"It is rumored that it is an immortal ruins."

"Immortal ruins?"

Hearing this, it's not just Lin Chuan. , Even Ling Yanxue couldn't help but frowned.

A long time ago, she, Lin Chuan and Yue Qingrou had visited many ruins.

Most of them are basically false places, and most of them are mortals increasingly distort the truth.

The only real place one after another is the underground of a metal vein.

It was also at that time that they ran into a black engine that was sealed underground.

After this, all kinds of things happened.

After going back and forth, several people forgot about it and never looked for it.

Now there are immortal relics born again, which cannot be said to be like the Imperial Court, which is a trap for fishing.

It seems that they have seen the thoughts of the two, u Ye shook the head, explained.

"This matter is not false, nor is it a trap."

"At this point, I can be sure that this island has not appeared for hundreds of years."

"According to generally accepted statements, it should be the place where a Martial Dao leader in the Southern Sea legend has fallen."

"According to the corresponding records, the opponent's strength may have reached Martial. Sovereign Peak."

hearing this, the two eyes suddenly shrank.

Ling Yanxue was the first to react, and immediately cast her a blank eye, said with a sneer.

"Since I have personally confirmed, why not take the inheritance away, why come to us to cooperate?"

"Who knows if this is your conspiracy trap."


Seeing that Lin Chuan didn't say a word, U Ye understood that this was also his doubt.

In desperation, she had no choice but to explain.

"Was it easy to take treasures like that?"

"Not to mention the tests inside, just other expert families with the same glare like a tiger watching his prey, just It’s hard to deal with."

"If there is a Martial Sovereign Realm expert to help, the chances of winning treasure will definitely be greater."

The finger tapped the seat. Chair, Lin Chuan also considered the pros and cons.

How high does the expert of Martial Sovereign Realm Peak stand?

Even Lin Chuan today is imperceptible and cannot be determined.

Plus, he has always had a doubt.

That is what is above my emperor?

Martial Dao Road, there are few shortcuts.

Therefore, if you want to know higher scenery, you can only climb continuously.

In some statements, Martial Dao does not have the so-called extreme, only a continuous upward road.

Therefore, Lin Chuan, who is almost standing at the peak of martial power in the world, fell into confusion.

And now, besides Wu Yunzhu, another way finally appeared before his eyes.

If the news is true, the expert reached Martial Sovereign Peak during his lifetime.

He definitely knows how to go next!

Obviously, this road is simpler and faster

Even with Lin Chuan's temperament, it is difficult to resist this temptation.

Thinking of this, he quickly responded.

"Okay, get treasure or inheritance, how to allocate it? When to start?"

u Ye replied without thinking.

"You seven and three, get treasure, you have the right to choose first."

Upon hearing this, Ling Yanxue suddenly muttered.

"hmph, I am happy to agree, who knows what I have in mind."

Her voice is not loud, but the three in the court are extremely expert, how can you not hear ?

Lin Chuan couldn't help but grow up when he heard Ling Yanxue's words.

Before he could reassure him, she said first.

"I want to go too."

Seeing this, U Ye suddenly snorted coldly.

"Should you go to the immortal ruins to hunt for treasures is an easy task?"

"Until the Martial Emperor, if there really is a war, trifling Absolute Peak is just a cumbersome thing. Time to take care of you."

Lin Chuan listened, a trace of apology appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yanxue also knew that the two would not bring herself.

She was snorted, and her silhouette moved directly out of Wudang.

"Forget it, this seat is not rare!"


Lin Chuan just spoke, and he has disappeared from the convenience.

Upon seeing this, he could only sigh lightly and then asked instead.

"When will we leave?"

"I don't know when that ruin will be opened. Naturally, the sooner the better."

"In this case, then Let’s go now."

"en. "

U Ye didn't say much, and immediately got up and galloped towards the distance.

The two of them silhouette, soon disappeared in the sky.

While on a mountain in the distance, Ling Yanxue looked at the backs of the two leaving, a flash of irritation flashed through his eyes.

She stamped her foot severely and rushed back towards Chuan Xuezong.


Above the Southern Sea, thunderclouds are violent.

The endless arc of silver lightning, the constantly flashing sky.

The deafening thunder continued for a moment.

The waves rolled up, slapped on the edge of the island, and then slowly receded.

So and so, infinite cycle.

Suddenly, a giant lightning flashed across the sky.

Then, a thunder of heaven shaking, earth shattering suddenly burst in the sky.

The place where the silver white lightning struck was suddenly distorted.

Then, like self-replication, they spread out rapidly.

one after another The same distortion, appearing above the entire sky.

At this moment, the showers dissipated and the thunder ceased.

Countless dark clouds, like a broad and open road separated by the power of immortal.

At its end, there is a giant gate of golden light.

Such a huge momentum, such a mind-blowing landscape, it can be said that people are yearning for it!

Hidden on the surface of the sea, with dozens of pairs of eyes, all of them became hot in this brief moment.

Greed, excitement, anticipation, eyes with various thoughts quickly emerged.

What followed was the breath of skyrocketing one after another.

Among these breaths, even the weakest one has Absolute Peak realm.

Suddenly, that pathway gradually condenses.

Then, one silhouette pierced out of the sea of ​​clouds, and rushed there impatiently.

In an instant, the thundercloud that was about to disperse solidified again.

A terrifying lightning strike slammed down, hitting his back, scorching him into black, and smashing to the sea.

At this moment, everyone who began to stir stopped their bodies.

They resisted impatience and kept their patience.

Finally, the dark clouds completely receded.

The road appeared, and the magnificent door was finally completely opened, revealing thousands of golden light.

From a distance, there are rays of light inside, and nothing can be seen.

It seems that the scene is hidden by the great divine ability.

At this moment, everyone couldn't wait any longer, they moved towards it and rushed into the portal.

Until most of them have entered it, the two streams of light in the distance galloped in.

These two people are Lin Chuan and U Ye.

Chapter 403, Sun Yao's Destiny!

Over the ocean, a squally wind is rising.

Countless thunder sounds resounded in the clouds and fog.

Layers of mist continue to pour down, causing countless ripples on the sea.

In the fog and rain, the two stood in the air.

Looking up at the broad and open road in the distance, staring at the door, Lin Chuan's eyes couldn't help flashing with surprise.

With their eyesight, it is natural to see that this is not a natural scene.

This thing must be the extremely superb Immortal Cultivator, the cultivation base, established with Great Divine Ability.

Its purpose may be to leave a wave of inheritance to oneself.

Maybe, it's just a simple tomb house.

But no matter what it is, there must be a lot of treasure in it.

If you are lucky, it is even more possible to obtain the inheritance and the true treasure.

At this time, those people who were originally nearby have turned into streamers and rushed into the portal.

Among the remaining onlookers, the weaker ones, after seeing the arrival of Lin Chuan and the others.

After hesitating a bit, he went forward as well.

u Ye looked towards Lin Chuan, his eyes revealed the meaning of inquiry.

Lin Chuan is light and nodded, not in a hurry to enter.

His palm was gently pressed into the air, and ripples appeared.

Dozens of special lines emerge like crystal pillars, built around him, forming an independent isolated space.

With the help of the realm, Lin Chuan obscures the vision and sound of the outside world.

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