Once again, avoiding a few ice thorns, Lin Chuan stretched his right hand forward, making a cold voice in his mouth.

In an instant, the rushing water flowed to stillness, and the ice thorns several feet long also stopped.

The original threatening killer move was quietly annihilated at this moment, and all returned to the essence, scattered in the deep water.

The strange fish is trapped, but it is constantly swinging its body, wanting to smash the shackles with the strength of the body and the sharp blade on the tail fin.

However, this is Space Power, not a pure physical limitation.

After struggling, although Power of Space loosened a bit, it failed to escape.

Lin Chuan right hand raised two fingers, sword qi wrapped around the fingertips.

Pointing forward, it instantly turned into a sword qi long dragon, stirring countless sharp edges under this cold pool.

"Pu chi! Pu chi!"

In an instant, the skin of the strange fish was broken open, and the flesh and blood scattered inside, turning into small pieces.

The corrosive toxins originally permeating the water also quietly injected into it, staining its flesh and blood with a layer of green.

In a moment, the strange fish died on the spot and stopped the corresponding struggle.

Lin Chuan did not step forward impatiently, but cut out another sword qi, cut off the blade on the tail fin, and then moved forward.

Inner Strength swung out, dispelling toxins, and dispelling nearby deep water, creating a vacuum area.

Lin Chuan stood in this void and carefully observed the body of this strange fish.

But in physical terms, the body of this strange fish is extremely tenacious.

The tenacious degree of its surface skin is far greater than that of ordinary iron flakes.

Even if it is cut with a sword, it will not have any effect, and it is hard to leave a trace.

If judged by the level of a human warrior, the opponent has at least reached the level of Grade 1 Peak!

Because of this, relying on its own strength, strong body, and the location of the underwater natural home court.

Even if it is the patriarch of Absolute Peak realm Peak, I dare not fight it underwater for too long.

Besides, it seems that this is not the only one here.

Just before she saw two strange fishes.

the thoughts got to this point, Lin Chuan's figure just got into the cave suddenly stiffened, and then he became vigilant.

I fought fiercely with this fish for a long time, causing such a big turmoil, the other party shouldn't be able to hear it.

So, where did the other one go?

This thought had just arisen, and Lin Chuan's mind flashed a little vigilance.

At the moment, an ice rock sword appeared in the palm of his right hand, a sword pierced out, and the terrifying sword qi turned into a spiral and rushed forward.

Sure enough, at this brief moment, another deep blue beam of light rushed out of the tunnel, and the frontal strikes were on the spiral sword qi.

Suddenly, the sword qi that was formed hastily collapsed in an instant.

And the long-planned beam of light rushed over.

There was only a moment of stagnation, but Lin Chuan also seized this opportunity.

Taking advantage of this moment of delay, he backhanded an Inner Strength strikes on the side wall.

With the help of the rebound thrust, he successfully avoided this beam of light.

Inner Strength rushed out, erupting under the feet, pushing Lin Chuan forward quickly.

The beam of light has been charged for a long time, and it is so powerful that even the sword qi cut out by Lin Chuan can't stop the opponent, so it is instantly shattered.

But such an attack must not be sustained by the strange fish.

With the help of the other party's time to accumulate power, Lin Chuan quickly passed this area and entered the back of the passage.


As soon as he came in, Lin Chuan sucked in a cold breath, a shock flashed in his eyes.

In the eyes, there is a vast underground river.

Their source comes from an unknown and deep place, which leads directly to the bottom of the pool through the passage just now.

The bursts of coldness are constantly radiating from below, following the current of the water, eroding Lin Chuan's body.

Lin Chuan looked cold, and the Inner Strength in his body spontaneously flowed.

The great Heavenly Immortal tactics run wildly, dispelling the corresponding severe cold.

But even so, he can still feel the cold from the bone marrow.

"Sure enough, you can't stay here for too long, otherwise it will be eroded by the severe cold."

"At that time, it was really'cool'."

Silently muttered to himself, Lin Chuan's body surface gathered Inner Strength and melted into yin and yang.

Primal Chaos Fist runs brazenly, in the shape of yin and yang, dissipating the cold that has entered the body.

Then his body moved, and he quickly moved towards the strange fish that fled below to chase.

The further down, the more cold it gets.

Even with the Inner Strength body, Lin Chuan shivered involuntarily.

Fortunately, the situation of the strange fish is not much better.

After escaping some distance downwards, its body also began to tremble, some of which could not support the cold.

If it weren't for Lin Chuan to chase after him, I'm afraid it would have stopped a long time ago.

