"It's hemp! Martial Emperor Realm! Martial Emperor, realm..."

After a few low words, King Helan's expression suddenly moved, and then he was slightly afraid Believe in speculated.

"You said, this monster, will it be a powerhouse sent by several other kingdoms! Especially Ole Kingdom!"

"This time they dealt with the Sofitel family , Maybe it’s just an excuse! Just to take the opportunity to weaken our strength!"

"Otherwise, within a few neighboring countries, how could this kind of strength expert suddenly appear!"

Chapter 311 The Silent Palace

"The expert must be sent by the Ole Kingdom!"

Hearing the king’s guess, the shadow under the steps was distorted Once, slowly said.

"Go back to the king, do not rule out this possibility."

"If they are really experts in the Ole Kingdom, then their motives are probably not simple, we need to prepare as soon as possible. ."

"The experts on the border of the kingdom should be mobilized as soon as possible to avoid problems."

King Helan nodded, was about to say something, but his face suddenly became ugly. .

His eyes also looked at the distant sky, said solemnly.

"That powerhouse is here! I'm going to inform Old Ancestor, you guys will stop it depending on the situation."


Shadow complied, body shape Suddenly twisted and disappeared into the darkness.

Enshrine hall.

Worshiped by the ragged royal family, took a medicine pill.

He sat cross-legged on the futon and finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Today, he has changed into a suit to cover his injuries, and he has regained his previous style.

Just thinking of the previous fight, the royal family's heart still can't help but feel scared for a while.

That last palm, formidable power is really terrifying.

If he had a hunch before he left, he was worried about a major crisis, so he brought a few treasures.

At the critical moment, the collapse of treasure blocked the corresponding attack.

I am afraid that I have already fallen at that moment.

Fortunately, I escaped back. Even if that guy is very courageous, he would not dare to do anything about himself in the royal city.

Thinking of this, the panic in my heart weakened a bit.

But this relaxation has only lasted for less than a few minutes, and the complexion of the royal family's consecration is shocked.

Looking in a certain direction of the sky, he can feel a strong breath coming.

The opponent made no secret of his hostility.

Although the other party does not know where he is, it takes a lot of time to simply search.

But this place is near the palace after all!

The enemy is currently, if I can't come out, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep this place of worship.

Therefore, it will cause a lot of trouble to leave it alone, and even both sides will not be well.

A touch of irritation emerged in my heart, and the royal family hesitated for a while, but finally stood up.

On the one hand, he considers that he has no hatred with the other party.

The reason for the struggle is also because of the Sofitel family.

Now that I am dead to Old Ancestor Fang, I want to come to the other party. It shouldn't be because of my own shot.

After all, it is easy to offend the royal family, equivalent to declare war head-on.

No matter how reckless the other party is, they should be a little afraid.

On the other hand, the royal family is also very strong. Although there is only one Martial Emperor expert, there are quite a few treasures.

If the other party dares to come so blatantly, it will inevitably arouse their anger.

Maybe, King Helan has already started to awaken the Martial Emperor expert from the royal family!

The opponent had just had a fierce battle with the two of them, killing a Martial Emperor, which must have taken a lot of effort.

At this time, fighting with two experts of the same rank again will definitely be extremely exhausted.

From this point of view, I don’t have to worry too much.

Thinking of this, the royal consecration was relaxed.

With a move of his foot, the whole person rises by the wind and gallops up toward the sky.

Lin Chuan at this time has been waiting in the air for a long time.

He didn't constrain his imposing manner at all, just so blatantly that he showed his arrival.

When the silhouette appeared below, Lin Chuan's mouth showed a smile.

He touched the ice rock sword in his sleeve, and a cold glow appeared on the tip of the sword quietly.

Just as the royal worship approached, he was standing in the air and preparing to speak, when he suddenly felt a cold air coming from the front.

At this moment, his heart was alarming, and he frantically urged to leave.

Although it is not clear why Lin Chuan needs to do it, his actions are not slow.

The Inner Strength in his hand surged, instantly hitting a palm print in the air.

