I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 101 Qianhua-senpai who is good at teasing

"Strange and bizarre dream"

It was an apocalyptic scene, with long-dormant volcanoes erupting and tearing the earth apart, and the sky completely covered with volcanic ash.

It was so solemn that one could not breathe. The most terrifying thing was that not far away there was a huge dark centipede and a ferocious black tiger fighting with each other. The two behemoths, the aftermath of the battle alone made it difficult for Ishigami to resist.

When I almost thought I was going to die

A sacred and solemn song came from the sky, and a ray of holy light penetrated directly through the layers of clouds and hit the body on the stone.

The smiling angel arrived, and with a single movement she destroyed the two monsters and at the same time turned the apocalyptic scene into a vibrant garden, just like the Garden of Eden.

Wait until he sees clearly

The face of this angel

She actually looks like Fujiwara Chika

Smiling at him

Then I woke up from the dream

Sure enough, I can't stay up late

Otherwise, even dreams would become so outrageous

Last night, he made a guest appearance as the Anatomy Demon. The smell of barbecue wafted in the operating room, and he continued to work until about five o'clock in the morning without much sleep at all.

While the body was still cool, slides for slice research and whole organs were quickly prepared for embalming.

This is a good way not to waste these good materials. However, he was still very comfortable seeing hundreds of cans filled with formalin being prepared and placed neatly in front of Ishigami.

Ishigami washed away the smell of formalin and came to school.

I took leave directly from the second and first periods in the afternoon and went to the student union room to sleep.

Ishigami closed his eyes and removed the hand on his head, then turned over


Where did this hand come from!

He opened his eyes immediately, turned his head and saw Chika Fujiwara very close at hand.

She was also asleep, and the hand that was resting on the stone's head just now belonged to Chika Fujiwara.

The girl's breathing was very light. She leaned on one arm, and her peaceful sleeping face was very endearing.

Her small mouth seemed to be still chattering, muttering something.

Ishigami came forward and his face turned dark after listening for a while.

"What do I look like in your dream..."

The lines this guy is mumbling are not normal.

"Dah, wow there"


Ishigami shook his head

While he was rubbing Fujiwara Chika's hair crazily, he said viciously

"Smelly sister, sooner or later I will let you know how your knees touch your shoulders."

Chika Fujiwara woke up soon, and she saw funny hands on her head.

Just slap it away angrily

"What are you doing?"

She widened her blue eyes, trying to look fierce. But when she just woke up, there were still direct marks on her face from the clothes on her arms, and there was even something shiny that had just precipitated at the corner of her mouth.

He looks stupid

Even if she blows her beard and glares (although she doesn’t have a beard either)

Silly or silly

Not aggressive.

"Make my hair so messy"

Ishigami ignored her angry gaze

Looking at the messy look of the girl's hair, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Isn't this great, Senpai Chika."

He even said yeah to her

"It suits you very well."

Give me back all the hard work I put into coaxing you to sleep!

Now you are doing this to me

The evil-minded Yujun

Really annoying!

Chika Fujiwara looked at him with a wicked smile and felt angry. She lifted up her sleeves to reveal her white arms, as if she wanted to show off her real skills

"I, Fujiwara Chika"

Not one to be trifled with!

Fujiwara Chika is super angry

Although I don't know what her true ability is, Ishigami has a better understanding of Chika-senpai's aura.

Indeed, bigger is better.

"It's almost like a tank!"

Shuchiin's clothes were already very revealing of her figure, not to mention that she was panting with anger now, which even further accentuated the girl's graceful curves.

She wanted to pounce on him with all her teeth and claws, so that the ignorant Yujun could see how powerful Qianhua was.

As a result, with just one word from Shi Shang, she succeeded.

"Senior Qianhua, before you pounce."

Ishigami smiled and said

"Mouth, yes, mouth"

He pointed to the corner of his mouth

"Can you wipe it?"

Chika Fujiwara, who was still angry just now, saw him pointing at the corner of her mouth.

So she touched it with her fingers and directly felt the cold, sticky and different touch.

Fujiwara Chika's face suddenly turned red, as red as a gorgeous rose.

She lowered her head and originally wanted to take out a handkerchief to wipe it.

But suddenly she heard laughter

Seeing Qianhua-senpai raise her head, Ishigami immediately changed back to a serious person like he had received professional training. Without saying anything, he just raised his hand to signal her to continue.

"I will endure.."

Chika Fujiwara's hand holding the handkerchief trembled as she was about to touch it again

A familiar voice came again

"be patient.."

Her movements stopped immediately

"No, I can't bear it."

Chika Fujiwara raised her head stiffly

Look at him with empty eyes

Say it word for word

"Ishigami Yu!"

"You're gone!"

Fujiwara Chika didn't even finish her words before a hungry tiger pounced on it.

