I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 107 Iino also wants to join the punishment game

"Ishigami, you guy!"

When Iino saw the senior sister she respected being persecuted by Ishigami, the strong sense of justice in her heart became even more uncontrollable.

The little miscellaneous fish is angry!

She immediately opened her beautiful eyes and glared at Ishigami, and condemned his behavior in an extremely angry tone.

"I really misjudged you."

"I really didn't expect that the bad person that Fujiwara-senpai was talking about was you!"


Chika Fujiwara, who had been obediently waiting for the punishment game, knew it was over when she heard these words. With sweat on her face, she kept giving Iino hints with her eyes.

But Iino, who received Fujiwara-senpai's signal, thought it was a distress signal and strengthened his determination.

She said righteously

"Fujiwara-senpai, don't worry."

"As long as I'm here, it's impossible for this bad guy to hurt you."

"Uuuuuuuuuah, stop talking."

Knowing that Yako-chan had completely misinterpreted her meaning, Fujiwara Chika's mentality collapsed. If she hadn't had tape on her mouth now, she would be speechless.

Otherwise, she might just scream out loud.

"Please, really stop talking."

"If you want me dead, just say so."

Iino, who was completely unaware of Fujiwara-senpai's mood, was immersed in absolute justice. She pulled the armband on her hand to show the upright side of the disciplinary committee member.

"I swear in the name of my disciplinary committee member!"

"Huh? So there is such a thing."

After hearing Iino's words, Ishigami was busy tying Fujiwara Chika's hands with ropes. He paused and held her chin with one hand.

Force Chika Fujiwara to look honestly into his eyes and stop playing tricks.

Fujiwara Chika was crying without tears under the force of Ishigami, her face was changing shape like plasticine.


Ishigami tore off the seal on her mouth and asked in a meaningful voice

"Senior Qianhua, it turns out that I have become a bad person in your place."

"Isn't it? It's super bad."

"It's the devil, the cold-blooded star!"

"Chestnut-headed idiot!"

"You're a bitch than Pest."

I cursed Ji Yujun several times in my mind, which made me bloody, but did Chika Fujiwara dare to curse him in person?

She didn't dare

Qianhua felt bitter in her heart, but she didn't say anything.

Chika Fujiwara, who looked pitiful, was crying and shaking her head desperately, denying it with vague words.

"Oh no, I don't."

There was a hint of fawning in her tone.

"Youjun is a first-class existence in my heart."

"I will remember all your kindness to me."

Hearing Fujiwara Chika's words, Ishigami smiled and released his grip on her chin.

"Then who's the bad boy?"

Chika Fujiwara replied without hesitation.

"I'm the bad boy!"


Seeing Yujun's hearty smile, Chika Fujiwara also laughed, acting like a canine girl.

"Hee hee hee."

"What are you laughing laughing!"

As if by magic, Ishigami suddenly stopped smiling and put on a cold mask.

Although Chika Fujiwara felt aggrieved after being scolded, she immediately stopped laughing.

Ishigami's expression softened slightly, and he touched her head to express comfort.

"I suddenly thought of something interesting."

Then he squatted down next to Chika Fujiwara and looked very friendly. He pointed at Iino, who had pursed her lips and said nothing since just now, showed a devilish smile, and whispered something in the girl's ear that only the two of them could hear. .

Although the voice of Ujunana Asashi was heard in her ears, Chika Fujiwara felt as if she was being chilled by the harshest cold wind in Siberia, and her pupils were already dilated.

Because what Ishigami said word for word in her ear was

"Then good boy Qianhua."

"Can you help me tell the disciplinary committee over there?"

"Actually you don't need her help."

"Is it right?"


Chika Fujiwara, whose hands were tied like a prisoner, thought of Yako-chan, whom she met for the first time just now, but she was really very kind to her. He helped her hide it and gave Chika Fujiwara a hiding place and many delicious snacks.

Chika Fujiwara also felt a sense of respect for her seniors from Yako-chan that she had not seen for a long time or had never experienced before.

Fujiwara Chika has been isolated in school these days, and Kaguya's classmates also give her a cold shoulder. (Of course, Ishigami-kun is just urging you to study. This kind of thing that hinders your progress, Fujiwara-kun, is not what I should do as a friend.)

