I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 124 Morning with Xiao Ai

Hayasaka Ai, who had just woken up at 5:01, was undefended in every sense of the word.

The rule she set for herself when entering a professional state was to take a shower.

This is equivalent to Hayasaka Ai's one-click start


As the first drop of hot water fell on Hayasaka Ai, the hazy look in her eyes was like ice and snow gradually beginning to melt after being exposed to the sun.

The impenetrable line of defense in her pupils that was isolated from outside detection also began to be built again.

At the same time, Hayasaka Ai's face became increasingly red.

In the end, she directly covered her face in disbelief.

From her fingers, it could be seen that the girl's face was completely red with embarrassment.


"Haasaka Ai, what have you done?"

Ishigami used to think that Hayasaka Ai who just got up in the morning was as naive and silly as the sick Shinomiya-senpai, but in fact there was a slight difference.

After all, Shinomiya-senpai will not remember anything about that period.

And Hayasaka Ai remembers everything!

Yes, she remembers all the stupid things she did just now.

At this moment, it is clearly replaying in my mind

I had chosen the loose nightgown for sleeping comfort, but I crawled into his arms at that time. Wasn't this feeling lonely?

And if I don’t enter the bathroom, I can’t wait to start throwing away my armor.

But these are all minor problems. After all, these things will happen sooner or later in Hayasaka Ai's mind.

As long as things fall into place, it will happen one day. But somehow it happened much earlier than expected.

She touched her body unconfidently and sighed.

"Although it's a little better than Miss Kaguya."

"But compared to Secretary-chan, isn't it a little too small?"

Thinking of Secretary-chan's tank-level figure, even the most capable maid began to have difficulties.


These can be regarded as benefits distributed in advance to her younger brother. Hayasaka Ai could convince herself this way after experiencing the initial panic.

but the real problem

the most serious problem

It's Hayasaka Ai who can't accept it

The one who didn't wash his hair or wash himself and just went straight into his younger brother Jun's arms.

"How shameless!"

Which girl would allow her boyfriend who has just entered the love period to see her looking sloppy and without makeup. (Note that this is a period of passionate love, not an old couple who can fart in bed.)

I wish I had to put on makeup even before going to bed at night, and get up at least an hour earlier than my boyfriend in the morning to put on makeup again.

A qualified girlfriend is someone who always looks beautiful in front of her boyfriend.

However, she did. .


No longer wanting to say anything, Hayasaka Ai raised her hand tremblingly with a gloomy look on her face.

"As expected, it's better to die."

On the stone outside, facing the open window, he took a deep breath slowly. The wind outside the window blew against his face.

After blowing out the fire in his heart, Ishigami closed the window again and turned on the air conditioner in the room to the most suitable temperature.

After all, there was a girl taking a shower inside that closed door.

The sun hasn't fully risen yet, and the weather in the early morning is still a bit chilly. It is during this changing season that we are most likely to get sick.

Ishigami, who was ready, looked around, the corners of his mouth raised slightly

"However, this room finally has a touch of life now."

The overall layout of Hayasaka Ai's room is still very neat, just like the last time Ishigami and President Shirogane came to visit Shinomiya-senpai.

The school uniforms and skirts of Shuchiin are hung on the wall. They must have been ironed last night so they are very straight.

On the dressing mirror is Hayasaka Ai's overall maid outfit.

In fact, Hayasaka Ai had been working for a long time before going to school. She made the decisions on many things in Noda's Shinomiya Residence.

Now that she had just gotten up, the quilt on her bed had not been folded and the sheets were a little messy.

But sitting on the bedside of Hayasaka Ai was the first gift Ishigami gave her, the little bear with a smirk.

It seems to be called Panda, Mr. Pan.

The smiling face necklace that Ishigami gave her was also neatly placed on the shelf, shining with golden light. There are also a lot of hair ties, bracelets and other things that Ishigami bought for her, and they are all well placed. It can be seen that the owner takes good care of them.

In the past, there was no human smell in Xiao Ai's room. There are no extra decorations, a bed, a desk that doubles as a dressing table and a wardrobe make up this small "home".

This room is just a place to check in every day, and sleeping is just a task.

This was Ishigami's first impression when he came to Hayasaka Ai's room before. It was just a place to rest.

