of Huangying Education Group. (I chose this just because Huang Ying is the one closest to him.)

With the identity of a fighting artist, he can fight with the person he most wants to see at a grand memorial ceremony in the future.

That person saved Kiryu Setsuna several times in the darkness, and was regarded as the "god" who redeemed him.

Either Kiryu Setsuna killed the "god", or he was killed by the "god".

They agreed to give each other their first defeat.

However, "God" was defeated by this damn brat before the two of them met.

Now Kiryu suddenly became so angry that he almost went crazy. This feeling of "sweetheart" being desecrated by others makes my heart hurt like a knife.

"If I kill this brat, no one in the world will be able to defeat Ouma-kun."

Kiryu, with gloomy eyes, instantly stopped biting the blood-stained finger in his mouth.

"By the way, there is another way."

With this thought, Kiryu suddenly gathered his energy again, and his eyes immediately revealed a fierce look.

"Little devil, I will pay for the sin of blasphemy with your life. Uh."

But before he finished speaking, Kiryu suddenly felt severe pain on his face, forcing him to swallow the next words.

Because a powerful slap (Kabuto Obi) had taken the lead in slapping Kiryu Setsuna's face with such force that it made a crisp sound of air explosion.

And not only that, the heavy force knocked the long-haired man several meters away, and he didn't stop until he hit the wall nearby.

The ground is shaking

It wouldn't be surprising if it was a punch thrown by a tall, muscular man with a build like Ozu, but this rather shocking power came from the hands of a high school student.

This difference in expressiveness made even Soryuin Shion, who saw this scene with her own eyes, still a little unbelievable.

This kid defeated Yasha, maybe through trickery or luck.

This idea seems so ridiculous now.

The last time she saw such a fierce high school student was the last time. A blond kid used Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to strangle a strong man who was more than twice his size.

It only took a second

But the blond kid also used special techniques.

How could anyone be like this black-haired brat who could slap someone away with just a slap in the face and just use brute force to send someone flying?

Although this battle has just begun, Shi Shang's hand alone is enough to prove his power.

Soryuin Shione took out a cigarette from his pocket and held it in his mouth, wanting to light it out of habit.

But the lighter was lost, so I had to give up.

She stared at Shishang with burning eyes, her eyes filled with undisguised greed and spying.

Soryuin Shione is interested in his future, and his teenage years are just the beginning.

What level will this kid's power reach at the age of twenty, thirty, or even forty?

"If he can be my fighter, then our Soryuin family may be able to repeat our past glory."

As the head of the family, she must consider the family at all times. Any person or thing that would come in handy, she would immediately think of reviving the family.

But this time it's different.

The next second, Zuo Liuyuan Ziyin made a "cut" sound in displeasure.

"The second young master of the Ishigami family."

Because Ishigami was so exposed, she even forgot about this guy's identity. He was not someone who could just give some small favors and then work for their family.

Perhaps in a sense, this boy is nobler than the entire Soryuin family.

It was not an exaggeration to say that she had to offer Mr. Ishigami as a gift, and she wanted to use him as a tool because she thought the Soruin family was not declining fast enough.

It has aroused the displeasure of the "Manniu Club", which is now competing with the "Hundred People Club" in the Boxing Club. Where can the current Soryuin Family have the strength to resist.

Whether it is financial or human resources, I am afraid they will be defeated in an instant.

As the head of the family, she felt overwhelmed when she thought of the Soruin family, which was currently lacking in strength.

The loud explosion produced by the compressed air echoed, unusually clear in the quiet and empty environment.

Soryuin Shione, who had always had a very calm expression, rarely showed a trace of distress. But a storm was coming, but they could only stand by and watch.

And behind the scenes, there is a group of evil wolves from outside the Boxing Club. They are eyeing any family with empty members.

The air blowing to the ground made Koryuin Shione's hair float, and there was a sense of regret in her eyes that "there is a good man in front of her, but she can't control it and he will be blown away by the wind."

"Huh, what an amazing guy."

After Ishigami slapped him, he immediately wiped it with his napkin.

As if there are some bacteria

There was a trace of disgust in his expression

"Ha tui, crazy."

That guy just kept talking more and more enthusiastically over there, about God, salvation, goodbye, blasphemy and so on.

"Made, I'll give you a slap to see if you still go crazy."

How old are you to still eat your hands? What kind of giant baby is that?

And Ishigami felt baffled that he took a shower every day, let alone after a fight.

Suddenly he said, "You have his breath on you."

That's even more detailed. How could Shi Shang smell of a man on his body?