Now seeing her being treated like this by Yu-kun, Yako-chan was also the first person to jump out and help Fujiwara Chika.

It can be said that although they have known each other for a short time, in Fujiwara Chika's heart, this child has become like a sister to her.

"For Yako-chan like this, can I really bear the heart to do something that hurts her?"

"That would be too cruel."

She already has the answer in her heart

Chika Fujiwara is now a woman who has overcome her fear. As long as she faces whatever is on her mind right now, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Chika Fujiwara lowered her head, took a deep breath, and slowly said



"Cough cough cough"

Just when Chika Fujiwara was about to give her answer, she heard a cough from Yu-kun.

"Ah la la."

"My throat seems a little itchy."

"Sorry, please continue, senior sister."

Ishigami coughed a few times and responded, as if it was just an accident.

But this was fatal to Chika Fujiwara, who had finally worked up the courage.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"As expected, I'm still really scared" (broken voice)

Then Chika Fujiwara said something very fast that made Iino heartbroken.

"Sorry, Yako-chan."

"Ishigami-kun and I were just playing a game of hide-and-seek, which made you worry."

"I'm really sorry!"

"You say so, Ishigami-kun."

Ishigami looked at Fujiwara-senpai’s understanding look, so he said very cooperatively

"Yes, Fujiwara-senpai and I are playing hide and seek."

"Yeah, hide and seek is really fun. Right, Fujiwara-senpai."

"Yes, Ishigami-kun."

"Then it will be punishment game time, senior."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Chika Fujiwara, who thought she could escape this punishment game if she cooperated, immediately started crying.

"Spare me, Ishigami-kun"

Iino couldn't hear what Fujiwara-senpai said to Ishigami, and she didn't want to hear it.

"Punishment Game"

"That's it."

"A game between adults."

"Ishigami did that kind of thing to Fujiwara-senpai, and this kind of thing."

"No wonder people have been very busy recently and can't find him."

"It turns out that I was busy making love with my senior sister."

She lowered her head, and the restrictive images that could not be played kept appearing in her mind, and her heart was gradually covered by the deep darkness.

"After doing it for a long time, I was the only one who took it seriously."

"I still want to help Fujiwara-senpai"

"You really look like a clown now."

The girl lowered her head and couldn't see her expression clearly

She couldn't accept this reality and wanted to confirm or pray again. I hope it's not what Iino imagined.

She said bitterly

"So even though Fujiwara-senpai has been tied up with ropes and her mouth is taped."

"Is this also a game of hide-and-seek?"

Fujiwara Chika agreed immediately

"Yeah! Yako-chan."

After receiving the response, Iino's hands holding the information sheet were shaking a little. She took a few steps back and leaned on the table to hold herself back from looking embarrassed.

"That's right."

Iino's tone was very disappointed

"So it's me who disturbed you."

Unhealthy interactions are completely prohibited, and the distance between boys and girls should be at least one meter.

This is the slogan Iino always shouts, and it is what she has been committed to doing.

But today, she no longer has the strength to enforce the law, and her body is very heavy.

And it is obviously a very happy thing to get to know the senior sister I have always admired.

then why

She feels like her nose is sore now

I really want to cry.

It felt like something important in my heart had been robbed away.

After saying these words, Iino did not continue.

She has only one idea now

That means get out of here quickly

Escape this sad place!

There is no room for her in this place.

It would be nice if he asked for leave from the work of the Discipline Committee like Xiaobo today.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

"Idiot, where do you want to go?"

Iino was so angry that he wanted to move the hand on his shoulder, but the little miscellaneous fish couldn't do it and could only be helpless and furious.

"Let me go quickly, you bastard Ishigami."

Facing the noisy Iino, Ishigami just bent his index finger and thumb and flicked her white forehead.

Seeing her with red eyes and being very stubborn trying not to cry, Ishigami smiled.

"Iino, where do you want to escape?"

"You must know that you also have a part in the punishment game."


"I have a share too."

Iino was stunned by this thunderous news. Before she could react, Ishigami's actions made her struggle even more.

