I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 119 Chapter 118 Why did he fall from the sky?


Ten Ghosts, Snakes and Two Tigers helplessly put down their hands that were on their beloved disciples' heads just now.

He had just used his mental power to pass on the true appearance of the child opposite him that he had observed under his field of vision.

"Ouma, you understand now."

"Why did I say you would die in his hands."

Erhu's face was very serious

"That brat has a devil in his body!"

"If you continue to be stubborn."

"You have only one way to die!"


Hearing the words of his dead master, the Ten Demon Snake Ouma gritted his teeth with a gloomy face and did not respond.

"How could something so outrageous happen?"

"I actually feel scared..."

"And it's in the body of a kid no more than 20 years old."

The Ten Demon Snake King Ma, who had never felt such an emotion in decades, knew the taste of fear for the first time.

Anger and fear mixed together!

He was angry that the pressure he faced on that dead kid now actually showed a look that only a weak person would show.

How could the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma, who always considers himself a "strong man", accept this!

"Really damn it"

His right hand had bulging veins and was holding his left hand tightly. Now that hand was shaking uncontrollably because of the scene he just saw.

Even the simplest movement of clenching a fist is no longer possible, let alone pumping a fist.

How sad that a soldier can't even control his fists.


Now he looks ridiculous

Talk about how to reach the top to be the strongest.

What's even more ironic is that the picture transmitted by Erhu only lasted a few tenths of a second, but that unintentional glance immediately caused the Ten Ghost Snake King to break through his defense.

That's what it feels like to be targeted by the most powerful apex predator.

Under the overwhelming killing intent, his soul was frozen to the point of being unable to move.

Just like the hare on the prairie is seen by the goshawk hovering high in the sky

It was locked immediately!

No matter how much you try to escape, it's all in vain.

The God of Death, who exudes the aura of death, will ruthlessly wave his sharp sickle from the sky to harvest life.

A heavy cold sweat slid down his forehead

Ten Demon Snake Ouma raised his head and looked at the boy who called himself "Ishigami Yu" with a gentle smile on his face.

As his eyes moved from feet to legs to torso, he finally settled on that harmless face.

At the same time, the shadow of death that had enveloped the body of the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse since just now was as deep as the poison in the tarsal bones, and it gradually worsened as his eyes moved upward.

For Erhu to say that the kid was a "demon", Ten Ghost Snake King Ma could no longer accept it.

Unable to breathe, he felt that calling it a "demon" was worthy of the most primitive tremor coming from the depths of his soul.

Only the "Devil God" deserves to have that kind of terrifying aura.

The transmission picture of a few tenths of a second was the most terrifying nightmare of the Ten Ghost Snake King so far, and he even died once in it.

There is a place where light can never reach, there is only the ultimate blackness. It is the purest darkness that can swallow up light.

The world is so overbearing that it cannot tolerate the existence of a second color.

And it contains endless despair and overwhelming silence, a scene of doomsday disaster like Abi hell.

Condensing the most extreme evil in the world

No, it’s hate!

In the endless darkness in front of me, there were countless vaguely human-looking things with their hands stretched out, and they were shedding blood and tears. He opened his mouth wide and struggled in the dark mud.

But is the darkness so easy to break free from? Even if they have exhausted all their strength, it will be of no avail.

Still floating in it.

they hate

They are angry

They are jealous

Why do you have to suffer in this endless hell!

What makes people's scalp numb is that there are continuous low-pitched wailing sounds in their ears that are more like wailing.

So it is a Dead Sea composed of endless "hate", which brings people only the most cruel despair.

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma doesn’t know why, but he just knows

They are sinners and are atoning for their sins!

This place is an eternal hell without reincarnation

Their sentences are unlimited

Must stay here forever and ever.

But what if this boundless and endless ocean composed of "hate" is just a shadow that is covered by a figure that is so huge that it is unimaginable that Hong An is leaning forward slightly.

