I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 99 Old guy, times have changed

"Green Fox Flow" has been lost and submerged in the long river of history. It is just a trick recorded in the unearthed broken ancient books and spread to Neon due to trade circulation. It was regarded as a treasure by the neon martial artist, who created the pinnacle of ancient jujitsu 400 years ago.

"Fox Shadow Stream"

The world only knows "Fox Shadow" but not "Green Fox"

Nowadays, the legend of this "Green Fox" genre is only circulated and talked about locally, and even adds a touch of myth to the drama.

According to legend, a person was chased by his enemies and fell off a cliff to have an adventure. With all the bones and meridians in his body broken, he thought he would turn into withered bones, but instead he met a cyan spirit fox who could understand human speech. He had to get herbs and catch fresh meat for him every day to survive.

But this is an abyss

Everything was barren, not even grass.

After regaining his mobility, he secretly followed Linhu and saw an incredible scene.

The originally steep abyss was like walking on flat ground under the feet of the cyan spirit fox. Each time it jumped up, it covered a distance of at least 40 meters before disappearing into the upper clouds and mist. (The documentary should include a video of a fox jumping up to catch a flying bird.)

This is not done simply by relying on leg muscles, but by "rotating" the power of the whole body to increase kinetic energy and then release it instantly.

From then on, he visualized the movements of the green fox twisting and rotating its body every day, and day after day he realized the special force-generating technique "twisting force" and created the "green fox flow".

After being able to get out of the cliff, he relied on this secret skill to rise all the way to the top, wipe out his enemies, and gain a lot of fame.

As a chivalrous and righteous man, he soon gained the title of "Qingxia" and also found someone he loved.

Lived a happy life

This is the end of the stories spread by the outside world that can be told to children with a smile.

The rest is not something children should hear.

It didn't spread either

After all, it is the family history of that clan and the initial primitive accumulation.

It is built on the blood and tears of countless others, and is an unknown story hidden in the darkness.

"Qing Xia" got into trouble with the Wu family, an existence he shouldn't have provoked. Faced with the swarm of strong men holding his crying wife and children hostage, what was the use of his bare fists and could only be captured without mercy.

After some "friendly" negotiations between the two parties, the half-peeled "Qingxia" revealed everything about himself.

Now that I got what I wanted

Then the "Qing Xia" who had been plundered was useless, and the compassionate Wu family sent him to meet that family.

At first, "Green Fox Style" did not attract the attention of Wu Xiu, the head of the Wu family at the time, because he had never seen any secret skills of the nearly 1,400-year-old Wu family.

What really caught Wu Xiu's attention was a strange thing, and it all reached his ears.

It means something is big.

Quite a number of the younger generation of the Wu family died inexplicably on the spot while practicing "Blue Fox Style", and their death was miserable (like being skinned alive, with bloody flesh and blood).

In order to find out the truth, the Wu family even used anatomy, which was considered disrespectful at the time. But when it was opened, the complicated organs in the body were gone and empty, with only colorful blood solution flowing out. In the mortuary mourning hall, the cry of foxes will also be heard.

During that time, people in the clan were in panic

There were even rumors that this was the curse of the "Green Fox", something that was confirmed by the words of the "Green Hero" before he left.

The "Green Fox Style" was then placed on Wu Xiu's table, facing the advice of his subordinates. He just waved his hand and told this subordinate to shut his mouth forever.

Wu Xiu shook his head

I believe the saying "Anyone who practices "Blue Fox Style" will die miserably." "

"It's better to just die."

When he opened the "cursed" secret technique for the first time, Wu Xiu's venomous eyes could see the value of this thing at a glance, and he also understood the reason why those Wu family disciples died miserably.

The "twisting force" is too overbearing and these young people cannot control it. Once out of control, this powerful and terrifying force will explode directly on the surface and inside the body. This is why the internal organs turn to blood and appear to be skinned.

Wu Xiu directly ordered that "Green Fox Style" be listed as a taboo of the Wu family, and no one else would be allowed to learn it and all copies in the family would be burned.

In this way, the copy in his hand became an only copy. But Wu Xiu himself not only practiced, but also integrated the Wu family's secret skills into the "Blue Fox Style".

He has developed a series of secret skills that only Wu Xiu can know, and he is worthy of being called a "striking and beautiful person". Although the "Blue Fox Style" only appeared briefly on the historical stage, "Wu Xiu" relied on this secret skill to leave a strong mark on the Central Plains region at that time.

The king of the most powerful empire at that time was afraid that Wu Xiu, who was already well-deserved as the "King of Killers", would target him. The title of "Blue Fox Shura King" was directly given to him, with a hint of flattery, meaning that I and you can "rule the world together".

This is the first time in the history of the Wu family that they have been crowned king, and it is the most glorious event.

But Wu Xiu, who achieved this achievement, died in the most mysterious manner among all the heads of the Wu family.