"Wait, hey."

"What are you going to do?"

Iino, blushing, kept slapping Ishigami with her hands, but it was all to no avail.

Because the petite Iino was already carried on Ishigami's shoulders like a sandbag, holding her tightly with one hand to prevent her from moving.

This was a height that Iino had never experienced before. With the help of Ishigami, she successfully breathed the air at 1.8 meters.

It's really gratifying.

However, this also caused the person involved to feel extremely complicated. She kept shouting

"Ishigami, you are an asshole."

"It's really unbelievable that someone would do something like this to a girl."

"Do you only have that kind of thing and this kind of thing in your mind?"

"People from Star O, don't hide anything! Disgusting!"

"Obviously it's not enough to have senior alone, you have to look for me."

“Really disgusting”

But Iino herself didn't realize that when she heard that Ishigami was asked to take her with her, there was actually a hint of expectation and joy in her tone.

Being treated tough actually hits the girl's strike zone. (After all, Iino has a tendency to shake her pussy.)

But she still said she was unwilling to give up.

This left Ishigami listening to Iino, who was getting louder and louder, and he had no choice but to change his posture.

"Hey, it's finally quiet."

Ishigami looked at Iino, who was turning his head and refused to look at him, and shook his head.

In fact, it was shame that made Iino silence herself.

"What are you doing?"

She answered in a very small voice

"Put me down quickly..."

"I'm not a kid."

Because Iino is now in a position where Ishigami is lifting him up, and his hands are placed under Iino's shoulders as support.

Girls are extremely light, and to Ishigami, they are really no different than air.

"Are you still making trouble?"

Ishigami asked angrily

Iino shook his head

"Do you still want to run away later?"

Iino still shook his head obediently.

"You are not allowed to run away even if you punish the game later, you understand."

Ishigami gently put her on the ground before irritation suddenly appeared on Iino's face.

Iino's toes touched the ground

Iino's legs felt a little weak when she felt the ground again, and Ishigami immediately supported her.

"If you can't walk anymore, I can lift it up for you."

Iino kicked the ground a few times before she got used to it again. She pushed away the nearby stone.

"Geez, you're really annoying."

"stay away from me."

She turned red

"Isn't it just a punishment game? I'm not afraid of it."

"Come here on horseback."

Seeing Iino's blushing and shy look, Ishigami didn't know that this little yellow croaker was thinking wrong again. After all, it is well known in the headquarters that the discipline committee members have the worst ethics, Iino is the one, and Kobana is even more so.

But he didn't have time to tell Iino right now that things weren't the pornographic trash she thought they were, but rather something quite normal.

Although as a punishment game experience, it is indeed not very friendly.

It may leave a certain psychological shadow, but who made them make mistakes?

Bad boys must be punished.

Because there is still something to do.

He really refuses to change despite repeated admonitions!

Ishigami came to a certain pink hair who had almost moved to the door. She had just taken advantage of him and Iino to get entangled.

"On shit rock, huh."

This guy twisted and twisted like a caterpillar until he reached the door.

"Come on, Qianhua!"

Freedom is just one step away, so Chika Fujiwara is working very hard and doing her best.

But in Chika Fujiwara's desperate eyes, the pants of Shuchiin boys' uniform appeared in front of her.

Fujiwara Chika raised her head and saw Ishigami smiling brightly at her, and she also smiled kindly.

But the next second, the smile on Ishigami's face turned into a cruel grin.

"You must be tired, Qianhua-senpai."

"Do you want me to help you?"

Chika Fujiwara shook her head in horror and her tone was very reluctant.

"Ahaha, actually I can do it myself."

"I won't bother you, Yuu-kun."

Fujiwara Chika's sight was a pair of enlarged hands. . .

It was still the secret room located in the student union room, and Xiaobo was debugging the instruments on the table.

If anything, there was a black camera set up next to it that seemed to be recording something later.

She looked up when she heard footsteps.

Seeing the three people in front of him, Xiaobo shook his head helplessly.

"Looks like we need to add another chair."

Please update early today

As for tomorrow, I'm a bit busy, so I don't know if I'll have time to update. Just ask for leave for the time being, Schrödinger’s update.

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