I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 937 The encounter between brothers in distress

The corner of Jingshu's mouth showed a trace of amusement. If the reason for knowing her whereabouts was because of the piece of skin, then now, she would let the Hulk wrap the piece of skin and secretly send her in the opposite direction.

Of course, the piece of skin was not secretly transported in the opposite direction by the Hulk, but was divided into dozens of pieces and transported to dozens of places.

Now, she wanted to see how those people could find them?

Therefore, when Jingshu was driving more than a hundred sheep to the herd, the battle at Hans' dock had just ended, and all the remaining ships were finally conquered, so she had no time to deal with Jingshu's wants. The one who ran away?

The battleship speedboat that Jing Shun came to was like a shepherd dog, constantly patrolling around the slow cargo ships, urging them to go faster. Not only that, secretly, the bugs also pushed the cargo ships to run away.

Unfortunately, the extremely fast armed warships behind them that were taken over by the authorities have already caught up.

Yang Yang frowned and said, Let the ability users take action. If the opponent uses large weapons, not only will the cargo ship crash, but it will also affect the speed of the sheep's escape.

Mr. Zhou nodded, Don't delay.

At this moment, Jie said: Let me go to the central control room. I will send a message to those subordinates, which can delay them for a while. Although Hans is controlled by those organizations, most of them are still my subordinates.

Jing Shu's eyes lit up and she immediately took Jie to the central control room of the cabin. Through the radio loudspeaker, Jie's screams echoed throughout the dock:

Oh my god, don't hit me again! Please, don't cut off my hands! Listen! I'm in the hands of these demons, so stop chasing me! Go back for reinforcements and send more Come and save me! Hurry! Don’t hesitate! Tell those people that I also know a big secret, and they won’t let me die! Ah~~~”

boom! With a sound, Jie turned off the wireless speaker, and then showed no expression on his face, hiding his merit and fame.

Jingshu gave a thumbs up: It has to be you.

Jie snorted and quietly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the many boats chasing him had stopped. He didn't want to stay in this ghost place like Hans for a moment.

More than a hundred sheep finally rushed into the flock of sheep in the open sea without any danger. All the fleets did not hesitate at all, surrounded by terrifying warships, and in the middle were cargo ships of various sizes, rushing frantically, without hesitation. It consumed precious fuel and drove away from this sea area.

Half an hour later.

Mamahas and Jie, two brothers in distress, looked at the terrifying battleships outside with their claws and teeth bared in silence. After a while, Jie said:

Mamahas, do you recognize the boat outside?

Mamahas was silent for a while and said, Brother, I'm not blind.

Jie said: Then you fucking told me on the phone that this is a fat sheep? This thing has reached the Middle East and you didn't fucking notice it?

Mamahas was also aggrieved: At that time, there were only more than 80 ships full of supplies, or dozens of ferries, all full of supplies. I was still wondering how such a fat sheep could travel through time. That pirate sea area.”

Jie sighed: It's useless to talk about this. And you are just a part of their party.

After saying this, Mamahas was also very angry: I treat you as a brother, and you treat me as a member of Mazai. Why didn't you say anything to me when you were controlled? Why did you bomb all of us in the hotel? If it hadn't been for them , I would have died a long time ago. If you had told me in advance, I would not have come! Isn’t it good for me to be my local emperor in my Mas?

Jie was also helpless: I gave you a hint at that time. It's a mixed bag of good and bad people here, and it's very dangerous.

Mamahas blew his beard: It's okay if you don't say this. Once you say this, didn't I come with all the armed forces of Mas? Now it's better. Half of them are dead. How can I do the job if I go back?

What a stupid pig. Jay closed his eyes, not wanting to talk to this idiot anymore.

At this time, the door opened, and a young man smiled slightly and said: Let's go to the conference room to discuss your next destiny.

So, the two of them were taken to the conference room.

At this time, the conference room was filled with people from various elite bodyguard teams. Now that they had arrived at this place, there was no longer any pretense.

Mr. Zhou sat at the main seat, and Yang Yang stood on the podium like a teacher playing a PPT. He stood next to the projector and held a laser light.

The others were scattered in the audience like students.

Mamahas and Jie were arranged to sit in the first row. Jingshu smiled and greeted them: Sit down. How we go next depends entirely on you.

Mamahas opened his mouth and pointed at the non-human parts of the room, He, he, they - are?? New humans? All, all, all?

Jingshu nodded.

Some people are almost as high as the ceiling, huddled in corners, some people's faces are covered with cockroaches, some people have a pair of huge bone spurs behind them, and they are extremely ferocious, and there is also a group of zombies with pale and dead faces, and The ones with eyes on their heads——

My wife is so scary! Mamahas was almost frightened to tears. He said with a sad face: So, you are not Mr. Zhou's daughter at all? And those familiar people are not his children either?

Jingshu smiled and nodded.

Mamahas pointed at a few familiar people and said, Aren't these people robbed by robbers? Just these stupid young people——

Jing Shu smiled and said, They did it on purpose. If they didn't get robbed on purpose, how could they take all the other's things?

Mamahas pointed to the more familiar face in the corner and said, This is not Mr. Zhou's brother? Then why are we sending you so many supply ships?

Jay covered his face, stupid pig! ! It’s so obvious and you still don’t know?

Jing Shu blinked: This is one of our capable captains. After all our team members were robbed, including more than 80 of our supply ships that were robbed, after the third day, we happened to take our own supplies with us. More than 100 supply ships were shipped.

So, so - I understand. Mamahas couldn't laugh or cry, and finally understood everything. The rich and fat sheep are all fake, they are all fake!

He said: I finally understand the point of inconsistency. Our people came out only to escape for their lives, but when you came out of the hotel, you packed up everything in the hotel.

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