I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 953 The role of pink energy crystals

Jay no longer pretended, but said directly: You know why Dila's team is so powerful, why it is not only powerful in the United States, but also caused various disturbances in the Middle East, it is because she has this pink darkness in her hands. Energy. This liquid extracted from unknown sources can temporarily incapacitate all ability users.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

That Zhou Lao Dingzhong, this thing is a killing weapon. If there is this thing, wouldn't their team of Chinese ability users be at the mercy of others?

Mr. Zhou asked: How to use this thing?

Jie lifted up the small pink crystals and said, Generally, Dila twists them into a liquid, adds a little water, and sprays it over a large area in the air. When any ability user encounters this, his ability will be changed according to the strength. Different, temporarily incapacitated.

If the dose is high, it will take three to five days. Even if the dose is low, you can lose several hours.

Everyone nodded, Several hours are enough to decide a battle. If we all lose all abilities, wouldn't we be just like ordinary people?

Know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in any battle. Hurry up and give us this thing to try.

Therefore, Jingshu also gave these tiny pink energies to several ability users.

The first is Zhang Lan, who is rated C-level. He is a combat-type person with enhanced abilities. After a little drop of it, everyone looked at him.

I saw that he could punch through the iron plate with one punch, but now he hit the stone with one punch, and he immediately screamed in pain, I feel like an ordinary person. This feeling of being squeezed out of strength will not recover for three days.

Then she tried it on Class B Zhou Mengyao. The bone knife on her back was very large, about three meters wide when opened, and it could also emit hallucinogenic abilities. However, at this time, her bone knife seemed to have withered and she could not open it at all. If it is turned on, no ability can be used.

The feeling that my strength has been drained away, there is not a day that goes by that I cannot recover.

As for the A-level Macau gambler, after using it, he was indeed similar to ordinary people and could no longer use his mysterious precognition ability. He said: Although, I feel that the power is still there, it will take at least half a day to recover.

Later, Dahuangya and his zombie Situ Xiaoye also tried it. The two said that they didn't feel anything and that this thing was useless to them because Dahuangya itself was special and incapable, while Xiaoye was a zombie and had already caused a qualitative change. Belongs to humans.

After Four Eyes used it, half of the eyes on his head disappeared. He said, If I drink more of this, can I become a normal person?

When he said this, everyone immediately looked at Zhang Lang, and even Mr. Zhou slapped his thigh hard:

Yes, Zhang Lang came to the Middle East this time and took great risks to follow us. Actually, he just wanted to see if his increasingly deteriorating situation could be improved. After all, when there was a great famine in the country, it was Zhang Lang produced countless cockroaches day and night, overusing his abilities, and now he is almost completely transformed into a cockroach.

Although Zhang Lang's abilities are getting more and more powerful, if his brain is really eroded, he will become an irrational monster.

Zhang Lang himself was also very excited. After using this pink energy, he smacked his lips and his eyes lit up, It suppressed the power that had been growing in my body. I did feel that the power disappeared, but it did not disappear completely. Give it a little more.

Zhang Lang ate more, and the features on his face that were about to be infested by cockroaches shrank. Sure enough, it works, but you can't eat too much. You have to eat again after a while. Otherwise, I feel that my ability It’ll be like it’s gone forever.”

Mr. Zhou laughed loudly: Okay, okay! It's not in vain to bring you here all the way this time. Your solution has been solved, and half of our purpose here has been achieved. This pink energy will be given priority to you.

Later, in order to collect data, everyone tasted some more, and all of them lost their abilities to varying degrees.

When it was Jing Shu's turn, everyone watched eagerly.

In fact, no one knows what Jing Shu is capable of until now.

But everyone knows that Jingshu's power is terrifying, even greater than the most powerful tank.

Could this be Jing Shu's ability?

Jing Shu was actually curious about what would happen if someone with no ability like her used it, so she used it a little more.

who knows--

After using it, the energy in Jingshu space jumped up.

【eat! Still want to eat! 】

This is probably what the Rubik's Cube space feedback means. Even after using this pink energy, Jingshu still felt warm all over.

It's strange, how can I lose my ability after using it, but after I use it, it feels like a big tonic. Jingshu couldn't figure it out, so she stopped thinking about it. Anyway, since it was a big tonic, she would use more. Upgrade your space quickly.

Others looked at Jingshu, Jingshu, how do you feel?

Of course Jingshu couldn't say she felt great, but coughed and said, Nothing special, nothing.

If you don't believe it, then hit this stone and see if your power is still there.

Everyone else looked over expectantly.

Here's the chance to verify whether Boss Jingshu's ability is actually strength!

Seeing that everyone was so looking forward to it, even the tanks in her team, Hao Yunlai, looked at her with piercing eyes, Jing Shu smiled, there was nothing to hide.

She is just an ordinary person.

Then he punched hundreds of kilograms of rocks in front of him and flew them away.

Everyone swallowed.

Everyone finally found this stone when they were digging underground in the desert. It was here to test everyone's abilities. As a result, Jingshu knocked it away with a fist. How powerful is this?

Jing Shu frowned, how could this be done? Why did the strength increase after using this thing? But it doesn’t feel like it’s permanent.

So - others who have the ability will temporarily lose their ability after using it, and people like me will temporarily enter the violent mode after using it? So, why? Is it possible that it is caused by the spiritual spring?

Jing Shu thought this in her heart, but she said: See, my strength is innate.

Dahuangya forcibly closed his open mouth, Hey, Jingshu, no one can withstand your punch.

This is the end of everyone's experiment.

Yang Yang coughed and said: So, the question now is, if we encounter Dilla after we go out, how to break this pink energy?

Yeah, how do you crack it?

Are we really going to become incompetent waste?

Dilla has a lot in his hands, and we have a lot in our hands. The big deal is, if they use it on us, we can use it on them.

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