I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 114 Demon King Level Destroyer

"Senior Chika, I really like ramen."

Through his mobile phone, Ishigami saw Fujiwara Chika, who was wearing Shinomiya-senpai's hairstyle, raising her scissor hands under the wooden menu and showing a bright smile, and couldn't help but sigh.

The places where other girls check in and take photos are all exquisite-looking places like Western restaurants or dessert shops, but the place where Senior Qianhua takes photos is here.

It looked a bit shabby with age, and to be honest, it didn't suit the young and beautiful girl in front of me.

But this is Chika Fujiwara

She just lived a very real life.

Casual, following my feelings, very naive, very dreamy and occasionally a little snobbish. Of course, it would be better if I could get rid of my bad habit of cheating when playing games.

If you don't understand her and think she is a completely unpredictable and crazy girl, then as long as you think of her daily actions as trying to make herself happy and spend every day happily without wasting. (Of course, there is no one who can accurately persecute Shinomiya Kaguya without changing his expression)

Think again of Qianhua-senpai’s early experience: While other children were acting coquettishly with their parents, she would practice piano every morning when she opened her eyes.

You can understand that she is actually healing her childhood, and she wants to pick up the happiness lost in those years again.

And this may be the reason why Chika Fujiwara can be a lawless "demon-level destroyer" as she pleases.

So Ishigami is happy to go crazy with her, after all, you don't need to use your brain when you are with Qianhua-senpai. She is happy when she should be happy and cries when she should cry. Everything is shown on her face.

She is a pretty free girl

He pressed the shutter of his phone and recorded the moment. In fact, as long as Chika-senpai doesn't say anything weird, her smiling face is quite healing.

Then Ishigami found different angles and captured many beautiful flowers.

"Okay, give it back to your senior sister."

The two of them returned to their seats and Fujiwara Chika took her cell phone from Ishigami's hand. He had just used Chika-senpai's cell phone to take the photo.


Chika Fujiwara flipped through the photos on her phone screen and let out a small exclamation. She turned to look at Ishigami who was folding her coat. (Because Chika-senpai wanted to take pictures and eat ramen later, I gave him the clothes back.)

"Youjun, you are really good at taking pictures."

Ishigami raised his head to face Senka Chika, whose eyes seemed to have little stars twinkling, and he smiled modestly.

Said in a joking tone

"Is there a possibility that it's not me who looks good in the photos, but Qianhua-senpai, you are very good-looking yourself."

"Here we go again, here we go again."

Hearing Ishigami's teasing, Fujiwara Chika was very happy, but she puffed up her face and said in an angry tone.

"Youjun, it's obvious that I am praising you very seriously."

Boys who can take photos are rare

When Chika Fujiwara was surfing the Internet, the most outrageous thing she saw other girls complaining about was her straight boyfriend.

Keigo Higashino once said that there are two things in this world that cannot be looked at directly, the sun and the human heart.

The things that girls should not look directly at are the weight they have not lost since spring comes, and the other one is themselves on their boyfriend’s cell phone.

No matter how good the pose is, if it is in his hands, it will become an out-of-body experience, and the flowers and plants will always be the protagonist!

Although Fujiwara Chika doesn't have a boyfriend, as long as she thinks of her father's shooting skills, her fists will immediately harden.

My idiot father used the most advanced SLR to shoot me like a fool, which always raises questions.

"Dad, do you have any objections to me?"

After so many years, there has been no progress or reflection at all. It was obviously him who took the photos of the three sisters in the beginning.

By now, her sister and Moeha have distanced themselves from him, so Fujiwara Chika is still soft-hearted and allows her father to take photos.

But not only was he not grateful that the pictures of himself in the photos were all ugly, but it was normal for Moeha and her sister to take pictures of Chika Fujiwara with their mobile phones.

So she thought it was very, very rare for Ishigami to take beautiful photos.

"Send it to Kaguya-san and have a look!"

Chika Fujiwara thinks so

Ishigami glanced at the "Photography Proficiency" LV.10 on his panel and thought helplessly.

"Sure enough, the skills are overwhelming."

"However, Ishigami is where I am today entirely due to my own efforts."

He nodded, as if he was very sure of his idea.

"But it's still not hard enough."

"Let's go back and sign up for some online courses later. It's too slow to just rely on cram schools."


When Saburo Odajima saw the store manager placing his ramen in front of him, he let out a heavy breath.

When it comes to ramen, I won’t lose to anyone!

Saburo Odajima, whose face had regained his confidence, glanced out of the corner of his eye at the boy and girl who were still fighting over there.

