I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 986 Are you guys still going to Dubai?

Of course, everyone can exchange it for something good.

While Jing Shu was sitting steadily here, Zhang Yicheng couldn't be idle as a secretary. Instead, he ran around and finally sold all the supplies of Jing Shu's dozens of ships.

During this period, apart from asking about Jingshu’s pricing, Jingshu was not bothered at all during the whole process.

Jing Shu is becoming more and more satisfied with Zhang Yicheng.

The mood of the other members of the bodyguard group could no longer be described as elated, but rather like nouveau riche.

Gambler: If I count today, it's great luck. As expected, the personal belongings I saved these days have been sold for 2 boatloads of oil, which is about more than 5,000 barrels.

Dahuangya: Haha, it seems that you alone are not as good as my zombie team. I got more than 6,000 barrels today.

Hey, you are all big guys, I only got more than 3,000 barrels.

I sold several ships and just sold more than 4,500 barrels.

As the real bosses behind the scenes, the transactions between the two governments are far from the transaction volume of these small fish and shrimps, but huge and terrifying figures.

“A pleasure to work with.”

“A pleasure to work with.”

Ah Nang laughed loudly, this wave of blood profit, so much supplies, is enough to allow Iran to survive in this apocalypse for another year or two, greatly easing their daily necessities.

Mr. Zhou also smiled, Yes, with so much oil transported back, the crude oil can be divided into many other derivatives, which is enough to regenerate various industries.

Yang Yang nodded: More than 5 million barrels are currently traded, filling more than a dozen ferries and other transport ships. If there are too many ships left, sell some first and keep the good ones.

Originally, the Chinese team brought more than 20 warships and dozens of cargo ships. If the plan could fill dozens of cargo ships, it would be a huge gain.

But I never expected that even after deducting the sold medical supplies and other supplies, there are still more than 30 medical supply ships, and more than 20 ships of important supplies. In addition, there are more than 50 oil supply ships obtained from various supplies sold today.

However, this would leave nearly a hundred supply ships free, and Yang Yang planned to sell most of them and exchange them for some oil.

Zhang Yicheng also began to report Jingshu’s gains:

Boss, we have sold various rewards materials and materials obtained from various channels, including the cars and scrap metal you sold before, and obtained a total of more than 800,000 barrels of oil. But at present, our ship is not enough to load - —”

Jing Shu frowned: Two freighters should be able to load it.

Zhang Yicheng opened his fingers and began to calculate the accounts: We have seven or eight ships with beer plants. Two large ships were given to Miss Xiaowei. There are only one large ferry cargo ship and four or five ships left that can carry them. At least there are Five ships’ gap.”

In fact, real ferry cargo ships are very capable of loading. Even a cargo ship larger than a football field can carry 500,000 barrels. However, there are too few giant ships of this size, and Jingshu only has two.

The remaining specifications are smaller and can only hold 70,000 to 80,000 barrels. Ships like Dahuangya can hold ten thousand barrels to the sky.

Therefore, although everyone talks about how many boats there are, the specifications of the boats are very different.

The ships on Jingshu's side are all large, and they haven't even finished loading 800,000 barrels.

Tell me what happened. Why did Jingshu get more and more supplies in return?

Zhang Yicheng calculated and said: It was originally enough to ship, but the luxury car you brought, boss, was sold for 100,000 barrels, and there was also some scrap metal. Although it was cheap, the quantity was too much, and it was sold for tens of thousands of barrels. .”

The entire city is filled with luxury cars on the streets, and there are indeed many luxury cars in the basements of wealthy people.

Jingshu could only rent some boats from Yangyang.

The harvest this time was really too great.

Ah Nang asked: All these goods will be packed before tomorrow. I wonder what other plans the Chinese people have?

What arrangement?

After Ah Nang asked, everyone in the Chinese bodyguard team pricked up their ears.

Mr. Zhou squinted his eyes and drank from the thermos in his hand. He thought for a long time before nodding to Yang Yang.

Yang Yang, the military advisor next to him, said: Originally, our plan was only halfway through, and we were going to visit at least half of the countries in the Middle East. But now, we have only visited a few countries, but you also saw-

As he spoke, he pointed at the notebook full of supplies and the overflowing supplies, and sighed:

There is no way. We have obtained too many supplies in advance, and we have too few people. No matter how many we have, we will not be able to transport them back. So we are not planning to make any big moves, but are preparing to return home.

Hearing what Yang Yang said, not only the bodyguards, but also the people around Jingshu and Ah Nang nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, there are too many things. The supplies for hundreds of ships had already been rushed to the shelves before they were put on the shelves.

Even if most of the supplies are now replaced by oil, there are still twice as many as when we came here. This means that the defense front will be huge, the journey will be long, and there will be too many unknowns.

Ah Nang nodded with pity: If you still have the ability, why not go to Dubai for a circle-

As for the purpose, at least it's a win-win situation.

Why do you say that?

The dim-witted eyes of the team looked confused, why?

And the bright one's eyes lit up.

Today's Huaxia team is so prosperous and has so many supplies, are there any people who are so indifferent? ?

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