Chapter 286: The Danger in the Deep

Finally, after diving for forty meters, the strange fish stopped taking shape.

It struggled to take a look at Lin Chuan, and finally couldn't stand the erosion of the cold and began to go upstream.

Lin Chuan glanced at it. Instead of killing it directly, he turned it into a cage with Inner Strength and trapped it in one of the areas.

When the opponent is struggling, trying to get rid of.

Lin Chuan uses Soul Power while exploring all around.

But unfortunately, the situation seems to be the same as he had previously thought. The so-called Old Ancestor of the Sala clan should be cold.

With a light sigh, Lin Chuan did not continue to dive.

Although he was prepared before he left, the situation at that time was different from now.

What he did was to clean up these strange fishes and encounter creatures similar to the previous seals.

But now, this inexplicable cold erosion made him feel heart palpitations from the bottom of his heart.

Even if Lin Chuan has reached the Martial Emperor Realm, he dare not dive at will.

Even faintly, there was a trace of fear in his heart.

"Perhaps, this is the rumored deep-sea phobia?"

Lin Chuan stopped staying and moved up quickly.

But at this brief moment, a touch suddenly flashed in his heart, and he quickly turned his head and looked towards a dark place on the side.

However, there is nothing there, and Soul Power's detection has not received any feedback.


In a low voice, Lin Chuan's vigilance became more serious.

In an instant, he felt a line of sight fall on his back.

This kind of feeling, when described in words, is like a man on the back, as if it is being stared at by some terrifying guy.

As the powerhouse of the Martial Emperor level, Lin Chuan has great strength control over the power of the soul.

Because of this, in terms of spirit, he is able to know the facts and hallucinations of his own judgment, and he rarely has auditory hallucinations and the like.

So, he was ninety percent sure of what was there just now.

took a deep breath, Lin Chuan used Inner Strength to agitate the film around him, glowing with a different kind of brilliance.

With the help of these rays of light changing moments, he quietly traced part of the Inner Strength back to the inside of Dantian.

Instead, it is the circulation of Source Power.

The power of the pale white filled his body, and Lin Chuan's mind suddenly calmed down.

Hexiang pretended that he hadn't noticed anything, only that he had hallucinations, and then quickly returned to the passage.

At this moment, the trapped strange fish finally broke free from the restraints and swam towards Lin Chuan quickly.

It seems to be equally afraid of the cold below and the unknown monster, even too lazy to confront Lin Chuan.

From this point of view, Lin Chuan became more sure of the danger, planning to return first, and then make a decision.

But just when one person and one fish were no more than 20 meters away from the entrance, an extremely cold force quietly penetrated.


With a low growl, Lin Chuan in a flash turned around, and the power in the Laogong acupoint of the right hand burst out quickly.

These Source Powers operate along the meridian route of Jinghaizhang, and under the reinforcement of the great Heavenly Immortal tactics, a terrifying power has erupted.

In an instant, countless currents condensed into an extra palm print.

It hovered over the palm of the hand, and then moved towards the cold strikes below with a wave of surging momentum.

The strange fish beside Lin Chuan also made the same move at this moment.

It ignores the predecessors and stands consciously by Lin Chuan's side.

With a move of his tail, several fluorescent water blades looked towards and shot away from below.

At the same time, water bubbles spurted out from its mouth one after another, blasting towards the area.

The cold air is permeated, like the miasma above the swamp, quickly spreading to this area.

It quickly covers this piece of water, is easily soluble in water, and is prominent on the outside.

It looks very strange.

Jinghaizhang strikes on it, and suddenly it seems to hit a mountain.

The outermost layer of water burst every inch, and the rushing wave suddenly stagnated, and it was about to roll back.

But in this brief moment, the Second Layer wave is coming again!

With the help of Source Power, its power has been doubled.

Under the surging of the second wave, with no difficulty eliminated the weakness of the first wave of rebound.

After that, the third wave came, and it pressed down again!

"Long long long!"

It was just the impact of water, but at this moment it shook with a huge impact-like effect.

The swelling water fluidized into ripples, and turned into blisters, constantly running all around, and then disappeared and dissolved in the deep darkness.

Soul Power broke out, and the sea vortex surged out!

The realm emerges, releasing a strong suppression!

The ice rock sword emerges, cutting out Frost and sword qi!

After this, a lot of palm prints and fist strength, like howling wind and torrential rain, poured down.

In this brief moment, Lin Chuan made frequent killing moves, wave after wave of terrifying power, swept downward.

With the help of the swaying water waves, he and the strange fish quickly retreated into the passage.

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