I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 943 Our goal is very clear, only pick up garbage trucks

Before the apocalypse, there was a lot of traffic here. Jingshu had seen it on TV with envy and yearned for the life here. She never thought that she would have the opportunity to visit here after the apocalypse.

The city of Saudi Arabia is built right next to the entire desert. In addition to the ultra-modern buildings in the central city, the surrounding city is surrounded by castles made of retro earth and sand, which are upside down on the houses like a cauldron. It is very interesting. feature.

Most of the men here wear white robes with white or other colored cloths on their heads, while most of the women wear black robes, covering themselves tightly, and their heads are wrapped with black cloth.

Now, put them all on, and do as the Romans do, otherwise they will be too conspicuous. The old Taoist priest didn't know where he found all kinds of local clothes, but looking at the gold inlaid cuffs and gorgeous lining, he knew that this fabric was the top material before the end of the world. .

However, no matter how good the material is, it cannot demonstrate that it is just a piece of white cloth outside.

The old Taoist shook his head and said: Tsk, tsk, tsk, I just passed by an abandoned villa. There are three or four cloakrooms in it. Good guy, there are thousands of pieces of all-white clothes, paired with hundreds of identical headbands, just like It doesn’t make sense, what’s the use of buying so many identical clothes?”

Someone said with a smile: White is the least resistant to stains. If you eat some tomato sauce or dye it any other color, it won't be clean. How do you expect rich people's clothes to be washed? Then of course you have to wear new ones every day. , no need to wash it, just throw it away after wearing it.”

Tsk, tsk, what a luxury.

Jing Shu pointed outside, We have been on the bus, do you still have time to search the abandoned villa?

The old Taoist priest coughed: Isn't this what Xiaoye and the others have to do? I asked them to run along the road to see if there are any good things. There is nothing to eat in the villa, but there are quite a lot of dusty cars and uniform clothes. Oh, there are quite a lot of headbands in various colors, I wonder if anyone will wear them when I take them back.

Jing Shu had a weird look on her face and opened a popular local shop called Duoduo Second-hand Salted Fish in the recent post-apocalyptic era in China. Then she opened the Moments sharing, pointing to the message posted by the old Taoist priest three minutes ago and said:

You haven't even returned to China yet, and you're already pre-selling clothes like this? You're really awesome.

The latest news was posted on the cabinet of the old Taoist priest. Thousands of brand-new Arabic clothes were pre-sold. Each item only cost 10 virtual coins. The key is that hundreds of pieces were pre-sold in just a few minutes.


The old Taoist priest chuckled: Being diligent and frugal in running a household doesn't mean you have to support a whole village.

Jing Shu's bugs were busy digging holes, and they didn't even have time to take anything along the way. However, it wasn't too late now that they were in the city.

Jingshu also put on a white robe, a piece of cloth on her head, and tied it with black accessories. Hey, it looked like the United Arab Emirates.

After putting on the gas mask, it was even harder to tell the difference between men and women.

As for some people saying that others can’t see it? If it were other people, they might be able to tell them apart, but someone like Jing Shu didn't even need to wear a tube top - well, forget it, it's sad to say too much.

In short, a group of people put on the local white robes and went to see if there was any garbage to pick up in the city. Oh, bah, they just appreciated the retro and beauty of the city, felt the cultural characteristics, and took pictures by the way. A photo and a card.

Mr. Zhou waved his hands, as if he wasn't too interested in picking up garbage. After all, my wings are stiff and I want to fly away, so let's go quickly. We don't have much time left. We only have eight hours at most. Wait until tomorrow. Once there is a little light, you have to go.

Okay! Then, the old Taoist priest, I will take Xiaoye in this direction.

The silver coins guide me to go in this direction. The Macau gambler led his team members to go in another direction.

Jing Shu rubbed her hands, took Hao Yunlai, Zhang Lang, Siyanzi, and Tank and said, Then we will take the remaining road.

Several team members quickly dispersed in the city. After everyone made an appointment, they would never cause any trouble, only take things that were ownerless, and immediately agreed on a meeting point when the time came.

Then they all dispersed.

After all, they were just passing by, and they had more important things to get next.

The city at night is not noisy, but there are still bright lights on in places, and you can even hear the sound of parties.

People here are polarized, and they will be even more so after the end of the world.

Yang Yang introduced with some excitement: 95% of the people here serve the 5% of rich people. I heard that a rich man has hundreds of servants. The luxury is as luxurious as before the end of the world.

Hao Yunlai yawned and didn't care about this.

Tank nodded to show his understanding: Here, there are only two kinds of people, the rich and the poor.

Yang Yang continued: Originally, the difference between the rich and the poor here was not so big. At any rate, there were about 15% rich and about 20% middle class. But after the apocalypse, the framework changed and everything here was shuffled.

This leads to a phenomenon——

What's happening? Zhang Lang asked, scratching his head.

Jingshu's group had just entered the edge of the city when they saw various cars piled up on both sides of the dilapidated streets, including luxury Bentleys and ordinary BMWs and Mercedes-Benzes.

There are even some buses, but many of these buses have been modified and turned into residences for the poor. It can be seen from the various cloths wrapped outside and the clothes hanging to dry that the buses are for people to live in. .

Yang Yang said: It leads to more scrap cars.

The four-eyed guy couldn't help but nodded and said, There are really luxury cars everywhere, as numerous as ants.

Hao Yun said: Mirror, are you really going to transport all these scrap cars? This car hasn't been driven for several years and is almost broken. Now that oil is a strategic material, this car can't be sold at a high price in Iran.

Jing Shu chuckled and said: It's not far from Iran. At worst, we can transport it by sea. Let Zhang Lang help me take a land transport and direct these bugs to move there. Iran is not short of cars, but it is short of iron. These iron sheets can It’s already worth a lot of money, and if you exchange it for a little oil, you’ll be able to make a lot of money.”

Okay, let's get started. What are you waiting for? Tank tidied up his appearance. He didn't bring the fat chicken with him today. The fat chicken made a nest on his head and made his hair a mess. Bring the fat chicken, he won't be able to use it tonight.

The poor fat chicken can only be stored at Xiaowei's place today, and he and Xiaowei can enjoy spicy food.

Okay, let's start cleaning up. Our goal is very clear, which is the abandoned cars that no one wants. Those buses with people living in them should not be moved around.

A vehicle requires the cooperation of at least three Megapods and two Mud Mermaids to move it. The task of the tank crew is very simple, that is, to classify these vehicles. Some of the vehicles are about to be scrapped. Even the motors and motors are useless, so they can directly dismantle the metal sheets and transport them away.

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