"You said this yourself! After this, I have no connection with your organization anymore!"

After speaking, he stood up and left This secret room.

It’s just that what Xu Jun doesn’t know is.

Looking at his back, the man hidden under the hood has a sneer on his face.

His voice whispered softly in this secret room, seemingly with a touch of sarcasm.

"Martial Emperor bloodline, tsk tsk, ridiculous!"

Naturally Lin Chuan does not know these things that happened in the Ming Dynasty.

Using Formation to help After Sara clansman sealed the waterhole, he and Sword God quickly embarked on a new journey.

Now after a few days of trekking, the emperor of Helan is within easy reach.

Through the description of the Sala clan, Lin Chuan has clearly understood the location and corresponding strength of the kingdom of Helan.

Different from ethnic groups, the country of Helan is a real country.

Its subordinates have a lot of powerhouses, Grade 1 powerhouses in the clan are everywhere, and even Absolute Peak level experts, on the surface have as many as three!

According to rumors, there is even Martial Emperor powerhouse in the Imperial Family.

Below it, a large number of Aristocratic families supported the Imperial Family of the Helan Dynasty.

They all say that they are invincible under the prestige. Lin Chuan does not oppose this.

Outside the Western Regions, there are thousands of miles away from Daming, and many of them have to pass through many dangerous areas.

But even with such a wasteland reclamation, there are still many experts who finally reach the Chuanxuezong.

One can imagine how strong the opponent should be!

But as a Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, unless surrounded by a large number of experts.

Otherwise, with his own strength, Lin Chuan can enter and exit any place outside the Imperial Palace.

Because of this, making trouble a little bit is not difficult.

Outside the imperial capital, Lin Chuan and Sword God each put on a layer of black robes, shrouding their figures and faces below.

In these days, Lamir and High Priest have used the power of prophecy to translate the languages ​​of both parties to a certain extent and produced a universal book.

With the Soul Power above the Absolute Peak realm expert, Lin Chuan and the two quickly learned the lingua franca here.

In addition to the several cultivation techniques obtained during the check-in a few days ago, even if you are a native of the country of Helan, as long as you don’t reveal the robes on your body, you don’t want to tell the origin of Lin Chuan. .

Before coming to the city gate, Lin Chuan did not rush to enter the city gate, but immediately checked in.

"System! Sign in!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for signing in and get the cultivation technique reward: "Blood Demon Art""

With a ding sound, a familiar voice sounded, and a faint light appeared in Lin Chuan's hand.

Due to the cover of Inner Strength and robe, even Sword God could not find this.

Turning his body a little bit, Lin Chuan quickly checked the cultivation technique in his palm.

This sucking Blood Demon Art looks similar to the Demon Race cultivation technique circulated in the land of Da Ming.

It is based on the Western cultivation technique system and has a certain framework, which is more simple and rude.

For those who cultivate this kind of cultivation technique, the upper teeth in their mouths will grow to a certain extent, just like the vampire in previous life rumors.

With this cultivation technique, the more blood absorbed, the greater the formidable power released.

At critical moments, it is possible to exchange blood with blood for life!

frowned, Lin Chuan is not satisfied with this.

If it's other similar cultivation techniques, it doesn't matter if they are cultivation.

But this Blood Demon God power is obviously not a good product, just like the lightning nine consecutive whips that I got before.

Of course, it can provide massive recovery capabilities in a short period of time, but the cultivator will also gradually get lost in the killing.

With the Western cultivation technique, which does not cultivate the mind, but simply pursues superficial strength, cultivation will definitely lead to cultivation deviation and fall into the abyss.

The thoughts got to this point, Lin Chuan simply gave up the cultivation of this cultivation technique.

He pretended to be exploring the city and entered the city gate with Sword God.

Lin Chuan didn't feel any difference when looking at the western city up close.

Perhaps it is the characteristic of this high-martial world. The corresponding city wall is stacked with rectangular boulders.

For the rest, supplementary materials are added to fit, and then ancient characters are portrayed and strengthened accordingly.

This is the same as Daming.

Entering the city, Lin Chuan soon discovered that Western architecture is different from Daming.

This is not only a difference in customs, but also a significant difference in architectural style.

Walking on the street, looking at both sides, Lin Chuan and Lin Chuan unexpectedly saw many of the same kind.

These people also wore the same hoods as Lin Chuan and walked hurriedly among the alleys.

Even if someone notices this occasionally, they just look away and look away.

Looking at each other, Lin Chuan and Sword God were silent.

Fortunately, they still use Inner Strength to hide their body shape, but looking at it this way, it is a bit redundant.

