I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 922 What, what, what do you think this big black iron ball is? ? ?

It's gross, but it might have some other uses. Hao Yunlai knows that as the queen of rag picking, Jingshu wants everything, maybe...

Sure enough, Jing Shu directly asked the Hulk to help collect it: Take it together and give it to the boss when the time comes. Maybe you can exchange it for contribution value or something. After all, it is considered a trophy. I will keep it for you. Even if you don't have it, I will give it to you. It doesn’t matter what kind of reward it is, I’ll keep it regardless of whether it’s useful or not, and it’s not like I have no place.”

Hao Yunlai: Okay. It's great to have Jingshu here!

Then let's walk?

Jing Shu asked Chong Zi to observe again to make sure that they would not be pursued in a short time. Then she nodded and joined Hao Yunlai and Zhang Lang.

Just after the two of them left, the skin that the Hulk had put inside moved, and a terrifying smile appeared on the skin.

But no one noticed, and no one cared.

By the time Jingshu and Zhang Lang reunited, Mai Rui had already absorbed all the battery power in the explosives. At this time, Mai Rui was covered in super long hair. His long hair had grown to a full two meters long. If he didn't put it away, If you look at it, it looks even more like a Geely suit than a Geely suit, and you can’t recognize him at all.

But when he took it back, Mai Rui no longer had the blond hair before, but became completely bald. It can be said that although Mai Rui has become stronger, he has also become uglier.

Jing Shu patted his shoulder and said, Men, don't worry about appearance.

Mai Rui wanted to cry but had no tears.

After one final inspection and confirmation that everything is correct, we will board the ship.

After checking all the supplies, Jingshu took the remaining things and the bugs to the receiving boat at the beach.

The sky was completely dark. After a busy day, Jingshu had a simple meal with everyone in the evening and began to report on her work.

In the report group, the results of everyone's work today were also reported.

Xiangxi Corpse Exorcist: We followed Winter's ship and it has almost reached Hans, but I heard that Winter will sell all the supplies on the supply ship when we reach Hans. But it's not a big problem. I originally had 30 The ship’s supplies should be enough to turn it into 50 ships.”

Gambler from Tai O: We have followed this force to the place, but they are planning to take it all for themselves. They are preparing to transport the ship's supplies back to their home base. Just in time, we can catch them all in one go. We are expected to return the day after tomorrow, and we can gather at the Mas Sea! I am here We can probably get 20 shiploads of supplies.”

132 Real Estate Boss: I'm envious! Gamblers always have such good luck. It's not like us. Damn bad luck. The bandit who followed us is extremely poor. Apart from a few boats of broken weapons, he has no other supplies. Wait. Tomorrow we have to gather all our supply ships to the Mas Sea area. Including the original supplies here, there will be a total of about 15 ships.

The other members also began to report to the supply ship. After all, according to the plan, they had to gather a new batch of supplies in the next two days. After going back to Hans, they would take the supplies to Hans after crossing a clear path.

Zhou Mengyao: Hey, I got 5 more ships of supplies here, which is just a fraction of yours. Where's Captain Jing? I heard that you have a big order, and you directly took over the military base! How is the situation?

The other bodyguards in the group immediately pricked up their ears and opened their eyes wide, wanting to see what was going on with Jing Shu.

Jing Shu smiled slightly and didn't hide it, Yes, it's thanks to everyone's cover and stopping the big octopus in black robe, otherwise it wouldn't have been so smooth. The people below just sorted out the supplies, and there were more in total. There are more than 60 ships of supplies, but these supplies are firearms and ammunition, which are not very valuable, and we can’t take them away.”

Of course, Jingshu does not have so many ships. Most of them are official ships sent by the above to transport. Of course, there are also some ships that are temporarily borrowed overnight from Mamahas.

It's impossible to buy. There are so many robbers and there are so many pirate ships. If you rob too much, ah no, begging for money for a while should be enough.

Hiss!! There are so many firearms, Captain Jing, you have made a lot of money even in exchange for contribution points.

Yes, when the time comes, we will sell it for supplies and it will be a big sum. Captain Jingshu, you are so awesome.

Just when everyone thought this was Jing Shu's biggest gain, Jing Shu @called Mr. Zhou again and said: Mr. Zhou, I found some strange things here. I don't know what they are yet. I just brought them back. But it feels like it should be a good thing, why don’t you let a professional identify it?”

Soon, Mr. Hui Zhou, who had been peeping at the screen, stood up and said: Girl Jing did a good job. I will give you a big credit this time. Why don't you send a picture to take a look, and then I will look for someone in the professional field.

Jingshu touched her chin, took a photo of the big black ball at the tip of the iceberg in the space, and sent it.

Jingshu: {picture}

Xiangxi corpse exterminator: What is this thing? It's black and has iron bumps?

Hahaha, does it feel like an old piece of iron?

Why are there so many wires on it? It looks like some kind of instrument.

Captain Jingshu, didn't you move out the console of someone else's home control? This thing is useless, right?

In the group, everyone is having fun.

Mr. Zhou looked at it for a long time and didn't realize what it was. Girl Jing, how about you take a full-body photo? Or a video? You can't tell anything from this thing.

Jing Shu: This thing is too big and I can't even take a picture of it. Why don't I wait until I get to Mas tomorrow and find someone to take a look at it? I feel like this is definitely a good thing.

Hahaha, how big does it have to be? Who can create such a big iron lump?

Don't laugh, there might be missiles or something inside, hahaha.

At this time, the old man who had been hiding in the group and not speaking, who was similar to the role of auditor and supervisor of their trip, spoke.

Mr. Zhang: Don't laugh. If I read it correctly, this is a fucking nuclear weapon bullet.

Who is the old man upstairs? You are joking like this, hahahaha!

Shut up, Mr. Zhang is a nuclear bomb researcher. Ah, ah, what does he mean? Is this big black iron ball a nuclear bomb? Is it the kind of nuclear weapon I think of?

No way, right? A nuclear weapon? One that can destroy an entire city?

At this time, everyone in the group was buzzing.

This also includes Jing Shu, who is completely confused.

Over the years, she has taken away a lot of things, but the only thing she has never seen is such an awesome thing. Is this black and ugly thing a nuclear bomb?

But why are nuclear bombs like this, and why are there such dangerous things in a small place like Mas? What on earth do they want to do? Do you want to blow up the entire Middle East?

Mr. Zhang sent a series of voices.

Mr. Zhang: ||||||60

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