The atmosphere is much better now, there is life in the room, just as their relationship has undergone a qualitative change and everything is moving in the right direction.

This place was also built by Ishigami and Hayasaka. He was responsible for buying it and she was responsible for decorating it.

So Ishigami saw that Xiao Ai's room had become different, and his heart was filled with joy and a sense of accomplishment.

But, isn't her bathing time a bit too long?

Shi looked at her phone. It had been a long time since she entered.

If he continued to wash it, he suspected that Xiao Ai would be completely bald.

He came to the bathroom door and was about to knock on the door.

The door suddenly opened.

Hayasaka Ai, who was wrapped in a bath towel and had her shoulders exposed, didn't expect that her younger brother Jun would be waiting outside her bathroom door and was slightly startled.

Ishigami noticed her scrutinizing gaze and quickly raised his hands

An honest look

"I don't"

"I just got here."

Feeling the hot gaze, Hayasaka Ai snorted. The shame in her heart could not be concealed. She pretended to be calm and rolled her eyes at her brother Jun.

"Really, how long do you want to watch, idiot."

Just look at me a few times. Isn't it a bit too much for you to still stare at me?

In the past, when there was no one in the room, she would just do what she did, dry herself off, then come out and put on a maid outfit.

Today, I didn't skip the step of wrapping myself in a bath towel because I was thinking about some bad guy coming uninvited.

The girl said coquettishly

"If you give in, I won't be able to get out."

"Sorry, little love."

Ishigami looked away sheepishly, then moved his body so that she could pass by him.

Because his brother-kun looked very sensible, Hayasaka Ai walked out without saying a word.

Seeing Xiao Ai walking out, she was sitting on a chair, picking up a towel and wiping her wet hair. There was an indescribable charm in her movements.

It has a particularly psychedelic quality and is very charming.

I'm ashamed to say that when Ishigami first saw her appearance just now, he had an impulse

He wanted to kiss her red lips directly and taste the sweetness today.

It is said that women are most attractive after bathing.

The charm that Hayasaka Ai naturally exudes after taking a bath makes Ishigami's eyes unable to resist. And he was not staring at her with an unclean mentality, but with a very sacred heart.

Such a good girl, she loves him.

How can I bear to blaspheme

Lovers who want to kiss each other just want to respond to this pure love.

Ishigami felt excited and happy

This morning's whim really came at the right time, others came at night.

He attacked in the morning. Although the time was different, the result was still the same.

Not only did I see a different kind of Xiao Ai, but I also saw the current Xiao Ai.


Earn money with blood!

Really, Ishigami even wanted to sacrifice some sleep time in the morning to check in here.

Hayasaka Ai, who was wiping her hair, felt a chill in her heart for no reason.

She sighed and said to her younger brother Jun, who was pitifully turning his back.

Hayasaka Ai is angry and funny

"Yuchika, come here."

"He's really an idiot. He only knows how to stand around."

Ishigami heard the call and walked next to Hayasaka Ai

"What's wrong, little love?"

Hayasaka Ai pursed her lips, and then handed him the towel in her hand.

"I've been observing you for a long time, and your eyes are not honest at all. You keep glancing at me."

"I'm tired just looking at you, now I'll satisfy you"

"Please help me wipe my hair."

"You don't have to work so hard."


Ishigami quickly took the towel from Hayasaka Ai's hand, then grabbed her hair and wiped it carefully.

He smelled the delicious fragrance that came from Xiao Ai from time to time, and looked at her snow-white slender neck and her fair and rosy weak shoulders.

Shi Shang's heart was constantly rippling with blue waves, and he was very uneasy.

His eyes revealed tenderness, and his heart was filled with sweetness.

The girl's fair, rosy and delicate skin combined with her wet blond hair is a strong visual impact without being critical.

His other hand was actually supporting her shoulder, and the delicate touch on his fingertips was particularly touching.

But Ishigami wanted to protect her more. The girl with her eyes closed looked very relaxed, but it still made him feel like she was acting coquettishly towards him.

Her soft and boneless posture is quite charming. Therefore, Ishigami's movements were very gentle to avoid pulling too hard and making the girl uncomfortable.

While her brother-in-law was wiping her hair, Hayasaka Ai closed her eyes for a while and spoke.

