The billowing sword qi turned into a long dragon and roared away.

The one with no difficulty destroyed the three sword glow and hit the deep water in front of the waterfall.

Immediately, several water jets were set off in the deep water.

The sound of the explosion is endless.

When the mist falls over the sky, a beautiful rainbow is reflected in the reflection of the sun.

And what emerges with it is a floating silhouette.

A white clothed woman is standing with a sword, stepping on the top of the rainbow, and flying into her body.

The scary sword qi, in this brief moment, hit like a torrential rain.

Several phantom-like figures flipped in it, cutting out sword glow.

Every hit is of Martial Emperor Peak level!

The power of the sword at the beginning is no different.

Its sword edge, pointed directly at Lin Chuan, breathtaking!

Lin Chuan's complexion became gloomy, and at first it was nothing more than a sword.

Since the opportunity here has been taken by others, he does not want to be loved by others, so he wants to leave.

But the continuous offensive that followed was obviously a bit overbearing.

The treasure in the ruins is originally obtained by strength.

Be better-hearted, and an expert with tolerance will not point to opportunities that others have already gotten.

The generation of vicious and merciless will not care about this.

Whoever has it, grabs it!

Whoever grabs it, kills whoever!

Now that my own showing of weakness seems to have caused a misunderstanding on the other side, I mistakenly thought they were good kneading persimmons!

Chapter 436 Situ has a female named Nan

sneered, Lin Chuan stopped thinking of leaving.

He raised his two fingers again, as before, hit a long sword qi dragon.

It's just that this time the Sword Dragon didn't go straight, but rolled in the air, and the dragon tail twitched.

With just a few scrolls, the sword rain ruined bits and pieces.

Seeing Sword Dragon ruining the sword move, the white clothed woman not only did not have any irritation, but her eyes lit up instead of joy instead of anger.

In a pair of bright eyes, a sword glow suddenly lit up in this brief moment.

If someone observes closely, he will definitely be able to see the hidden joy in it.

The woman flicked her wrist, and the three feet azure edge came out.

The gentle sword wind swept across.

This attack was not meant to be straightforward.

Instead, he drifted away with an extremely soft sword intent, and then entangled on the Sword Dragon.

Just like a rope tightening the skin, with a little effort, Sword Dragon is bound to the sky.

After rolling and struggling, I still couldn't break free.

At this moment, the woman has already flew close to her.

Above the green front, a touch of green glow blooms rapidly.

Immediately, a sword shadow was drawn upward from the tip of the sword.

It is huge in size, more than ten meters long.

As the tip of the sword cuts down, the illusory shadow cuts out a sword and slashes towards the Sword Dragon.

In an instant, it was cut to pieces.

The dragon body shattered and the sword wind raged.

The sudden gust of wind swept across the area between the two parties.

As a result, the water vapor on the side of the waterfall is even more diffused between Heaven and Earth.

Like everyone today, in a huge steamer.

The woman draws her sword like water, the sword flips and chops.

Those water vapors spun around and turned into a sword again.

This Water Sword is different from those before.

In its suppleness, with a touch of sharpness,

It cuts out with one sword, it is hard to be sharp!

Seeing this blow, even Lin Chuan's eyes couldn't help but appear a touch of appreciation.

At the moment, he turned over the palm, and the Ice Rock Sword appeared in his palm, becoming a little serious.

Three consecutive stabs, three sword qi whizzing away.

These sword qi gallop in the air, cutting the clouds out of arcs.

Its fierce sword intent fills the sky in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, the three swords merged.

Then three illusory shadows were differentiated, each proceeding along a different trajectory.

Seeing this, Water Sword rushed down at a tricky angle, entangled with it.

The truth is different.

The Water Sword is soft and rigid, and the blade has sharpness, which is very strange.

But Lin Chuan's move just happened to restrain him.

In the meantime, it is true and true, false and false.

