After the previous fierce battle, he is not in a good state at this moment.

The little sword brewing terrifying aura is really powerful, but it has caused him a lot of harm.

Even at present, it is only relying on flesh and blood to squeeze, using the vortex to pull it, and it is barely suppressed in place, even unable to be taken out.

And if he continues to hunt down, it really pushes those two guys into a hurry.

Under the dying counterattack, one's own state will only get worse and worse, and it may not be impossible to overturn the car!

Now that there is a little extra energy left, I still have to keep the suppression sword and u-leaf.

Prevent the opponent from counterattacking and question the situation of the moonlight array by the way.

Simply, he gave up the pursuit and let them escape.

In the forest, Lin Chuan's silhouette slowly fell.

Ling Yanxue hurried forward and asked about his condition with concern.

"How are you? Just now..."

"It's okay, a little hurt."

Lin Chuan smiled faintly at her, and soon cast his eyes on u leaf.

Feeling Lin Chuan's gaze, U Ye's complexion can't help but change slightly.

Anyone who just saw a Martial Emperor died on the spot, he will not feel calm in his heart.

What's more, he was originally a member of the enemy, but now he is just a prisoner.

Lin Chuan glanced at the other person, lightly said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, I'm really curious, you didn't take advantage of your maneuver or escape."

"If you really left just now, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop it with the domain alone. Live you."

Hearing this, U Ye laughed awkwardly, indifferent expression.

"I am a prisoner."

"Well, just know it."

Lin Chuan nodded, said unceremoniously.

He swallowed a purple cyanine jade rongdan and sat on a nearby boulder.

Sit cross-legged on it and healed his injuries without evasive exercise.

There was hesitation on u Ye's face, but in the end he said nothing.


Half a day, quietly passed.

Ten hours passed before Lin Chuan opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

Although the injury in the body has not been relieved, after so long of control, there is no major threat.

This sword really had to think of a way to take it out, but it was also unhurried for a while.

Looking at U Ye, Lin Chuan pointed his finger at the eight treasures floating in the sky.

U Ye immediately understood what the other party meant.

She jade hand lightly, grabbing it in the air.

The eight treasures turned slowly, and the projection of Formation appeared again in the sky.

Then, the light converged and returned to its original appearance.

The eight treasures were twisted and turned into streamers, falling back into her hands.

Without Lin Chuan's reminder, u Ye spontaneously talked about the effectiveness of Formation.

"This Formation is called the Moonlight Array, which I acquired in the early years."

"It's just that there is no residue from its source, and I have been searching for many years and I haven't gained anything."

After a brief explanation, U Ye's fingers sketched out in the air, and quickly depicted a formation diagram.

This formation diagram looks very simple, with only more than ten layout points.

The interconnection among them is extremely complicated.

After just a few glances, Ling Yanxue felt dizzy.

"Although this array is called Moonlight, it borrows the magic of starlight. Only when both are combined can the power be maximized."

"Based on my current materials Due to limitations, only eight formation eyes can barely be stimulated. Formation's motivating formula is..."

After some remarks, Lin Chuan finally has a general understanding of this formation.

This Formation has two effects when inspired by the power of the stars and the moon.

One is a defensive posture, based on starlight.

One is moonlight, which has the effect of attack and charm.

In these two forms, the arrangement does not necessarily need to be at night.

But it must be under the shining of starlight and moonlight.

Only then can Formation be successfully enabled.

From the communication between Lin Baizhuan and Formation, Lin Chuan also found several other problems.

Formation As long as it exists, there must be a formation eye in it.

It is the foundation of the existence of Formation, but it is different from other Formation in that every arrangement of it is a formation eye.

Because of this, this situation seems very strange.

Pinching his eyebrows, Lin Chuan asked in a low voice.

"In other words, if I want to set up an array, I also need the same level of treasure?"


u Ye Paused, Then said.

"For treasure, I have eight here. If you need it, you can take all of them."

Lin Chuan heard this with a smile, nodded, you're welcome.

In the painful gaze of the other party, he took eight treasures.

Lin Chuan shook his wrist, and these eight items were arranged in the air according to the form of Formation.

In accordance with the urging method given by U Ye, he injected the corresponding Inner Strength into it.

Now, within Heaven and Earth, rising winds, scudding clouds.

Sunny in the sky, once again stirred up darkness.

The starlight penetrated the dark clouds and landed on the ground. The holy moonlight poured on Lin Chuan's body.

Realizing this power personally, Lin Chuan's eyes are blurred and seem to feel something.

His palm twisted slightly in the air, and the illusory shadow cast on the nebula suddenly turned into an inexplicable force.

The huge boulder that Lin Chuan was aiming at was instantly distorted, showing a weird posture.

The original solid stone body, in this brief moment, is like silt stirred by wooden sticks.

Presenting a distorted posture.

It seems that it has completely deviated from the original category.

U Ye looked sluggish from the sidelines.

Obviously, she did not expect the combination of Martial Sovereign Realm's power and Moonlight Formation to have such a weird effect.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Chuan's facial expression grave a little.

He presses the right hand on the void, and slowly moves to the right.

Chapter 370 Peerless Array!

Rays of light emerged, and four treasures were listed in the void.

Gold crystal ring, ice rock sword, yellow cloth scroll, and a crystal of energy condensed together by Source Power and Inner Strength.

They moved up slowly, like the stars returning to their positions, and landed on the next four positions of Formation.

In an instant, the black clouds above the sky slowly twisted.

The suffocating coercion slowly radiated from it.

The ancient book says:

The avenue hums like a bell.

The auspicious clouds fall from the sky, and its auspicious clouds are colorful.

Once upon a time, u Ye also constructed a similar scene in his mind.

Nowadays, she has really seen such a scene.

It's just different from what she had expected. The pressure today really made her feel terrified.

Just as these three treasures flew slowly, one of them fell in the ninth place of the Moonlight Formation.

Above the sky, black clouds kinked, and then slowly dissipated into invisible.

After this, the power of the moonlight was far better than the first fall, and almost instantly filled the entire sky in this area.

Xuanyin bursts, thunder is rolling.

The colorful auspicious clouds condense spontaneously and are listed under the projection of the moonlight.

The little bit of color on it turns into a hazy halo, washing the sky above this area.

Although there is no trace of power leaking out in the Formation.

But in this brief moment, U Ye feels sheer fear.

And as the other two treasures fall into the position of Formation, this feeling becomes more and more important.

In between the rumble of mysterious sounds, she became trembling involuntarily.

Ye knows that this is not just the effect of Formation.

Its origin comes from the man bathed in Profound Light.

This is the natural phenomenon he evoked from the Martial Sovereign formation. It is the mysterious place he is in, which triggered the changes in Heaven and Earth.

It was too stupid to fight against such a guy before.

Different from what u Ye feels, Lin Chuan at this moment is wandering quietly in this mysterious meaning.

Today's Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, he roughly understands part of it.

That comes from the qualitative change of Formation, which is the mysterious.

On the one hand, it is because the nine characters are the ultimate number, on the other hand, it is also because he has a certain sense of immortal dao.

The combination of the two, the result is just like this.

Through the crystal that was completely agglomerated by power, he felt the suppression from the power of the stars.

That kind of power is not like the situation shown by the outside world.

It is suffering from obliteration all the time.

Because of this, the layout of Formation requires those extremely powerful treasures.

Its sturdiness is one of the reasons.

With a long sigh, Lin Chuan opened his eyes slowly, and there was a flash of mysterious in his eyes.

These insights just now are of great use to him.

In addition to a clearer understanding of Formation, it also gave him a better understanding of Immortal Dao Path.

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