"Yuchika, why did you come to my place so early?"

Ishigami responded with a smile.

"I wanted to see you on a whim, so here you go."

"What's wrong? Can't you?"

Hearing Brother Jun's reply, Hayasaka Ai's heart also felt ripples.

There was a nice curve on her lips

"Really, you can use sweet words to deceive girls."

Although there was a bit of blame in Hayasaka Ai's tone, it was more filled with spiritual joy.

Tell your sweetheart that you want to see you, and then actually come to meet you early in the morning.

There should be no girl who would be unhappy hearing this.

"No way, I am sincere."

"Listen, my heart is beating really fast now."

Ishigami gently let her head rest on his chest and slowly stroked her hair.

"You heard it."

"It's just because you don't believe me that I'm anxious."

Hayasaka Ai patted the offending hand on her head and said angrily

"When I'm not in a straight line all day long, I'll say these nice things."

"It's really annoying."

She stopped Ishigami from wiping his hair.

"Okay, I won't wipe it for you anymore."

"I'm going to change clothes."

Hearing this, Ishigami folded the towel in his hand.

"Okay, then I'll go out and wait for you."

Hayasaka Ai thought for a moment that this time was exactly the time when the other servants of the Shinomiya family were getting up together.

If they saw a strange man appear in the Shinomiya family's mansion, it would immediately explode.

Besides, the bathroom was wet and not easy to treat people.

Hayasaka Ai pursed her lips and made a very difficult decision.

"Forget it, just stay here."

Ishigami couldn't help but feel happy when he heard the news.

"But you must turn around."

Hayasaka Ai looked at her current younger brother Jun, feeling really helpless.

You said, it's not like we can't meet in school.

Now, come on, though it's a pleasure

But there are all kinds of inconveniences.

Women are such contradictory creatures.

In fact, the main problem is still with her. Now Hayasaka Ai still can't let go in front of Ishigami.

Otherwise, there is no need to go to such trouble, just be calm.

The accident just now was almost the same as the current situation.

They were all places that couldn't be seen, but he saw them.

At that time, it could only be explained by being hazy, but now that she has regained her senses, it is impossible for her to act like she had lost her mind.

Let him stay in his room with his back to Hayasaka Ai. This is already the biggest concession Hayasaka Ai has made to him so far.

Ishigami also knows this truth

"Okay, little love."

So he didn't show off during this period, which was a sign of respect for the girl.

The days will be long in the future, and I won’t miss this little time.

Ishigami sat cross-legged on the ground obediently, closed his eyes and faced the wall.

Try not to make a sound and reduce your presence as much as possible so as not to irritate her.

Hayasaka Ai looked at his younger brother Jun's well-behaved appearance and breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though she was already in a relationship with her boyfriend, she really had to change clothes in front of him.

There must still be a little knot in my heart, and I am still very relieved about my younger brother-kun's character, Hayasaka Ai.

She first went to the cupboard to find the underwear and other things she wanted to change into, and then put the clothes she was going to change into at hand.

Hayasaka Ai took a deep breath and started the action at hand.

The room was very quiet at the moment and could be heard clearly on the stone that served as the background wall.

The sound of a towel falling to the floor was followed by the sound of the shoulder straps being buckled, and the sound of the elastic band touching skin.

Then there are all kinds of clothes and the sharp voice of Solo.

With the last zipper sound

The girl's trembling voice came from the room

"I'm ready."

"Yuchika, you can turn around now."

"Okay, little love."

Ishigami turned around and saw Hayasaka Ai put on the iconic maid outfit, except that her hair was still a little wet.

So except for the fact that she couldn't put her hair into a single ponytail, everything else was no different from the usual maid lady.

But looking at her neat appearance, he actually felt a little uncomfortable.

Or feel distressed

After all, Ishigami knew that it was six o'clock, a time when many people usually haven't gotten up yet, and this girl was already dressed and ready to go to work.

She works 24/7 from 6 a.m. to early the next morning.

She is such a dedicated and heart-warming girl.

Thanks to Hoti for giving me 2 monthly passes

Thank you Fan Qingyan for your monthly ticket

Thanks to book friend 20190619183226970 for your monthly ticket

Thanks to Blazing Sun Stars for your monthly vote

Thanks for the monthly ticket of Time Travel ED

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