I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 989 The Fighting Power of Fat Chicken: Everyone, seem to have forgotten me?

And the dozen or so pure beer ships also moved in and unloaded barrels of fragrant beer from the ships.

Yang Yang said: Our first step is to sell the beer at a high price so that people will be excited about it. It just so happens that the Burj Al Arab Hotel will hold a grand banquet tonight.

Hearing about the banquet, everyone smiled.

The banquet means that the food will be improved a lot. In this end of the world, who doesn’t want to eat something delicious?

Many people are looking forward to it.

Most of the bodyguards from the Chinese team came down, and the remaining half were hiding in the boat.

Dahuangya regretfully patted his more than a hundred zombie subordinates, You guys stay and protect the fleet. They had no sense of taste and could not enjoy this delicious food.

The Huaxia team is naturally very familiar with showing off their wealth, and this shipment of genuine beer cannot be faked.

In addition, all kinds of news had been released before they arrived. Now that they arrived at the coast, they naturally received a lot of attention.

Along the way, Yang Yang introduced everyone to the list of names for the dinner. If he wasn't smart, he was really good. He spoke out the complicated long list of names without any effort. The key was that he was worried that everyone wouldn't understand, and even listed the code names. ABCDE are a few easy-to-understand ones.

The Burj Al Arab Hotel is located on the island. When viewed from a distance, it looks like a giant sail. When approached, it looks like a majestic and huge building. Under the dim sky, it is like a beacon, illuminating the surrounding area.

At this time, the place was bustling with people, as if it was lively before the end of the world.

In addition to the most ordinary luxury cars, there are also many black and rhinoceros-like beasts on the vehicle, each one of which is bigger than a lion.

There is also a resting place specially built for them in the parking lot, and there are at least a dozen servants around to take care of them.

Yang Yang said: This is the post-apocalyptic dark species lion and cow. People in Dubai found the gene sequence number and used dark energy to reproduce it. Because it has strong vitality, strength and is easy to feed, it is now among the upper class circles in Dubai. 'Luxury car'. If you go out and don't bring a lion or an ox to pull the cart, it will be of a lower quality.

Oh, it’s the same thing as ancient carriages and modern luxury cars.

There was a fat chicken nesting on the tank's head at this time. Its huge fluffy wings made a chicken nest comfortably on the tank's head. Hearing this, he seemed to be a little disdainful. What, can this thing lay eggs like it? Otherwise, why is it so popular?

Tank felt Fat Chicken's disdain and nodded: So, the meat of this lion and cow is delicious, right?

Yang Yang looked strange: Do you know how much virtual coins a lion cow costs? At least a million virtual coins! So far, I have never heard of anyone eating the meat of a lion cow, but there are a few that died accidentally and I heard they were recycled and extracted. Genetic meat and so on can continue to reproduce.”

Dahuangya snorted: So such an expensive thing was piled up by dark energy after a long time of trouble, and it was of no use in the end?

The fat chicken straightened its chest, fluttered, flew down from the tank, and nuzzled Jingshu with its head. It seemed to be saying that these are unused gadgets among a group of people. The owner must not be interested in them. Too many Look at me, I can lay many eggs every day.

Jing Shu laughed and touched the fat chicken's head: Okay, okay, I know you are the most useful.

Cluck! the fat chicken cried.

The cry didn't matter, but the lions and cows got excited when they heard the sound, and they got up immediately from lying on the ground.

Lions and cows are mostly lions by blood.

Here in the Middle East, being able to drive a car with a lion is indeed a very awesome thing. It gives you face when you go out.

Therefore, they have a natural instinct to hunt prey, especially fat chickens, which are so fat and oily that they taste delicious when they smell them.

However, most of the lions and oxen have evil intentions but not courage. In addition, they are tied up and cannot rush over.

However, a tall and fierce lion-ox immediately struggled and ran over with the car behind it.

The seven or eight servants around him immediately pulled the rope of the lion and the cow.

Roar!! The lion and the cow were pulling together with the people, and rushed towards the fat chicken with red eyes. It smelled the delicious smell, and the fat chicken seemed to exude the power it desired. .

Several servants were shouting and screaming.

The scene became chaotic.

Someone raised the gun in his hand, but hesitated. A lion and a cow cost more than one million virtual coins, and they couldn't afford it even if they risked their lives.

And Jing Shu frowned as she looked at this powerful lion and cow.

Dahuang Ya hid in the back in fright: Ah ah ah, what should I do? If I had known, I would have brought Situ Xiaoye with me.

Yang Yang said: Don't expose your ability, otherwise you won't be able to catch fish, so just shoot him. He took out a special gun from under his trouser leg.

Jingshu held down the gun with one hand and said, Don't shoot. If children fight, let them resolve it.

Yang Yang suddenly forgot about the fighting power of the fat chicken.

at this time.

Next to the floor-to-ceiling glass of the Burj Al Arab Hotel, several glasses of red wine were placed on a small luxurious bronze table. And a middle-aged man dressed in a white cloth on his head looked at this scene deeply. He swayed the water in the wine glass, wondering what he was thinking.

Master, that is the second prince's lion and ox. Do you want me to take care of it? Otherwise, I will hurt our distinguished guest——

The middle-aged man waved his hand, The fun has just begun. Let that idiot offend the Chinese people, and we will show up again. No matter who is injured, we have a reason.

At this time, the Chinese on the other side seemed to have no intention of taking action, and actually let a huge turkey come out.

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