Chapter 220 Yue Qingrou vs. Shadow Man

The black smoke dissipated, many black clothed persons died, and the entire battle formation gradually melted into the air.

The vision in front of him gradually became clear, no longer covering it, and the three combatants finally revealed their original appearance.

In the thick smoke, the weird expert, who was entangled in the shadow, was madly suppressing Sun Buwei with Zhutian.

Perhaps alone, Sun Buwei can completely crush Zhutian.

In the face of an attack from a shadow man of the same level, he has to spend a lot of energy here.

As a result, Taketa has a chance.

Now when everyone enters the field of vision, Sun Buwei is already covered with scars and aspiration, and his cultivation base has even fallen to the upper level of Grade 1.

Now he is just struggling on whilst at death's door.

Breaking through the obstacles, Wei Wen finally had the opportunity to cooperate with many experts to rescue Sun Buwei back.

But because of this, two Grade 2 experts died again.

With the help of the shadow men on the Japanese pirate side, the situation quickly reversed again.

And the Grade 1 experts, after having learned from Sun Buwei, no one dared to fight.

Once you encounter an enemy, you immediately choose to give in.

These high-grade Great Sect's vigor, in this brief moment, they were ignored by them.

Fortunately, many Elders from Wudang finally arrived, saving the endangered situation.

But even so, Daming's side was retreating steadily and suffered heavy casualties.


At this moment, continuing to fight will only increase casualties.

The confidant who temporarily took over the overall situation immediately ordered a retreat.

But at this brief moment, a peculiar sound spread throughout this Sea Territory.

Six huge warships came across the water, enclosing Daming's fleet in the middle.

The situation seems to have become a dead end!

"Could it be that innocence is going to kill me?"

Wei Wen was half-body with scars, and his eyes showed anger and unwillingness.

And here, Sun Buwei even made up for him.

"Wei Wen, is this your plan! How many martial arts experts have you killed?"


Hearing this, Wei Wen His anger finally broke out.

He suddenly stopped, and suddenly threw Sun Buwei into the air, pointing to his nose and yelling.

"old bastard, I will bear you for a long time." NS! "

"Thank you, your so-called Great Sect expert has been slow to make a move, and you are even quicker than a dog!" Has any one of you listened to the overall plan? "

"Also Great Sect expert, I'm! "

"Compared to your aloof and remote, those warriors and so-called criminals are really impressive!" "

"You are terribly counseled on it, but they are fighting to the death!" "

"Don't act according to plan, have to get ahead, be defeated by expert sneak attack, I tried my best to save you, now come to blame me? "

"I tell you Sun Buwei, I have a clear conscience in this battle!" Also see your face clearly! "

"It's okay if you can't survive. If you can survive, one day I will come to Songshan and take care of you Great Sect!" "

After scolding this, Wei Wen was already full of anger, his face was full of hideousness.

At the time of life and death, he didn't bother to care about this old bastard anymore. He kicked in the direction of the warship!

Then he loudly roared and moved towards the nearby Japanese powerhouse and killed it desperately!

"weng!! ”

The sound of sword cry, the turbulent weather, and the sound of dragon roar immediately, endlessly linger.

I only saw a golden dragon face coming from the west, and it was in the blink of an eye. I rushed into the battle group.

When sword light flashed, the dragon shadow impacted and instantly cut off the hands of a pirate.

Before the pirate screamed, This beautiful silhouette turned his body halfway and slashed his throat with a sword.

The rescued Ishihara Elder was taken aback, and then he recognized the woman in front of him as Yue Qingrou.

He just wanted to say a few words of thanks, he saw that the bright shadow in front of him was gone.

The sound of dragon roar was everywhere, and in a flash, the Japanese pirate's digital expert was killed on the spot!



Finally, this situation attracted the attention of the shadow powerhouse.

He was coldly snorted, his body scattered with countless shadows, and soon he passed away. Surrounded Yue Qingrou in the middle.

The pressure of Grade 1 Peak suddenly fell!

Feeling the strong killing intent and horror of the other party, Yue Qingrou complexion slightly changed .

She has no words. In this brief moment, Essence, Qi, and Spirit are elevated to the extreme.

The many forces in the body are quickly injected into the Dragon Roar Sword, and then these Sword light gathered on one side and slashed forward suddenly!

This slash is also imitating Lin Chuan's shocking slash on the sea that day.

But relative For Sword God, her cultivation base and her understanding of Martial Dao are naturally much different.

This sword intent, she can only comprehend only one or two.

