I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 941 Am I picking up trash in Saudi Arabia?

Until the lazy woman said: Oh, I'm sorry, I get hungry easily when I encounter troubles. When I'm hungry, I want to eat something. Now, especially those people who want to eat China.

The woman stood up directly from the throne, she really couldn't bear it anymore!

King, my Queen, have you really decided to go there?

Dilla licked her lips, moved her neck left and right, and made a clicking sound, They are the first ones who dare to take my things. Take all of us with them, capture them all, and cultivate them to be mine. The food is ready. It’s been a long, long time since I tasted the taste of a person with abilities.”

As you command!

That's right. Dilla's eyes looked into the distance, the dark and distant distance, she said: With pink dark energy, I heard that they have many people with abilities. I want to take a look, after losing them After all the abilities they are proud of, what qualifications do they have to fight with us?

Yes! They have arrived in Saudi Arabia soon. It seems that they want to attract attention there. The news from Mojilai is that she has been cut into dozens of pieces and is being taken to different places, as well as our Mr. Octopus, There is absolutely no response from him.

Okay, very good. I'll give you three days to gather over there! I heard that they missed a lot of things over there. This time, they just got it all back.

Dilla is not only the Queen of Arms in this apocalyptic world, she also controls an absolute team of ability users. Of course, when controlling these ability users, she also has absolute control, that is, she can make all ability users An energy agent that causes all abilities to disappear for a period of time.

Therefore, while Dila was making complete preparations, there was naturally no movement on Jingshu's side.

All the way to the rumored Saudi Arabia, we didn't encounter any powerful people chasing us. We even saw a few small fleets of small boats squatting on the road.

Although the mosquito meat was small, there was not much left, and the members of the elite bodyguard team were overjoyed.

The fleet is about to arrive at the closest strait port to Saudi Arabia. Beyond that, there are vast stretches of desert. After all, the coast here is very sparse.

However, it's not a big problem.

In the conference room, there was a map that was almost made by hand. The almost standard circles and lines almost looked like they were drawn with a ruler.

Yang Yang pointed to a location and said to everyone: Saudi Arabia is also one of our friendly brotherly countries, but the situation here is more complicated. We can't borrow local power without borrowing local power, but please look at this circle.

This circle represents an absolute armed force attack. We have just contacted the local embassy and given them a report. If necessary, the other party can provide us with some assistance.

When Yang Yang said this, everyone's sense of security couldn't help but rise.

Although this brotherly country is not as sincere as our Iranian brothers, it will still provide us with assistance.

But when we arrive on their territory, why not sell the mess on the boat to the locals so that we can travel lightly.

Hey, Lao Zhang, you are asking this. The local luxury cars here in Saudi Arabia are gathering dust. Do you think they will buy the garbage pulled from our boat?

Yes, there are few locals here, most of them are outsiders, and most of the wealth is in the hands of locals. The locals here have no shortage of food and clothing. I heard that they live a life similar to that before the end of the world.

Well, since you said that, can we take away the garbage they don't want and sell it to the honest Iranian guys? There is a shortage of everything over there. We don't want to exchange anything, just a little more oil.

6, brother, when you say this, your ideas will open up.

Two fellow sufferers, Jie and Mamahas, were also listening. They were very pleased that the members of the Huaxia delegation did not regard them as outsiders at all, and they never tried to hide anything.

However, at the same time, Jie also knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to go back. The more secrets these people knew, would they let him go? That was really a dream.

But at this time, he couldn't help but shake his head: Although there is a lot of local garbage, there is no one to transport it. Because the information value is not equal, the luxury cars and other items here cost high transportation costs to be transported to surrounding remote places. In those places But the price is simply not worth it.

You may not even be able to make back the shipping fees.

Mamahas also nodded, Miss Jingshu, what do you think? In the past few days, he has learned Jingshu's real name.

A big smile appeared on the corner of Jingshu's mouth, and it was obvious that the smile was very bright: I think it's pretty good.

Because this is so damn suitable for Jingshu.

Picking up trash here is what Jing Shu dreams of! Although this is a city surrounded by desert, transportation is inconvenient, the roads are not good, it is too far, etc. It is not a problem!

Originally, Jingshu had planned not to bring so many mud mermaids with her after landing ashore, but now, Jingshu suddenly felt that the idle mud mermaids in the sea were too idle!

Tell me, wouldn't it be better to do something other than just go there and pick up rubbish? You don’t care whether it can be used or not, anyway, transporting the mud mermaid is free and cost-free.

She is a zero-cost transporter who picks up garbage. Even if she pulls it over and exchanges it for a liter of oil, it will be a bloody profit, 100% profit!

Of course, Jing Shu has this zero-cost transportation, and other people in the bodyguard team, such as Huang Ya Lao Dao, has a zombie team, the Tai O gambler has special guidance abilities, and others also have some tricks.

Therefore, everyone's lips started to smile unconsciously.

Not bad, this idea has opened up a new world for me.

Huang Ya said: Hey, hey, Xiaoye and the others have nothing to do every day, why not pick up more garbage and come back. Anyway, they are tireless and powerful.

Situ Xiaoye, expressionless, said, Thank you.

Crazy, crazy, these Chinese people are crazy, what are they thinking?

The people in the Huaxia Group don’t know yet that a wave of great danger is approaching——

But at this time, they were undoubtedly happy.

The content of the meeting was still the same as before, the ABCD plan of combat and the ABCD plan of escape.

After the plan was complete, everyone implemented Plan A first. They simulated the escape route first, and then filled all the ships with heavy fuel oil to prevent them from being unable to run.

The priority for escaping is through narrow canyons with few people and hidden reefs. In this case, no matter how many pursuers the opponent has, it will not be easy to focus their fire.

Waiting for all this to be completed, Jingshu's hole is almost dug, and a new round of purchasing is about to begin!

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