That's outrageous. It would be almost the same if he said he smelled of a girl's perfume.

The feminine and cold aura coming from this guy made Shi Shang think, "This guy can't be gay." He even felt a chill in his buttocks and didn't want to get close.

So just slap him in the face and slap him far away.

Noticing the movement in the distance, Ishigami scratched his head in distress.

"You said that if you just lay there and don't move, it would be easy for you and it would be easy for me too."

"Why bother?"

Hearing the sound of wind in his ears, Shishang didn't pause. He just casually raised his left foot and kicked the huge whizzing concrete block into pieces.

The huge broken concrete block turned into fragments and hit the ground heavily. With Ishigami blocking the way, Teacher Ozu and the others would be fine.

But what Shishang didn't know was that there was actually a deadly murderous intention behind the stone.

"Fox Shadow Style - Shun."

The move Kiryu Setsuna used was the ancient jutsu "Kusage Ryu" that was derived from the remnants of Aoho Ryu that Ishigami had seen before. It was a cursed move.

There used to be fourteen styles of the Fox Shadow style, but they were lost with the death of the Fox Shadow sect. Kiryu Setsuna's master had barely reconstructed it from ancient books, but it only had two moves.

After Setsuna Kiryu killed his master, he was the only successor of the Fox Shadow style left in the world.

This move is "Fox Shadow Style - Instant."

It is a move that uses the blink of an eye and then injects footwork. The footwork is matched with speed to reach a point that cannot be seen by the human eye, which is called a blink.

But the remaining reason told Kiryu Setsuna that the kid in front of him was different from his previous opponents.

To be on the safe side, Kiryu suddenly had a blind eye and hid behind the thrown concrete stones.

So the moment the black shadow he transformed into was shattered into pieces, he struck with lightning speed.

"Fox Shadow Style - Rakshasa Palm."

Rakshasa Palm is a striking technique, infused with an extremely powerful spiral technique. The rotating palm has strong explosive power and can twist and tear any part of the opponent, which is very scary.

Although the Fox Shadow Style only has two moves, Kiryu Setsuna has brought the power of the Fox Shadow Style to the extreme, and even evolved and strengthened the Shun and Rakshasa Palms on this basis.

Kiryu Setsuna, who has used Rakshasa Palm thousands of times, is quite experienced in his attacks, not even the slightest sloppiness or pause can directly hit the target.


Kiryu Setsuna's eyeballs were bloodshot, and a smile appeared on his lips.

He wanted to strike the brat's heart with a Rakshasa palm, and the violent spiral force could directly twist his heart into a twist.

Those who have died will no longer be able to die by then.

The ultimate attack composed of "Fox Shadow Style - Instant" and "Fox Shadow Style - Rakshasa Palm" pursues a one-hit kill.


Kiryu burst out with all his strength, and with the blessing of the spiral force, his dominant hand was like an alloy drill bit rotating at a high speed, aiming at Ishigami's heart.

"Death to the blasphemer!"

A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him as if teleporting. Previously, Ishigami could only rely on his physical strength to carry it.

"No martial ethics, sneak attack!"

Is this good?

But he just used the master of swordsmanship, Mr. Wu Yasha, as a whetstone to practice. Before, he could only vaguely see the light of the sword's slashes, and the stone could react to them.

Not to mention that this is a shadow attack whose attack trajectory can be seen.

He has seen it all

"Just in time! Rat."

Since you regard others as prey, you must be mentally prepared to be hunted in turn.

Ishigami's eyes widened, and he instantly caught the trajectory of this guy.

Who is the prey? The only time to tell the difference is when you know whose hand will kill the deer!

He responded immediately and quickly raised his hands in the air. The muscles in his arms were all tense, and the raised knives were like two giant axes ready to go.

This is the finishing move of Judgment, a strike without mercy.

Ishigami directly directed his two terrifying giant axe-like hand knives at the black shadow, exerting all his strength without reservation, and slashed hard at the black shadow.

The strong wind roaring overhead is enough to make one's scalp numb, not to mention the attack that is so fast that even the afterimage cannot be seen. It can be said that the death bell has already sounded in the ears. .

Feeling the destructive power contained above, Kiryu, who was hunched over in pursuit of extreme speed, had eyes wide open for a moment, and an electric chill ran through his body.

"How could something so outrageous happen?"

Then the two knives on the stone fell accurately and hard on Kiryu Setsuna's body. Not only that, the huge force instantly caused the ground to deform.

