I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 104 It’s finally the end of the semester!


After finally completing the boring work, Chika Fujiwara put the cap on her pen and threw her detective hat into the sky.

It was like a burden had been lifted off her, and now she was no longer bound by the shackles of the world. Chika Fujiwara swayed her feet and looked very happy.

The hat, which was thrown high by Fujiwara Chika and hit the ceiling, was about to fall to the ground just as it was fluttering in the air.

Ishigami stretched out his hand and waved his fist at a place where the seniors couldn't see, changing the direction of the wind, and using external force to force the detective hat's free fall trajectory to change.

Just like that, the hat circled in the air and landed firmly in Shi Shang's hand. He patted the dust off the hat.

Then Ishigami looked at Chika Fujiwara and said helplessly

"Senior Qianhua, if you treat me like this, your hat will make you cry."

Fujiwara Chika tilted her head with a smile, leaned against Ishigami, and even bumped her little head on his shoulder.

But the girl just didn't speak, wanting the guy next to her to figure it out.

Facing her intimacy, Ishigami immediately understood what Senka Qianhua meant and shrugged.

"I really lost to you."

Even though we are so close, you don't even bother to stretch out your hand and you still want me to do it for you.

She is really a troublesome senior.

"Don't move, Qianhua-senpai."

Ishigami stretched out his hand and first smoothed out the naughty hair on Qianhua-senpai's head, and then gently placed the hat on Qianhua-senpai's head.


"Thank you, Yuu-kun."

After getting what she wanted, the smile on Fujiwara Chika's face became even bigger, and she then lifted up the hair around her ears to reveal her white auricles.

She chuckled and pointed at her detective hat.

"It doesn't matter if it's a hat. Anyway, I knew Yu-kun would catch it for me from the beginning."

"Look, I guessed it right."

Fujiwara Chika held her head with both hands, her bright eyes flashing quite cutely.

"Senior, it's forbidden to be malicious and cute."

Ishigami was unmoved and directly struck Fujiwara Chika on the head with his knife, causing the latter to hold his head and glare.

Senior sister, you obviously just want to be lazy!

He still talks about all these things.

"Damn Yu-kun!"

I am obviously very serious!

This may be the tragedy of funny characters, they occasionally want to speak the truth once in a while.

But the other person who is being listened to will treat their words as a joke.

Chika Fujiwara was so angry that she threw the pillows on the sofa at him, and she picked one up herself.

"Since the battle didn't end just now, let's decide the outcome with a pillow fight!"

Fujiwara Qianhua screamed and made a hand gesture

"Let you see how powerful I am, Lord Qianhua."

""Fujiwara-ryu" secret -, ah, it hurts."

Chika Fujiwara, who was interrupted from casting a spell, broke her guard and screamed in dissatisfaction.

"Kaguya-san, why are you interrupting me again!"

"Obviously give me one more second."

"I can kill Ishigami-kun!"

Shinomiya Kaguya put her index finger to her mouth to signal her to be quiet. Shinomiya Kaguya also finished her work. She was making tea for everyone in the student union just now.

Then when she came in with a teapot, she saw Fujiwara Chika falling ill again.

This kid is really full of energy.

"Shh, keep your voice down, Fujiwara-san."

Shinomiya Kaguya pointed at President Shirogane, who was still writing furiously, and lowered his tone.

"The president's documents haven't been corrected yet. Fujiwara-san, this will affect him."

As the student council president, Shirogane Miyuki has the most job among the four.

"Okay then, sorry."

President Shirogane remained silent, and Fujiwara Chika subconsciously ignored him.

she said embarrassedly


Shinomiya Kaguya nodded, and then looked at Ishigami, who was now gloating about his misfortune.

Noticing Shinomiya-senpai's gaze, he immediately hid the pillow behind his back and pretended to be nonchalant. It's a bit like a child who does something bad and hides the tools behind his parents' back.

Shinomiya Kaguya sat opposite the two of them and said directly

"Ishigami-kun, you too."

"Don't keep fooling around with Fujiwara-san." (Just pamper her...)

Recently, Fujiwara-san has become more and more free in nature. This has nothing to do with the indulgence of the man in front of Shinomiya Kaguya.

After all, Chika Fujiwara is the best at attacking the terrifying cancer of the earth.

She was always lively, but now she has someone who can tolerate her little temper and is willing to play with her.

That’s getting worse!

"If this continues, the serious student union will deteriorate."

Become Chika Fujiwara’s playground

Of course, the most important thing is that it will affect the progress of her and President Shirogane!

Feeling that there was no need to wait, Shinomiya Kaguya took a sip of black tea and calmed down her mood.

