I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 134 Yes, Hayasaka-senpai

"Hey, Ishigami, you're awake."

President Shirogane noticed that Ishigami behind him seemed to have woken up. He was slowly standing up from the sofa with his head supported on one hand.

Different from the indifference on the president's face, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Ishigami with an apologetic look, because Shinomiya Kaguya, who had experienced President Shirogane's singing hell, completely believed that it could be used as a weapon. .

But at that time, she only wanted to escape alone, leaving the stone behind to accept the torture of President Shirogane alone.

"Ishigami-kun, are you okay?"

The voice of Ishigami, who had just woken up, seemed a little hoarse, and he replied

"I'm fine, Shinomiya-senpai."

After hearing Ishigami's reply, Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief and was very happy.

"Fortunately, Ishigami-kun wasn't broken, otherwise I wouldn't know what compensation I should give to Hayasaka..."

But Shi Shang felt bitter in his heart, but he just didn't say it.

After all, what he cut off was his own consciousness, but his body functions were still exposed to the high dose of radiation from President Shirogane.

"It's better to go back and do a full-body CT scan."

The stinging pain in the eardrum felt like a hole had been drilled by a pile driver. My brain was so dizzy that it felt like it was going to explode.

His heart palpitations were so severe that he was sweating, and every breath he took was a luxury. Anyway, nothing seemed to be right with his whole body.

Even Ishigami felt that if he had another fight with the "Tiger" Wakatsuki Samurai, he would never be so embarrassed.

After resting for a while, Ishigami felt his feet feel a little chilly, and then he noticed that his socks were missing.

Here, who stole my socks?

Shi Shang was speechless.

"President, where are my socks?"

Shinomiya-senpai probably wouldn't do something as rude as taking off my socks. If something really happened, she should let the president do it for her.

After hearing what Ishigami said, Chairman Shirogane paused while pouring the miso soup.

"Don't ask me, it wasn't me."

Before speaking, he secretly glanced at Shinomiya, who was drinking black tea calmly and silently next to him, as if he was having trouble answering this question.

President Bai Yin paused for more than ten seconds, his tone hesitant.

"Well, Ishigami, you can understand it by yourself."

Ishigami looked along the line of sight of President Shirogane, and then a ghostly expression appeared on his face.

"What the hell"

Ishigami put on his shoes on his bare feet and walked over, looking up and down.

He really didn't expect that he would see this thing in the student union one day.

At first I thought I was still dreaming. After all, the aesthetics of this sand-carved headgear are still too advanced for modern neon high school students.

And the guy wearing the Pikachu gangster hood looks very helpless.

Not only was he tied to a chair and unable to move, but a white thing was stuffed into the hole in his hood that was used for cooking.

Ishigami recognized it, it was his missing socks.

It can be seen that the person who stuffed it was very cruel, and he used very much force, with the purpose of making the poor guy unable to even open his mouth.

The rope binding method is also very clever. It is a new version of the boat that Ishigami has never seen before. This method only restricts movement and does not stick tightly to the skin and leave red marks.


Shi looked at it for a while and marveled, saying that he had learned it.

But now is not the time to study the rope. Although it is very inconsistent, he can vaguely see something familiar from that figure.

Ishigami asked tentatively

"Senior Chika?"

Hearing a familiar voice coming from his ears, the sculpture, which had already resigned itself to its fate, immediately began to struggle violently, making a sound of "Uh, Uh, Uh".

"As expected, it's Senior Qianhua."

He also recognized it from the place that gathered people's hearts.

Ishigami shook his head helplessly, although he didn't know why she became like this.

"But really well done."

The corners of his mouth raised slightly

When this guy saw Shi Shang being tied up before, he didn't even bother to plead for mercy, but he even added a ball of fire without mercy.

They were shouting at the side, asking Ishigami to put another sock in his mouth.

Now that heaven is reincarnating, no one will be spared.

This school girl with a bad personality was punished without Ishigami taking any action.

Why doesn't this make Ishigami feel relieved?

