I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 924: Horses and grass are not fat, but this wave of Jingshu is so fat!

Taking stock of the harvest is naturally the happiest moment for everyone. Even the people who said they got less from this vote couldn't help but grin at this time. They have only been in the Middle East for a few days, and they have already gained so much. Next, they can get more things.

I can’t imagine how empty it will be when I come back. What a harvest scene it will be when I go back.

The Rampage team re-calculated supplies.

In addition to the cargo of the previous dozens of ships in his fleet, he also received the cargo of a hundred ships. Of course, the water content in this is relatively large.

After all, according to the urinary nature of the elite bodyguard team, they would definitely want to pull out all the wall tiles in other people's homes, so as long as they are daily necessities, food and drink, they can pull up everything.

The bodyguard team was beaming with joy, and they also collected a lot of things on their private boat.

This is after deducting more than 30 ships of supplies that Huangya Laodao ran to Hansi.

There are now one hundred and fifty large and small ships, which is very spectacular. However, when everyone turns back, they have to go to Hans to sell the worthless things and exchange them for valuable supplies. It is estimated that half of the ships can be exchanged. The supplies are pretty good.

Even so, when these ships returned to Mars in a mighty manner, Mamahas, who had been looking forward to it for a long time, was so surprised that his jaw dropped.

As for Mr. Zhou, he was sitting calmly in the cabin, drinking wolfberry, red dates and eight-treasure tea. He only hoped that Jingshu would come back soon. He didn't have enough tea these days.

Mamahas opened his mouth and said: Mr. Zhou, are these the supplies that your brother came all the way from China to re-transport for you??

Mr. Zhou nodded: Yes, I told you all. I am just the vanguard. If the supplies are lost, they will be lost. In addition to my younger brother, I also have a third younger brother. When I have done my research here, I can do more. Transporting supplies.

Mamahas swallowed his saliva and respected Mr. Zhou more and more.

Look at these Chinese people, they are such a prodigal. Dozens of ships of supplies were just gone, and yet they turned around and sent so many ships of supplies.

However, some of these ships look quite familiar, like Masi Arthur's ship. Also, some of the ships are in tatters, as if they had just fought a battle——

Of course, there are even weirder ones. Some of the ships seem to be the ones that came here a few days ago to steal transportation supplies. Although the letters seem to have been repainted, the styles are not much different.

Mr. Zhou coughed and said: Oh, speaking of this, my daughter and the others also came. After the robbers took away the things, my brother and his fleet happened to meet my daughter and rescued her by the way. This is really What a great joy.

Mamahas's face became even weirder and turned red from holding back.

Mr. Zhou was frantically looking for reasons in his mind, and finally he said: I don't know what happened. It may be that the robbers robbed each other that day, and both were injured in the end. This is why my daughter was lucky enough to escape.

Mamahas's face showed an expression of sudden realization, and he said, how could these people in Huaxia escape from the robbers, and how could they let go of this cash cow? It must be that the two sides are fighting fiercely, and both sides will suffer.

A huge fleet of ships docked in the harbor of Mas, stirring up the turbid water and causing waves to hit the coast.

Mashan Port is particularly lively today.

Because Mr. Zhou said that there were a lot of supplies to be docked, Mamahas sent many troops to guard here.

The familiar, beautiful and noble woman ran down from the boat.

Father, I really miss you so much, wuwuwu, I thought I was going to die in the hands of the robbers and never see you again. It really scared me to death. Jingshu howled without tears. Squeezing it out, I finally took some garlic and shed a tear.

When Mamahas saw Mr. Zhou's children coming back again, this scene of loving father and filial piety, he couldn't help but lamented that things in the world are unpredictable. He said beside him: I hope that after this incident, Miss Zhou can Understand, the Middle East is a dangerous place, so be careful in the future.”

Miss Zhou nodded: That's natural.

Captain Qi, codenamed, played the role of Mr. Zhou's younger brother. After the two hugged, they talked for a while, asked people to count the supplies, and then left with a few ships.

Mr. Zhou explained to Mamahas: My brother has returned to China. If necessary, he will send supplies to us. Don't worry, we have always been taken advantage of and have always been valuable.

Mamahas opened his mouth, then smiled and nodded. This is really, really...ah!

Then let's have a night's rest. Tomorrow we will go to Hans and select a location to open the factory! This time, I believe that with so many supplies, we can start the factory! Mr. Zhou was full of confidence.

Mamahas also said: Okay, Mr. Zhou, I'll see you tomorrow. I believe that with my recommendation, you will not suffer any loss.

The sky turned completely dark and the sea became calm again.

The group of people did not sell goods to Mas today because there were many things on their ship that Mas was familiar with. Aren't these things from some company within their own sphere of influence? If it was sold like this, it would definitely be suspected, so everyone suppressed their excitement and only waited to talk to Hans before dealing with it.

The pier is still lively at night.

Mr. Zhou sent people to move back the things that had been living in the hotel these days. This was also a big project, and most of the things inside were quiet.

Jingshu got two larger cargo ships from this time, plus the ferries she took when she went out. At this time, she had a total of two very large ferries, the Blue Moon and the Red Flag, which were already filled with cargo. In addition, there were There were a total of five cargo ships robbed on the road and this time, and they were almost full of goods.

There are two other passenger ships, where Xiaowei lives and the soldiers she brought with her live.

In other words, she now has 9 fixed ships. I can’t imagine how many boats I will have to take with me when I go back.

Sure enough, she worked hard in the South China Sea and had to rent other people's ferries, but she came out to rob, ah, no, beg for money, and casually bought 7 ferries. It was really a waste of time.

Of course, this doesn't include the guns and ammunition she got from digging up a military base.

Of course, there are also beer and cigarettes in the boat, not to mention.

While Jing Shu was counting her assets, Mr. Zhou also gathered everyone together and began to calculate the harvest this time, as well as a commendation and encouragement meeting.

It can be considered a regular meeting, review the situation, and then tell the next plan.

After all, it all depends on everyone's concerted efforts and well-organized planning for things to go so smoothly.

Everyone gathered in the conference hall on the official ship.

Yang Yang began to broadcast the harvest this time, and then everyone's additional contributions were settled.

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