Ishigami-kun is easy to solve, but the problem is Chika Fujiwara, who has no self-consciousness at all!

She looked at her "good friend"

"Fujiwara-kun, have you been a little too dependent on Ishigami-kun lately?"

Chika Fujiwara looked in disbelief and pointed at herself.

"I,, rely on Ishigami-kun."

Shinomiya Kaguya put down her tea cup and said

"Fujiwara-kun, let me ask you a question first."

“When you encounter difficulties, such as documents that you can’t handle, who do you think of first?”

Chika Fujiwara, who originally thought that Kaguya-san would ask difficult questions, breathed a sigh of relief.

She replied without thinking with a smile.

"Of course it is."

Ah, Chika Fujiwara suddenly realized that the answer was wrong and immediately changed her words.

"It's Kaguya-san!"

Shinomiya Kaguya raised her eyelids when she heard her answer.



"You just paused for a second, right?"

Fujiwara Chika wiped the non-existent sweat on her head and pretended to be free and easy

"It's nothing, Kaguya-san."

She directly hugged Shinomiya Kaguya's arm and slowly shook it

Said in a sweet tone

"Don't I like Kaguya-san the most?"

"Hey, that's it~"


Shinomiya Kaguya, who already knew her answer, sighed secretly, even Fujiwara-san would lie to me.

She originally had other questions and wanted to see Fujiwara Chika look panicked under her questioning, but now she was no longer in the mood to continue asking.

Neither of them told the truth, and there was no point in asking. Fujiwara-san is no longer the original Fujiwara-san, she has changed.

If I were to ask that psychological test again, "When you are walking at night and suddenly a hand is put on your shoulder, who is the first person you think of?"

What is Fujiwara-san’s answer now?

Shinomiya Kaguya sighed quietly

President Bai Yin, who was still busy writing, heard the movement over there, and he said

"Speaking of which, I also feel that Secretary Fujiwara has become very emotional recently."

"Sometimes I cry, and sometimes I laugh."

"It used to be a bit noisy at most, but now it seems that there are many different things."

"Hey hey hey!"

"The president feels the same way."

Hearing President Shirogane say the same thing, Chika Fujiwara covered her mouth.

Kaguya-san can also use sensitivity to explain it, and even the idiot president noticed it.

Is your problem already so big?

Chika Fujiwara fell into self-doubt

President Baiyin saw those people's eyes suddenly turned to him and explained

"I just said it casually."

"Secretary Fujiwara"

"Don't take it to heart."

"Speaking of which, Ishigami and Secretary Fujiwara both have the same birthday."

After hearing what President Shirogane said, Ishigami and Fujiwara Chika both nodded.

"Yeah" X2

"Let me tell you first, I don't believe in these things."

"I'm just making a conjecture"

President Shirogane had patched things up in advance. He was afraid that the fourth house would say, "It turns out that the president likes superficial things like horoscope divination."

"Since it's the same birthday"

"Then you two have the same zodiac sign."

"Is it possible that two people who have similar personalities will be attracted to each other?"

"It just feels like I have a good relationship with myself."

While Chika Fujiwara is still thinking

Shinomiya Kaguya said to Ishigami

"Ishigami-kun, lend me your computer."

"Oh well."


Shinomiya Kaguya took over the computer. Although she had been criticized by Hayasaka for being a computer idiot, she could still do the most basic search and check. (Shinomiya Kaguya’s is an old-fashioned flip phone)

"March 3rd is Pisces."

The first one that popped up made Shinomiya Kaguya amused.

It’s really Ishigami-kun you’re talking about.

"Don't get up until the last minute. Pisces is the sleepiest zodiac sign. It's every minute you can sleep for one more minute."

Ishigami-kun's title of "Sleeping Love Tyrant" is also widely circulated. Basically, it is good to be awake for one class out of five.

And Fujiwara-san is the same. She has stayed at Shinomiya Kaguya's house several times, so she knows that this child also loves to sleep.

"Angry + sarcastic + clingy + miss you so much + stingy + love you so much = Pisces."

This is really a precise step by Fujiwara-san.

But this is just a simple search for "Pisces"

If you search for "Pisces man" and encounter "Pisces woman"

So what should we do?

Shinomiya Kaguya chuckled lightly

"Pisces men and Pisces women are both love brains. When they meet each other, they will be attracted to each other and have a strong resonance. They can't wait to hug each other every day. They cry all day long and shed tears. They want to hug each other and act like a spoiled child. You can't get tired of it. , the kind that doesn’t let go.

Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head, this was really a true portrayal of these two people.