"Well, Ishigami, this person is indeed Secretary Fujiwara."

Chairman Shirogane, who once again held a second of silence for Secretary Fujiwara, sighed deeply in his heart

"I didn't expect that an angry girl would be so cruel to her best friend."

He stepped forward and patted Ishigami's shoulder, and nuzzled Shinomiya Kaguya, who was sitting dignifiedly on the sofa not far away, drinking black tea elegantly.

President Shirogane lowered his voice and whispered to Ishigami.

"Secretary Fujiwara annoyed Shinomiya before."

"That's what it became."

Originally, Chika Fujiwara borrowed the hoodie from the Drama Club to put on President Shirogane's head, but after being laughed at by Shinomiya in a nondescript manner.

President Shirogane felt offended again and took it off angrily.

Once it was picked, it was like pulling a trigger.

Shinomiya, who was laughing wildly, stopped laughing and laid his hands on the table, his eyes glowing scarlet.

Secretary Fujiwara also welcomed his own end

The furious Shinomiya completely opened the seal, took out the rope from the cupboard as if opening "Liberation", and caught Secretary Fujiwara who was running around in just a few seconds.

Then he neatly took off the socks from Ishigami's feet and stuffed them in while Chika Fujiwara looked horrified.

The one behind is the complete "victim" version of Chika Fujiwara that Ishigami saw.

Although President Shirogane’s voice was very low, Shinomiya Kaguya, with her keen ears, still heard it.

"Where's Ada, president."

"It sounds like I am a violent girl."

"The president may not know what Fujiwara-san looks like now."

"This is very common abroad."

"A particularly popular thing in Europe and America is called performance art."

Shinomiya Kaguya closed her eyes, took a sip and directly raised her good friend to a height that did not belong to her.

"That is to say."

"Fujiwara-kun, you are currently dedicating yourself to art."

Shirogane Miyuki, who was glared at by Shinomiya, returned to the sofa angrily.

"That's right, I understand."

Ishigami turned around and glanced at Shinomiya-senpai who was talking in general terms.

As expected of sisters who have grown up together since childhood, both of them closed their eyes.

That's nonsense.

He really didn't expect that the current Qianhua-senpai in the words of Shinomiya-senpai could rise to the stage of art.

Ishigami had never seen performance art with such complex compositions. The sand sculpture headband matched the socks he wore. .

This is art with flavor, which is somewhat superior.

Ishigami stepped forward and took off the ribbon covering his eyes. Then he saw the misty and tearful Chika Fujiwara, looking at him aggrievedly.

But those thick eyebrows and big eyes combined with the magical sand sculpture headgear made it impossible to feel her pity at all. It will only make people think that this guy is so funny, he must be doing it for fun.

Ishigami chuckled lightly, holding her chin and shaking it from side to side.

"You know you're wrong?"

Of course Ishigami prefers the former when it comes to getting along with Chika-senpai. He also more or less discovered some of her little quirks. This guy actually liked being bullied.

You can tell by looking at Senka Chika's eyes that she is actually in a state of excitement.

And Ishigami also noticed her little movements, no matter where she was.

After all, he was standing in front of him alive. And he looked like this worthless person in front of him,

Fujiwara Chika's state of mind

The resentment towards my best friend from the beginning

"Kaguya-kun, why are you doing this to me?"

to self-denial

Chika Fujiwara, why are you so excited just thinking about yourself?

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Why do I feel like I'm a bastard?"

Chika Fujiwara, who felt inexplicably humiliated, nodded with tears in her eyes.

Ishigami smiled and touched her head. No, he could only play with the ears of the two Pikachus through the hood.

"If you know you're wrong, you're a good boy."

Chika Fujiwara took the initiative to lean into his hand, which made it easier for Ishigami to touch her head.

Ishigami came up behind Senka Chika, and Chika Fujiwara looked happy.

She thought she had performed well and was appreciated by Ishigami.

But for a long time, there was no movement to loosen the ties. No matter when, the unknown is always the scariest.

Before her patience was about to fade away, Ishigami's words rang directly in her ears.