Even the body brought back was mutilated. As for the cause of death, it was too old to be verified. There was a stain blocking the place where Wu Xiu's cause of death was originally recorded.

What's amazing is that the shape of the blocked area is particularly like a fox's head, and the color has turned cyan over time.

It is also worth mentioning that even the "Fox Shadow Style" who could not hit the "Blue Fox" with eight poles was deeply affected by it. A large number of disciples of the sect were all killed in a battle.

The inheritance was once cut off

Currently, there is only one person left in the world who can use "Fox Shadow Style".

So whether you believe it or not

The curse of "Green Fox" continues.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Countless amounts of soil and gravel were mixed into the river. The originally lush lawn no longer looked like its original state, and the pitted ground seemed to have been baptized by artillery fire.

It is hard to imagine that this is just the aftermath of the battle between two humanoid beasts. The Minotaur warrior's bare upper body is covered with black and blue twisting and rotating scars. Even though it has been a while, the elastic muscles have recovered, but they have not. No.

It seems that the rotating and twisted appearance is the original appearance of the tauren warrior's steel-like muscles, and it cannot be restored for the time being.

One can imagine how outrageous the "twisting power" of "Green Fox Style" is. This is a move made by Wu Xiu using "Resurrection" to occupy Wu Bei's body.

His strength, physical strength, reaction speed, etc. are not at their peak.

It's a weakened version. It would be unimaginable if Wu Xiu, who was in his heyday of killing people in the Central Plains, used the "twisting power" he had with his own body.

The once "martial arts myth" Wu Xiu crossed the long river of history and stood in front of the current "invincible myth" tauren warrior.

This is a battle that transcends time, space, history, and races.

The outcome of who will win is yet to be determined.

But "Wu Bei" didn't feel well either, and his body was covered with wounds of all sizes. His eyes widened in anger, making one imagine that if he had a beard, he would be blowing his beard and staring.

As for his newly repaired right hand, he could no longer lift it, and now it looked quite bloody and terrifying. There is no trace of skin covering the area from the fingers to the elbow, and the bright red muscles are exposed. If you look closely, you can see that the dark blue blood vessels are still squirming underneath.

The blood fell straight down to the ground, staining the ground red. This is a side effect of the "twisting force" that is forced to be used at extremely high intensity because the physical strength cannot keep up.

"Wu Bei" calmly glanced at the hand that couldn't be raised, his expression even uglier.

Cursed secretly

"What a waste."

"The descendants of today are no longer able to use it to this extent, and their physical strength is less than one-tenth of what I had back then."

It was obvious that the "twisting force" he had just used was the most precise and the damage to the body was minimized.

So he is angry

"Where is this?"

"The body is on the verge of collapse."

The former God Wu Xiuna could directly shatter the enemy's internal organs with his "Blood Pagoda" and kill people invisibly. But now with "Wu Bei's" physical strength, it is simply impossible to use this "Blood Pagoda" move.

The most powerful killing move was sealed.

In this situation, Wu Xiu, who was experienced in fighting, suddenly had an idea when he looked at the bruised Tauren warrior over there.

Wu Xiu's usual technique was to hunt fiercely and head-on. This was because of his pride as the "Blue Fox Shura King". But this doesn't mean that he will give up his assassination skills.

The tauren warrior clenched his fists. He was also a little tired. The mental damage caused when "Arrogance" was activated just now has not recovered, and his mental and physical strength are almost reaching their limits.

"Wu Bei" looked like he might not be able to hold on any longer. The tauren warrior noticed that he had shown signs of rhabdomyolysis, and the next step was to induce him to actively trigger this debuff.

Rhabdomyolysis means that the integrity of the cell membrane changes after the striated muscle cells are damaged by trauma, strenuous exercise, drugs, poisons and other factors.

Severe cases can lead to death

The difference between modern people and ancient people is that modern people see problems from the perspective of modern science.

Combat is about using all available factors to win, and mastering the information gap is the shortcut.

If we just talk about the gap in skills, there is indeed a lot of difference between the tauren warrior and Wu Xiu. After all, they were fighting against the tauren warriors, who had the heritage of the Wu family with a history of more than 1,400 years.

Wu Xiu has integrated thousands of years of heritage into one family, but this battle has nothing to do with his own strength.

It's a competition of wills!

Whoever can't hold on first will lose.

The tauren warrior looked up at the position of the moon

"But considering the time, it should be almost done."

Soon he looked at the moon and frowned, the bright white moonlight in the night sky disappeared.

"This is?"

The tauren warrior noticed that there was an inexplicable amount of fog around him, which affected his vision.

Based on his previous experience, he believed that poison was also used here. But when I smelled it, it was just ordinary water mist, a technique used by that guy to block my vision.

"The Art of Atomization"

It was a secret technique that Wu Xiu had seen in ancient books. The overflowing mist combined with the silent killing technique, and the "Blue Fox Style-Fox Shadow Flow" was used, and the whole person melted into darkness.