He crossed his hands in front of his head, looking disdainful under his thick glasses.

"The previous optimal solution is definitely a coincidence. After all, this is a little girl who only knows how to talk about love. Do you know what ramen is?"

"no way."

Saburo Odajima took a deep breath and clasped his hands together like the most devout ramen believer.

"Let me teach you, little girl, the real way to eat ramen."

Ishigami was still exchanging his photography experience with Fujiwara Chika, but suddenly he felt that the very ordinary old man at the bar opposite seemed a little different since he got the ramen.

The bowl of ramen seemed to have become a weapon in his hand, like a swordsman holding his own sword.

About to be unsheathed.

Noticing the abnormality on Ishigami, Chika Fujiwara, who was swinging her legs happily under the table, stopped and became confused (this is the happiness of short legs.)

"What's wrong, Yuu-kun?"

Ishigami shook his head

"It's nothing, Qianhua-senpai."

Noticing Ishigami's gaze, Saburo Kojima snorted and said nothing.

"Young man, you wouldn't understand why you go out to eat ramen with your girlfriend at such a young age."

"Ramen, it's more fun to eat it out with your bad friends."

He picked up the ramen bowl and smelled it gently to confirm the smell of the soup base itself.

Saburo Odajima looked at the brightly colored side dishes in the bowl, and finally focused on the very conspicuous red color.

"The most correct way is to use the strong smell of red ginger as a border and taste it on both sides in turn."

Of course the store manager also knows this

"I really appreciate that he specially put the red ginger on the inside for me,"

Saburo Odajima scooped up a spoonful of soup base, brought it to his mouth and sipped it slowly, with an intoxicated look on his face.

It’s really an enlightening experience that stimulates the sense of smell and taste at the same time. It’s very satisfying!

Then the noodles

With a solemn expression, he gently picked up a small portion with chopsticks and sucked it into his mouth. He did not swallow it directly, but tasted it carefully in his throat.

"Yeah~ That's what it tastes like."

However, just when the uncle was intoxicated in his own world, Fujiwara Chika's ramen also arrived.


The store manager each placed the ramen on the table in front of them, and then went about his own business.

Fujiwara Chika, who had been impatient for a long time, used her small white hands to separate the chopsticks with a little force, and the smile on her face immediately narrowed her eyes.

And Ishigami saw the ramen in front of him. The milky white broth was dotted with green onions, and the slender noodles were floating in it. The various rich ingredients around are like unexplored floating islands, waiting for people to explore their delicious taste.

This is ramen that makes you want to eat it just by looking at it.

Ishigami is the type to go straight in without any help. He uses chopsticks to pick up the most attractive parts.

"Let's try this barbecued pork first."

"Ah, Dah!"

Seeing the behavior of Ishigami next to her, Fujiwara Chika's eyes widened as if she had seen something incredible.

She immediately spoke to stop her


Ishigami stopped moving, with a confused look on his face.

Because Chika Fujiwara is rarely very serious now, he can see that the seriousness on this guy's face is not just fake but comes from the heart.

So I was frightened by her for a moment.

Chika Fujiwara, serious and solemn, spoke in a more solemn tone than ever before.

"That's not okay, Yuu-kun."

After speaking, she shook her finger and made a tut-tut sound.

“That’s not how ramen is eaten.”

Soon Chika Fujiwara's words changed, as if the solemn look on her face just now was just an illusion.

She held her head high like the proudest white swan, with a helpless tone.

"Hum hum"

"There's really nothing we can do against Yu-kun."

"Then let me show you the correct way to eat ramen."

Chika Fujiwara was humming, holding chopsticks in one hand and a spoon in the other.

Obviously this isn't the first time I've done this.

She was very skilled and moved quickly with her hands, and achieved the desired result in a short time.

The girl showed her results to Ishigami with a smile.


Saburo Odajima also came back from his own world at this time, and he looked in the direction of the two people over there.

Suddenly there was a roar

"a bolt from the blue."

Suddenly frightened, he raised his head in shock. If he looked through the glasses, he might be able to see his pupils, which were extremely shocked and dilated.

"That, that is."

He was well-informed and could judge the girl's operation at a glance.

"Mini ramen?"

That little girl actually put a little bit of all the side dishes in the ramen on the spoon and arranged them according to the position of the ramen.

Chika Fujiwara had such a small world in her spoon. If she had finished it in the past, she would have swallowed it in one gulp with a look of happiness on her face.

But now Chika Fujiwara has more important things to do.