Very urgent

Shows the determination of the girl!

Because she wants this guy to look good!

"Senior Qianhua, this is very dangerous."

Ishigami helplessly stretched out his hand to catch her. If he didn't catch her, if she flew out of the sofa, there would be a hard wooden floor below.

But Chika Fujiwara, who is already on top, doesn’t care about this!

She started her homework directly

"first step!"

Then Ishigami's voice came from the student union room, with a hint of panic.

"Damn it, senior sister, please don't rub it on me."

"I was wrong, senior."

"Ah, don't bite me"

"I really know I was wrong"


"Hey, are you serious?"

Ishigami shouted out Qianhua-senpai's name angrily.

"Fujiwara Chika!"

After three hundred rounds of fighting, the panting two people sat back-to-back on the ground to rest.

Just now we were enemies of life and death

now they

between us

More like sympathetic rivals

Ishigami wiped something on his forehead that was either the senior's saliva or his own sweat, and slowly said

"You are really good at it, Senior Qianhua."

Chika Fujiwara fastened the buttons that the bad guy behind her had just opened and shook her hair.

She imitated the look in western cowboy movies and said in a cool tone

"You're not bad either, Yuu-kun."

The two looked at each other and smiled

Then he turned around in a tacit understanding and pinched the face of the guy opposite him with his own hands.

Looking very ferocious

The battle begins again

"Why don't you still have a baby?"

Fujiwara Chika's mouth was pulled by Ishigami, and she made a sound of "wow, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah"

"I'm going to make you hiss"

"Excellent bacteria..."

"Hold it too"

"Thousand Paintings."

Neither of them let go, both eyes were staring at each other tightly, as if they were determined not to give up until they died.

But this is just talk

Ishigami loosened his hand holding Chika-senpai's face, and Fujiwara Chika also let go.

He pointed at Chika Fujiwara, who was already slightly swollen, and said with a smile.

"Senior Qianhua, do you know what you look like now?"

"It's almost swollen into a ball..."

Fujiwara Chika's face was suddenly swollen, and she suddenly had difficulty speaking.

But this does not affect her confidence

Chika Fujiwara touched her nose with her finger and looked like she was worthy of being mine.

She proudly pointed to the stone and said

"Youjun, you're almost the same..."

"If I were a ball"

"Then you are a dumpling!"

"I'm better than you!"

Ishigami said in a dissatisfied tone


"No matter how you look at it, the balls are probably more swollen than the buns!"

Chika Fujiwara was dissatisfied when she heard this. She hit the guy who couldn't understand human speech with her head.

"Hey, you stubborn guy"

"Looking at the buns, they must be more swollen than the balls."


"steamed stuffed bun!"

More than a dozen times in a row, the sound became louder and louder. Because they all have the same things in mind

very pure

"Anyway, I have a louder voice than this guy!" X2

At the end of the sentence, they all collapsed on the ground.

Both of them smiled happily

The student union room was filled with laughter from the two of them

Chika Fujiwara turned to look at him next to her and said in a tone that said there was really nothing you could do about it.

"Youjun, you really act like a child."

"Even this trivial matter has to be fought over."

Ishigami felt the condescension in her tone and wanted to refute.

But what did he think of?

I suddenly took a breath of cold air.

I actually had a quarrel with that childish (idiot) Chika-senpai for so long without realizing it.

It's the love detective "Chika Fujiwara" with an IQ of only 3!

Ishigami remembered

Chika Fujiwara is a woman who is best at forcing others to be in the same IQ line as her, and then uses her rich experience as a fool to defeat her enemies.

So in fact, Ishigami had been brought into the rhythm of Chika Fujiwara without even realizing it.

Everything goes according to her script

Unknowingly, he fell into her trap!

Believe her evil!

Ishigami turned his head and looked at the cheerful girl next to him, and swallowed.

The most high-end hunters appear as prey, you think you are hunting her

In fact, she is hunting you in turn

"The cancer of the earth is really terrifying."

However, now that I have seen through Chika Fujiwara’s tricks. Naturally, Ishigami would not continue to follow her pace. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly had an idea.

Ishigami turned over directly and lay on his side with his head supported by his hands, his eyes filled with amusement.

He looked at Senior Qianhua who was learning how to swim with jellyfish on the ground and kept opening and closing her limbs and said.

"Senior Qianhua, are you happy?"

Chika Fujiwara nodded.

Yu-kun is the only one in the student council room who plays with her. Kaguya-kun and the president are too serious to be too serious to play with her.

So she had a lot of fun today

So I answered without thinking

"Well, I'm very happy!"

Ishigami continued to speak

"Are you angry?"


He was worried and continued to confirm

"Senior Qianhua, are you really not angry with me anymore?"

Chika Fujiwara has a soft smile on her face


Qianhua-senpai, who was in a good mood now, naturally answered his questions in detail.