The Water Sword made several detour attacks behind it and hit it, only to find that it was just an illusory shadow.

Suddenly, I used it all.

At this time, the figure of the woman was close to Lin Chuan and not far in front of them.

Until then, Huangfu Azure Lotus couldn't help but cried out as he could see the face of the opponent clearly.

"It's you! Situ Nan!"

The cry of exclamation fell in my ears, but the white clothed woman called Situ Nan was unheard of.

At this moment, she is standing in the air.

Staring at the two sword moves without moving his eyes, a pair of black eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

Upon seeing this, Huangfu Azure Lotus stroked his forehead, very speechless.

Seeing Lin Chuan and several people looking at the white clothed woman in surprise, they couldn't help but make a sound.

"The woman's name is Situ Nan, she is a genius in the Situ Family among the eight Aristocratic families."

"Her sword dao innate talent is extremely strong, like me, not In comparison, it can be said to be the difference between Heaven and Earth."

"That woman has nothing to do with fame, wealth, wealth, etc. She has always been alone and maverick, and she only loves swords in her life."

"If you see an exquisite sword move, you must be obsessed with it, and want to appreciate the exquisiteness."

Having said that, Huangfu Azure Lotus sighed softly, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

"Because of her personality, she normally inevitably causes a lot of trouble, but because of her strength, few people can play."

"Secondly, because of innate Because of the talent, it is highly valued by the family."

"Even if the Elder of other families is annoyed, few people dare to kill."

At this point, she couldn't help but say something. A little helpless.

"Since it is her words, the previous attacks are probably not malicious."

Lin Chuan chuckled lightly, different expression.

At this time, the two swordsmanship entangled for a long time, and finally came to the last moment.

Every confrontation during this period has reached the most intense state.

The woman was slightly concentrating, Qing Feng in her hand was doing the slashing.

Immediately, the Water Sword was divided into three, and at the same time each of them formed a sword shadow.


Two of the swords instantly penetrated two illusory shadows, but one of them did not fail, but stabbed on the ground.

The sound of sword cry sounded, and the Water Sword used to soften its rigidity, and instantly pierced the Lin Chuan sword into a crack.

After that, it burst into it like flowing water.

Only one after another, the sword qi, which is the essence of the handle, shattered suddenly, and countless fragments flew out.

Breaking off this move, Situ Nan finally showed a smile on his face.

Then he converged back and arched his hand towards Lin Chuan.

Before he could return the gift, Situ Nan attacked again with a sword.

Qing Feng lifted, and with the action, more than ten afterimages were drawn.

The palm of the woman shook, and all these afterimages were solidified, rushing towards Lin Chuan.

The sword strokes shatter void, cutting out the black stripes.

Don't look at just illusory shadow.

Such a blow is twice as strong as the sum of the previous attacks.

Its formidable power has reached Martial Sovereign Level!

With this sword, the initial temptation has disappeared, and the woman's true strength has completely erupted.

With the impact of sword qi, the pool above the waterfall suddenly burst into several huge water columns.

The air that was detonated subsequently made a harsh blast.

Lin Chuan stared intently, but the surprise in his eyes became more and more serious.

From naked eye, this sword is just a sword.

But if you use the great Heavenly Immortal tactic, or the mysterious cultivation technique of Sun Yat-sen Juxue.

The scene in front of you will change instantly.

Besides one sword, there are thousands of swords!

These sword shadows are not like the rain of swords before pouring down along a fixed trajectory, winning purely by numbers.

Today's thorn, it is like a thousand different sword moves falling at the same time.

One sword is better than ten thousand swords!

"This is sword intent!"

With a sigh of emotion, Lin Chuan couldn't help flashing a hint of admiration.

Similar sword intents, he has seen several times, and each of them is very strong.

The woman's sword nowadays is different from the shock he realized by watching the waves.

Among them, there is an unmatched potential.

It's just stronger and weaker, not yet known.

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