Even so, the sharpness in it still made the Shadow Man feel a sting.

At this moment, the Shadow Man finally changed his complexion. He gathered many shadows together, and then suddenly shouted.

"Shadow bites the sky! "

The voice of'zi zi' kept ringing, and countless shadows broke away from him, instantly manifesting in the air into a swarm of insects, rushing towards this slash.

When the two collided, a large number of insect shadows fell apart, and the sword light also shattered.

Yue Qingrou groaned, and the whole person fell from a height.

Although she suffered Some injuries, but she still maintained her balance, and quickly re-floated.

At this time, there was still a dignified look in her eyes.

The face of the shadow man There was also a touch of surprise. He kept looking at Yue Qingrou, as if he couldn't believe it.

The counter-trick just now, although he gained the upper hand, was far from achieving the desired effect.

With his strength, even Wei Wen would not dare to take the shadow of the sky, but the girl in front of him was able to fight with it.

This kind of strength really makes Amazing!

A moment of deep thought flashed in his eyes, and a touch of greed leaped into the shadow’s eyes.

Such a body, such an innate talent, if you don’t taste it well, How can you be worthy of your own hard work?

Thinking of this, the shadow man no longer hides his strength, the power of the domain, and expands in full.

The space flashes, a cuboid The illusory shadow appeared in the void.

Everyone could even see the frame in it.

Grade 1 powerhouse such as Wei Wen was shocked and hurriedly reminded Yue Qingrou Tao.

"Be careful! It is a field-level powerhouse! "

Tone barely fell, the field fell, and endless resistance emerged, condensed in the whole body.

Yue Qingrou felt a great pressure in this brief moment. Her body seemed to fall into the mud. Every action consumes several times the original strength.

"Domain-level powerhouse! "

Yue Qingrou's heart suddenly flashed a touch of surprise.

This feeling is very similar to the previous feeling in the Heavenly God ruins!

This is obviously the domain, but it seems that it should not be Absolute Peak, otherwise it will not be weak!

the thoughts got to this point, Yue Qingrou's heart sighed in relief.

If it is a domain-level powerhouse, she still has the power to fight.

But if it is Absolute Peak, then it must be lost!

The 221st chapter waterspout

Different from other people’s worries.

When she learned that the enemy was a domain-level powerhouse, although Yue Qingrou was wary in her heart, she did not have much fear. .

Perhaps, the powerhouse that others can see in their lives is very rare, but she is different.

Whether it is her Master Sword God or Lin Chuan, both are He possesses the existence of a realm.

When exploring the remains of Heavenly God before, Yue Qingrou personally experienced the influence of the remaining realm of the Martial Emperor powerhouse of Hei Qing.

Therefore, Yue Qingrou can be regarded as the person who knows the field best in the field.

The power of the field lies in the limitation.

This limitation comes from two aspects, one of which is the limitation of space The influence of the Martial Dao expert will hinder its movement and hinder its movement.

The second is the supply of Inner Strength.

In normal combat, if the Inner Strength is insufficient for the Martial Dao expert Under certain circumstances, they can absorb the Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth to supplement it to achieve battery life.

In the domain, the inner space is isolated, and the spiritual power cannot be absorbed, thus losing In the absence of continuously replenishment, even though the Inner Strength of the Grade 1 expert is strong, it will eventually run out.

As long as it can be delayed, there is no domain. One side is bound to lose!

Therefore, if the Grade 1 expert encounters the domain level, unless the strength is superior, there is no chance of confrontation at all, and it can only be delayed.

And if someone doesn't understand the field at all, they will be squeezed a lot at the moment they enter it. Once they panic, they will inevitably lose faster.

Yue Qingrou is different from others. Her advantage is that she has already experienced the power of the field and knows its limitations.

After all, relative to the areas of Absolute Peak realm and Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, the pressure today can't be considered.

In a flash, Yue Qingrou made a decision.

She quickly cut off her connection with the outside world, making herself an independent individual.

Inner Strength circulates within itself. Constantly reciprocating, an inner loop is constructed.

The cultivation technique was also running frantically in this brief moment, and the surging Inner Strength roared in the meridian.

The movement method learned over the years has made her figure lighter in an instant.

If a leaf falls between the pool water.


The complexion of the shadow man is more cautious.

As the domain controller, he naturally knows everything in the domain and can clearly feel the opponent's response.

My own domain has lost a large part of its constraints in just an instant.

And Yue Qingrou's movement method can make her feel like a duck in the field.

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