After several questions in a row, Ishigami looked at Senior Qianhua and smiled even more on her face.

He estimates

Now my senior sister will tell me what color it is if I ask her

Think of this

Ishigami's eyes flashed and he grinned.

Said in a quiet tone

"Senior Qianhua, can I ask one last question?"

Fujiwara Chika, who didn't know the danger was approaching, still nodded honestly.

"You ask, Yu-kun."

"Then I speak."

Ishigami looked into her eyes

"Senior Qianhua, I want to ask something."

"What dream did you have just now..."

Fujiwara Chika, who was not wary at all, smiled and answered without thinking.

"Of course it's O Meng!"

She answered so simply that it was impossible to imagine that this word came from Fujiwara Chika's mouth.

Very inconsistent!

"I dreamed about going with..."

"Huh? Who did you go with and what?"

Ishigami noticed that Chika-senpai’s words stopped.

"Senior sister, why don't you say anything..."

Facing his questioning

Be aware of your bold statements

Fujiwara Chika pursed her lips, the sweat on her face couldn't stop falling, and she moved very quickly.

Now her mind has solidified

Chika Fujiwara pointed at herself with empty eyes.


"Did you just say that?"

"Something special"

Ishigami shook his head and encouraged with a smile

"Senior Qianhua, where are you?"

"You just said O Meng's words in the sacred student council room."

"it's not a big deal.."

He spread his hands, as if it was just a trivial matter.

"Sa, senior sister..."

"Do it quickly, don't hesitate"

"How can you say it out loud!"

At this time, Chika Fujiwara had curled up and covered her face with her hands.

turned into a ball

If possible, she would like to add time

At least ten thousand years


"I want to die!"

She really wanted to open her head and delete all the memories she had just revealed.

"How terrible it is to speak without knowing your brain"

Chika Fujiwara has realized this deeply, and tears are about to flow from the corners of her eyes. She covered her ears with her hands and curled up into a ball, like a pangolin.

"I don't listen, I don't listen."

She was still talking loudly

"I didn't say anything like that!"

"I didn't, you heard wrong!"

That's right, words are unfounded.

No evidence

As long as I don't admit it!

Then you heard wrong.

What do you want me to say about things I haven't done?

"Who said there was no evidence?"

Seeing Chika Fujiwara dumping her, Ishigami smiled and took out his mobile phone and put it against her ear.

Then he gently pressed the play button on the phone with his finger.

The phone executes the instructions very faithfully

First, Ishigami’s instructive voice

"Senior Qianhua, what did you dream about just now?"

Then Chika Fujiwara's happy and slightly playful tone came from inside.

"Of course it's O dream!"

"It was actually recorded!"

Chika Fujiwara trembled when she heard her voice on the phone.

"You must be the devil!"

Ishigami looked at the girl who looked like she was about to cry after being bullied.

Inexplicably, I feel that there is a sentence that is very suitable for the occasion.

"Ahem, Qianhua-senpai"

"You don't want this recording either..."

Ishigami shook his head and threw this idea out of his head. This was too dangerous.

He's a decent person, but he can't do this.

Just then the door opened

Chika Fujiwara, who was curled up on the ground with tears in her eyes, saw the person coming in.

It's like I found a supporter all of a sudden

She immediately stood up crying

Crying and rushing forward

"Uuuuuuu, Kaguya-san..."

"Ishigami-kun, bully me"

When Shinomiya Kaguya saw her tearful "friend", she glanced at Ishigami angrily.

"here we go again"

Ishigami touched his head in embarrassment

But when she saw Fujiwara Chika with a sad face, she staggered over and ran over.

That sin is even more serious!

The words I wanted to comfort her came to my lips

I can't say it at all

Because Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't take her eyes away from there.

Her eyes are getting colder

Fujiwara Chika or something

Sure enough, it’s still Sinai!

Then the next second, Shinomiya Kaguya's head was pressed into her arms by Fujiwara Chika.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who didn't want to face that tenderness at all, almost suffocated, so she secretly gave a thumbs up to Ishigami with her hand.

Although she didn't know what happened

But persecuting Chika Fujiwara

Ishigami-kun, you did a good job

Well done

[Off-topic]: Edited after uploading, it does not occupy the number of text in the main text.

Chika Fujiwara’s final words in the manga: I want to marry a sumo wrestler. .

Thanks to the 5 moons that are not cute

Thanks to book friend 20220921152938560 for his 2 monthly passes

Thanks to Kotonomius for the 2 monthly passes

Thanks to Ika for the 2 monthly passes from Los Angeles

Thanks to Miracle Ah You for your monthly ticket

Thanks to Chengbei Yeyoushen for your monthly ticket

Thanks for the monthly pass for Addicted to Novel

Thanks for the monthly pass of NanoNapifei

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