I can only lament my own insignificance

Words can no longer describe it

Beyond worldly understanding

The way he saw

The unimaginable "sacred" and "evil" elements that should be in tit-for-tat opposition

They actually coexisted in that person in perfect harmony, blending and intertwined with each other.

The half is the most glorious one, still chanting and singing hymns. The sanctity can make people worship from the heart, especially the glory overflowing from the six flawless white wings can inspire the most pious thing in the heart. Compassion and love are the main themes of that half, and the magnificent poem is the attack of justice on evil.

The opposite side is no longer as sacred as before and is full of malice. It is completely connected to those ghost things on the ground. They are constantly squirming and emitting weird, evil, disgusting, flesh-and-blood resentful whines that can only drive people crazy. The six wings are blood red because they are covered with countless bloodshot scarlet eyeballs that are widening and blinking.

"Holiness" and "Madness"

Such a disobedient scene

What a depravity!

It's a pity.

The brightest and most sacred stars in the sky, which had received so much love, fell to the ground on their own initiative, contaminated with the evil in the world.

"Shining Star, Son of the Dawn"

"Why did you fall from the sky?"

This sentence describes

"Pride", the first of the seven deadly sins

This is the most serious sin

Carrying the name of "arrogance"

But the "devil" in "devil"

The strongest king among the "Devils"

He/she sleeps here

This is the end place

"Arrogant" Power

Warn against arrogance - bear heavy punishment

Therefore, there is a terrifying figure bound by countless thick unknown runes and dark golden chains on its body, and behind it is actually a huge dark inverse cross.

This has been going on for quite a long time.

But now those chains that exude a terrifying aura are actually covered with cracks visible to the naked eye, and it seems that they will be broken in the next second.

There is no way to stop this terrible thing from resurrecting.

But that thing has actually woken up.

The huge arm exuding the crimson ghostly aura had already broken free from the chains and was frantically tearing at other chains on its body.

But the memory of Ten Ghost Snake King Ma can only stop here, because he is an outsider.

Repelled by everything here.

He couldn't bear the pressure just by being looked at by those eyes on the wings

It exploded directly!

In an instant, it turned into blood mist that filled the sky, leaving only a touch of strange red on the spot.

And the internal organs and flesh and blood scattered all over the ground were swallowed up by the ground.

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma considers himself an atheist, but this is too magical.

"Gods" and "devils" should not only exist in myths, why would they appear in a little ghost?

Erhu patted Ten Ghost Snake King Ma on the shoulder

He hoped that his apprentice would stop and not step into this muddy water.

Listen to the master's advice

The water here is too deep, you can't control it

"Ouma, that brat is right."

Erhu shook his head

"You are still very weak now."

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma rarely refuted this time, but glared viciously at his master who always denied him.

Erhu smiled and disappeared. The next time he appeared, he went directly to Ishigami and wanted to stretch out his hand and pat him to show Ten Ghost Snake King Ma.

"You can never win this guy!"

But when his hand touched Shi Shang's shoulder, a scarlet eyeball actually appeared on it. What makes people weird is that there is a cut directly on the crimson golden vertical pupils, revealing the sharp teeth.

Seeing the hand getting closer and closer, his eyes actually grinned humanly.


This change was too sudden.

Even Erhu, who was extremely powerful, had no time to react, and his right arm was swallowed in one gulp.

With a solemn look on his face, he covered his arm and instantly appeared next to Ouma. The eyeball that popped out suddenly and ate one of Erhu's arms made him feel a lot calmer.

I am enlightened, I am swallowing.

The two masters and apprentices fell silent when they heard the very real and unpretended sound of crushing flesh and bones, as if they were really biting something real.

Because the current Erhu is just a missing body, a fragment of his soul that he put on Ouma before his death.

Erhu is just an undead from the old era, and there is no place for him in the new era.

No one can see him except Ouma, and he is a very free man.

Erhu is such a buggy and mysterious existence now, but now he actually lost one of his hands due to a gadget that appeared out of nowhere.

"I really saw a ghost."

"This is Ouma's consciousness space!"