"Kaguya-san, what are you looking at?"

Fujiwara Chika, who didn't know what conclusion she came to, noticed Shinomiya Kaguya smiling happily alone, and she wanted to go over and have a look.

As a result, Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly closed it and refused to show it to her. Fujiwara Chika became anxious, and she shook Shinomiya Kaguya's sleeve to get her to speak out.

But Shinomiya Kaguya is not Ishigami, so he will not spoil her.

"Nothing at all."

Now is not the time, it will be more interesting when this stupid woman is even more unable to extricate herself.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who knew Fujiwara-san’s character, tried to stop her from stalking her.

I specifically changed a rather heavy topic.

"Speaking of which, there are final exams coming up."

"Fujiwara-san, are you ready?"


Fujiwara Chika, who was very interested just now, was instantly sunk and could not be started again.

She fell to her knees weakly

Ishigami sighed and lifted the only person present who was not among the top three in grade and put him on the sofa.

Final exam!

As long as you are a student, there is no one who does not worry about test scores. Scores will affect family harmony, pocket money, playing time, going out with friends, and other things related to various aspects.

Quite important!

Don't be careless

Xiuzhiyuan is a mixed liberal arts and science school and conducts exams five times a year. Like President Shirogane, Ishigami has ranked first in grade three times this year and is firmly at the top of the grade.

"The final exam..."

“It’s already that time”

"Time flies so fast."

Ishigami simply expressed emotion about time, but there was no trace of panic in his tone.

Because he is the one guarding the ring, he just needs to drink tea and wait for the attacker to come.

The challenger is Iino Yako!

Speaking of which, this little dwarf also issued a challenge to him today. But Ishigami was particularly sleepy today. According to Iino, he entered from the left and exited from the right.

But according to Iino's old-fashioned character, she should have stayed the same.

"I will definitely beat you this time!"

After all, I have heard her say it three times, so I am very familiar with it.

"It's not necessary to study before the exam."

Hearing President Bai Yin self-destruct, he attracted the attention of the other three people.

He lowered his head and spoke while writing the manuscript.

"As long as you study hard for the exam, there will be no problem."

"Cramming before the exam will only ruin your body."

But this is a lie

this man

Working Madman Bai Yin Yuxing

I haven’t worked part-time for more than a week!

This is no longer a simple act of cramming, but it is almost grasping to the root. It can be said that he brought the true meaning of insincerity to the extreme.

"You guys must not improvise."

You can tell at a glance that President Shirogane is telling lies. If you believe it, you will be completely ruined.

No wonder Ishigami felt that President Shirogane was on the verge of becoming an immortal these days, and he must have stayed up late at night.

"President, you originally had this intention."

How cunning

Shinomiya Kaguya smiled meaningfully after hearing what President Shirogane said.

She also followed the president’s words and explained

"The final exam is used to test the knowledge learned this semester."

"If you reluctantly learn knowledge that does not belong to you, it will only make it harder for people to recognize themselves."

Shinomiya Kaguya flipped her hair with one hand and looked at Fujiwara-san, but her tone was directed at President Shirogane.

"Maybe it's better to keep it as it is."

"Reviewing before exams is useless"

"Just let me paralyze you!" X2


Both Chairman Shirogane and Shinomiya Kaguya forced each other to accept their own views, and secretly used their true skills to learn fatalism.

The real exam is all-out war long before the exam bell rings!

Shuchiin's examination is a competition in four aspects: human resources, financial resources, and intelligence.

This is Shuchiin’s final exam!

President Bai Yin looked blankly and told lies seriously.

"Actually, the secret to me staying at the top of my grade is to give up studying and meditate three days before the exam to pursue the unity of body and mind."

"Studying for a long time will only make people regress."

Shinomiya Kaguya also followed President Shirogane’s words and started

"Indeed, the president is right about me."

"The degree of hard work you usually study may not be reflected on your transcript."

"For the time being, there is still the option of not studying."

Ishigami looked at the two seniors talking nonsense seriously, even though he was not a sect at all.

But at least he knows that it is impossible for ordinary people to achieve good results without working hard.

No matter how you think about it, you are deceiving!

No one really believes it.

And Chika Fujiwara heard that the two top students in the same grade as her in the student council room were very serious (nonsense) in imparting their learning experience.

She wiped the tears from her eyes

"Everyone, you even revealed the secrets of being in the top ten in order for me to get good grades."

A bright smile broke out on her face

"I don't want to learn anymore!"

This is the only truth that has appeared in the student council room from just now.

By the way, I have the same birthday as Shinomiya Kaguya and Shijo Shinobi. Hey

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