But all the way has been walked in, there is no need to lift the cover.

Looking at each other, the two smiled helplessly.

Chapter 293 Golden Eye

According to Lin Chuan's plan, he wanted to find out the specific situation of the entire imperial city.

Then, according to the results of the investigation, punish or destroy the forces of the sneak attack Ling Yanxue.

This result depends on the opponent's influence.

If you do a lot of evil, it will ruin it.

If it is only a high-level order, just punish the people involved.

Not long after the two talents walked out, a terrifying Inner Strength fluctuation suddenly broke out in an alley in the distance.

A large number of masonry collapsed and flew out, like cannonballs, shooting towards the surroundings.

The bungalows that were unfortunately hit collapsed into ruins in an instant.

Then, one silhouette emerged from the smoke and dust.

The boy is short in stature, thin in build, and has brown hair. He looks quite unremarkable.

The soles of his feet slammed on the walls on both sides, constantly rushing with his strength.

Then, rays of light flashed by, and all strikes were behind him, shaking the wall of the house to ruins.

The young man was calm in panic. Even though he was chased and beaten in an extremely embarrassed manner, he still kept observing the terrain all around.

Suddenly, his gaze condensed, and he suddenly looked at where Lin Chuan and Lin Chuan were.

It was this eye contact that made Lin Chuan suddenly see his uniqueness.

This boy has a pair of golden pupils!

Lin Chuan and Sword God looked at each other, with a hint of surprise in their eyes at the same time.

Among the two of them, even Sword God with a weaker cultivation base has the Absolute Peak Realm's cultivation base.

The strength is far beyond the same level.

Under the premise of deliberately concealing the figure, theoretically speaking, even the expert of the same realm can hardly detect the existence of the two.

But now, this young man who is not even capable of Grade 6 can see through the whereabouts of the two at a glance.

Although they had seen the power of this natural strange eye with the former Lamir of the Sarah clan.

But in any case, La Mill is a powerhouse at the domain level after all.

Crossing one or two levels, it is not unacceptable to see the existence of Lin Chuan.

But this guy in front of me seems a bit too scary!

At this moment, the young man’s eyes also flashed with surprise, and then he turned into joy.

He rushed frantically, and quickly rushed to Lin Chuan in front of the two of them, and then knelt down on both knees without the slightest hesitation.

"Two seniors! Please save Junior's life!"

The chaser behind the young man obviously did not expect this.

In his perception, there is no one on the road ahead.

"Could this kid cheat?"

"Yes, there must be a trap there!"

the thoughts got to this point, Mister Suddenly sneered.

He held his left hand slightly, and a silver needle appeared between the four fingers, and he threw it forward.

Immediately, the ice needle exploded and shot at Lin Chuan's position.

Lin Chuan waved his sleeves, and a strong wind swept out. The four ice needles hit by him were blasted into fragments as soon as they touched.

Before Mirat could react, all the fragments pierced the ground in front of him.


Mister sucked in a cold breath, only to feel a chill rush from the sole of his foot to the top of his head.

At this moment, he finally confirmed that the boy with the golden pupil was not cheating him.

Rather, there really are some powerhouses there.

took a deep breath, Mister resisted the anger and fear in his heart, coldly opened the mouth and said.

"I do things for the Sofitel family, and please don't be nosy."


Hearing this, Lin Chuan Suddenly he was taken aback, and then he felt a little funny.

As the so-called travel far and wide looking for something, it's not a waste of effort.

I didn't expect When I first came to the country of Helan, I ran into my target this time, which was a member of the family of Sneak Attack Ling Yanxue.

Things are too vain, it seems a bit boring, but it also saves some time.

"Alright, solve it early, and go back early."

To himself, Lin Chuan shook his palm slightly, and a giant hand was condensed in the air for a moment, and the person Hold it in the palm.

Feeling the crisis, Mister immediately retreats.

But then he found that his position seemed to be frozen, no matter how the Inner Strength impacted, there was no effect.

At this moment, a string of words appeared in his mind.

"Grade 1 expert?"

Mister was scared into a cold sweat.

Even if it is only an intermediate level, normally he can only be dispatched to chase and kill traitors, but at any rate he is also a Grade 3 powerhouse!

As a senior member of the Mister family, he naturally knows what kind of strength the true expert has.

With a quick grip, you can leave yourself with no resistance.

This kind of strength can only be achieved with at least Grade 1 lower level!

Thinking of this, he had no intention of resisting anymore, and immediately revealed his origins.

"Senior, Junior is just following orders, please spare my life!"

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