I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 926 Punishment for Nannan

Xiao Zhang asked Xiao Zhang to pull up Nannan, who was sitting in the corner with her head bowed and silent, without a single piece of flesh on her body, and showed it to everyone.

Yang Yang sighed: In this difficult moment, we should all be united and work together, but unfortunately, some people betrayed the organization, the country, and teammates for their own selfish interests!

Everyone looked at Nannan on the stage in the conference room. She lowered her head and shed tears. She looked very pitiful. She shook her head: No, it's not what you think. I just want to protect myself. , it was Jingshu who refused to save me at that time, but she could have saved me as soon as she took action——

There were whispers.

Did you hear about that?

I think I heard that Nannan betrayed Jingshu at the critical moment.

But when Jingshu was taken hostage, didn't Nannan volunteer to go?

Yes, I remember that Jingshu wanted to take away Tank, but she insisted on going. In front of so many robbers, Jingshu couldn't refuse, so she took her away.

But who knows the details? It looks like she was really tortured. Isn't it Jingshu who has the final say in this matter?

Yes, after all, Nannan is the only one with medical ability. What will happen if she is injured in the future?

While everyone was whispering, Yang Yang clapped his hands and signaled everyone to quiet down before saying, Please listen to this recording and you will know.

The recording contains the details of what happened. Jingshu had hinted to Nannan several times in that environment at that time, agreeing not to resist him first, and that she would save her later. But Nannan didn't seem to be able to hear it. She insisted that Jingshu kill her immediately and let her reveal her abilities.

The most important thing is that she actually threatened Jingshu. If she didn't save her, she would expose her identity and the purpose of all of them.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes looked at Nannan, full of disappointment and anger.

Although Nannan was indeed in danger at that time, Jingshu was also arrested without a helper. How could she say such things?

The most important thing is that this woman has such a vicious heart. If she reveals all our plans, wouldn't those of us who are undercover in other places also be exposed?

More than that, if the man in black robes over there really knows, the bandits nearby will also know, and the entire Middle East will probably know our purpose. It will really kill people.

Then did she say it?

Shh, listen.

In the recording, when Jingshu heard the threat, she became angry on the spot. She said directly, then you have agreed, and I will not save you.

Next, what made everyone's eyes sparkle was that Nannan actually told everyone's story and also revealed Jingshu's identity.

It's over! Exposed! This was the first reaction of most people.

What everyone didn't expect at the time was that Darlene, the only translator there, did not expose the matter, but smoothed it over.

It's too dangerous. If it weren't for the translator, the consequences of this exposure would be unimaginable.

Yeah, thanks to that translator.

Nanny is really hateful. The first time I saw her, I felt that she was not a good person.

With such a person, as a teammate, I'm afraid I won't survive tomorrow!

The people in the bodyguard group looked at Nannan with no trace of warmth in their eyes. Nannan clearly wanted to drag everyone into the fire pit before she died. Such a person would betray the first time.

Yang Yang continued: Thanks to Darlene who knew the plan at the time, she decided to betray her on the spot and cooperated with Jing Shu to escape the disaster. This time Darlene was successful in translating. The superiors have decided to reward Darlene with 300 contribution points and hire She became a Chinese citizen.

As for Nannan, all her current positions will be cancelled, all identity rights will be deprived and her contribution will be frozen. After returning to China, she will undergo ten years of labor reform.

During this period of time, I will be under strict supervision. Of course, her ability cannot be wasted. From now on, let her treat everyone for free.

Nannan shook her head with despair on her face: No, you can't do this. What's the difference between this and letting me die? I didn't do anything wrong, why!

Take it down! Yang Yang waved his hand, and Nannan would be imprisoned next. She was put on special silver handcuffs, leg cuffs, and an iron chain to tie her to the infirmary room.

With such a large team, people get sick every day. The infirmary usually only has a team of ten people, and Nannan, who used to be the boss of this team, does not sit in the clinic. After all, she has special abilities, but from today on, she will not I'll be free.

There were sighs from the people in the infirmary. In the past, my daughter was aloof and left all the work to them, but now? They had some time to spare, because whenever someone felt uncomfortable, Nannan would have to use her abilities to directly treat it.

Nannan had vicious thoughts: You will be able to use me for such a noble ability one day. When you encounter an incurable disease, you will have to come and beg me. When the time comes, huh, Jingshu , I will kill you.

What are you thinking about? Quickly stop this big brother's bleeding. I accidentally cut my hand while cutting vegetables.

There were scoldings coming from beside her, Nannan lowered her head and used her powers.

After the meeting, Jingshu took her employees and Xiaowei to have a meal on the boat.

Master Liang and his apprentice taught everyone a unique skill.

In the past few days, Jing Shufeng has been sleeping in the open air. When she is hungry, she can only eat cooked food in the space. When she is thirsty, she can only drink the watermelon juice and coconut water in the space. There is a bird in her mouth.

Moreover, Xiaowei's bug has made great achievements this time, and Jingshu has also made so many things, how can she not reward herself?

After receiving the news, Master Liang specially selected some good ingredients from the large kitchen built for him.

Speaking of this huge kitchen, it is Master Liang’s favorite and precious place. Except for him and his apprentice, no outsiders are allowed in.

This extra-large kitchen is an ecological room, a whole-floor cabin. There are several large pools inside, which contain fish and shrimps that were common before the apocalypse but have become extinct after the apocalypse. They are aquatic products that Boss Jing has in Yangcheng.

At that time, when he wanted to take such valuable fish to the Middle East, Master Liang refused. After all, who goes out to rob and bring so many good things? What if someone dies along the way?

In fact, he thought too much. Look at the fish in these ponds. In just two months, the number has doubled.

He fished out more than a dozen pike, black fish, and grouper weighing seven to eight pounds. He cut the fish into thin slices with a knife, fried the fish bones until golden, and then added hot water.

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