The girl with a blushing face brought her spoon steadily to Ishigami's mouth.

"Come on, Yuu-kun."

She blew it carefully and looked at the boy next to her expectantly.

"Ah, open your mouth."

"This is a thank you gift for a very skilled photographer."

Ishigami could smell the rich aroma coming from the spoon lingering on his lips, so he didn't feel polite and just lowered his head and ate it as usual.

But what's different from the usual snacks that Qianhua-senpai feeds is that this is a spoon.

This means that Ishigami must be completely wrapped in the mouth and then swallowed.


The moment Ishigami finished eating the small ramen on Chika-senpai's spoon in one go, various side dishes, noodles and soup stock exploded in his mouth!

This is the ultimate enjoyment

The essence of eight kinds of side dishes is actually gathered on a small spoon.

This means that one tablespoon is equivalent to the taste of a full bowl of ramen!

Chika-senpai's way of eating is to divide a whole bowl of ramen into tens of ten, which simply multiplies the happiness dozens of times!

This girl is really strong

Ishigami and Saburo Odajima couldn't help but think of that sentence while admiring him!

"One is the whole, and the whole is one."

This is the eternal truth of the world

Ishigami closed his eyes and thought carefully, while Saburo Odajima, who was only watching next to him, immediately recovered from the initial shock.

He wiped the sweat from his head and barely regained his composure.

"I was actually fooled by a little girl, but for a young person to reach this level is already amazing."

The experienced Odajima Saburo immediately discovered the limitations of this eating method, which is also the most fatal part.

That's time!

This way of eating is good, but it’s too time-consuming.

How long does it take to make mini ramen bite by bite?

Time waits for no one

After all, noodles have a characteristic, that is, they absorb water. The prepared noodles will swell and become soft as time goes by as long as they are soaked in the soup!


Saburo Odajima frowned

“What kind of noodle hardness does that girl want?”

If he remembers correctly

"It's super hard!"

In that second, all the puzzle pieces in Saburo Odajima's mind fell into place.

The inference he drew made him unable to remain calm anymore, and his back was soaked with sweat.


"Did she calculate this to make her super hard?"

"And soy sauce tonkotsu ramen is the most suitable configuration for making mini ramen."

After thinking about everything clearly, Saburo Odajima looked at the girl who was holding her head with her hands and seemed to have only the boy in her eyes. There was a huge wave in his heart.

"It's so ridiculous. It's all part of your plan!"

"We, the Four Ramen Kings, may be about to face a formidable opponent."

Saburo Odajima swallowed hard

"Is it delicious? Yu-kun."

Unknown to the uncle next to her, Chika Fujiwara, who had already been dubbed the "Ramen Demon King", looked at him next to her and smiled softly.

Ishigami gave a thumbs up after hearing what Senka Qianhua said.

Feeling from the bottom of my heart

"It's delicious! Qianhua-senpai."

"Especially my senior's way of eating ramen. I can fill up this bowl of ramen all at once."

“This is the most satisfying bowl of ramen I’ve ever had!”

Got the most satisfactory answer

Chika Fujiwara nodded with a smile.

"That's really great."

She used the spoon in her hand to pick up the same configuration for herself, and then swallowed it in one gulp with a look of happiness on her face.

Fujiwara Chika, whose ears were slightly hot, covered her cheeks

Can't help but think

“There is such a thing as ramen”

“It’s really great~”

"So, Qianhua-senpai doesn't mind if you use the spoon I've eaten."

Ishigami, who originally wanted to suggest exchanging spoons with him, chose to keep his mouth shut.


This was the sound of the wooden framed door behind Ishigami opening.

A biting cold wind blew in.

All of a sudden, the warm aroma in the air was blown away, and the aroma of the ramen in the store was also dissipated.

Ishigami frowned

Because he smelled something he shouldn't have from this cold wind

The disgusting smell of blood!

A cold and helpless voice came from behind


"It's so late, it turns out there are still guests."

Hearing this voice, Ishigami immediately turned his head and met that line of sight.

Thanks to Daoyu a for the tip

Thanks to Nuoyu for the 2 monthly passes

Thanks to Tianxia Wushuang, it’s me and I am my 2 monthly tickets

Thanks to Boy Zhaiyou for the 2 monthly passes

Thanks for the monthly vote of Void Watching

Thank you to the love of my life, Eriyi, for your monthly ticket

Thank you for your monthly ticket.

Thanks to RocketRobot for your monthly pass

Thanks to book friend 20180830021642773 for your monthly ticket

Thanks to Xue Yanhu for the monthly ticket

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