
u Ye curl one's lip, indifferent expression to Lin Chuan.

Compared to Lin Chuan's decisive killing when we met last time, Lianwu Imperial Capital killed him wantonly without any worries.

This time, he is obviously a little softer.

But she didn't dare to talk nonsense about this, she could only slander in the heart slightly.

Lin Chuan saw the woman's expression and chuckled, without explaining.

Recently, he is indeed a little too gentle with the enemy.

Even when he snatched the ancient book before, Lin Chuan didn't make a big move when faced with the siege of many experts.

On this, he also has his own guesses.

Perhaps it was because of witnessing the fairy mountain projection in Wu Yunzhu.

Chapter 414 was attacked

Since that day I witnessed the projection and failed to set foot on the Cloud Bridge.

Lin Chuan can often see some blurry scenes in front of his eyes.

They have nothing common with each other, some are scenes in fierce battles, and some end badly.

Some are small reclusive villages, and some are heaven overflowing giant waves on the sea.

These things look extremely mysterious and abstruse.

If it weren't for Martial Sovereign, he had extremely strong controlling ability on the soul level, and even Lin Chuan himself would think he had some influence.

And since it is not an external influence, then things are interesting.

The cultivation base has reached the emperor realm, and the power of control has also touched the soul level.

Lin Chuan also has more insights about some issues.

A glimpse of the ethereal law of cause and effect can also be glimpsed.

Just like Xu Jun who had seen Wushanmen before, Lin Chuan at that time was aware of the innate talent and future of the other party.

Therefore, when he attacked, he didn't make a heavy hand.

Otherwise, even if the other party is a little out of the secret technique.

But for Lin Chuan, who has already stepped into Martial Sovereign Realm, is it not easy to kill him?

So, Lin Chuan also reserved a hand for him that day, which was a chance for him.

After that, I saw a little bit of sight.

Because of this, Lin Chuan is very secretive about this.

Turning around, Lin Chuan and U Ye walked out slowly, no longer thinking about it.

He turned over the palm, and a burst of Soul Power is derived in his hands.

With the slight movement of the finger, it is constructed into a ring shape.

Then, a part of Inner Strength was injected into it, as much as possible to simulate the appearance of the "Wizard" in U Ye's hand.

Seeing this, U Ye couldn't help but secretly smack his tongue.

I just saw Lin Chuan simulate the breath of the Flood Dragon, and now he turned his head and created a fake again!

Could it be that he has to imitate even this wizard?

In a moment, Lin Chuan simulated the similarity of six or seven points based on the breath of the'Wizard'.

At this moment, the heterozygous force in his hand suddenly moved and quickly moved closer to U Ye.

Upon seeing this, U Ye couldn't help but stare into a pair of beautiful eyes, his eyes filled with incomparable surprise.

This is what the Martial Sovereign Peak powerhouse left behind!

How could it be cracked at will?

Upon seeing this, Lin Chuan smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth without explaining.

His method is just a trick.

It is nothing more than the strength of Martial Sovereign Realm, to simply crush this so-called fairy trail.

Then imitate the breath and use Soul Power to pursue it spontaneously.

It's just that this method of speaking of which is simple, but others can't imitate it absolutely.

Martial Sovereign Realm alone is enough to crush most of the experts in this ruin.

As for other Martial Sovereign experts, they also have their own methods, which are bound to be different from their own.

Taking the "Wizard" from U Ye, Lin Chuan used Source Power to put some restrictions on it.

Immediately, the track on his left hand stopped.

After calming down for a while, it turned slightly and floated in the other direction.

Upon seeing this, Lin Chuan and the two immediately flew up and hurriedly pursued the past.

With this method, it is much more convenient to find.

Within half an hour, the two found another fairy with the help of this thing.

The Inner Strength of the palm was slowly injected into it, and the rays of light suddenly lit up on the'Wizard'.

Then, a faint mist floated in the sky, condensing into a route.

Upon seeing this, the two of them proceeded along this route.