"Senior Qianhua, I want to tell you a truth."

"There are many things in this world. If you think you are wrong, others must forgive you."

"This world is very cruel."

"But if you are wrong, then you are wrong."

If you are close, the heat of your breath.

The warm breath slapped Fujiwara Chika's ears, but there was no charming throbbing in her heart.

It's just like falling into an ice cellar.

Ishigami lowered his head and caressed the girl's head

"That's great. Shinomiya-senpai is very gentle."

He said the most indifferent words in the most friendly tone.

"So she just punished you a little and then forgiven you."

"And I won't."

After speaking, Ishigami clenched his hands into fists and placed them near Senior Qianhua's temples.

Then he started his homework.

"It hurts"

Chika Fujiwara, who was constantly rubbing against Ishigami's hands like drills, showed a painful expression.

Her despair could be felt through the hood, and Chika Fujiwara's temples were spinning hard.

Naturally, the strength was also carefully considered by Ishigami, so that she could feel the pain but not die on the spot due to severe damage to her temple.

It really tests the experience of Master Ishigami.

After the eight courses of treatment for Chika Fujiwara were completed, Master Ishigami directly moved the person and the chair near the sofa where he was sitting just now under the surprised eyes of President Shirogane and Senior Sister Shinomiya.

He said to Shinomiya Kaguya

"Shinomiya-senpai, help me get Chika-senpai's lunch box."

Ishigami took Chika Fujiwara's lunch box from Shinomiya-senpai and thanked her.

This time, he first forced Chika Fujiwara's hood to surrender and threw it on the sofa, and then said to her with a smile.

"Senior Qianhua, you probably haven't eaten yet."

Ishigami opened the lunch box in front of Chika Fujiwara.

The next punishment for Chika Fujiwara is mental torture, which requires the use of her mouth.

And Ishigami wanted to laugh when he saw Fujiwara Chika put on that sand sculpture headgear.

What if he laughed when he saw her funny expression when he didn't want to eat. This kind of behavior is unsafe and will cause choking on the stone.

Ishigami wants to eat Fujiwara Chika’s lunch in front of her. As for his own guest meal, it had poor heat retention and went cold immediately.

"But, Chika-senpai really likes ramen."

Ishigami picked up the chopsticks and lowered his head to look at the contents of the lunch box.

There are quite a lot of ramen elements in it

If you can't eat ramen, why don't you just eat ramen?

Ishigami couldn't laugh or cry

The meat is six slices of barbecued pork in the ramen, and fried chicken, which should be boneless chicken legs. (It seems that in neon food culture, spitting bones is very rude.)

There was also a whole egg, uncut on the stone. It should be salted soft-boiled eggs.

As for other vegetables and some pickles, they are all familiar pickles in ramen. Things like red ginger, pickled yellow and carrots are very flavorful.

In front of the sad-looking Fujiwara Chika, Ishigami took the lead in picking up a piece of barbecued pork with chopsticks and put it in his mouth with a very intoxicated expression.

"Wow, that's delicious."

"Don't eat it, leave some for me."

Chika Fujiwara was hungry, and her tears flowed out of the corners of her mouth.

If the rope on her body and the socks in her mouth hadn't hindered her, she would have gone up and down to bite the stone a few times.

Senior Sister Shinomiya and President Shirogane, who were watching from the side, looked helpless.

"Is this a man's desire for revenge?"

Of course Ishigami can't eat them all

He just tasted each side dish to test the taste.

In the end, Ishigami released Fujiwara Chika. He just wanted to scare this guy who was very playful and make him restrain himself.

Then he asked Qianhua to take out the sock from his mouth.

As for what will happen to his socks, Ishigami doesn't know.

Because she was embarrassed, Chika Fujiwara took her away anyway.

In the afternoon, Ishigami sent a leave message to President Shirogane on his mobile phone.

As for himself, he came to a classroom as promised

The girl bathed in the sunset looked at him with a pair of cold red eyes.

without any foreshadowing


"Yes, Hayasaka-senpai?"

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