Erhu's eyes were fixed on the evil thing and he didn't look away at all.

It directly invaded Ouma's conscious space without a medium. This little thing is not simple.

And Ten Ghost Snake King Ma did not take the opportunity to laugh at his master's embarrassment, and even said that I am weak and you don't even look at your own virtues now.

Because he recognized that it was the eyes on the strange figure in the picture that was transmitted through Erhu.

"That is?"

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma couldn't help but feel his scalp numb. Wasn't what just a dream?

Erhu saw that he seemed to know a little information about this gadget, so he asked

"Ouma, do you know the origin of that thing?"

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma felt confused when he heard Erhu say this.

After a person dies, his memory is now measured in seconds.


Ten Ghost Snake King Ma turned his head to look at Erhu and said in an impatient tone.

"That's not what you just showed me."

Ouma did not continue speaking the rest. Because there was a chilling sight behind him staring at him with hatred.

The source of sight is that weird eye.

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma has a premonition that if he continues to speak

Something bad is bound to happen!

So he honestly shut his mouth

Erhu looked at his apprentice in confusion

"what are you talking about?"

"I'll show you my vision. Isn't it the shadow of a tall man over two meters tall who exudes a powerful aura?"

"What the hell is that?"

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma looked at Erhu as if he were a fool.

"Are you an idiot, Erhu?"

"That kid is much shorter than me, and his physique can't be called burly."

Quarrels were the way they got along before.

But this means that the scenes seen by the two masters and disciples are different and differentiated.

Erhu seemed to have seen Ishigami in a state of complete concentration.

What Ouma saw seemed to be the power of "arrogance".

The cognitive deviation between the two has led to them now chatting across screens.

Everything they say is right, and it can also be said to be wrong.

Erhu's current state is very unstable, just like an old TV set that dropped frames in the middle of the show. One by one, the color is a bit darker than before.

"Is it time yet?"

Erhu raised his only hand, which was gradually turning transparent.

This means that he must fall into a deep sleep, and it will be a deep sleep for who knows how long.

It's possible that this will be the last time he meets Ouma.

Erhu looked solemn, he had to tell his apprentice everything.

"Ouma, you have no chance of winning against that brat now."

"Unless you get that forbidden power immediately, you may have a little chance."

"But only a little bit."

"But the price of that power is far more cruel than you imagine."

"But the further you get rid of that chain, the sooner you come into contact with that forbidden power."

"Ouma, what lies ahead of you is hell, and where you stop is hell."

"Come on, be careful and survive!"

"After all, you are really weak."

Erhu's teasing voice became smaller and smaller, and his strong body disappeared into Ouma's consciousness like sand blown by the wind.

He didn't have time to say the last sentence, but the guy's mouth seemed to be saying

"Be careful and call someone"

The last lip reading could not be recognized because Erhu had disappeared.

At the same time, with the disappearance of the two tigers, the body of Ten Ghost Snake King Ma finally returned to its normal state.

Moreover, the terrifying pressure he felt from the damn brat in front of him also disappeared, and the Ten Ghosts and Snake King Ma felt as if a thousand pounds of weight had been lifted off him.

like a dream

Ouma is in surprisingly good condition right now!

"Even if the "god" comes, I will kill him for you."

He is jumping on the spot

A look of confidence appeared on his face

"Sure enough, what I saw just now is my illusion just like Erhu."

"It's all an illusion."

The corners of Ten Ghost Snake King Horse's mouth slightly raised

"Damn Erhu, why don't you let people worry if they die?"

"He will say some incomprehensible things!"

"I'll show you right now,"

"I, the Ten Ghost Snake King, are stronger than anyone else!"

Ten Demon Snake King Ma faced Yu Ishigami, who had just given him a terrifying sense of oppression.


"Kid, be careful."

"Don't die"

"No matter who my opponent is now."

"Everyone can win!"

When Ishigami heard this, he showed a playful expression.

"Your master, doesn't this persuade you to be lonely?"

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