The wizard has been found, the next thing to do is naturally to leave here.

But there is only one exit corresponding to this fairy trail.

Because of this, even a group of several people cannot share it.

The guy who couldn't find the fairy tale many times, so he thought of other things.

Lin Chuan and the two of them now see this kind of person.

In the rush, a long spear suddenly shot out from the jungle ahead and hit the ground straight.

Suddenly, the force of terror exploded in an instant.

The pale-yellow lightning densely covered the void, blocking the path of Lin Chuan and Lin Chuan.

Then, the jungle slowly walked out of the one silhouette and intercepted in front of the two.

At the moment it appeared, two prescription positions appeared at the same time at the two prescription positions behind Lin Chuan.

The three formed into horns, and they encircled Lin Chuan.

These people are all Martial Emperor cultivation base.

One of the cultivation bases is the lower Martial Emperor Peak, and the other two are the middle Martial Emperor Peak.

Needless to say, Lin Chuan and Lin Chuan understood each other's plans when they saw them.

The eyes of the three people focused on the'Wizard' for a moment, and then all moved up.

The battle formation is condensed, showing the tendency of encirclement.

Soon, it has a more obvious effect.

The light of the mysterious and mysterious converged, and the brick walls of various colors formed a closed outside the crowd.

From this point of view, the other party's consideration is very thorough.

Obviously, they are ready to meet powerhouse.

Even if the opponent has several Martial Emperors, they will lose their level under a sudden attack.

This encirclement technique is to prevent the enemy from escaping.

At the same time, guard against a few people to remove the message and attract others to come!

The preparations of the three people this time are extremely complete.

If you change to another person, you will inevitably show a weak spot in a hurry.

In addition, with the strength of the three people, under the mutual cooperation, even the upper-level Martial Emperor will inevitably be taken down.

Isn't it easy to deal with these two guys with better luck?

They have done three waves of similar things.

Among them, there is a high-level Martial Emperor, but unfortunately, he still fell sadly.

But unfortunately, these guys are not very lucky.

Three waves of people have only found a piece of the fairy tale.

And now, as the so-called travel far and wide looking for something, it's not a waste of effort.

As long as you kill them, naturally you don’t have to think about other issues!

Thinking of this, a smile flashed in the eyes of the three of them.

They looked at each other and attacked together.

Even though Lin Chuan's cultivation base is unknown, they are not afraid.

Although similar, secretive cultivation techniques are rare, as a Martial Emperor powerhouse, how can there be no stock in hand?

Not to mention other people, that is, their three people have similar methods in their hands.

In addition, all three of them are intermediate Martial Emperors.

Even if it is the powerhouse of Martial Emperor Peak, they can judge it by breath alone.

Now that there is no breath in the opponent's body, it must have used a similar cultivation technique, pretending to be a Profound Void!

Otherwise, is it possible that this guy in front of you is actually Martial Sovereign?

This is a joke!

Although this kind of thing also has this certain probability.

But it's a bit ridiculous to run into it like this.

Therefore, they did not worry about their situation at all, and soon launched an offensive.

Dao Dao Inner Strength oscillates in the space, constantly venting the power of terror.

The imposing manner that radiated from the three of them, and relied on the imposing manner condensed by the battle formation, was shrouded in this space.

Its shape resembles a tiger, condensed in the void, suddenly depressed!

Chapter 415: Unexpected Joy

Lin Chuan is lightly snorted, with his left hand standing in front of him.

Slightly raise the index finger, pinch out a seal art.

Immediately, Sun Yao Duxian suddenly launched.

A mysterious meaning suddenly came.

The so-called Duxian is naturally dominating the world!

Therefore, in this area contaminated by this aura, there was a burst of mysterious meaning immediately.

The complexion of the three suddenly changed.

In their perception, the battle formation formed by a few people trembles constantly and seems to collapse at any time.

If this continues, Formation will definitely collapse!

the thoughts got to this point, their hearts became more and more surprised, so they had to increase their strength to maintain their balance.

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