After seven passes, it turned into a strong glow.

They reached under the shadow of the fist and withstood the heavy blows.

Perceiving Lin Chuan's continuous weird methods, the color of caution on the face of the magic fish Martial Emperor became more and more serious.

He didn't dare to be big enough, and the cultivation technique in his body went crazy.

Inner Strength emerges, and becomes a Trident at a very fast speed.

Holding this thing, Martial Emperor raised his hand and pierced Lin Chuan's neck directly.

Halfway, the stabbing suddenly changed to a stroke.

Under the dual purpose of doing both, Lin Chuan's reaction speed naturally slowed by half a beat.

In a hurry, he can only quickly take out the Ice Rock Sword from his body and block it.

"ceng! ”

The long sword turned around, and amid the sharp tremor let out a sword cry.

Affected by this power, Lin Chuan flew out directly.

The palms trembling slightly, even some can't hold the weapon.

"Really strong!"

Lin Chuan exclaimed, and a surprise appeared in his eyes.

The blow just now was like lightning and attacking Divine Lightning, which was extremely terrifying.

With his current strength, he was almost hit.

It seems that this guy with a slightly weird costume must also hide his true cultivation base.

If you have expected it well, the opponent is most likely a Martial Emperor.

Or, it is only one step to reach Martial Emperor Peak of Martial Sovereign!

The Martial Emperor doesn't know how high Lin Chuan evaluates himself.

At this moment, the horror in his heart is no worse than that of the opponent.

The trick just now seems simple, but it's just a temporary change.

But it's not true, this move martial arts is called Xiufengqi!

On the surface, this is a stab.

But the real ultimate move that is implied is the subsequent slip!

The power of this blow is not obvious, showing a state of convergence.

But in fact, the effect that can be played is enough to easily tearing Space.

At the moment of the move, the magic fish Martial Emperor has condensed all its breath.

He is sure that the other party will never recognize it in advance.

Therefore, the other party must have changed their moves suddenly and resisted.

But how can such a blow be easy to block?

In the past years, there were three experts who died under this move, and one of them was a Martial Emperor expert!

Besides, just blocking this move is nothing.

The most shocking thing is that this guy is doing two things at the same time!

While defending his own attack, he also manipulated the puppet to beat Scarface!

The energy put on one's side is at most half!

doing two things at the same time, but let yourself be in the slightest.

Such behavior is enough to be considered provocative!

At this moment, Martial Emperor laughed without anger.

The corner of his mouth was drawn with a curve, and the imposing manner of the whole person suddenly became deep.

He was half bent, his back slightly rickety.

The whole person is like a beast ready to go, ready to attack at any time.

At this moment, the ink in the distance has recondensed into a silhouette.

After intervening a little bit on the puppet, Scarface regained its breath, and then returned to the body.

The two are one, the imposing manner is even more!

In an instant, his body shattered again and turned into a billowing wave like ink.

Lin Chuan flicked his palm lightly, and Inner Strength appeared all over his body.

But at this brief moment, he raised his brow, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

He is aware of the nature of this power!

This is, Source Power!

Before the other party divided into two and turned into an ink gesture, Lin Chuan had already realized the extraordinary.

Now that I get close to this wave of ink, I feel more clearly.

This power is very similar to what I use for suffering and what I get.

As expected, it should belong to Source Power!

In this case, the protective cover inside, I am afraid it will not be able to resist!

With thoughts, Lin Chuan immediately made a change.

Between the flips of his palms, the power of the powers emerged in the void.

In the Laogong acupoint of the right hand, the white viscous force is rapidly released outwards.

Inner Strength Backflow, the source takes over.

He was already familiar with the process, but he completed the alternation of the two forces in an instant.

The shield on the body surface stagnated for a moment, and then turned into white.


If the impact of the waves hit the surface of the shield, a crash-bang sound aroused.

Suddenly, the magic fish Martial Emperor also let out a cry of surprise.

Chapter 364: Martial Emperor, an elated scar face!

Source Power is the most mysterious power in the human body.

It originates from acupuncture points, from muscle skeleton and everything.

Precipitated from every cell, derived from every corner of the human body.

As long as you have a proper method and construct a corresponding crystal barrier, you can store and use it.

The power of Source Power is several times more powerful than Inner Strength.

Even if it is limited by quantity, it is enough to make any Martial Dao expert burst out in a short period of time.

Therefore, in order to restrict others and maintain a monopoly of power.

Whether it is a sect or a family, every leader will strictly control the spread of this method.

But the world is so big, there is no lack of strange things.

Some people with inadequate talents have set their goals on this after gaining strength in the hopeless breakthrough realm.

After careful consideration, he walked out of this brand new path.

Many Heaven Blessed Genius, after seeing the power of this kind of power.

I imitated without authorization and developed different ways.

It’s just that, even if the methods of use are different, the essence remains the same.

Therefore, both Lin Chuan and Martial Emperor in this brief moment are aware of the nature of this power.

Subsequently, the two Source Power impacted together.

In the interweaving of power, strange power constantly rippling.

The broken waves shattered after impacting on the surface of the shield.

Most of them returned to the ink waves, and a small part splashed on the ground, eroding one after another deep pit.

Upon seeing this, the corner of Lin Chuan's mouth was curved.

He stretched his right hand forward, and then slowly pressed it down.

The immortal Dao insight of Martial Sovereign Realm, instantly melted into this palm.

In an instant, a strong coercion rose.

The surging Source Power turned into a white palm and suppressed it downward.

Under the heavy pressure, the surging wave quickly calmed down.

The Martial Emperor, the magic fish incarnate in Molang, felt even more suffocated in this brief moment.


The roar roared, and the huge wave that had just calmed down struggling again.

Under the strong urging of the magic fish Martial Emperor, these waves are surging again.

They rotate, twist, and gather into a vortex.


Lin Chuan loudly shouts, right hand raised two fingers, pointed forward.

A long sword qi dragon rushes out from the fingertips and rushes straight into the center of the vortex.

Then, he spit out a soft voice: "Broken!"

In an instant, the sword qi dragon that entered it, instantly revolved in reverse.

I can only hear a groan, and the ink-like tide fades away.

The condensed vortex is destroyed. As a body-shaped caster, he will naturally receive the corresponding backlash.

The silhouette of the Martial Emperor reappeared, he backed a few steps, his face was pale.

Take a few steps back and press down the blood gushing from the throat.

Martial Emperor's fingers connected between his chest and abdomen, sealed the corresponding injuries, and then his body retreated wildly.

In these fierce battles between the two, the bald head helped Scarface successfully regain the situation and gradually suppressed the puppet.

The other two people are still on the sidelines.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Chuan glanced back at the female Martial Emperor named u Ye, feeling a little peaceful.

Speaking of which is more troublesome to surrender.

If the winning side does not have appropriate restrictions, it simply acquiesces in words.

In that case, the hidden dangers can be described as great.

After all, people's thoughts are capricious.

If you are not sure that the other party sees you are in a disadvantage, they will attack again.

The reason why Ling Yanxue was given certain domain authority was to allow her to use her own protection against U Ye.

Fortunately, the other party's brain is clever, not stupid, and he didn't turn his face immediately.

After confirming U Ye’s problem, Lin Chuan once again set his sights on the field.

This time, he no longer hides his cultivation base.

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