But this is just foreplay.

This is a more exquisite technique than the "Tian Wu Xi" used by "Wu Bei" just now. Silent, breathless, unmanned, and godless, this is the assassination feast brought by the ancestors of the killer family. It seems far away from you, but in fact it is just in front of you. The sense of distance destroys all your senses.

Always relying on your most trusted senses can cause big problems. The power of the invisible covers everything. Wu Xiu didn't need weapons, his hands were the best weapons.

The surroundings seemed to be full of footsteps one second, and then turned into dead silence the next. Everything is not so real and all is false. Only when death really comes, can you realize the whisper of death.

Is this the flower of the other side?

The tauren warrior actually saw countless blood-red flowers blooming around him, which were quite coquettish. However, he could feel that he was surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers, but the most deadly threat was hidden inside.

Wu Xiu's murderous intention can invade reality and make the tauren warrior feel like he is in a sea of ​​flowers. This is just an illusion. His murderous intent really invades the most vulnerable places in people's hearts, and this secret skill has been lost.

This is already the third level of the secret technique, "Mana Consciousness," and its name is "Corinnalysis": it directly strikes the target's spirit.

"Kirigakure no Jutsu" + "Tenhu Feng" + "Strangulation"

Three lost secret skills were combined into a combination skill in Wu Xiu's hands. The lifelong skills of the King of Killers bloomed again today, 3,600 years later, presenting a feast of killing.

This is a surefire kill!

It was dead silent all around, not even the wind

The already scarlet color of the other shore flower is now even darker red, emitting a frightening light. The entire sea of ​​flowers was filled with blood, and a blood moon already stood high in the sky.

Under the pale moonlight, a line of black light turned sharply, as if the moon was crying.

Crying and Sadness-"Final Scene"

A chilling atmosphere enveloped this place

Suddenly the wind picked up...

All the petals of the other shore flower dissipated in this moment, and the roots withered.

Dissipate directly into the air

It seemed as if the life of the tauren warrior would end here.

"jump jump jump"

Three shots in a row

A voice that shouldn't have appeared here appeared, accompanied by wailing.

Suddenly everything seemed like a castle in the air, covered with traces like broken glass. The colors that had disappeared between heaven and earth returned again.

When the tauren warrior opened his eyes, he had returned to reality.

"Wu Bei" was half-kneeling on the ground in a very embarrassed state, his two arms had disappeared, and one of his legs was empty.

Three limbs have been cut off

The ground was covered with broken pieces of meat, and the strong smell of blood, accompanied by bone spurs and pungent to the point of frowning, enveloped the place.

The tauren warrior was not surprised by this

It’s better to say it’s too slow!

Three kilometers away, two anti-material sniper rifles NTW-20, which exuded the smell of gunpowder smoke, were mounted on the roofs of two Humvees.

The sound that shouldn't have appeared here just now was the sound of anti-material sniper rifles firing bullets.

A middle-aged Western man with white hair and a cigarette in his mouth. The smile on his face was very amiable. He put down the gun in his hand and said helplessly to the person next to him.

"Lutz, your shooting speed this time was 0.3 seconds slower."

The blond young man scratched his head and looked very troubled

"There's nothing we can do, Uncle Lemu"

"The enemy moves too fast"

"I have to aim, what if I hurt the instructor."

"Then I'm going to die."

Luz said with a smile

"But, that guy is really funny."

"He actually picked up a 20mm armor-piercing bullet with his bare hands."

"Are they the primitive people who escaped from the mountains?"

“Such no common sense”

Uncle Leimu didn't answer. He looked through the binoculars and patted the Hummer underneath.

"Saijiao, it's time to move."

"First time action, do it quickly"

The two Hummers restarted and disappeared into the night.

The tauren warrior looked at the large pool of blood next to him, and just now "Wu Bei" jumped into the river very decisively.

"You can't run away"

"Hoo, hoo"

In a dark corner, a stumbling figure dripped on the ground with a mixture of blood and water.

It was Wu Xiu who occupied Wu Bei's body, and both his arms had been lost.

As embarrassed as a bereaved dog

"What kind of hidden weapon is that?"

He leaned against the wall weakly, leaving a blood-red mark

This was completely beyond Wu Xiu's cognition.

Before he could rest for long, a figure came to Wu Xiu.

Wu Xiu looked at that figure

want to question

Just like back then, he questioned the man with the unknown pattern on his face before he died.

"What's going on?"

The figure said nothing and raised the Desert Eagle in his hand.

"Bang. Bounce. Bounce."

After emptying the bullet clip, he looked at Wu Bei's eyes widened with sadness on his face.

He took out his mobile phone

Look at the GPS positioning red dot above

show this is here

Ishigami replied slowly and leisurely.

"Old thing"

"Times have changed..."

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