With the help of his palm prints, he walked against the wind and quickly landed a certain distance.

Then, a stream of light flashed above the sky.

A huge white sword mark lay across the air, instantly cutting the palm print into two.

Even the air that brought the royal family to enshrine the place where they just stood was cut in half.

"Good risk, good risk!"

On the patted chest, the royal consecration was scared into a cold sweat, and even cursed in a low voice.

"This madman!"

Suddenly, he was frowned, and his eyes quickly became surprised.

At this moment, he finally discovered something that seemed a little awkward.

The expert in front of him stood there calmly, without concealing his appearance and body shape.

This matter seems a bit unreasonable.

The reason why I felt awkward before was because Lin Chuan had been hiding in the black robe before and did not show his true colors.

The ability to recognize each other at a glance is purely because of the breath reverberating all over Lin Chuan.

But now, this guy has taken the initiative to stand up, what kind of medicine is sold in this bottle gourd?

Thinking of this, the royal family's consecration felt a little uneasy.

In the Martial Dao world, there are undoubtedly two reasons for a person to show his face generously.

One is to disdain to cover up at all, to have sufficient confidence in one's own strength, or to stand up.

In another case, the body and appearance have been changed to a certain extent, and there is no risk of exposure.

Apart from this, only the calmness before the mouth is left.


At the thought of this, coupled with the undisguised attack image of the other party, the royal family's heart shuddered involuntarily.

He quickly took out a coin-sized stone from the pocket of his clothes.

With a strong squeeze, this stone with a special rune on its surface was broken into six petals.

This is a red flag he agreed with the royal family!

As long as he smashes this runestone, it means that he has no ability to solve it and urgently needs support!

However, after this stone talisman was crushed, no feedback was received.

There was no sign of a reply as originally planned, and no powerhouse showed up to help.

The direction of the palace seems to be silent, in silence.

Upon seeing this, Lin Chuan became more and more unscrupulous.

His figure flickered, and a large amount of sword qi was cut out, surrounding the royal consecration.

Then, Soul Suppressing Nails emerged all over the body, releasing the defense on the soul level under the urging of Inner Strength.

After doing this, Lin Chuan gathered Soul Power.

Reveal the sea vortex again, and head towards the royal family's enshrinement to attack and kill.


In Heaven and Earth, nothing happened.

But in the mind of the royal family, there was a violent roar instantly.

His eyes were blank, and his whole thoughts seemed to be soaked in wine. Presents haziness and chaos.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the storm formed by Soul Power quickly started torn.

Chapter 312 Hanyuanzun Boxing

The pain of tearing the soul successfully returned the thinking of the royal family to the real world.

There was a throbbing pain on his forehead, and the center of his forehead was like a needle prick.

If it is not the Martial Emperor powerhouse, it has the controlling ability for Soul Power.

And the defensive arrangement has been set up in advance, otherwise just the shock just now is enough to make the royal worship in a rigid state!

Once you lose your understanding of the external environment and your own control.

Faced with a peerless powerhouse that can kill Martial Emperor expert, there is no chance that he will survive!

Because of this, at the moment of waking up with the help of the severe pain, the royal family immediately drew out a pure white card pinned to the waist of the trousers.

A part of Soul Power has crazily poured into it.

Like liquid injected into the mold, a special pattern is formed quickly inside.

The card shattered silently, then turned into a little starlight, filling the air.

A wave of strange waves oscillated here, and then connected to the void.

Countless Soul Power gushes out, pouring into the consecrated mind from the pathway.

While holding him up for a headache, it also made up for his shortcomings.

Despite being out of the crisis, there is still a touch of pain on the face of the royal family's worship.

There are only three of his special cards.

Each piece is a unique treasure of genuine, enough to turn the tide of battle at a critical moment and save one's own life.

Previously under that terrifying sea of ​​shock, he relied on one of them to avoid the fatal attack.

Makes his own state, did not degenerate to the point of too tragic.

Now I have used another one, three cards, and only one is left!

While feeling distressed, he swept his eyes to the rear, but there was still no movement from the palace.

It seems that there is also controlled by people, without any assistance.

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