The roar on the ground was mixed with a painful groan and the crisp sound of bone cracking.

Not only that, the ruins that were still in their original state of motion were suddenly acted upon by external forces, immediately raising high clouds of dust.

The terrifying shock wave instantly shattered all the glass above.


Even if they were just watching the double blows on the stone and hearing the dull sound in their ears, everyone present felt as if their hearts had been hit by a giant hammer.

I couldn't help but feel extremely shaken.

Even Ozu Toshio, who was temporarily in a coma, was awakened by this blow for a few tenths of a second, and then he fainted from the pain.

"Is this still called a boxing wish?"

Both Soryuin Shione and Matsuda Tomoko were speechless with their mouths wide open. Their impressions of Kenshin were still that they were punching and kicking each other.

There is no such terrain-changing attack.

However, they had no choice but to recover from the oncoming smoke and dust, coughing and waving away the smoke.

It's a pity that the two of them have never seen the fist fight between the Minotaur and the Wakatsuki Samurai.

It was truly a walking "natural disaster". Those two monsters could change the terrain with just a few movements. If the venue wasn't made of high-strength titanium alloy, it wouldn't be able to withstand what they built.

Speaking of which, this was also the first time that the chairman and secretary had seen the "tip of the iceberg" of the strength of a super-class fighter.

This is another dimension of power.

But for Ishigami in his heyday, it was just an ordinary flat A.


A relatively well-proportioned black shadow loomed in the dust and smoke. A hand came out of the smoke and then waved violently. The dust around him dispersed like a real thing, and he stepped forward.

Ishigami walked out unscathed except for some dust on his hair. He had his hands in his pockets and seemed to be accustomed to his destructive power.

That year, I put my hands in my pockets

As the background wall on the stone, there is a very clear pit that is at least five centimeters and three meters long.

The man in the pothole has not taken in as much air as he can take out. There were at least a dozen comminuted fractures all over his body, especially the two arms that had been bent like withered branches, and the bone spurs with stubble were exposed.

The area that had been cleaned by Ishigami was once again stained with blood. This was Setsuna Kiryu's blood.

Setsuna Kiryu, who had lost too much blood, was beaten so miserable for the first time, and his whole body was unconscious.

“Very cold..”

Is this what it feels like to die?

But Kiryu's eyes were so blurred that he could no longer see clearly. He wanted to open his eyelids, but his eyelids were as heavy as a thousand pounds and he couldn't open them.

"It would be nice if I could see you again."

In his blurred vision, Kiryu suddenly saw the figure of the former Ten Demon Snake King.

"Did I lose? I lost before I met Ouma-kun again."

"But we are really destined to lose at the hands of the same person."

He was still thinking before he lost consciousness and fell into boundless darkness.

"It's a pity that I can't die in your hands."


"Who are you exactly?"

Soryuin Shione took a deep breath from the cigarette and blew out thick smoke rings. This old smoker couldn't wait to smoke a lighter after getting his subordinate's lighter.

"And thank you."

She watched four sturdy men in white uniforms work together to send a large black rectangular box onto the helicopter transport plane (with Toshio Ozu inside), and said to Ishigami on the side.

Zuoryuin Ziyin couldn't see through this kid who was one year younger than her sister. As a young master from a rich family, his strength was beyond her imagination.

But the energy it possesses cannot be underestimated.

She knew that the professional team called by Ishigami were the medical team of "Furuhai Pharmaceutical" responsible for the "Tiger" Wakatsuki Samurai.

That large black long box looks a bit ominous, but it is actually the most cutting-edge confidential first-aid equipment of "Guhai Pharmaceutical" that is not disclosed to the public. It is said to save your life even if you still have breath.

It can be said that Ozu can enjoy such medical treatment as a top fighter, it can be said that it is all thanks to Ishigami. Before he told the secretary about the replacement, he had already sent a message to the people of "Guhai Pharmaceutical" to prepare.

Ishigami just spread his hands, feeling helpless

"Huh? I'm just a student."

"If there's anything different, it doesn't seem to be surprising."

"After all, I'm number one in my grade, and I'm also very good at playing. Isn't it normal?"

Zuo Liuyuan Ziyin rolled her eyes at Shishang, turned around and left without further intervention. She was afraid that if she stayed, she would be angered to death by this brat's arrogant words.

Shi Shang chuckled lightly as he watched her leave. He stopped a medical staff and pointed to the auditorium and said.

"Wait a minute, there's another wounded person inside."

"Let's save him too."

After all, there is still some residual value.

500,000 words spread flowers

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